

41 Uppsatser om Ireland - Sida 1 av 3

Who is Irish? - En kritisk diskursanalys rörande nationell identitet i medierapporteringen vid folkomröstningen om rätten till medborgarskap på Irland

The economic growth in Ireland, during the 1990s, lead to changing migration patterns. Ireland became a destination country for immigrants instead of an emigration country. Before 2004 people who were born on the island of Ireland had a constitutional right to Irish citizenship. This right was removed after a referendum in 2004.National identity is a sense of community constructed through common history and defines who belongs to the nation. The purpose of this thesis is to do a critical discourse analysis of the debate in media before the referendum.The analysis was done on texts from The Irish Times, one of the major newspapers in Ireland.

Orientering av liv och död under Mellanneolitikum. : Irland, Orkneyöarna och södra England under perioden ca 4000 f.kr ? 2000 f.kr

Tovesson. R 2012: Orientering av liv och död under mellanneolitikum. Irland, Orkneyöarna och södra England under perioden ca 4000 f.kr ? 2000 f.kr.The orientation of life and death- Ireland, Orkney, and Southern England during c 4000-2000 BC.Magisteruppsats i arkeologi. Linnéuniversitetet Kalmar Vt.

Ett sta?ndigt pausat krig? : En studie om attityder i Nordirland av den fo?rsta generationen efter ?the Troubles?

Ireland had, by the year of 1998, been an island of war and conflict to some extent for almost 1000 years. The northeast part of the island, called Northern Ireland, had been under British domination for over 25 years when ?the Troubles? ended by the year of 1998. This essay aims towards explaining how the first generation after ?the Troubles? has been shaped in terms of political and religious beliefs and attitudes in the society of Belfast.

Dåtidens betydelse för nuet och nuets betydelse för dåtiden : Skildringar av påskupproret på Irland 1916

In this essay, I compare ten different depictions of the Irish Easter Rising of 1916. These depictions are all from books published between 1924 and 2000, which deal with a wider context of the history of Ireland or Northern Ireland. I relate the depictions to the point in time when they were written, the geographic focus of the book, and the views that the author expresses about the present and the future, and about the significance of history. The main result of my essay is that the depictions differ in a way that seems connected to whether or not there was an ongoing violent conflict in Ireland at the time the books were written. Texts written when the political violence was present, or close, in time and location, are likely to be written either in a neutral tone with concern about objectivity, or incorporating the Easter Rising events in context of an ongoing socialist struggle.

Inkludering eller Exkludering? Hantering av Spoilerproblematik vid Förhandlingsprocesser.

A great source of risk during peace processes of today comes from spoilers, individuals and groups who deliberately try to undermine every attempt to achieve a negotiated peace agreement. The aim of the thesis is to examine problems related to the management of spoilers during peace negotiations and the effects thereof. A central aspect in this respect is the dilemma of whether to include or exclude controversial actors like spoilers at negotiations.The choice of limits of the subject is to examine the peace negotiations that resulted in ?The Agreement? in 1998, concerning the conflict in Northern Ireland, and in ?DOP? in 1993, concerning the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I find a significant difference between these two conflicts regarding the way of managing spoilers.

Med Barnkonventionen i bagaget: En komparativ studie av irländska och svenska barnbibliotekariers synsätt.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how five childrens librarians in Ireland and five in Sweden interpret and implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in public libraries. This study is hermeneutic. Using a qualitative method consisting of ten interviews with childrens librarians and structural factors such as; library policies and laws; together with an insight into Irelands political, social and economical history and the historical development of childrens public libraries in Sweden and Ireland, has enabled us to create an understanding for the interviewees statements. Anthony Giddens structuration theory has been used for the analysis, helping us to determine how the duality between the structure, the actors and their action effect the interpretation and implementation of the Convention in librarian work. The result of the analysis clearly shows that in comparison to Irish librarians, the Swedish interviewees are more aware and have a better understanding of the Convention and how to put it into practice.

Varför dela makten? En studie av consociationalism och Democratic Unionist Partys beslut att delta i regering på Nordirland.

On the 8th of May 2007 a local power-sharing goverment consisting of Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) was formed in Northern Ireland. The aim of this dissertation is to explore why the DUP, who in the past have opposed all forms of power-sharing decided to form a goverment and take active part in a power-sharing agreement. The study is based on a consociational theoretical framework developed by Arend Lijphart and further developed in a Northern Irish context by John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary. Using this theory the study seeks to understand the broad conditions surrounding the DUP's power-sharing. After a description of consociational theory and the road leading up to the Belfast Agreement,three possible explanations for power-sharing, based onconsociational theory are discussed.

