512 Uppsatser om Isometric strength - Sida 27 av 35
Förrotation till omrörare
The primary function of a mixer is to keep a fluid in constant motion. All mixing applicationsrequire varying degrees of small-scale turbulence and bulk flow. The performance of asubmersible mixer is measured by the thrust that it produces, while the strength of the bulkflow is dependent on the total amount of installed thrust.In a mixer, the fluid quickly flows past the propeller, and as a result, the current is mainlyaxial. The fluid will also obtain a rotating velocity, or a swirl, though this is significantly lessthan that of the propeller. During the process, the total amount of energy increases in the formof static pressure and kinetic energy.
Hållbart byggande ? Ett led i den hållbara utvecklingen? : Studie kring Bo01:s och Hammarby Sjöstads väg från vision till byggd realitet
The design of buildings is today considered to be crucial for obtaining sustainable development. Research concerning sustainable building is considered to be a Swedish area of strength and development projects as Hammarby Sjöstad and Bo01 are often pointed out as Swedish prime examples of sustainable building. Some still argue though, that that these projects should not be presented as sustainable, due to its incompetence to meet their objectives. This contradiction has attracted my curiosity. By doing this study I hope to gain understanding about the difficulties Bo01 and Hammarby Sjöstad are surrounded with and its significance for sustainable development.
Vägghängd duschpall : Utveckling av duschpall för Etac Supply Center AB
This degree project has been carried out by Oscar Adolfsson and Marcus Blomqvist, during the spring of 2010, both studying to become Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering, at Karlstad University. The degree project includes 22,5 credits.The work is done on behalf of Etac Supply Center AB in Anderstorp. Etac is a company developing and manufacturing home health care products, with operation in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England and Germany, and with sales worldwide. Bo Lindqvist, R & D manager has been the contact person at Etac.During the project the students has had a workplace at Semcon Caran AB in Karlstad. Semcon has also been helpful as a sounding board.The objective of the work has been developing a new, wall mounted shower chair, assigned for persons with difficulty to stand up while showering.Etacs requirement of the shower chair is that it should be able to support a user with a weight of 100 kg, the chair shouldn?t have any outrigger, optional should be armrests and backrest.
Handgreppsstyrka hos personer med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom: En populationsbaserad studie
Kroniskt Obstruktiv Lungsjukdom (KOL) är en progressiv folksjukdom som drabbar mer än 10 procent av Sveriges befolkning, där ungefär hälften av alla äldre rökare uppfyller de spirometriska kriterierna för sjukdomen. Muskeldysfunktion är en känd systemisk effekt vid KOL. Handgreppsstyrka har visat sig korrelera starkt med muskelstyrka och muskelmassa i både övre och nedre extremitet hos personer med KOL. Det finns indikationer på att rehabilitering är mer effektiv vid ett tidigt stadium av sjukdomen jämfört med ett sent stadium, därför är en tidig identifikation av en muskeldysfunktion av värde. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka handgreppsstyrka hos personer med KOL i jämförelse med personer utan obstruktiv lungfunktionsnedsättning i ett populationsbaserat material.
Styrning via internkommunikation : trendsnack eller en bortglömd självklarhet...?
In regards to a request placed by the manager of Måltidsservice I Sollentuna Kommun, we have agreed to investigate the internal communication within the organization. The purpose of the essay is to describe the necessity of internal communication within the organization and to identify its strengths and weaknesses.It?s of the utmost importance that the internal communication is under constant care. It contributes to creating fellowship and to motivate people to greater achievements. At the end of the day it?s the managers responsibility to create a well-developed internal communication.
Vägen till ett självständigt liv? : en studie om Rekryteringsgruppens betydelse för ryggmärgsskadades rehabilitering
Aim?Rekryteringsgruppen? (RG) is an organisation that through co-operating with the National Health service aims at optimizing the ability for physically disabled persons to rehabilitate. RG is a non-profit organisation ?using physical and mental exercise for disabled people, mainly neurologically disabled persons.? One of the goals that RG wants to achieve is ?that the target group will be able to live such an active and independent life as possible?. As no previous studies have been done in order to review the adaptation of RG:s work and its effects on the disabled, the purpose of this paper is to examine spinal cord injured individuals perception of independence concerning situation of life, ability to function and physical activity.MethodData have been collected by using three questionnaires.
Livscykelanalys: Pelletspanna från kvänum energi
This study will identify the environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide for a boiler house on behalf of Kvänum energi. The boiler central consists of a main building, which in turn contains multiple components such as boilers, pipes, etc, the boiler central uses pellets fuel. It also includes a silo and an ash container. The total weight of the boiler is about 63 tons. Each boiler has an output of 600 kW; the central includes three boilers with room for a fourth if necessary.
