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Äldre personers sociala interaktioner omkring Facebook®

Den ökade tillgången till datorer samt den ökade enkelheten att använda datorer och internet har ökat mängden personer över 65 år som använder sociala nätverk. Tidigare forskning visar bland annat att personer över 65 känner sig i större utsträckning mer ensamma och isolerade. Annan tidigare forskning menar att internetanvändarna som är över 55 år ökar avsevärt och att detta beror på den ökade tillgängligheten samt kunskaperna rörande datorer och internet. I studien genomfördes 15 kvalitativa intervjuer, med respondenter som rekryterades genom en kombination av ett kriteriebaserat urval samt snöbollsurval. Resultatet visade att Facebook bland annat har bidragit till ett ökat kontaktnät samt ett förbättrat informationsflöde när det gäller familj och vänner.

Fluid Simulation for Visual Effects

This thesis describes a system for dealing with free surface fluid simulations, and the components needed in order to construct such a system. It builds upon recent research, but in a computer graphics context the amount of available literature is limited and difficult to implement. Because of this, the text aims at providing a solid foundation of the mathematics needed, at explaining in greater detail the steps needed to solve the problem, and lastly at improving some aspects of the animation process as it has been described in earlier works. The aim of the system itself is to provide visually plausible renditions of animated fluids in three dimensions in a manner that allows it to be usable in a visual effects production context. The novel features described include a generalized interaction layer providing greater control to artists, a new way of dealing with moving objects that interact with the fluid and a method for adding source and drain capabilities..

Naturens p?verkan p? elever i skolan: En forsknings?versikt ?ver hur biologiundervisning utomhus p?verkar elever med fokus p? intresse

In the Western world the interest in science in schools is steadily declining. Focusing on interest is important to encourage students to lifelong learning which is a written purpose of the Swedish curriculum. This literature study examines if biology education outside in nature could be a part of the solution for this problem and the question of issue is how can education outdoor enhance students? interest for biology and what other aspects does this effect simultaneously? The method of block search was selected for addressing this question, utilizing the ERIC and ERC databases. The results show that situational interest increased with outside education due to aspects such as: novelty, hands-on, knowledge acquisition and social interaction.

Ökat kompetensutnyttjande - en nyckel till att öka det ideella engagemanget i en brukshundklubb?

The basic intention of this study is founded on an ambition to make change within the competing activity at ?Svenska Brukshundklubbens Halmstadavdelning? (SBK Halmstad). This is a local association for owners of working dogs, where I am one of the members. A problem in engage a larger number of voluntarily working members in the association has been established and discussed over several years. My premier aim was to make the members award of different perspectives of the problem.

Vad har känsla av sammanhang och upplevt socialt stöd för samband med individens sinnestämning

The aim of this study was to examine the relations between sense of coherence (SOC), perceived social support and mood, the study also included gender and civil status in the analysis. In the analysis mood was the dependent variable. The study included 81 respondents, all students from Växjö university, who answered a survey with three parts: SOC 13, Mood Adjective Checklist (MACL), and an own constructed instrument that measured perceived social support. The result showed that those with a high SOC tended to have a greater mood. High scores on perceived social support also were related to a greater mood.

Får jag använda lärplattan? : En studie i förskolans verksamhet

The purpose of this study is to highlight some aspects of the increased usage of tablets in preschool environments by answering the questions: what does the tablet become in the preschool environment, how much freedom does the children have over its usage.To answer these questions a series of observations were made at two different preschools. The observations were then complemented by interviews with teachers at the same preschools.This qualitative study focuses on some of the didactic questions regarding the tablets, based on a theoretical framework that is within the design-oriented perspective; which addresses the children's? autonomy, the institutional framework and affordance.Our conclusion is that the tablet?s introduction in the preschool has helped the teachers in numerous parts of their documentation, but we can also see that the children's opportunities to make choices regarding the tablet are more limited than with any other resource on the preschool. In our results we also see that when the children get access to the tablet they receive a learning experience, which among other things, strengthens their language skills and their social interaction with each other..

Inte som i Gökboet : sjuksköterskors beskrivningar av omvårdnadsprocessen inom den rättspsykiatriska vården : en kvalitativ studie

Forensic psyhiatric care protects the society by giving patients care to diminish risks of serious crimes. In their work the nurses use different care methods to help and support the patient in managing his or her life situation. To clarify how a group of nurses describe the nursing process in forensic psychiatric care. A qualitative study based on interviews. Six nurses were interviewed about their work in four different forensic psychiatric care units.

