18671 Uppsatser om Information services - Sida 65 av 1245
Betydelsen av information om motion i samband med diabetes typ 2
Bakgrund Diabetes typ 2 har ökat till följd av livsstilsrelaterade hälsoproblem som övervikt. Tidig och omfattande information till patienter med diabetes typ 2 om betydelsen av motion är viktigt. Syftet: Att belysa informationens betydelse för en god följsamhet när det gäller motion vid diabetes typ 2. Metod: Kvalitativ design med innehållsanalys. Vignettemetoden användes vid intervjuerna.
Evidensbaserat arbetssätt på bibliotek: Erfarenheter av användningen av EBLIP
The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on how evidence-based librarian and information practice (EBLIP) is understood and practised at some Swedish hospital libraries, and also to analyze how EBLIP functions as a strategy to bridge the gap between research and practice as described by Haddow & Klobas. The theoretical framework for the study is partly based on Haddow & Klobas description of the gap between research and practice in the field of LIS and partly a description of the EBP-process which plays a key role in the use of EBLIP. Interviews have been done with four people, three librarians, all with management experience, and an academic development officer, active at three different hospital libraries where EBLIP is practiced. All informants believed that it is important to make use of research results in order to improve services and practice. In their efforts to apply the research findings the informants face a number of hindrances, which indicates a gap between research and practice.
ICA:s köttfärsskandal - ett år senare : En studie om konsumenters tillit till ett starkt varumärke efter en produktkris
This thesis aims to through certain parts of the brand equity investigate the trust of consumers for a brand that recently experienced a product-harm crisis. It also wants to investigate why this trust exist, if it does. Structured interviews were carried out at 60 respondents in Uppsala. The results show that the respondents have positive associations with ICA, they think that ICA maintains a high quality on their products and services and that 50% more often choose to do their grocery shopping at ICA. The conclusion of the study is that ICA has a strong brand equity resulting in brand trust from consumers, which is founded in the brand reliability and brand intentions of the company. .
Studenternas bankmarknad; en förändrad studentpopulations förhållande till banker
Banks are an important institution for the economy of a society. During the
later years the world of banking has changed. Several new actors have entered
the market and taken over traditional bankservices as well as new ones. The way
of conducting banking has changed with the event of new technology. One of the
banks customer segments, the students have also been under a change.
With a changed market companies have to adapt to the new rules of the game.
Ansvar och säkerhet för känslig information när den skickas med e-post
I uppsatsen diskuteras vem som kan anses bära ansvaret för känslig information och vid vilken tidpunkt detta ansvar kan anses gå över från en part till en annan när informationen skickas med e-post. I uppsatsen finns också en kort presentation av de Eg-rättsliga regler som finns på området samt en presentation av några tekniska metoder för att åstadkomma säkerhet för information som skickas med e-post..
Upplevelse av information när en närstående har cancer: en litteraturstudie
Det är inte enbart den sjuke som blir delaktig och påverkas i samband med ett insjuknande i cancer, utan även de anhöriga blir drabbas. Forskningen är inriktad på patienternas upplevelse av cancer, både ur ett kvantitativt och kvalitativt perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva upplevelsen av information när en närstående har cancer. 11 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen resulterade i fem slutliga kategorier: Att informationen orsakar rädsla och oro men ger stöd, Att vilja förstå det som sägs och skrivs, Att själv söka kunskap om cancer, Önskan att alltid få vara med, Att vårdpersonalen avsatte tid och förklarade.
Att skapa ett informationssystem ? en holistisk ansats
This thesis aims to discuss how an information system and its users may adapt to each other. The main discussion is how to create an information system that is adaptable without losing its organising properties. The thesis uses a holistic approach to the topic and the areas being dealt with are information architecture, interactive information retrieval and information searching. The practical work consisted of constructing a database for Autoliv?s Research and Development branch.
