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Värmebehandlat trä ? att inhämta synpunkter i produktutvecklingens tidiga fas :
This study is a part of a Swedish research and development project that is about heat-treated wood and is led by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Luleå University of Technology. Products that are heat-treated already exists on the market, foremost the Finnish brand ThermoWood®, bur the project group want to find out if it would be possible to start a Swedish production with somewhat different applications than what is common today.
The heat-treated wood has many attributes that have changed in the heating process. It becomes more biologically durable, it gains stability in form and dimensions and it becomes darker and looses several unwanted extractives such as resin. Disadvantages that can be mentioned are that the wood becomes fragile and the strength properties changes.
My main purpose with this study is to look into customer involvement in the early phase
of product development. I also want to find out if the customers I interview think that the product is worth working with, which means start a Swedish production.
Ett vårdinformationssystem i vårdens frontlinje : En fallstudie om Cambio Cosmic på en vårdcentral i Landstinget Kronoberg
In healthcare there is a rapid development towards introducing and implementing a wide range of information technology (IT) to aim for higher quality and more effective care. A common health information system (Cambio Cosmic) has been implemented in Landstinget Kronoberg. Clinical microsystems are the frontline units where staff and pa-tient meet. When the conditions in the microsystems are changed, it is interesting to de-scribe and analyse the consequences.The purpose of this study is to describe how health care staff uses a health information sys-tem and how they experience its functionality in their patient work. Initially, a literature re-view about the use of health information system was undertaken, followed by a qualitative case study based on interviews about how healthcare staff describes their reality.
VArumärkeslojalitet och växlingsbeteende inom dagligvarumarknaden
Title: Brand loyalty and switching behavior ? A case study of the Swedish ketchup market Authors: Marcus Andersson Mattias Hedblad Tutors: Björn Bergenståhl, (Professor) Department of Food Technology, Engineering and nutrition, Division of Food Technology, Lund University Frans Melin (MBA PhD) Department of Business and administration, Lund University Ragnar Sjögren Johansen, (Marketing Manager Sauces) Procordia Food AB Problem: The market for daily groceries is mature and the competition has become tough. For the manufacturers to be able to grow they have to compete for the existing consumers. The problem is for the manufacturer to protect its consumers and still be able to gain consumers from its competitors. Purpose: Our ambition is to study consumers brand loyalty for daily groceries, with the purpose to understand how loyalty starts, how it can be strengthened, and how it can be broken.
Corporate Social Responsibility : -Kan det bidra till demokratisering?
There is a growing awareness that multinational companies have opportunities to influence political conditions. Ethical activities made by multinational companies and ?Corporate Social Responsibility? (CSR) can therefore function as a positive input in society. The primary purpose of this master thesis is to investigate CSR´s contribution to strengthen human rights, and thereby to democratization. The research questions are listed below:1.
Egna varumärken inom kött- och charkuteribranschen :
Many grocery stores have products marked whit there private brands. The information
about these brands is poor. We wanted to find out what the stores own brands stand for
and what the manager of purchase thinks it stands for. We choose to concentrate on meat
and cured meat and limit our study to ICA, Axfood and Coop because they are the three
main actors in the Swedish branch of grocery.
The supplier has traditionally manufactured products and made there own brands. These
products have been distributed and sold to the consumer thru stores.
Nu a?r det dags att agera! : en analys av konsumentbeteende fra?n mjo?lkupproret i Ska?ne
At the end of 2008, Arla concluded agreements with several supermarkets in southern Sweden. The agreement with the supermarkets excluded Ska?nemejerier from the stores. This meant that Ska?nemejerier lost approximately 7% of sales volume.
Entrén vid Universitetssjukhuset i Lund : hälsosjukhuset med frånvaro av trivsamhet
Scientific research shows that humans regain their strength when they are spending
time in nature. Ulrich, Kaplan & Kaplan, among others, has shown in their research
that nature can reduce stress and decrease the after effects of stress. Lund University
Hospital, USiL, is a big working place and has a large number of patients. To be a
patient often means that you lose control of your daily life which could cause stress.
For the personnel high workload can be a stress factor.
Öppen och kollaborativ innovation : - Erfarenheter från sex företag -
This master of science thesis intends to examine how the established innovation theoriesinteracts with the social and cultural phenomena arising from the reduction in communicationcosts as a result of the development of the internet.The aim is to present a knowledge inventory of attitudes to and experiences of an openapproach, with emphasis on collaborative innovation, in product and service developmentdriven companies in different fields. The studied theories and the empirical results forms thebasis for an analysis of how companies can benefit from the diversified knowledge that existsoutside their borders as well as an exploration of the potential for this kind of knowledgeexchange to act as a catalyst for innovation.The theoretical part of the study is based essentially on two tracks: (1) innovation theories witha focus onopen innovation and user innovation, and (2) a broad review of how theories ofdiversified knowledgeand collective intelligence has become possible to apply in an innovationcontext. The empirical part of the study is based on material obtained from semi-structuredinterviews with respondents from six companies.The results show that companies have implemented unstructured innovation initiatives withoutany formal links to the structured product development processes, which are part of thecompanies core activities. The main conclusions include the following insights: There is a needfor structured links between the unstructured initiatives and the core activities, which makes itpossible to take promising ideas to market. The companies also have to lose some control of theunstructured initiatives; consequently it is impossible to pinpoint what the outcome will be.
