

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 19 av 76

Mansklubben inom företagsekonomisk utbildning - En fallstudie om varför så få kvinnor fördjupar sig inom finans

Gender balance within the business administration field at university level is an area that has gained increased attention in the last decade. As gender balance contributes positively to the scientific and educational achievements within all disciplines, many studies have tried to understand the decision-making processes of students when selecting a business specialisation. However, little attention has been devoted to the finance discipline although there is a remaining gender imbalance within the field at higher-level economic studies. This thesis was performed as a qualitative case study and is based on interviews with second-year bachelor students facing their choice of specialisation at the Stockholm School of Economics. Through an application of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this study aims to examine factors that influence female business students' intentions to choose a specialisation.

Aktörsanalys i interorganisatoriska samarbeten

Andelen äldre invånare i Sverige har ökat stadigt sedan 1950-talet. Trygg Hemmakonsortiet arbetar med att utveckla nya sätt att ta hand om de äldre. Deras vision är attskapa ett intelligent hem som kan stödja de äldre i sitt kvarboende. Konsortiet består inuläget av elva företag och ett antal organisationer i Halmstad. Syftet med vårexamensarbete är att utreda hur Stakeholder Theory kan appliceras på ett konsortiumunder utveckling.

här sker ett avbrott.

My purpose with this thesis has been to find out how to choreograph a fight sequence in ananimated movie. With the help of professional stuntmen and dancers, I have tried to findmethods and techniques used on stage and in live-action film and apply those to animatedfilms. To successfully identify the techniques used, I conducted a number of interviews andanalyzed literature that deals with the subject of fight choreography. By the analysis of themethods provided by the choreographers and selected parts of the literature, I have compiled anumber of steps I recommend 3D animators should to take in their efforts to create their ownfight choreography..

Effektiv ekonomistyrning inom den offentliga sjukvården - en studie av Habiliterings- och rehabiliteringskliniken på Blekingesjukhuset

The purpose with our study is to investigate in which way a public field of action has succeeded to make the economic management more effective and also find out which factors/activities that have contributed to get the result of the budget in balance. We also want to find out in which degree the balanced scorecard (BSC) has contributed to the positive result of the budget. Method: We had started out from the qualitative method theory which is based on the hermeneutic theory, because we will interpret and understand. With this starting point we have chosen to use a case study with semi-standardised interviews supplemented with information from different documents, and to get the theoretic connection we have studied literature in the subject field. The analyse and even the theoretic connection have then started from, for this study, a special analyse model. Results: Througt systematic and target-concentrated management and through cooperated factors, with stress on a leadership that is both professional, visionary and un-combined, and there the staff´s is seen as a important resource, and there it is a clear strategy and objective to keep the cost of the activity within assigned budgetframe, has a public field of action, as the clinic of hab./rehab.

Låtskrivarsamarbeten inom popmusiken

My purpose with this thesis has been to find out how to choreograph a fight sequence in ananimated movie. With the help of professional stuntmen and dancers, I have tried to findmethods and techniques used on stage and in live-action film and apply those to animatedfilms. To successfully identify the techniques used, I conducted a number of interviews andanalyzed literature that deals with the subject of fight choreography. By the analysis of themethods provided by the choreographers and selected parts of the literature, I have compiled anumber of steps I recommend 3D animators should to take in their efforts to create their ownfight choreography..

"Man slutar tänka, man rycks med i någon slags gruppsykos" : En diskursanalys av massmedias diskussion kring våldtäkten i Bjästa 2009

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the media discussions of the rape in Bjästa 2009 and to reveal how stereotypical illusions of ethnicity, religion and gender affect how media understands and defines violence. The rape in Bjästa occurred in a ?Swedish context? but has been defined as honor related in other arenas outside media. This discussion occurred because the whole village turned against the woman that was raped and supported the perpetrator? a phenomena that speaks against the idea of an equal society and a behavior that is usually understood as honor related and something that the ?others? do.

Ontologier i kunskapsorganisation Vägen från tesaur till den semantiska webben

This thesis aims to analyse ontology, primarily as the word is used in the context of the Semantic Web. One of the main questions is how ontologies relate to classification and thesauri, two concepts well known within Library and Information Science. The vision of the Semantic Web, a more intelligent addition to the current World Wide Web, has raised the question of how to deal with information scattered over a multitude of locations, stored in different formats, written in different languages et cetera. This issue is in many ways similar to the classical problems encountered in library science: how to classify and categorise large amounts of information. The use of ontologies is one of the main steps leading to the Semantic Web, as well as a tool which can be used in other areas of information organisation and management.

Från Rocky Balboa till Freddy Heflin : En komparativ stjärnstudie av Sylvester Stallone

Vårt syfte med denna kvalitativa studie var att granska hur pedagoger bemöter pojkar och flickor, hur medvetna de var i sitt bemötande och se om det fanns någon skillnad i deras medvetenhet och hur de agerade i praktiken. Metoderna som användes för att få fram empiri var observationer och intervjuer som sedan har jämförts med varandra. Undersökningarna har skett på två olika förskolor, där vi har besökt en avdelning på varje förskola. På dessa två avdelningar var barnen i åldrarna 3-5 år. Det var sex pedagoger som medverkade i studien.På den första förskolan fanns det lite större skillnader i bemötandet.

