1545 Uppsatser om International Peacebuilding missions - Sida 31 av 103
Kvinnlig könsstympning : attityder och upplevelser
Female genital mutilation is an ancient custom, practiced mainly in African countries. For several years, Africans has immigrated to Sweden and many of the women are genitally mutilated or circumcised. The aim of this study was to bring some clarity to the attitudes and experiences regarding female genital mutilation among those who are affected. Articles for this literature review were searched for in international databases, and in the university library database. The outcome of this study shows that health care staff is in need of greater knowledge about this custom, in order to be able to handle the situation appropriately.
En studie om ensamkommande barns situation
In this study the semi structured interview method was used to explore what kind of knowledge one In State Authority: The Migration Board, and three Non Governmental Organisations: Red Cross, Save the Children and ISS- International Social Service have about the situation for separated children. Another purpose in this study was to explore if people who are close to the children are working for the best of the children and if their cases were treated with legal security. The result shows that the children?s cases are not treated with legal security and some of the children suffer psychologically from separations from the families and other children need new families because they were maltreated. The result also shows that there are signs that separated children are discriminated compared to children with a Swedish background..
Bakgrunden till Danmarks beslut att delta i Irakkriget - en fallstudie ur Anders Fogh Rasmussens perspektiv
In this essay we try to find explanations as to why Denmark went to war, to-gether with the United States and other nations, against Iraq. We have exam-ined several factors which we believe to be the most important for Denmark`s decision to go to war. In particular, we have looked at Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and his belief system, Denmark`s recent domestic policies especially the immigrations policies, relevant parts of Denmark`s past foreign policies and Denmark`s role within international organizations like UN, NATO and EU. Throughout the essay our attention is focused on Rasmussen as a main actor in forming and pushing through Denmark`s policies..
Vägen mot hållbar samdistribution : ett förslag till samordnade varutransporter i Uppsala
This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.
Ledaren - Företagets juvel? : En fallstudie om ledarens betydelse för företagets internationella framgång
Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera det växande behovet av International Human Resource Management (IHRM) i syfte att skapa förståelse för företagets interna resurser och hur dessa kan bidra till företagets utveckling. För att uppnå uppsatsens syfte har vi utformat följande huvudproblem; I vilken utsträckning kan ett företags strävan efter internationell framgång förstås genom dess ledare? För att besvara det formulerade huvudproblemet har vi valt att använda en kvalitativ ansats och tillämpat fallstudie som forskningsstrategi.Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar en beskrivning av olika etableringsstrategier och medföljande ledarpositioner samt behandlar det resursbaserade synsättet vilket är relevant för vårt ämnesval och vår frågeställning. Vidare består av teorikapitlet av en deskription av IHRM och tillsättningsstrategier. Det empiriska kapitlet behandlar den information som tillhandahållits genom fallföretaget och dess informanter rörande ledarpositioner och efterfrågade kompetenser hos en internationell ledare.
Avtals uppkomst i svensk rätt - avtalsgrundande rättsfakta i teori, praxis och praktik
Frågan om hur och när ett bindande avtal uppstår mellan två parter är en praktiskt viktig fråga i affärslivet. Den svenska avtalslagen behandlar ingåendet av avtal enligt anbud-acceptmodellen men inte de många andra modeller som kan ge upphov till avtalsbundenhet. Dessa modeller har istället fått utvecklas och preciseras i rättspraxis och doktrin. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka under vilka förutsättningar bindande avtal kommer till stånd i den svenska rätten och samtidigt översiktligt diskutera hur den framtida svenska avtalsrätten bör se ut.Uppsatsen behandlar den svenska avtalsrätten men analyserar även i stor utsträckning material från övriga nordiska länder. Detta eftersom lagstiftningen i dessa länder vad gäller allmän avtalsrätt uppvisar stora likheter.