Så mycket mer än att bara läsa högt: barnbibliotekariens roller i en högläsningskontext

The aim of this study is to examine the roles of the children?s librarian in a reading aloud context. To reach understanding in this subject, we have conducted interviews with four Swedish librarians working in public libraries whom are involved with reading aloud practices. Previous research shows that the reasons for reading aloud in libraries are diverse and plentiful. Such reasons can be to spread cultural experiences, help children develop their language skills and promote the library to the public.

Miljöns betydelse gällande intag av frukt och grönsaker samt sötsaker, snacks och söt dryck : En kartläggning av skolungdomars matintag i årskurs 9

The purpose of this thesis is, through both a quantitative and qualitative study, to map out how the interaction appears between the established parties and the radical right-wing party, the Sweden Democrat?s (SD) and their core issue ? immigration in the Swedish parliament. By applying analytical dimensions on the parliamentary protocols regarding the immigration issue between the years of 2010-2012 this study will get an insight on how the argumentation concerning immigration has developed since their entrance into the Swedish parliament in 2010. The result shows that SD, through the rejection treatment of the established parties, fulfilled the three conditions which accordingly to the study's theoretical framework are crucial for the party's future success. In the established parties? reception of SD regarding immigration, SD is, to a large extent, left unchallenged as the established parties rather focus on integration instead of challenge SD in the immigration issue.

Pilotutvärdering av KomHem: En studie av deltagares och kursledares upplevelser av en fortsättningskurs i kommunikation för föräldrar

The aim of this study was to evaluate parents and course leaders'perceptions of ComHome, a course in communication for parents. Thecourse aims to change the interaction between the parent and the child in aselected play activity based on a defined goal and agreed methodology. Thedata consisted of four group interviews and an individual interview with atotal of 12 parents and course leaders. The interviews were transcribed andcontent analyzed. The study showed that parents and course leadersconsidered goal attainment scaling as a rewarding approach.

Den som ger sig in i leken får leken tåla! : En studie om barns maktlekar

Our essay is about children's exercise of power, oppression or domination in games or when playing on school grounds with one and other. We thought it would be interesting to look into how children in preschool and up to the fifth grade use power acts respective power plays in leisure-time. During four days we visited two different after-school center and carried out observations of children during the school day and later inside the recreation centers during leisure activities. In order to analyze our empirical material in relation to power, we have used Magnus Hörnqvist (2012) interpretation of Michel Foucault's theory of power - Another Foucault. We have also used Åsa Bartholdsson (2008) thesis about The regular exercise of power regime ? about normality and power in school.

Användarundervisning på webben design för lättillgänglighet och användbarhet

The aim of this thesis was twofold, on the one hand to compile a set of usability and accessibility guidelines in order to establish the characteristics of a user friendly website, and on the other to test these guidelines on eight library webcourses with user education to see how well they adhered to the guidelines. The methods used were literature survey and source studies. The guidelines found in the literature survey were divided into four different categories: document properties, structure and navigability, visual characteristics and accessibility. In order to establish the adequacy of the guidelines, I examined reference sources, mostly on the web. To a certain extent this examination has been based on HCI Human-Computer interaction theories.

Värdelöst värdeskapande : En studie om co-destruction

The study proceeds from a phenomenom called co-creation. If value can be created, it is logic to asume that it also can be destroyed. This phenomenom has earlier not been applied to long-term relationships such as business to business. In a business relationship it is important to identify factors, that leads to co-destruction, to be able to prevent them from appering. The purpose of this study is to identify which factors leads towards co-destruction.The study have used theories from Echeverri & Skålén (2011) which has designed a model explaning the outcome of co-creation and co-destruction.

Elevers uppfattningar kring sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och inlärning

The study presented here is about how to make the special needs user who has a profound intellectual disability and additional disabilities more involved in their implementation plan. Based on a life story interview the study aims at analyzing perceptions of procedures to enhance special needs users? influence. The method used in this study was a qualitative research approach as an overall approach in order to use a narrative method where life history is the method. The focus has been to study a part of an individual life history - a specific domain in the life of the interviewee?s working career.

"Jag vill spela Pettson och Findus!" : En studie om hur barn i femårsåldern interagerar med ett datorspel

Studien grundar sig i ett intresse för hur barn interagerar med datorspel. Datorer och datorspel blir mer och mer vanliga i barnens omvärld. Syftet med studien är att belysa och beskriva hur barn i fem års åldern gör när de spelar ett datorspel och hur de interagerar med det. Vi belyser bland annat hur barnen tolkar ikoner, hur de förstår den auditiva informationen i kombination med bilderna, och vilka strategier de använder för att ta sig vidare i spelet. Vi studerar också vad de minns när de spelar spelet för andra gången.

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