

2051 Uppsatser om Imageöverföring - Sida 17 av 137

Döva och normalhörandes bedömningar av manipulerade illusionsbilder

Abstract The present study examined if early deaf people and people with severe hearing loss perceive visual information differently than hearing people. An experiment was conducted with eight deaf participants and eight participants with normal hearing. The participants were between the ages of 18-74 years. The participants were asked to look at fifteen different images portraying manipulated illusions, and then assess if the images were of the same size. Subsequently another image depicting a different illusion with a face hidden in it was presented to the participants.

No man is an island : OmvÀlvande livssituationer

This anthology covers subjects such as beeing involuntary sterile, adoption, coping with desease, death and anxiety. All chapters are based on observations and interviews analyzed with Grounded Theory. Our aim with the anthology is to tell the subjective story of individuals focusing on aspects such as crisis, conditions of living and identity. We chose to work from these aspects as we find the processes that creates and re-creates the identity and self-image in induviduals interesting. We also focus an society?s means for helping persons in crisis..

Google Bilders anvÀndbarhet : GrÀnssnitt, sökfunktioner och Ätervinning

This essay explores to what extent the Swedish language version of Google Images meets the usability requirements of average everyday users. Previously published studies on user behaviour and users? interface and search option preferences define the usability requirements, which are matched against Google Images? actual interface and search options. The retrieval method of Google Images is also briefly discussed, and users? opinions about Google Images too, as they come across in the previously published user studies.The findings are that Google Images lack some of the things that users ask for, but it still seems to be the most used image search engine among average internet users and more appreciated than other search engines.

?Vi vet ju inte vad de kristna egentligen tror pÄ.? En studie om elevers syn pÄ sin undervisning om kristendom i religionskunskap

Johanna Petrén, a prospective teacher of religion, has examined how a couple of students view Christianity as it is presented in a Religious Education classroom. Furthermore, how this image matches their experience of Christianity outside of school. The key questions of this essay are: How do the students generally describe Christianity and what it means to be a Christian based on the image they have acquired from outside of school, or from Christian friends, confirmation or their own faith? How do the students describe Christianity according to what they learn in Religious education at school? What potential differences do the students perceive between the image of Christianity conveyed by the school and the image they have of Christianity from outside of school? Does the school's teaching influence the credibility and interest in Christianity? The questions have been discussed in focus group interviews, in which the students way of reasoning and talking about religious matters were analysed based on previous research. References used in the analysis includes research on topics such as science of religious history, religion in multicultural and postcolonial rooms, secularism and discourse analysis have.

Kön, kroppsbild och dysfunktionella tankar : en sambandsstudie

Body esteem is the affective aspect of body image, which is shaped by social experience. Compared with men, women have a more negative body image, which is more frequently correlated with depression and dysfunctional thoughts, especially in the case of eating disorders. The purpose of the present study was to examine gender differences in body esteem and its subcategories, and to find out whether there exists a stronger link between negative body esteem and higher levels of dysfunctional thoughts in women. The relationship between body esteem, dysfunctional thoughts and mental illness was examined. Participants were 73 college students doing social sciences and sports training educations.

Varför lyckas inte alla? : En studie pÄ Hantverksprogrammet Frisör och Florist om skillnader mellan hög- och lÄgpresterande elever.

Our purpose with this study was to investigate whether there was any difference between high and low performing students from selected aspects such as choice of studies, achievement, self-image, motivation, confidence and career choices.A training professional in today's schools requires knowledge of how young people think about their lives for us to help students develop both high-and low-performing students. Students have different conditions, but no matter good or bad conditions, each individual pupil must be allowed to develop.The concepts used in the study are of study, self-image, motivation, achievement in the future and career choices. In the background, describes these concepts through literature study. The method we have used was semi-structured interviews. Which means a fixed structure, but with room for follow-up questions.The results of our study indicate that there were clear differences between high-and low-performing students.

Den levande uppfattningen om landstinget : En studie om hur Landstinget i VÀrmland uppfattas av invÄnarna i VÀrmland

The studyŽs purpose is to identify how their communication affects their brand. The study will be made trough the perspective image, the values and associations which the target audience have about the County Council. The study has two question formulations: Which parts in the County Council's communication affect their brand? How does the residents in VÀrmland's image about County Council's look like? The study is based in Balmers 6C's of Corporate Marketing. ThereŽs also some organizational communication added  to the study.The two methods has been used in the study, qantitative survey's and qualitative interviews.

Med dörren öppen för delaktighet : NÄr budskapet fram?

The aim of this study was to try to get an overall image of how participation is constituted in the organization of AMA, a Human Service Organization (HSO) that is part of the Vasteras municipality.  With focus on mainly participation but also communication and leadership the goal was to find out more about how the governing parts of the organization was able to communicate and create participation amongst their employees. Did the message come across? Using a triangulation method including interviews, surveys and observation hopefully this question would be answered along with trying to depict an overall image of the participation within the organization. The results indicated that there were both differences as well as similarities between the employees and the management with regards to how they experienced participation. A surprising result was that the geographical location was found to have an impact on how the staff perceived participation.

Profil och image i lÀrosÀtesmiljö: en jÀmförande studie av Lunds Universitets och Malmö Högskolas profilkommunikation och image

PÄ senare Är har profilering blivit allt vanligare bland alla typer av organisationer, Àven bland myndigheter sÄsom lÀrosÀten. Vi har valt att studera Lunds universitet samt Malmö högskola och vill med vÄr uppsats bidra till en ökad förstÄelse för lÀrosÀtenas image bland studenter. Vi vill ocksÄ undersöka hur medarbetarna pÄ lÀrosÀtenas informationsavdelningar ser pÄ lÀrosÀtenas profil. DÀrmed Àmnar vi studera hur koherent lÀrosÀtenas uppfattning om den egna profilen Àr med imagen bland studenterna. Med bÀttre kÀnnedom om förhÄllandet mellan profil och image tror vi att lÀrosÀten kan förbÀttra sin kommunikation med, och förstÄelse för, studenterna.