Ocker : en studie om gällande rätt

Ocker är ingen ny företeelse, då det finns uttryck för ocker i Bibeln. Definitionen för ocker har ändrats genom åren. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa ocker och jämföra med 36 § avtalslagen Uppsatsen använder traditionell juridisk metod. Traditionell juridisk metod innebär att man använder olika rättskällor som lagstiftning, förarbeten, praxis och doktrin. Kriterier för ocker är trångmål, oförstånd, lättsinne och beroendeställning.

Erfarenhetsrapportering vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB : Utvärdering av erfarenhetsåterföringsprocessen samt utveckling av ett systemstöd

Organisations constantly live under the potential threat of events and accidents that seriously could harm the organisation. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, the company that this master thesis focus on, is in no aspect excepted from this threat. Through an early identification of near misses and the taking of corrective action in use, Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB has managed to reduce the likelihood and the consequence of events and accidents. The purpose of this master thesis is to evalutate Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB?s operation experience process on the basis of IAEA?s and WANO?s requirements within the field of operation experience and to develop a usable system applicably within the field of operation experience.The thesis is divided into two parallel tracks, where one is the evaluation of the operation experience process and the other the design of a usable system, applicably within the field of operation experience.

Adaption och subversion : Återbruk, mening och nonsens i Block av Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson

The Swedish contemporary poet Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson (UKON) creates his poems by recycling and manipulating existing material. Though the overall opinion of his work has been positive, the idea that experimental poetry focus shape on the expense of content has led critics to either interpret the nonsensical and absurd aspects of UKON?s poetics as a consequence of the technical methods he uses to create his poetry, or to look beyond the nonsensical and absurd aspects to focus the fact that the poems creates meaning at all. The poems of UKON?s sixth collection of poems, Block (2005), differ from each other in many ways: some poems are lists and other revolves around a person ? their content and construction vary and they can hardly be read as an expression of one persons thought.

Renaissance of a CRM system ? Successful re-implementation out of an after market perspective

Problem: Today Frigoscandia Equipment Europe, FSEE, is not sure how their CRM-system, MSMS, is used along with other solutions at the different regions throughout Europe. The company is interested in a usage evaluation describing by who and how the system is used. FSEE is also concerned about the users opinions of future development and improvements.Management is also concerned about how MSMS would support the After Market and gain full leverage of the IT investments. MSMS is today only used to a limited extent in a few of the After Market departments, and FSEE is interested in what an overall usage would mean in terms of improved internal communication, customer focus and information management. The following questions will therefore be investigated in this study:· How, by whom and where is MSMS used within FSEE?s After Market and Sales divisions today?· What does the After Market division at FSEE gain from using MSMS?· What has to be done to improve the usage of MSMS at FSEE? Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thesis is partly to examine the current usage of the Sales and Marketing System within FSEE?s After Market and Sales divisions.

Det uppätna monopolet : Initiativ, inflytande och resurser vid planeringen av kvarteret Druvan genom projektet Mitt I City

The purpose of this essay is to examine if the municipality has a real freedom of action to control the use of the land and the shaping of the buildings in a large and prestigious building project.In Karlstad there is now (2006) a large building project in form of a shopping mall. This project is in its final stage of completion and offers me a suitable case to examine. To undertake the purpose of the essay, the following research question is formulated:Do the municipality have a real freedom of action to control the use of the land and the shaping of the buildings in a large and prestigious building project as the Mitt I City project?In an attempt to examine the project and the planning process, three themes are applied. The first theme derives from the hypothesis that the part that initiate the process gets the upper hand as future discussions are taking place in relation to the original ideas.

Inlärning och illusionen av intelligenta karaktärer : Undersökning av hur inlärning hos karaktärer påverkar spelarens uppfattning av intelligenta karaktärer i spel

Det här arbetet har undersökt hur inlärning av hur en datorstyrd karaktär fattar sina beslut baserat på det gällande speltillståndet, påverkar spelarens uppfattning om hur mänskligt intelligent dess resulterande beteende uppfattas, med bakgrunden att det finns ett behov av intelligentare beteenden hos karaktärer i spel. Undersökningen har genomförts genom att jämföra en tillståndsmaskin med ett artificiellt neuralt nätverk, implementerade i ett enklare actionspel med en spelare och en datorstyrd karaktär. Nätverket är konstruerat att initialt bete sig som tillståndsmaskinen, men sedan utveckla sitt beteende genom att lära från den individuella spelarens spelstil. Ett antal testpersoner har sedan fått spela spelet mot respektive teknik, och fått ange hur de upplevde respektive beteende i en enkätundersökning. Resultatet av undersökningens sammanställda data särskiljer inte det resulterande beteendet från tillståndsmaskinen med beteendet från det artificiella neurala nätverket, vilket kan ha en förklaring i undersökningens felkällor, samt den mindre domänen teknikerna implementerats i..

Rakt på sak! : Ett arbete om effektiva och funktionella webbtexter

Den ökade tillgången till internet i svenska hem betyder att vem som helst har tillgång till olika typer av information. Samtidigt ökar omsättningen hos den svenska detaljhandeln, både i butiker och för den svenska e-handeln. Därför ställs det högre krav på webbtexter, så att alla kan förstå dem.Den här studien handlar om hur webbtexter, i form av artiklar, bör skrivas på Elgigantens svenska webbplats. På uppdrag åt Elgiganten har det befintliga materialet analyserats för att ge feedback på vad som är positivt och negativt. Det ska leda fram till vad som kan förbättras för att skapa effektiva och funktionella webbtexter som riktar sig till en bred målgrupp.Begrepp hämtade från informationsdesign, klarspråk och användbarhet på webben ligger till grund för de kvalitativa metoder som har använts i den här studien.

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