

401 Uppsatser om Ice-hockey associations - Sida 4 av 27

?Ni på sittplats, är ni klara?? : Ett arbete om musikens påverkan på en ishockeypublik

The question formulation for this work has been "is an ice-hockey audience influenced by music during time-outs in a game?". The method was to observe one period with Färjestads BK and Mora IK, but a recording was also made, together with a conversation with the arena DJ. From the recording, the audience reactions were graded from a given scale. The grades were compilated to a diagram that shows the audience reactions in relation to the time, from the first face-off to the final whistle.

Starkare i samhället - Om invandrarföreningar som en social resurs för politisk integration

This paper examines the consequences of membership and participation in immigrant associations on individual immigrants? political integration and indirect political participation with reference to Swedish society. The theoretical underpinnings consist of a social structural outlook on social capital, combined with the Civic Voluntarism Model, both of which focus on the potential role of social networks for moving people into political action. After a presentation of parallel qualitative data over the experiences of individual members in a Finnish and Bosnian-Hercegovinian organisation, it is suggested that immigrant associations support the political integration of their members into the host society. Firstly, the case studies indicate that members of immigrant associations gain the opportunity to augment their civic skills, which is a significant prerequisite for political participation.

"Kom och hugg oss" : En studie om idrottsklubben AIK:s kommunikation i samband med det uppmärksammade hockeyderbyt den 22 december 2010

In December 22, 2010, the hockey clubs AIK and Djurgården played against each other in front of an audience of more than 11 000 people in Ericsson Globe Arena, Stockholm. Although it was one of the biggest games of the year, afterwards no one was talking about the actual game on the ice. The reason; several times during the game, hooligans from both sides started big quarrels and the hockey dome felt more like a war scene than a place for a hockey game. From a branding point of view, and along with similar incidents from the past, the night in December did not create a good situation for AIK and their image.  Therefore, in this essay I want to investigate how AIK communicated through the crisis. I also want to evaluate whether their communication was good or bad from the perspective of different crisis communication theories.The essay?s research questions are:How did media describe the crisis and AIK´s part in it?What effect did AIK´s previous history of similar problem have on the ongoing crisis?How did AIK communicate through the crisis?How was AIK´s image affected by the crisis?What did AIK do well/what could AIK have done better?To be able to answer these questions, several news articles from the sports paper ?Hockeyexpressen? has been analyzed as well as a text from AIK itself.

LHC - Strävan efter att öka den totala kundupplevelsen

In today's society there are a lot of offers towards consumers, where they actively have to choose the most appealing offer. In order for an offer to be attractive it must add value in line with the customers demand. Also, it requires that the offer provides a sufficient level of attraction so that the customer selects the particular product/service over another. Furthermore, each offer must exceed the expectations of the visitors to an event, so they feel that the event is something "extraordinary". We have chosen to study how LHC (Linkoping Hockey Club) works with marketing in order to improve the overall customer experience.

Det är ingen rocket science : En varumärkesundersökning av Metro i Karlstad

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to do a brand survey of Metro in Karlstad. The study will originate from the terms ?brand identity? and ?brand associations?, where the brand identity is the organization?s desired view of the brand, and the brand associations define the associations held by the consumers.Issues: What is Metro?s brand identity? What are the brand associsations of Metro in Karlstad? How well do the brand identity and the brand associations correspond?Theoretical framework: The study is done from the perspective of media and communication studies, where the theoretical terms are defined from literature regarding brands.Method: The study is carried out using a qualitative document analysis, interviews, and a quantitative survey. The document analysis was made on Metro?s own documents regarding values and target audience.

The Colour of Service : En studie om färgers påverkan på hotellföretags servicelandskap & identitet

Colour has encountered to be a significant part in marketing, which advantageously can be used in todays competitive market. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the colours varying associations and present ideas how colours can affect the hotel business. In coherence with the purpose we deveoled the research question, which resulted in following: How can hotels affect their servicescape and identity by the help of colour?The study has a qualitative method that began in an empirical problem that has been tested against theory, which subsequently developed the research question. This implies that our study alternated between induction and deduction.

Förbud mot rasistiska organisationer enligt rasdiskrimineringskonventionen : En analys av det svenska ställningstagandet mot ett organisationsförbud och dess rimlighet

Inledning: Svensk ishockey har under de senaste decennierna utvecklats till att bli en upplevelse­­­industri, vilket gör upplevelsen i arenan allt viktigare. En ishockeymatch säljs numer som en helhetsupplevelse, vilket ställer krav på klubbens utformning av arena­upplevelsen.Syfte: Studiens syfte är främst att undersöka hur Örebro Hockey arbetar med arena­upplevelsen för publiken i Behrn Arena under ishockeymatcher samt vad klubben i framtiden kan göra för att förbättra arenaupplevelsen. Studien ska även undersöka skillnaderna mellan att se en match i Behrn Arena och på tv.Frågeställningar:Vad gör Örebro Hockey för arenaupplevelsen i Behrn Arena?Vad kan Örebro Hockey göra för att i framtiden förbättra arenaupplevelsen för publiken?Hur har den historiska utvecklingen av arenaupplevelsen i Behrn Arena sett ut för Örebro Hockey?Vad finns det för skillnader mellan Örebro Hockeys matcharrangemang i Behrn Arena och tv-sändningar av C More?Metod: Studien använder en kvalitativ metod med fallstudiedesign. Det genomförs fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer, varav två görs på Örebro Hockeys kansli, en på restaurang Grodan i Stockholm och en på telefon.

UNGDOMAR OCH DERAS UPPFATTNINGAR AV MODEVARUMÄRKEN : En studie av varumärkena Gucci, H&M och Canada Goose bland gymnasieelever i Stockholm.