NĂ„gra aspekter pĂ„ filmens tid : Ögonblicket och nuet i filmen och fotografiet

Abstract   Cinematic time is the most complex of all: it is composed of public time (clock), personal time (experienced) and in addition, it can run backwards, be contingent, stored and (re)created. The present study examines some aspects of cinematic time, with special reference to the instant, the moment and the present. The strictly defined instant or moment does not exist. It is a passage between the past and the future and it is impossible to record on film or a photograph. One example is the moment of death, which is an abstraction with zero duration.

Sverigebilden : ? Bland bruna köttbullar och blÄögda blondiner -

AbstractThe aim of this study is to analyze how the Swedish company VisitSweden and The Swedish institute creates an image of Sweden and what that image looks like? And also to compare their goals and their ways of present Sweden to find out how that contributes to the images of Sweden. The method for this analyze is chosen from the work and theories of Norman Fairclough called ?critical discourse analyze.? The analysis focuses on the text and how the text is created and if the author?s opinions are hidden in the words. The method can be applied in many ways.

Change or die Bilden av folkbiblioteket i den nationella bibliotekspolitiken i Sverige och Danmark utifrÄn teorier om det postmoderna samhÀllet.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate how the image of the Public library is described in the Swedish national library politics, and compare it with the image given of the public library in the Danish national library politics. The method used for this analysis is a comparative discourse analysis of the homepages produced by the Swedish central government Regeringen and KulturrÄdet and its Danish counterpart Kulturministeriet and Biblioteksstyrelsen. Theories on postmodernity have been used to analyze how the Swedish and the Danish central governments image of the Public library corresponds with a changing society and the changing behaviour of the public library users. Our analysis concludes that the traditional view of the Public library as an institution mainly concerned with literature and reading still is of great significance in the discourse of the Swedish central government. In contrast, the Danish central government presents a more postmodern view of the public library as an institution that is part of the Information- and the Knowledge society.

Samarbete & Image pÄ Internet

Vid utvecklandet av en webbsida krĂ€vs spetskompetens i kunskaper relaterade till Internet. Företag tvingas dĂ€rför i mĂ„nga fall att inhĂ€mta denna spetskompetens frĂ„n externa webbyrĂ„er vid utvecklandet av sina webbsidor.I och med detta hamnar ett stort ansvar för denna kommunikationskanals marknadsföring hos webbyrĂ„erna. WebbyrĂ„erna fĂ„r rollen som kommunikatörer av företagens image.För att imagen via webbsidan ska förmedlas pĂ„ rĂ€tt sĂ€tt blir det viktigt att webbyrĂ„erna fĂ„r tillgĂ„ng till information angĂ„ende företagets mĂ„lgrupp och marknadsföringsstrategier.DĂ€rav blir kommunikation och samarbete mellan webbyrĂ„n och företag viktiga faktorer för webbsidans förmĂ„ga att leverera en korrekt utformad imageförmedling.Vi har med hjĂ€lp av olika kommunikations- och planeringsfilosofiteorier tagit fram en teoretisk referensram som legat till grund för vĂ„r analys och utvĂ€rdering av sambandet mellan samarbete och webbsidans förmĂ„ga att förmedla image.VĂ„rt arbete som bygger pĂ„ intervjuer och ett frĂ„geformulĂ€r visade att det fanns ett samband mellan webbsidors förmĂ„ga att förmedla företagets imageegenskaper och det samarbete ur vilket webbsidan utvecklats.De slutsatser vi kom fram till var att samarbetet vid utvecklandet av en webbsida bör innehĂ„lla faktorer som Ă€r förknippade med Normanns processtyrningsfilosofier.Dessa faktorer Ă€r:Ömsesidig involveringGod kommunikationHĂ€nsyn till kundens kundDubbelriktat lĂ€randePlanering Ă€r ett inlĂ€rningsförlopp.

Hur uppfattas företaget? : En studie av annonseringens effekter pÄ företagens image

Syftet med studien var att öka kunskapen kring hur företag genom annonsens uppbyggnad kan pÄverka sin image. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts genom insamling av primÀrdata. Annonser frÄn tre företag valdes ut, varpÄ semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sÄvÀl företrÀdare för företagen som sexton respondenter. Studien visar att konsumenters tidigare kunskap och erfarenheter pÄverkar deras utvÀrdering av annonser. Annonser som uppfattas som mainstream kan bÄde vara nÄgot positivt och negativt.

Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia : Uppbyggnaden av en stads varumÀrke

Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att undersöka hur ett varumÀrke pÄverkar en stad och dess image. Avsikten med studien Àr att granska hur varumÀrket Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia har bemötts av utlÀndska turister och om varumÀrket Àr sÄ pass exklusivt att det kommer att bestÄ Àven i framtiden.En lockande och attraktiv image Àr en stor betydande faktor för en destination som försöker marknadsföra sig gentemot turister. En image kan exempelvis skapas genom ett varumÀrke, vilket presenterar och definierar en destination pÄ ett sÀtt som Àr lockande för potentiella besökare. Stockholms nya varumÀrke riktar sig bÄde mot utlÀndska turister och företag i Stockholmregionens nÀringsliv. Vi har dessutom undersökt hur varumÀrket marknadsförs och om privatpersoner bosatta i Stockholm pÄ nÄgot vis kan hjÀlpa till att stÀrka varumÀrket.Fallstudien handlar om Stockholm Visitors Board, Stockholm Business Region och deras varumÀrke Stockholm ? The Capital of Scandinavia.

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