

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 18 av 76

After Action Debriefing (AAD) : Rapport om hur AAD fungerar på Polismyndigheten i Södermanlands län

Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur After Action Debriefing (AAD) fungerar på polismyndigheten i Södermanlands län. Rapporten har sin utgångspunkt i åsikter från anställda poliser i distriktet i Eskilstuna angående frågor om debriefing. Rapporten fokuserar också på åsikter från ansvarig debriefingledare om debriefingens funktion och slutligen vad lagen (Arbetsmiljöverkets kungörelse) säger om rätten till debriefing. Tillvägagångssätt för insamling av data har skett genom enkäter, intervju samt litteraturstudier. Polisyrket är ett krävande yrke på många sätt, och risken för att utsättas för jobbiga händelser är stor.

Målstyrt ledarskap i klassrummet- ur ett lärarperspektiv

This is a qualitative study whit purpose of showing how teachers work whit students in need of special support in school. The purpose has been to study what teachers mean whit special aid, and if the support is individually adapted for each students needs. I have trougt interviews, observations and examinations of diverse documents found paradoxes where teachers and the scool leaders claim that they work whit the integration of all the students at school, while the teality shows a different picture. I have found a clear segregation of students, where they have on repeated occasions had to leave the classroom to receive tuition. The school stuff has a wide iiew of wich students are included in the term "students in need of special tuition".

Värden i förskoleklassvärlden : Fyra pedagogers berättelser om förskoleklassverksamheten - en aktionsforskningsstudie

Syftet med aktionsforskningsstudien är att lyfta fram förskoleklasslärares egna åsikter om förskoleklassverksamheten. Det är ett relativt outforskat område, förskoleklassreformen genomfördes 1996. Denna studie ska bidra med mer kunskaper med hjälp av förskoleklasslärares egna berättelser om förskoleklassverksamheten utifrån pedagogernas perspektiv. De fyra deltagande förskoleklasslärarna var ett strategiskt val, de fyra förskoleklasslärarna som deltog i aktionen erbjöds även att delta i studien. I denna kvalitativa studie utgår empirin från de gemensamma samtalen i aktionen. Förskoleklasslärarnas berättelser kondenserades och det skapades två fiktiva pedagoger Aina, som fick symbolisera samarbete, flexibilitet och framförhållning och Berit, som fick symbolisera konservatism, individualism och nuorientering.

Utanför 50-skyltarna Turisters informationssökning

This essay focuses on tourists' information seeking. The main focus was to examine whether there is a connection between how the informants in different tourist styles the different tourist styles are presented by Eva Wolf as the tourist of recreation, action, culture, compromise, and individualism seek information to their forthcoming vacation. The result was reached through a qualitative method, where ten informants with various tourist roles were interviewed separately. The informants were chosen by personal contacts. In addition to these interviews, three representatives from the tourist industry were contacted and interviewed by e-mail.

Gerillaodling - ett frö till förändring

Abstract A phenomenon that has been noticed more and more in media and the public space in recent years is what is called guerrilla gardening. It means the illicit cultivation of someone else?s land. This report's intention is to analyze what impact guerrilla gardening could have on today's urban space in terms of stable changes in norms and physical design. I have also focused on guerrilla gardener?s choice to carry out these actions illegally, without asking for permission, and what impact that could have on the issue of appropriating public space.

Gränsåtgärder mot varumärkesförfalskade varor

Infringement of intellectual property rights often causes significant economic damage. The problem with illegal activity concerning counterfeiting is constantly increasing. The development has lead to constitute an extensive international activity which is harmful for intellectual propery owners, consumers and the society in general. Competing products tend to be increasingly similar to each other, with rather similar marketing-, sales-, and pricingstrategies. As a result, the trademark strongly affects consumers? selection-process during purchase.

Unga ledare, ur ett emotionellt intelligens perspektiv

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Unga ledare, ur ett emotionellt intelligens perspektiv Seminariedatum: 3 juni, 2004 Ämne/kurs: FEK 581 Kandidatseminarium, 10 poäng Författare: Victor Bengtsson, Christoffer Frisk och Peter Persson Handledare: Tony Huzzard Fem nyckelord: Ledarskap, emotionell intelligens, unga företagsledare, motivation, framtidens ledarskap. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att klargöra om unga företagsledare besitter emotionell intelligens och hur detta framgår? Är emotionell intelligens viktigt för ett framgångsrikt ledarskap och om så är fallet varför är det viktigt? Hur blir man emotionellt intelligent? Metod: Vi har använt oss av en deduktiv strategi vid insamlandet av data och gjort en kvalitativ undersökning. Teoretiska perspektiv: Vi har använt oss av teorier kring emotionell intelligens och teorier i nära anslutning till densamma. Empiri: Vi har baserat vår empiri på djupintervjuer av unga företagsledare.

