

1786 Uppsatser om Interaction rituals - Sida 51 av 120

Mobila enheter, webben och centrala designprinciper

Det har blivit allt vanligare att vi idag använder våra mobila enheter till att besöka webben. I detta examensarbete undersöks vilka centrala designprinciper en designer bör eftersträva när avsikten är att förenkla användningen av en webbplats i en statisk och en rörlig situation via den mobila enheten. Examensarbetet innefattar en litteraturgenomgång, observationsintervjuer vid två tillfällen och en prototyputveckling. Det första intervjutillfället identifierade de grundläggande designprinciperna som sedan stod till grund för prototypen. Det andra intervjutillfället genomfördes mot prototypen med samma individer.

Ekonomistyrningens påverkan på MRP-implementering: en fallstudie av ASSA AB

The implementation of a material requirements planning system is a complex and demanding task. There has been much research into what factors are important in such implementations, but seemingly very little about the links between critical success factors and management control systems. This thesis attempts, through a case study, to answer the question of how management control systems affect the implementation of an MRP system in ASSA AB, a Swedish manufacturing firm. Data is primarily collected through interviews. Theory regarding implementation success definitions, critical success factors as well as management control systems is presented.

Vem bestämmer vilken historia som är min? : Kvalitativ undersökning av processen som föranligger uppkomsten av kurs- och ämnesplanerna samt kunskapsbegreppet för Historia A på gymnasiet

Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka processen i uppkomsten av nya kurs- och ämnesplaner. För att uppnå syftet gjordes en institutionsanalys där skolans olika maktcentra analyserades. Som en del i syftet undersöktes kunskapsbegeppet i två gymnasiala kurs- och ämnesplaner, detta för att se hur processen i utarbetandet av kurs- och ämnesplaner hänger ihop med kunskapsbegreppet. Metoden som användes i analysen av kurs- och ämnesplanerna var ideologisk textanalys där fokus låg på att ringa in ideologiskt färgade begrepp. Arbetets resultat blev att processen i uppkomsten av kurs- och ämnesplaner är byråkratisk och organisatorisk med flera maktcentra som är delaktiga vilket leder till att kurs- och ämnesplanerna kan ses som politiska maktutövningar.

Interaktionskvalitet - hur mäts det?

Den tekniska utvecklingen har lett till att massiva mängder av information sänds, i höga hastigheter. Detta flöde måste vi lära oss att hantera. För att maximera nyttan av de nya teknikerna och undkomma de problem som detta enorma informationsflöde bär med sig, bör interaktionskvalitet studeras. Vi måste anpassa gränssnitt efter användaren eftersom denne inte har möjlighet att anpassa sig till, och sortera i för stora informationsmängder. Vi måste utveckla system som gör människan mer effektiv vid användande av gränssnitt. För att anpassa gränssnitten efter användarens behov och begränsningar krävs kunskaper om den mänskliga kognitionen.

VAD ÄR VÄL EN DAG PÅ SLOTTET? Ett möte mellan design och museipedagogisk verksamhet

The project objective was to make parts of our cultural heritage available as a resource for learning, by developing the pedagogical activities on a medieval castle, that today functions as a museum. I also wanted to explore the role of a designer in a process that aims to develop the interaction between schools and cultural institutions.By a selection of objects and locations in the castle, illustrations with accompanying texts were made, which through the children?s imaginative ability may bring them to a historical scenario. This resulted in a working material that supports the children?s activities and reflections during their visit to the castle.

Expression and Purification of Murine Tripeptidyl Peptidase II

Tripeptidyl peptidase II (TPPII) is an exopeptidase which cleaves tripeptides from theN-terminus of peptides. The exact functional role of TPPII is still a matter of investigation. Itis believed that the enzyme is primarily involved in intracellular protein degradation, where itcooperates with the proteasome and other peptidases to degrade proteins into free aminoacids. These amino acids can subsequently be used in the production of new proteins. The aimof this work was to express murine wild type TPPII using E.

Ett stort evenemang - En liten stad : Synen på Vätternrundan genom fem representanter

Vätternrundan is an annual sporting event that takes place in the Swedish town Motala since 1966. It is one of the world largest recreational bicycle rides and attracts over 20 000 participants each year. This study focuses on event effects and how an event can be of value within the principles of place marketing. Within this study five representatives were interviewed with semi-structured interviews.The results show that the representatives describe Vätternrundan as a positive event which mostly generates positive effects for the city itself and for the people living and working there. The effects consist of the events ability to create awareness of the place, the possibility to extend the tourism season and several social effects like solidarity and interaction.The result also shows that Vätternrundan is a well-known brand and because of this it can be used as an advantage in place marketing.

Tillit på webben : En rapport om arbetet med en webbaserad tjänst med målet att inge tillit hos användare

Denna rapport redogör kring arbetet med tjänsten Hästjuristen och svårigheterna kring att designa och utveckla en webbplats som inger förtroende och tillit. Hästjuristen är en helt ny tjänst som erbjuder information om hästjuridik och nedladdning av juridiska avtal rörande hästar. Målet med arbetet har varit att ta fram en fullt fungerande tjänst som är tilltalande, användarvänlig och förtroendeingivande för att göra det enklare för behövande att erhålla sig korrekta avtal.Arbetet med tjänsten har haft tre teoretiska modeller för webbutveckling för e-handelstjänster som grund. Intervjuer, personas, prototyper och användartester har varit delar av arbetsprocessen.Resultatet är en webbaserad tjänst som erbjuder nedladdning av hästavtal, information om hästjuridik och medlemskap. Webbplatsen är fullt responsiv och kodad i CSS, HTML, PHP och JavaScript..

