

673 Uppsatser om Immune response - Sida 25 av 45

Upplevt och önskat bemötande från vårdpersonal : en intervjustudie med kvinnor med fibromyalgi

Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur kvinnor med fibromyalgi upplever vårdpersonalens bemötande och hur de önskar att bli bemötta. Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats med en beskrivande design. Datainsamling skedde genom individuella intervjuer med åtta kvinnor, som alla var medlemmar i en fibromyalgiförening i Mellansverige. Data analyserades med hjälp av manifest innehållsanalys. Huvudresultatet var att vårdpersonalens bemötande av informanterna beskrevs som en upplevelse av att inte bli bekräftad.

Döende böcker och levande texter : En kvalitativ studie om barns syn på läsning, text och bibliotek

This master thesis is based on the sociocultural perspective. A qualitative research study was conducted to investigate children's attitudes towards reading, texts and libraries.The theoretical background is constituted by ideas from the new sociology of childhood, literacy-studies and reader-response theory.The study was conducted with 23 children, 13 girls and 10 boys, participating in focus groups.The results of the study reveal that children's literacy-activities in school are strongly influenced and limited by adults. Children's interest in pictures and non-fiction-reading do not correspond to the school institution that favors traditional media and fiction. The study also reveals a gender division between children's literacy-activities that tends to grow with age. All the children in the study regard libraries as book-houses and wished for libraries that combine activity and serenity.The thesis shows the importance of being aware of, and engage in, children's reading-interests and reading-practices if the reading stimulating activities in schools and libraries are to be successful.

Utvärtes behandling av sarkoider på häst med Aldara eller Xxterra : en jämförande pilotstudie

Sarcoid is the most common tumor in horses all over the world. The sarcoid is a benign, locally invasive, usually fibroblastic proliferative skin neoplasm. Even if the etiology is not completley verified, the epidemiology and clinical behavior suggest a infectious intervention, probably BPV type 1 or type 2. However, it is known that the cause is multifactorial. A genetic prepdispositon has been identified associated to genes within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), but also to breed, age and perhaps gender.

Utvärtes behandling av sarkoider på häst med Aldara TM eller Xxterra TM : en jämförande pilotstudie

Sarcoid is the most common tumor in horses all over the world. The sarcoid is a benign, locally invasive, usually fibroblastic proliferative skin neoplasm. Even if the etiology is not completley verified, the epidemiology and clinical behavior suggest a infectious intervention, probably BPV type 1 or type 2. However, it is known that the cause is multifactorial. A genetic prepdispositon has been identified associated to genes within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), but also to breed, age and perhaps gender.

An image-based method for identification of new inhibitors of Signal Transducer Activator of Transcription 1

Background: Chemotherapy and radiation resistance are major causes of failure in cancer treatment. The response to treatment in cancer cells depends on several mechanisms and pathways such as Janus kinases-signal transducers and activators of transcription JAK/STAT pathway. STAT1 was the first described transcription factor in the STAT family. STAT1 is activated by stimulation of signaling proteins such as type II interferon (IFN- ?) and the activated STAT1 translocates from cytoplasm to nucleus.

Självförtroende och självkänsla : Hur pedagoger stärker elevernas självförtroende och självkänsla

AbstractThe aim of this essay is to explore how teachers and leisure educators can strengthen and increase students? self-confidence in different ways in their line of work. I chose this inquest for personal reasons and also because it will be of great aid for me since this is what I intend my future profession to be. For this inquest I have chosen to do five qualitative interviews and two unstructured observations. The inquest was also based on relevant literature connected to its purpose.The results show that self-confidence is linked to something the individuals accomplish and that self-esteem is the way they see themselves, an inner feeling.

Patientens upplevelser av den fysiska vårdmiljön på sjukhus : En litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: I den fysiska vårdmiljön framkom olika förutsättningar för att skapa god omvårdnad då grundläggande mänskliga värderingarna var av betydelse för hur begreppen hälsa och omvårdnad tolkades. De traditionella vårdmiljöerna kunde uppfattas som anonyma och sterila platser av både sjukvårdspersonal och patienter, dessa egenskaper representerar hur fysiskt påtaglig sjukvårdsmiljön var. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hur patienter inom somatisk vård upplever den fysiska vårdmiljön på sjukhus. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Resultat: Tre huvudteman framkom vid analysen av artiklarna; sjukhusmiljö, vårdavdelningsmiljö och vårdsalsmiljö.

Samlande vs. tillgängliggörande : En jämförelse mellan två förvärvsmodeller på akademiska bibliotek

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine what effect two different models of acquisition have on user satisfaction with information resources at academic libraries. The two models examined are the traditional model where a subject specialist librarian makes the selection, and the user-governed model where the larger part of the selection is based on user requests. The scope is the libraries of Roskilde University, which employs the traditional acquisition model and Malmö University, which employs the user-governed. Both libraries have a user-oriented approach to acquisition. The study encompasses a close examination of the acquisition policy through document analysis and interviews with the librarians in charge of acquisitions at each university, as well as a user-satisfaction survey among the professors and senior teachers on two faculties at each university respectively.