Organisationskommunikation i praktiken En kommunikationsgranskning på Arkivator Falköping AB
The goal of this Masters thesis is to examine how people at the production department of Arkivator Falköping AB perceive the internal organisational communication transfer and exchange of information, by means of a communication audit. The objectives are also to characterise the communication climate and the respondents satisfaction with the internal organisational communication within the organisation. The results of the study are compared with the companys information policy and with previous research in organisational communication. Answers from different demographic groups within the population are compared. The communication audit was conducted using a modified and added version of a questionnaire originally compiled by the International Communications Association.
Challenges and Opportunities in Swedish Apiculture
Bees are of importance for the global food security. In Europe 84% and in the World 35% of all the agricultural crops are dependent of animal pollination (Winfree et al., 2011:1). In agricultural production there is a huge lack of pollinators (Azien & Harden, 2009). A problem that is widely spread. In Sweden the problem becomes clear when looking at the statistics of the number of bee colonies during the last 20 years, where it has been a decline with 63 % (Statistiska Centralbyrån & Jordbruksverket, 2011).
Det tar ju sådan tid att söka: sjuksköterskestudenters informationskompetens ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate what prompts student nurses to seek information required to their educational tasks and how they evaluate and utilize that information. The questions addressed in this thesis regard how information retrieval becomes part of student nurses? social practice; which physical and intellectual tools student nurses make use of in their education; and which mediating resources they use to perform their tasks. Roger Säljö?s sociocultural approach provides the theoretical framework for this thesis.
Webbsäkerhet och vanliga brister - kunskapsläget bland utvecklare
This bachelor thesis looks at developers knowledge about web security both
regarding their own view on their knowledge and their actual knowledge about
vulnerabilities and how you mitigate against them. Web developers knowledge
regarding web security are becoming more and more important as more
applications and services moves to the web and more and more items become
connected to the internet. We are doing this by conducting a survey among
developers that are currently studying in the field or are working in the field
to get a grip on how the knowledge is regarding the most common security
concepts. What we saw was that the result varies between the different concepts
and many lack much of the knowledge in web security that is getting
increasingly more important to have..
Should I Stay or Should I Go : En studie av relationen mellan de anställdas möjligheter till kompetensutveckling och deras intention att stanna på företaget
The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.
Mervärde ur ett konsumentperspektiv : Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att skapa mervärde till tekniska konsumentprodukter?
World wide globalization and the rapid development of the Internet have lead to significant changes for companies around the world. The world has ?shrunk? and increased supply of goods and services has lead to a more intense competitive situation. As the market changes, so does consumer behavior. Today?s consumers do no longer wish to be treated as a group, rather they are looking for products and services that specifically fit their personal values.Recent years, the consumption of digital consumer electronics has sky-rocketed.
Att (vilja) vara delaktig - några brukares tankar om erfarenheter av inflytande inom missbruksvården
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att belysa hur brukare som har kontakt med socialtjänsten på grund av missbruksproblematik upplever och beskriver sitt inflytande över den egna behandlingen. Studien utgår från den hermeneutiska forskningstraditionen och har en kvalitativ ansats - sex semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med brukare som har kontakt med socialtjänsten på grund av missbruksproblematik. Resultatet tolkades utifrån den nyinstitutionella teorin och visade att brukarna upplever att de har inflytande i sin kontakt med socialtjänsten, men på vilket sätt och i vilken omfattning varierar och påverkas till stor del av vilken socialsekreterare brukaren träffar. När vård enligt LVM ligger nära till hands upplever brukarna att kommunikation och information brister från socialsekreterarens sida. Samtliga brukare framhåller att kommunikation och delaktighet underlättar behandlingsarbetet och ökar den egna motivationen.
Vilka möjligheter ges barn med funktionsnedsättning att komma till tals? : ? ur LSS-handläggares perspektiv
About 29 000 different services was given by the Swedish welfare state to children with disabilities within the ages 0-22 years before October first in the year 2008. Studies about children with disabilities and their experiences of their situation have rarely been done and it is therefore difficult to know how they think and feel about their lives. Both Swedish law and the UN:s convention about children?s rights states that children have the right to tell their opinion in matters that are of their concern. Thus, we don´t know much about if and how the Swedish welfare state maintain this right towards children with disabilities.