Digitala verktyg i gymnasieskolan : En studie om lärares upplevelser av integrerade lärmiljöer

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) hold great potential to support learning activities, for example by providing teachers and students with new and extended spaces for interaction and collaboration. However, this potential appears to be difficult to realize, and despite their perceived learning benefits, the reality is that LMSs are being used primarily for administrative purposes. Meanwhile, external pedagogical tools are successfully put into practice to improve learning outcomes, and the aim of this study is therefore to identify and discuss benefits and disadvantages associated with the LMS as a concept. By interviewing secondary school teachers, we disentangle the idea of integrating administrative and pedagogical aids into a single platform, providing detailed insight into the use of digital tools in secondary education. The study contributes to a deepened understanding of integrated learning environments, and we conclude that there is a conflict between structure and flexibility that needs to be addressed before determining the design of a digital learning space..

Förbättring av det grafiska användargränssnittet i Autodesk Maya i relation till måttriktig 3D-modellering

Inom 3D-grafik, visualiseringar, spel och VR finns ett behov av måttriktig modellering. Traditionellt så används CAD-program för att uppnå ett exakt eller precist resultat. Men då CAD-program inte utmatar polygonal geometri så fungerar det inte att använda resultatet direkt i tidigare nämnda kategorier. Denna studie ämnar att underlätta måttriktig polygonal modellering i Autodesk Maya genom ett tillägg i form av ett grafiskt användargränssnitt. Effektiviteten av detta mäts genom tidtagning på modellering av CAD-ritningar i polygoner hos en testgrupp både med och utan tillägget samt en kvalitetskontroll där resultatet jämförs med specifikationen.

Grundskolans roll i elevers kännedom om hälsosamma kostvanor : En kvalitativ studie om hur elever i årskurs 9 uppfattar kostundervisningen i Hem- och konsumentkunskap samt Idrott och hälsa.

The purpose of this thesis is, through both a quantitative and qualitative study, to map out how the interaction appears between the established parties and the radical right-wing party, the Sweden Democrat?s (SD) and their core issue ? immigration in the Swedish parliament. By applying analytical dimensions on the parliamentary protocols regarding the immigration issue between the years of 2010-2012 this study will get an insight on how the argumentation concerning immigration has developed since their entrance into the Swedish parliament in 2010. The result shows that SD, through the rejection treatment of the established parties, fulfilled the three conditions which accordingly to the study's theoretical framework are crucial for the party's future success. In the established parties? reception of SD regarding immigration, SD is, to a large extent, left unchallenged as the established parties rather focus on integration instead of challenge SD in the immigration issue.

Arbetstillfredsställelse : En jämförelse mellan kvinnliga och manliga industriarbetare på två avdelningar

The purpose of the present quantitative study was to examine gender differences inperceived job satisfaction in two departments, with different work patterns, in a Swedishmanufacturing industry. The questionnaire contained 30 statements and five backgroundquestions. The questionnaire was designed in combination of Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS),Work demands, Social support, Control and Competence (ASK), Questionnaire forPsychological and Social factors at Work (QPS Nordic) and Minnesota SatisfactionQuestionnaire (MSQ). Job satisfaction was measured based on the categories influence atwork, leadership, employee influence, work requirements and the physical environment. Theresults of the present study showed an interaction of gender and department where the femaleindustrial workers, who worked with more monotonous and standardized work tasks, valuedall of the categories of job satisfaction the lowest, except for the category employee impact.The results are believed to depend on that the women in the department had greater demandsfor variety in the work..

????????????Pedagogers syn på utomhuspedagogik

The purpose of the research is to find out how the teacher of the pre-school looks at the value of the nature Pre-school. To get an understanding of what the nature pre-school enviorment can bring, we are talking about learning, knowledge, and experience combined with the everyday lessons learned from the natural world. The research is a stepping stone on the pre-school teacher?s thoughts and reflections of what a nature pre-school is. This is grounded in a view of how having options for alternative schools lead to wider research, and all conclusions where formed after multiple interviews and analysis.The results showed that the teachers involved are very positive to the nature pre-school environment and learning process.

Analys av haptoglobin i bovint serum med surface plasmon resonance biosensorteknik :

The concentration of acute phase proteins in serum is altered as a response to inflammation, infection or trauma. this makes these proteins potential biomarkers of unspecific pathological processes. In cattle, haptoglobin and serum amyloid A are the two acute phase proteins that show the largest increase in serum concentration as a result of inflammatory processes. The haptoglobin concentration has been shown to correlate to clinical signs as well as inflammatory processes found at post mortem examination. This feature could be useful prognosis of the individual as well as for monitoring the health status of a herd or identifying carcasses that shold be examined closer at the slaughter-house.

Samverkan 4 U : En studie om samverkan med organisationen Here 4 U

The present study sought to examine the collaborative role of the student organization Here 4 U and the impact of this collaboration on the organization and its partners. As a point of departure a questionnaire was distributed to supervisors, principals and other cooperation partners of Here 4 U, the most prominent quantitative results of which were related to previous research, new institutional theory and empowerment theory. It turned out that partners interacting with Here 4 U felt that the collaboration was necessary and wanted to continue with it. The respondents to the questionnaire were asked to define the concept of collaboration. Factors emphasized by respondents included feeling of community, security, and common goals.

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