

1431 Uppsatser om Intra-organizational outsourcing - Sida 20 av 96

Problem med lageranknytning hos en bilåterförsäljare

In this paper we have looked closer on a car-retailer in the middle of Sweden. We have chosen to dig deeper in the different problems that can occur, related to the supply. Soon we realized that that the problems weren?t related to stock management. Through studying the whole of the company, we have identified reasons to why details aren?t in the stock.

Revisorsassistentens socialiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ studie om socialisering och identifiering inom en revisionsbyrå i Örebro

Purpose: This paper aims to describe the socialization process that audit associates experience within an auditing firm that is included in the Big 4-sphere. Our purpose is also to describe which attributes that characterize the organizational identity, and how these attributes are reflected in the self-image of the associates. Furthermore, we seek to explain how the socialization process has influenced the organizational identification. This subject is of interest since the business of auditing is facing higher demands from regulators and politicians, due to the bankruptcy of HQ-bank among others during the financial crisis in the beginning of the 21st century. Earlier research claims that the socialization process of recruits, especially in the initial state of the employment, has a major impact on their future values and attitudes in their job performance.

A Scenario Analysis of Nissan Diesel?s Purchasing Department Integration into Volvo 3P

Problem Discussion: Nissan Diesel became a part of the Volvo Group in the end of March, 2007. A year has passed and the integration process is making progress but it is perceived to lack some momentum. Our sponsor would like to understand if there are any potential barriers to the integration process. (Haspeslagh, et al., 1991) and (Pablo, 1994) presents two different sets of determinants that can be used to decide the level of integration; ?difference in organizational culture? and ?strategic task? (Pablo, 1994) and ?Need for Organizational Autonomy? and ?Need for Strategic Interdependence? (Haspeslagh, et al., 1991).

Den perfekta informationsspridaren? En komparativ studie av tre organisationers intranätanvändning

This is a comparative study of the use of intranet in three organizations. The organizations are one help organization, one hospital and one business company. The intranet is a relatively new medium and it might still not have been accepted by all potential users, which is a waste of resources both for the individual employee and for the overall organization. It is therefore necessary to investigate if there are any differences between organizations concerning the needs of intranets. Our purpose with this study was to deepen the understanding of the use of intranets as a channel of organizational communication and thereby acknowledge the users´ needs and opinions of the intranet.

Implementering av CRM

Background: The fierce competetivness that characterize todays market force the companies to differentiate their offerings to a greater extent. The customers do no longer choose their supplier on the attributes of the products alone. Their purchase decisions also depend on the relationship the customers have with their supplier. With new customer channels like the Internet and advanced computer systems companies can increase the value for their customers through a better understanding of the customers needs and preferences. In this way companies can create longterm relationships with their customers.

Ledinflammationer på häst och intraartikulär behandling med hyaluronsyra : en pilotstudie på hyaluronsyra X

Traumatic arthritis is a common cause of lameness in horses. One of different treatment alternatives of arthritis, is intra-articular injection with hyaluronan. As knowledge about pathophysiology of arthritis and function of hyaluronan is increasing, understanding grows about the mechanism of hyaluronan action in joints. Hyaluronan has, in addition to effects on viscosity, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Extensive research and scientific studies have been made on exogenous hyaluronan.

Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) och feedback : En metod för konflikthantering

En konsult vid företagshälsovården i Norrland använder sig av Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) för att hantera konflikter. Konsulten beskriver metoden som ?att det är inte problemet som är problemet, utan det är lösningen som är problemet?. I OBM fokuseras inte på vad som har hänt eller vad anställda känner, utan på beteendet, d.v.s. det som de anställda gör och säger i en given situation.

Kulturellt relevant socialt arbete? : En fältstudie i en SOS-barnby, Swaziland

The purpose of this study was to examine how SOS Children's Villages as an organization in Swaziland is affected by, and takes into account, the cultural, organizational and societal context in which it acts. Material was gathered through a field study during one month in one of the three SOS Children's Villages in Swaziland. The study has a qualitative approach and is based on the result from 12 semi-structured interviews with village mothers and other representatives from the organization. The other representatives were: social worker, program director, child and youth development coordinator, board member and educational manager. Since this study is both characterized by a specific historical, cultural and organizational context, we decided to connect the postcolonial perspective with an organization theory with focus on the concepts of culture, power and a children?s right perspective.