Use of oxytocin to improve diagnosis of subclinical mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus

Mastitis, inflammation in the udder tissue, caused by S. aureus is a big problem in dairy cattle production. It causes suffering for the cow and curing or replacing the infected cow is costly for the farmer. It is known that beef cattle also suffer from mastitis caused by S. aureus.

Marknadsföring av bibliotek via sociala medier ? Hur ser bibliotekarier på det?

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how librarians view marketing of the library using social media and how this can be used in a marketing strategy. The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on the 7 Ps of the marketing mix, SWOT-analysis and SWOT/TOWS Matrix. The theory is based on planned elements that make up a product or service offered the market. We have used our own interpretation of the theories to analyse our material. Our main method has been a web-based questionnaire, the questionnaire was sent to 523 librarians active at ten large public libraries and its related branches.

Sänkta sjöars inverkan på ytvatten i Västerbottens kustland : Samband mellan sänkningsnivåer och vattenkemi i sjöar på sulfidrika sedimentjordar

Lake lowering in sulphide-rich areas is currently a major environmental impact for surface water. This study focuses on whether there is a relationship between a gradient of lake lowering and surface water impacts in areas of sulphide-rich sediments, in order to better understand their contribution of heavy metals and sulfuric acid. Also, is it a reasonable method to use the reduced lake area in order to quantify the gradient? The survey was conducted by collecting water samples from reference lakes and lowered lakes from south to north in coastal areas within the county of Västerbotten. Water samples were then analyzed for TOC, pH, conductivity, anions, base cations, alkalinity, acidity, sulfate, Al, Cd, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Pb.

På väg mot den inre marknaden? - en studie om sammanlänkningar mellan börserna i det nya EU

Det primära syftet med uppsatsen är att studera relationerna mellan de nya och de etablerade börsmarknaderna i EU för att se om det ha skett någon förändring under perioden 1996-2005. Ett sekundärt syfte är att undersöka huruvida den finansiella integrationen inom unionen har blivit starkare under den studerade tidsperioden. I syfte att kunna besvara de frågor som vi är intresserade av använder vi oss av VAR-metoden. Med hjälp av "impulse response" beräknade vi hur snabbt en händelse sprider sig mellan de undersökta börsmarknaderna samt hur lång tid det tar innan dessa åter är i jämvikt. "Variance decomposition" talar om för oss i vilken utsträckning de olika börsmarknaderna påverkar varandra.

Nu gäller det! Varför slutar då ungdomar utöva ishockey?

Idamari Törnberg & Marcus Tillberg (2011).Nu gäller det! Varför slutar då ungdomar spela ishockey? ? En kvantitativ enkätstudie om fortsatt eller avslutande ishockeykarriär efter uttagningarna till distriktsförbundslag i Västerbottens län. (Now is the time! Why do teenagers stop playing ice hockey? ? A quantitative survey study about continued or ending ice hockey career after tryout to Team Västerbotten) Bachelor Essay in Swedish. Umeå: Umeå University, Department of education.AbstractThis Bachelors thesis is a survey study on why talented teenagers in the county of Västerbotten, Sweden dropout of, or proceed the sport ice hockey.

Det dolda arbetet för utsatta kvinnor : De professionellas upplevelser av arbete med utsatta kvinnor

Assignments and organizations working with exposed women are more and more common in the Swedish society. Both authorities and nonprofit organizations are working actively to strengthen women?s position in the labor market through incentives and other measures. The study shows that the work with exposed women takes place in cooperation between the parties involved. The purpose of this qualitative study was to look into how the professionals were working with exposed women, in different types of organizations.

Självkänsla i förskoleåldern : En studie av förskolepedagogers arbete med barns självkänsla

I denna uppsats har jag valt att studera självstärkande inslag i förskoleverksamhetens vardag och knyta an dessa till teoretiker som Erikson, Maslow samt Sommer. Undersökningen är baserad på tidigare forskning, ovan nämnda teoretiker samt en enkätundersökning. Enkätundersökningen genomfördes på en förskola med 16 pedagoger och kan därför ses som en grund för ett vidare forskningsarbete. Studien visade att det vanligaste sättet att stärka barnens självkänsla var att låta dem försöka själva innan de fick hjälp av någon vuxen, uppmuntra dem att försöka på nytt samt att ge positiv respons när de lyckades. Jag fann av svaren flest anknytningar till Maslow samt Sommer, endast några inslag kunde knytas till Erikson.In this examination I?ve chosen to look at educationalists work procedures around children?s self-esteem and how to connect those procedures with theorists as Erikson, Maslow and Sommer.

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