Clashes and Education in Timor Leste
The purpose of this qualitative thesis is to describe and analyse the implementation of an education system in the newly independent state, Timor Leste. One question to be discussed is whether an emergency phase is still going on in the development of a functioning school system, or if Timor Leste already reached a capacity building phase? Via the participant's answers in field observations and interviews, the study analyses the clashes between generations, social classes and different levels in relation to the choice of Portuguese as an official language and the international environment in the country. The thesis concludes that a lot of work remains in creating a fully functioning education system. We enjoyed the writing - and hope you will enjoy the reading!.
En bank, fem länder : En studie i Handelsbankens expatriaters kulturella anpassning
The purpose of this study is to describe how expatriates at Handelsbanken in France, Hong Kong, China, Russia and Singapore have adapted to the host culture. To illustrate how well they acculturated following seven factors have been chosen: Time, previous international experience, cultural distance, language, work environment, spouse acculturation and met expectations. The study was conducted through interviews with six expatriates and surveys answered by nine expatriates. Our study shows that the expatriates have experienced different lengths for cultural adaptation. The majority of the respondents indicated that it took up to six months before they adapted culturally.
Regelbördan på Stockholmsbörsen - En studie om regleringars inverkan på avnoteringar från NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
DefinitionerInitial public offering (IPO)Den första försäljningen av ett företags aktier på den publika marknaden.AvnoteringHändelsen då ett börsbolags aktie tas bort från marknaden.Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)Ett omfattande och för ämnet väl undersökt amerikanskt regelverk.Private Equity (PE)Aktiekapital som inte är börsnoterat, investerare som investerar direkt i privata bolag eller köper ut publika bolag från börsen.International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS)Internationella regler som styr rapporteringen av olika typer av transaktioner och händelser.Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)Förvärv och sammanslagningar av bolag.Definitioner hämtade från http://www.nasdaq.com/investing/glossary/.
TOM effekten i Sverige: En studie rörande överavkastning kring månadsskiften på den svenska börsen
The purpose of this paper is to study whether or not stock returns increase abnormally over month ends on the Swedish stock exchange. Previous research has proven an international so called ?Turn-of-the-Month? effect where stock returns increase significantly over a few days around month ends. If the effect exists, it is a violation of Fama?s Efficient Market Hypothesis.
Outsourcingrelationen med fokus på management control och de faktorer som påverkar beslutet att insourca
There is limited research done in the area of management control in the relationship between companies. This study investigates management control in outsourcing relationships and the decision to change sourcing strategy and to insource functions. The empirical research was conducted at an international company, which in this study has been anonymized. The research is mainly based on interviews. To extend and verify the conclusions drawn, another company, AB Ph.
"Hemma på min gata i stan..." : Tillhörighet, identitetsskapande och fritid bland unga flickor i Gottsunda
This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.
God vilja eller ovilja? : En utforskande uppsats om redovisningen av goodwill vid företagsförvärv
Sverige och världen har under de senaste åren fått uppleva en fantastisk högkonjunktur. Det har varit lätt att låna pengar och företagen har gjort fina vinster. I spåren av god tillgång på kapital är företagsförvärv alltid aktuella. En relevant fråga för varje köpare är dock hur ett förvärv skall redovisas. Hur företagsförvärv skall redovisas har avseende noterade bolag genomgått genomgripande förändringar de senaste åren.
Cypern, EU:s halva medlemsstat
Since the 1st of May 2004 Cyprus is part of the European Union. The Republic of Cyprus as a whole is part of the Union, but all of the advantages of the Union membership cannot be enjoyed in all parts of the country. Since December 1963 the Cypriot administration has been separated into two, a Greek Cypriot and a Turkish Cypriot, and since 1974 the country is also territorially divided. The Greek Cypriot political administration is considered to be the legitimate representative of the Republic of Cyprus, the Turkish Cypriot administration is only recognised by Turkey. Since the disruption of the country in 1963 the UN has been trying to get the Cypriot parties to agree upon a peace solution in order to reunite the country.
En modern kommun med ett modernt resemönster? : en studie av pendlingsmönstret mellan män och kvinnor i Knivsta kommun
This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.