Molnet och dess användning i stora organisationer


Kompetensförsörjning i den nya HR-funktionen : en studie av HR-funktionens strukturella förändringar och dess betydelse för strategisk kompetensförsörjning

Bakgrund: Medarbetarnas kompetens får en allt större betydelse för företagens konkurrenskraft. Detta innebär att företag kontinuerligt måste investera i mänskliga resurser för att bibehålla och utveckla den samlade kompetensen. Beslut om utvecklingsinsatser har omfattande konsekvenser och påverkar en organisation under lång tid. Trots detta har HR-debatten först under senare år börjat kretsa kring den strategiska betydelsen av kompetensförsörjning. Delade meningar råder dock fortfarande om hur personalfunktionen bör organiseras för att stödja kompetensförsörjningen på bästa sätt.

Effekter av tidiga reflektioner vid musikåtergivning

Arbetet tar upp skillnader mellan stora och sma? rum da?r fokus ligger pa? tidiga reflektioner. Det har utfo?rts ma?tningar i professionella studios fo?r att se pa? vid vilka tidsfo?rdro?jningar och niva?er tidiga reflektioner intra?ffar. Det har ocksa? utfo?rts ett mindre subjektivt lyssningstest fo?r att studera effekterna av dessa reflektioner.

Outsourcingmodell : En modell som anger de premisser, under vilka, det bör vara fördelaktigt att anlita en konsult vid outsourcing.

Outsourcing är ett väletablerat begrepp som det har skrivits mycket om. När ett företag lägger ut delar av sin verksamhet till ett annat företag, så är det inte helt ovanligt att man utnyttjar en konsult för att hantera den praktiska processen. Den så kallade outsourcingprocessen. Konsulten (mellanhanden) marknadsför sig mot kunden (den outsourcande parten) som en motpol till de leverantörer (den part som verksamheten outsourcas till) som har stor erfarenhet av outsourcingprocessen och därmed ett övertag vid förhandlingar. Författarna vill i sin undersökning nå fram till en mer nyanserad bild av vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar det finns med att anlita en konsult av motsvarande slag.

Värderingsstyrning : En studie om att vara som alla andra men a?nda? unik

It is said that concepts of organizational management can pave the way to success. This is not accurate and it is something that will be shown in the following study. Its most prominent conclusion is that the valuation governance to some extent has an impact on the formal structures, but that it had no further effects on the employee?s way of work. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the valuation governance is applied in Medley AB and the meaning of it.

Civila logistikåtaganden i Försvarsmakten : möjligheter och problem

Inom näringslivet förekommer det ofta att företag renodlar sin verksamhet för att koncentrera sina resurserpå sin kärnverksamhet. Det har till stor del skett genom att perifera verksamheter som inte gällerkärnverksamhet, eller som kärnverksamheten är beroende av, lagts ut på andra ofta specialiserade företag.Detta har skett genom utkontraktering eller outsourcing. Med Försvarsmaktens (FM) ominriktning ochminskande anslag, kan ett sätt att effektivisera och rationalisera FM, vara att i större utsträckning lägga uttjänster på civila företag, medelst outsourcing eller utkontraktering. Detta kan skapa nya möjligheter, menäven också leda till nya problem. Uppsatsen syftar till att generellt utröna de möjligheter och problem, somcivila logistikåtaganden, kan innebära för FM.

Från verksamhetsmodellering till verksamhetsutveckling? : Leder kompetensutveckling av personer i ledarskapsroller till verksamhetsutveckling?

Learning organizations and organizational development are interesting subjects that does not examine municipal organizations and private organizations an equal amount.  Furthermore, there exists little research on the effects of competence development for individuals in a leadership role within organizations. Because of this, we wanted to examine the impact of competence development in business modeling and how it affected local government activities. Competence development is used by organizations to develop their business and achieve a greater competitive advantage, but does competence development for individuals in a leadership role lead to organizational development? This paper examines competence development in the form of a business modeling course via the Bitstreamproject and the effects that occur within three municipalities as a result of the competence development. By interviewing three participants and four coworkers within different municipalities and studied the data from the Bitstream project, we can not conclude that competence development within business modeling leads to organizational development, only that it exists a tendency for it.

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