Människa ? Teknik ? Organisation ur ett utredningsperspektiv : En intervjustudie av medarbetare vid Statens haverikommission
Human - Technology - Organization (HTO) is a well-established, general unifying concept in the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (SHK) that represents an approach, knowledge and use of various tools regarding interactions between people, technology and organizational factors. The HTO-perspective is well described in literature but there are few studies on how SHKs staff experiences working according to this method in their investigations. The aim of this study was therefore to describe their HTO-perspective, examine how it is used in the investigations at SHK and describe the investigators experience of working with the HTO-perspective as well as the method's usefulness compared to old methods in accident investigations. A literature study has been conducted in the areas of HTO, Theory of planned behavior (TPB) and safety culture. TPB and safety culture are described in this paper since they highlight the different aspects of a HTO-perspective.
Sveriges producenter och leverantörer av limträ : en studie om deras marknader och kundrelationer
The aim with this paper is to elucidate the current situation of the Swedish glulam market. This thesis paper will also consider prospects for the future and analyse the relationship between customer and producer and what makes a specific supplier attractive to their customer.
The companies that are included in the paper are: Martinsons Group AB, Moelven Töreboda AB and Setra Group AB, Långshyttan. These three companies are the members of the organi¬sation Svenskt Limträ AB and produce the largest part of glulam in Sweden. Together they produce 140 000 ? 150 000 m3 a year.
The study is based on interviews with all three producers and a customer survey, where I have interviewed five customer to each producer.
Känner du rätt person? : En studie om sociala kontaktnätets betydelse vid anställning av civilekonomer
Bakgrund: 2010 presenterade SCB en undersökning om hur 403 000 jobb tillsattes (GP2010). 79 000 av dessa tjänster tillsattes via personliga kontakter och ytterligare 100 000där arbetsgivaren själv kontaktade den arbetssökande. Denna trend i användandet av detsociala kontaktnätet får stöd av Lena Hensvik, doktorand i nationalekonomi, i tidskriftenFramtider (2012). Hon skriver att den sociala omgivningen såsom grannar,skolkamrater, tidigare kollegor och föräldrar har stor betydelse för hur vi får anställningeller inte. Hon menar att kontaktnätet är en viktig självinvestering då vårdandet av ensnätverk uppenbarligen kan underlätta jobbsökandet.
AKR:s inverkan på betongkonstruktioners bärförmåga
Alkali-kiselsyrareaktionen (AKR) är en kemisk reaktion som medför att spänningar uppstår i betongen då den bildade silikatgelen expanderar. Reaktionen kräver tillräcklig hög alkalihalt, reaktiv ballast samt vatten. På grund av de AKR-inducerade spänningarna är det av intresse att få kunskap i hur reaktionen påverkar betongens böjmomentkapacitet, förankring samt skjuvnings- och genomstansningskapacitet. För att besvara frågeställningen har därför en omfattande litteraturinventering tillsammans med tre kompletterande intervjuer utförts. Resultat som har erhållits, påvisar att två huvudsakliga effekter fås av AKR.
Kartläggning av energiförluster : gällande klimatskal och ventilation för Stora Enso Timbers Pelletsfabrik i Grums
Due to recent legal enactments regarding carbon dioxide emissions, the car industry is facing higher demands. An effective way of reducing these emissions is to minimize the weight of the vehicle. This thesis constitutes a feasibility study on whether or not it is applicable for the car industry to utilize an inner floor structure comprising composite materials. The principal was the projectSåNätt, in which the main participant was Volvo Cars Corp. In consultation with a reference group, consisting of delegates from the industry and KTH, a specification of requirements was produced.
Styrketräning av höftabduktorerna vid behandling av patellofemoralt smärtsyndrom, tractus iliotibialissyndrom och knäartros: En systematisk litteraturstudie
Höftabduktorerna har en viktig funktion för nedre extremitet då muskelgruppen hjälper till att bibehålla bäckenet i rätt position för att motverka adduktion och inåtrotation av höften. Svaga höftabduktorer har påvisats hos personer med smärttillstånd, såsom patellofemoralt smärtsyndrom, knäartros och tractus iliotibialissyndrom. Om höftabduktorerna har betydande roll vid rehabilitering av dessa smärttillstånd bör interventionen uppmärksammas inom det sjukgymnastiska området. Syftet med studien var att se vid vilka smärttillstånd i och kring knäleden det gjorts interventionsstudier innefattande styrketräning av höftabduktorerna och därefter se till effekten på smärtupplevelse vid rehabilitering. Studien var en systematisk litteraturstudie.
Hopfällbar hjullösning
In many products a compromise between ground clearance and the required space to store the product has to be made. This problem attracted the attention of the authors of this thesis.The objective of this project is to develop a functioning solution to a foldable wheel. The solution should be applicable to several types of product groups. A limitation for this work has been made so that the work only covers solutions for lighter vehicles.The purpose is to drive this project forward, so that a solution can be found. Furthermore the purpose of the report is to clarify how the authors proceeded to design and construct the wheel according to a fixed specification.
Kant och papegojan : Om exemplen i Kritik av omdömeskraften
This essay is an examination of the examples in Kant?s Critique of Judgement. The examples which I have focused on all converge in an idea of wildness. These examples of the beautiful are illuminated by a culture-historical perspective, where the literary and scientific travelogue genre is of great importance. Apart from being exegetic and culture historical, my method is also analytic.