Vad innebär planeringstid? : En kvalitativ studie om fyra förskollärares syn på den pedagogiska planeringen i förskolan

The running of a Swedish pre-school is not just about taking care of children but involves incorporating educational activities that follow curriculum guidelines. In addition, time must be allocated for planning, discussion, evaluation and reflection. Many pre-school teachers feel that there is insufficient planning time which is needed to follow the established curriculum guidelines for kindergarten. Due to the rising numbers of children per class, and the obligation to document and evaluate everything, pressure and lack of time has become a significant issue.The purpose of this study is to investigate four pre-school teachers´ views on pedagogical planning and reflection time. Questions to be answered include:1.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att fråga patienter om våld i nära relation

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine nurses experiences of asking patients aboutintimate partner violence and what the nurses believed could be of help or hindrance whenasking the question.Method: The study design was qualitative. Nine nurses from four different divisions wasinterviewed. The participants worked at a Swedish university hospital with an action plan fortaking care of violated women. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews usingan interview guide. The results were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Main result: The question about intimate partner violence raises a variety of feelings amongnurses, for example anger and empathy.

Fjärde generationen av det mobila nätet : Vad motiverar driftsättningen av 4G

In this paper the topic of 4G is examined. The investigation is conducted with use of a qualitative methodand an inductive approach. The question to be answered is what motivate and justify that 4G is put intooperation from different perspectives. The study is based upon secondary sources, such as literature studies,as well as an empirical data collection from two interview studies. The reusults obtained, which motivateand justify the introduction of 4G technology, is that it is necessary in order to meet future communicationneeds.

Separator: Aktionsforskning i en dansproduktion där ledarskap undersöks samtidigt som en ny organisationsform introduceras

There is a common belief that the arts contain knowledge of creativity that can enrich the business world. Similarly, the arts are in need of additional support from the private sector and know-how of business practices. In short, there is a need for mutual understanding. With my background as a dancer paired with my studies at the Stockholm School of Economics I have taken the challenge of bringing the two worlds closer together. By changing a social system, like an organization, it is possible to get a better understanding of it.

Effektivisering av logistiklösningar : En jämförelse av nya och gamla logistiksystem vid ROT-projekt

A persistent problem in the construction industry is its low margins of profit. It is often difficult to earn money due to low efficiency and high costs. Logistics on the construction site answers for a large amount of these costs and it is therefore of interest to find new, more efficient logistic solutions. The purpose of this thesis is to compare two different logistic systems and further to evaluate which one that is the most efficient and profitable. A comparison is made between the traditional logistic systems used for years and a new logistic system developed by an industry association called BEAst.

Kommunala underprisöverlåtelser och återbetalningskrav med stöd av art. 88.3 EGF ? En studie av svensk process- och sanktionsrätt utifrån den gemenskapsrättsliga effektivitetsprincipen

Private state aid enforcement with respect to below market value transactions carried out by Swedish municipalities ? A study on the conformity of Swedish procedural and substantial rules with the principle of effectiveness of EC law Recently in Sweden, several local governmental entities (municipalities) have engaged in commercial transactions that, essentially, have been aimed at transferring the ownership of public services ? for example schools and local medical care centers ? to private undertakings. A few of these transactions have been declared by Swedish administrative courts to constitute illegal below market value transfers of public resources. The essay seeks to determine whether the Swedish national provisions that govern legal claims based on the directly effective Art. 88(3) of the EC Treaty, are compatible with the principle of effectiveness, i.e.

Självkörande fordon : En analys av energianvändning och kapacitet

Self-driving cars are soon to become a reality to the commercial market. A self-driving car does not have a human operator, which enables some interesting characteristics. The main benefits are considered to be:The number of accidents and traffic jams should be reduced.Enhanced comfort.Energy usage could be decreased while capacity could be increased.This study concerns the causes for improved energy efficiency. The reason for improved energy efficiency is mainly because of the variation in terms of acceleration, braking and distance holding are reduced. The vehicles are more intelligent and can work together as a unity.

Efterlevnaden av internationella rekommendationer om förebyggande av penningtvätt

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) är det främsta internationella organ som verkar i kampen mot penningtvätt, i syfte att utveckla och förbättra de nationella systemen, stärka ett lands finansiella säkerhet och stärka det internationella samarbetet. FATF`s rekommendationer, liksom dess ömsesidiga utvärderingsprogram, är så kraftfullt att de anses som en "gyllene standard" beträffande penningtvätt.Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga hur Sverige som medlemsland uppfyller efterlevnaden av FATF?s rekommendationer i granskningschecklistan, med särskild tonvikt på kundkännedomskraven, i jämförelse med FATF?s andra medlemsländer. Undersökningen baseras på FATF?s 34 medlemsländers ömsesidiga utvärderingsrapport, som vi bearbetar genom en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod.Studiens resultat visar att medlemsländernas genomsnittliga efterlevnadsnivå av samtliga rekommendationer är 53,3 %.

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