Resan mot Web 2.0 : En studie om var populära resmåls webbplatser befinner sig i webbutvecklingen i relation till Web 2.0

This essay is inspired by an earlier essay written in 2012 by Sanna Johansson and Erika Winther. In their essay they examined Sweden?s municipalities? tourist websites and graded these based on a number of Web 2.0 criterias. In this essay we examine tourist websites belonging to the 15 most popular tourist destinations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Ireland. The purpose of this study is to give a general overview of how far these countries? tourist websites have come in terms of web development, in relation to Web 2.0.

Bakslag och handslag: En fallstudie över Nordirlands process mot provinsregering

This essay is about the Northern Ireland Conflict and the Belfast Agreement. Its focus is on the development in Northern Ireland politics after the implementationof the Agreement which was ratified in a referendum. The essay is a case studywhich analyzes the progress towards an Assembly Government and powersharingbetween the unionists and the nationalists/republicans. The development is analyzed with Robert D. Putnam's theory of Two-Level Games? The essay first analyzes the changes in the unionist society where the opinion towards the agreement has been negative which depends on the concessions made by the unionist.

Sinn Féin - en studie av ett politiskt partis legitimitet ur medborgarnas synvinkel

 The purpose of this essay is to study the republican and socialist Northern Ireland political party Sinn Féin and to examine its legitimacy in the eyes of the citizens of Northern Ireland. Is it possible to have a political agenda that includes violence and still maintain legitimacy? The Irish Republican Army?s (IRA) military struggle was for a long time a part of the party?s political agenda. This strategy has been described as to have a ballot paper in one hand and an Armalite in the other, and successfully made Sinn Féin one of the province?s largest political parties.

Varför terrorism? - en studie av Irländska republikanska armén

AbstractThis study has two aims:[X] to create an analytical framework consisting of factors that might trigger terrorism[X] to apply the analytical framework on the case of IRA, in order to be able to examinewhich factors that exist behind the appearance of terrorism in the current caseTo reach the first aim the author has studied the theoretical discourse on the complexed issueof terrorism. This has constituted the point of departure for the creation of an own analyticalframework. The purpose of the framework is to bring clearness to why terrorism appears. Theanalytical framework is not only suited for application on the case of IRA, but for applicationon terrorismcases in general. To reach the second aim the framework was applied on the caseof IRA.The aims of this study have been fulfilled through the method of qualitative text analysis.

Alternativa levnadssätt - Moderna nomader ? Travellers ? det irländska resandefolket

Are different ways of life possible in a world that increasingly becomes "Westernized" or globalized? This study examines and analyzes the diverse and complex way of life that includes socioeconomical nomadism as the Irish Traveller community are availing themselves of on the island of Ireland. In a broader perspective the study of the Travellers is put in context to how modern society emerged, and what characterizes the contemporary western societies. This is to understand the way Travellers nomadic lifestyle has been constrained and how the interrelationship between the dominant society and the extended family group constituting Travellers social composition has affected their livelihoods. Their social role is considered from two identification points ? home and work.Nomadism as a phenomenon, its history, expression and possible motives are being described in this work.

International and national genetic evaluation of beef cattle : validation of national genetic evaluation models

After a workshop in Kuopio held in June 2006, Interbull decided to go forward with the development of a system for beef international genetic evaluation and a three year project called Interbeef was launched in June 2007. The participating countries are so far limited to Europe and the only trait evaluated at present is adjusted weaning weight (weight at 200 days). The results from a first international genetic evaluation have been shared with the countries but are not yet official. The evaluation is based on data from purebred Charolais and Limousin. To achieve good estimates of proofs in an international context it is important that methods for data validation and model selection are implemented.

Det katolska prismat : En kvalitativ studie om vardagsreligiositet, prästskandalen och den katolska kyrkan på den irländska landsbygden

The purpose of this essay is to examine how Irish people on a rural location practice their faith in everyday life. The intention is also to find out what strategies my interviewees use to negotiate the abuse scandal and what their thoughts on the Catholic Church are. The material mainly consists of interviews with seven people part of a rural parish in Ireland. My research also entails smaller observations and conversations in the homes of the participants.The results indicate that they all consider themselves religious, however not all Catholic. All of the participants integrate their religion in everyday life.

"It's about empowering the family": en deskriptiv studie med komparativa inslag om familjerådslag i Helsingborg, Höör och Belfast

In August 2007 we went to New Zealand for a placement at Child Youth and Family Services. There our interest in Family Group Conferences (FGC) took off. FGC is not near as common in Sweden as in New Zealand. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine how the Social Services in Helsingborg and Höör in Sweden and Belfast in Northern Ireland work with FGC. We had the privilege to go to Belfast in Northern Ireland as part of the project Insight Europe.

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