ABSTRACTTitle: Teenagers and their perception of fashion brands (Ungdomar och deras uppfattningar om modevarumärken)Number of pages: 42Author: Louise KindblomTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and communication studies CPeriod: Autumn term 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala universityPurpose/Aim: To achieve a deeper level of knowledge and a better understanding of high school teenager`s perception of the three fashion brands Gucci. H&M and Canada Goose and too distinguish potential gender related differences in their perceptions.Material/Method: A questionnaire about fashion brands delivered to three schools in the Stockholm area.Main results: Teenagers perceptions of the three fashion brands Gucci, H&M and Canada Goose are more different than similar. This differences in teenagers perceptions are discernible in a comparison between the most usual and unusual associations that are related to each of the brands. Gucci is associated with success, wealth, excitement and uniqueness. H&M is for example seen as earth-bound and has in a comparison with the other brands reached the highest level of positive associations.

Den mångtydiga svenskheten : En studie av det svensk-amerikanska föreningslivet i Kalifornien utifrån en etnisk aspekt 1910 & 1915.

AbstractTitle: Den mångtydiga svenskheten: En studie av det svensk-amerikanska föreningslivet i Kalifornien utifrån en etnisk aspekt 1910 & 1915. (The multiplicity of Swedishness: A study of the Swedish-American society?s associations in California from an ethnic point of wiew 1910 & 1915.Author: Joakim FranssonMaster Thesis in History (10p)Växjö UniversityThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the Swedish-American associations in San Francisco and Los Angeles and how they withheld or/and formed a Swedish or American ethnic identity. The primary source for obtaining that objective is the newspapers Vestkusten and California Veckoblad were the announcements from the associations are analysed. The thesis main questions are as following: Which ethnic aspects appears in the announcements from the Swedish-American associations in the newspapers Vestkusten and California Veckoblad 1910 and 1915? And What similarities and differences in the ethnic expressions appears in the primary sources during these periods?The conclusions can be briefed as there was a great variety of Swedish-American associations during the examined periods, there was a frequent occurrence in both religious and secular movements.

?Man vill ju så mycket men man hinner inte? : folkbibliotekariers och personer engagerade i idrottsföreningars uppfattningar om möjligheten till samarbete dem emellan gällande barn och ungdom

The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine how public librarians and people engaged in sports associations think of the possibility of collaboration between their organizations regarding children and youth and furthermore how they think this collaboration and collaboration in general would or should be practiced. This is done in the light of the increasing necessity of collaboration in today?s information society as well as the view that reading and sports could make a good match. Focus is placed on the libraries? perspective and also on the respondents? perceptions and thoughts.

Frihet-en medborgerlig rättighet En normativ analys gällande Lunds kommuns prioriteringspolicy gentemot handikappföreningar

The point of departure for this essay is the observation that themunicipality of Lund is giving priority to handicap associations overother forms of associations. This act can be regarded as trespassinginto the realm of civil society. In respect of this, two aspects appearto be particularly interesting to explore. The first is to determinewhich perspective of freedom the municipality of Lund holds. Ireconstruct how the liberal and the communitarian state relate to thenegative and the positive freedom.

Lite engagemang, tack! : en studie om ideella engagemangets betydelse för demokratin

The aim of this study is to investigate how non-profit engagement influence voting in school election, but also how the school has influenced the pupils to vote and if there are any differences between a big and a small town.The methods which have been used for this study are quantitative and qualitative, both questionnaires and interviews. To be able to see differences between a big and a small town the study was carried out in one school from each category of town.By examine the empirical material and analyse it with theories which are used for this study we have come to the conclusion that there are no obvious differences between pupils in the big town and the small town. Pupils in both schools were pretty engaged in associations, though had the pupils from the small town some higher level of engagement. Moreover, both schools had a high participation for the election. The result of the study showed that there were no noticeable tendencies on if the pupils choose to vote depending on engagement in associations.Furthermore, both schools were very engaged in the school election indeed.

Mjölkböndernas åsikter om VikingGenetics nya produkter X-Vik och GenVik

VikingGenetics is one of the world's largest breeding companies. 2008 was launched two new products, X-Vik and GenVik. Now VikingGenetics want to get information about the effects of the marketing. We have investigated the differences in knowledge and use of the products between different livestock associations, size of herd and farmers' breeding interests. The method used was by sending out a questionnaire by mail.

Har storleken någon betydelse En kvantitativ studie rörande butiksformatets påverkan på prisperceptionen och associationerna till olika varumärken

The retailing landscape has become even more competitive with an increasing number of store formats. One result of this can be seen within different retail-chains as they launch different formats that operate under the same name. Thus, consumers now have many alternatives and substitutes when it comes to choosing which format to shop from. This phenomenon has led consumes to shop across stores for the same brand. The objective of this study is to explain how consumers respond to various offers in different store formats and to determine whether the results differ if we compare a familiar brand with an unfamiliar brand.

Förutsättningar för goda elitidrottsmiljöer : Hur går det att skapa goda elitidrottsmiljöer för städer med riksidrottsuniversitet?

This study was a survey of how it is possible to create conditions for good elite environments in cities with elite universities. The purpose of the study was to create an understanding of how sports associations and National elit sportuniversities in Sweden can co-operate to create a good elite environments for people with dual careers. The study analyzed the current situation and what increased co-operation would do for the elitesports environments. To answer the purpose of the study interviews where conducted with leaders from sports associations and with a representative from the national sports university in Umeå. The result showed that in the current situation were was no cooperation to a significant degree.

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