Towards an Understanding of Heterosexual Risk-Taking Behaviour Among Adolescents in Lusaka Zambia
This thesis investigates the underlying factors behind sexual risk-taking and non-risk-taking behavior with regard to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) among adolescents in Lusaka, Zambia. The Qualitative Approach was used for data collection and analysis and using the theory of Social Construction, the author explains how different contexts and aspects in the Zambian Society, that is Traditional, Socio-economic, Political, etc., influence the sexuality or sexual behavior of young people in Zambia. Hermeneutics was used to interpret the meanings in the texts/transcripts acquired through data collection and from the author?s knowledge and understanding of the Zambian historical and cultural contexts within which the participants of the research were constructed. Max Weber?s Ideal Type concept was also used to explain that each young individual?s sexual behavior is uniquely constructed by societal aspects.
Framväxt och utveckling av radikala högerpopulistiska partier i norden : En jämförelse mellan Sverigedemokraterna och Sannfinländarna
Populism has been an integral part of the Finnish political system since the late 1950's. At that time the Agrarian Populist Party, better known as The Rural Party, emerged and thrived for decades until the party financially broke down in the 1990's. Reemerging on the political scene as the True Finns, the party is more radical and more influential than ever, gaining enough support to be the third largest party of the 2011 parliamentary election. Sweden, Finland?s neighbor, in contrast has a history with very little populist presence or radical right populist parties (RRP-parties).
Revisorers syn på analysmodellen : En jämförelse mellan små och stora revisionsbyråer
Today it is mandatory for every college or university student to pay a union fee to their student?s union. The fee is mandatory and is a payment for writing examinations, receiving grades. The fees purpose is also intended to secure the education quality and student influence. In the presence of the abolishment of the union fee the Swedish student?s unions stand before an uprising competition between themselves and most likely a decrease in membership.
?Den stora förändringen?. En mönsterkollektion höst/vinter 2013
The big change is a project where I created patterns on fabric. It is a collaborative project with Lotta Niemi. She studied fashion and textile designers and tailors from the Swedish School of Textiles in Borås and University of Technology in Sydney. The collaboration was to create designs on fabric for her upcoming clothing line for women, Fall / Winter 2013. The clothes will be sold online, in stores in Sweden and Japan.For Lotta Niemi?s clothing line, I wanted to create exclusive designs, rich patterns that worked out handmade and digital.
Kan supplementering med vitamin E förbättra kognitiv funktion vid Alzheimers sjukdom?
Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of internal medicine and clinical nutritionAbstractTitle: Can supplementation with vitamin E improve cognitive function in Alzheimer?s disease?Author: Malin Andersson and Elin LöfqvistSupervisor: Elisabet RothenbergExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2012-04-11Background: Alzheimer?s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. As the average life expectancy rises the prevalence increases. The disease leads to gradual deterioration of cognitive functions. A recent Cochrane review describes how several studies demonstrate an increased oxidative damage in the brain in those with AD.
Förbättringsarbete och avvikelsehantering för ökad tjänstekvalitet hos SCA Skog AB Jämtlands skogsförvaltning :
On a highly competitive market, quality is an important aspect to take into account, both in terms of goods and services. The Swedish timber market is very competitive and to achieve long-term success focus on the customer, in this case private forest owners, is a prerequisite.
SCA Skog AB Jämtlands forest management administration is dependent on the acquisition of timber from private forest owners to fulfil their mission to the supply of SCA's paper and sawmills in Sweden with raw material. To be able to develop the cooperation with private forest owners, the administration investigates their quality management by measuring the customer satisfaction index (CSI). The purpose of the study was to identify a practical and systematic method to handle deviations and suggestions for improvements to achieve a higher customer satisfaction.
Alla måste duscha - en gympasalsredovisning
SourceURL:file:///Users/sofiahultin/Desktop/AMDex/Summary%20of%20essay.docI my essay I describe my master project Alla måste duscha ? en gympasalsredovisning/ Everyone has to shower ? a school gym presentation. Through my work I investigate possibilities for action and agency in a limiting space; the gymnasium. With the help of Mika Hannulas book Politics, Identity and Public Space: Critical Reflections in and through the Practices of Contemporary Art, I discuss how the stories I tell trough my project can be seen as suggestions for a possible reality. By adding my stories to the old ones (that create our society) I hope they, if only just the slightest, can influence on how we look at reality and on a possible reality.