

6357 Uppsatser om IT in health care - Sida 58 av 424

Närståendes upplevelser av stöd i den sena palliativa fasen

Family members need a great deal of support during palliative care. It is vital for the family that nursing contacts are accessible all day and night. The nurse can support the family members by sharing a professional knowledge and adapt the information to the recipient, by being present and also encourage them by not only focus on death. The support should be adapted to each individual and also have the possibility to be adjusted in each case. The aim of the study was to illustrate family members experiences of support in a late stage of palliative care.

Utvärdering av ett Care-system i hemtjänsten

Organisationer och personer runt om i världen blir alltmer beroende av olika former av IT-stöd. För att effektivisera arbetet skaffa sig organisationen nya system eller försöker förbättra det redan befintligt systemet. En användare kan reagera på olika sätt vid införandet av ett nytt system beroende på olika faktorer hos systemet eller personen. Jag studerade ett komplett Care-system som används inom äldreomsorgen. Ett Care-system kan bestå av en webbapplikation inklusive digitala och mobila verktyg.

Döden som profession : Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slut ? en litteraturöversikt

Background The aim of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and her next of kin during the patient?s end of life. Palliative care rests on the four cornerstones managing symptoms, communication and relationship, teamwork and relative support. The nurses? task is to assess the patients? physical, mental and spiritual needs according to these four cornerstones.Aim To assess nurses? experiences of treating patients at the end of life.Method Eleven academic journals that respond to the aim has been analyzed and synthesized in a literature review in order to summarize current research on the subject.

Skillnader i följsamhet och förutsättningar för basala hygienrutiner mellan personal inom kommunal- och sjukhusvård samt tillgången av skyddsmaterial

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe and compare the degree of selfreporting succession to the basal hygienic routines of emplyees working in municipal old peoples care versus hospital care. It is also to describe the access of material available in prevention of cross infections. The study was also carried out with a comparative and quantitative run up design. The study is based on a questionnaire in the district of Gävleborg in the spring of 2009. Nurses, auxiliaries and carers whom were in close contact with patients were asked to join the study.

Utsatta barn : Hur personal vid ett utredningshem arbetar utifrån barnperspektivet och BBIC modellen

AbstractTo take the role of another is an important and a central part of human interaction. When we take the role of another we not only learn about them but also we learn about ourselves and how we interact with other people.  Social work in this form, working with directly with families in crises, is much about understanding other people?s perspective and feelings. It is important to know the strategy of one?s work and which perspective to work from.

Stuck in the Middle With You : En kvalitativ studie om förutsättningarna för mellanchefer inom äldreomsorgen i privat och offentlig verksamhet

The position of middle-management is a role where the manager is at risk of being caught between its management and its employees. Elderly care is an industry that has been discussed a lot, to a large extent on how businesses should be managed and by whom it should be conducted. Middle-management in the business of elderly care thereby possess a vulnerable position in a controversial industry. In this study the aim is to investigate the managers' roles and tasks in both the public sector and the private sector in elderly care. It also aims to examine whether there are differences between the roles and how they in such cases is manifested.

Hur fungerar vårdens IT-system egentligen? : Jämförelse av elektroniska patientjournalsystem

To support, enhance and, in the future, develop the activity within the county councils in Sweden, IT support systems are currently used to a large extent. The need to document is central to the health care organizations and the counties have come a long way in the introduction of electronic patient record systems (EPR). The aim of the EPR systems is to support the care processes and the clinical professions in their work.This is a master thesis in the area of human-computer interaction (HCI), Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University. The aim of the thesis was to describe and compare the five most common EPR systems in Sweden. The comparison will focus on some usability aspects and on how well they support the users in their clinical practice.

Det andliga i vården i ett sekulärt samhälle : Vårdforskarens uppfattning och patientens upplevelse

Aim: The purpose of this study was to highlight in what forms and manifestations spirituality emerges in medical patients whether they consider themselves believers or not. The other aim was to analyse spiritual ideas of nursing scientists ? authors of the patients? oriented studies to come to the better understanding of the situation with spirituality in caring. Method: Descriptive meta-synthesis was chosen, in which 12 nursing studies were analyzed and compiled in a new integrity. Results: The analysis shows that caregivers must be ready to meet and confirm the spiritual dimension consisting of Faith, Meaning, Relationship and Questions without answers in the various forms and expressions they emerge in patient?s experience.

Hinder och möjligheter för att lindra smärta hos äldre personer - en empirisk studieObstacles and opportunities in dealing with pain management amongst older people - an empirical study

BACKGROUND: There is a high incidence of pain amongst older people. Several studies have shown that between 50 to 80 % of older people, who require domestic care or live in care homes, suffer from pain. Despite this many older people are under treated. AIM: The aim of this study was to explore what care providers perceive to be obstacles and opportunities of managing pain in older people. METHOD: A qualitative approach was used and the date was semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions.

Inhyrd i arbetsgrupp: en studie av arbetsgrupperna inom Luleå kommmuns vårdcentraler

Samtliga av Norrbottens vårdcentraler har länge haft problem i form av underbemanning av läkare. Landstinget har mött det problemet genom att använda sig av bemanningsföretagsanställda stafettläkare. Vårdcentralernas beroende av stafettläkare skildrades i denna studie ur arbetsgruppens perspektiv. Inom socialpsykologin finns ett flertal modeller för hur bland annat arbetsgrupper fungerar, utvecklas och påverkas. Faktorer som kontinuitet, målinriktning och ledarskap är alla begrepp som kan sägas påverka grupperna.

Föräldrars behov och uppfattning om information från vårdpersonalen när deras barn insjuknat i diabetes.

The aim of this literature review was to describe how the literature presents parents? need for information and how parents perceive the information from care personnel when their child 0-18 years of age is diagnosed with diabetes. The literature search was performed in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. Thirteen articles that met the inclusion criteria were studied. The results showed that when a child is diagnosed with diabetes the whole family faces a new situation and the parents are in great need for adequate information from care personnel to be able to deal with the new life situation and participate in the care.

Bedömning av fallrisk hos patienter som vårdas inneliggande på sjukhus och inom kommunal vård : Med hjälp av Downton Fall Risk Index

Background: Fall injuries are a costly problem for society, with costs ranging up to 14 billion a year. In addition to economic loss accidental falls also creates human value losses and reduced quality of life for its victims. In order to prevent the occurrence of injury related to accidental falls healthcare providers utilize various scientifically developed risk assessment tools, one of them being Downton Fall Risk Index. Method: Empirical, quantitative cross-sectional study. Objective: The purpose of the extended essay was to describe the categories in Downton Fall Risk Index that have a bearing on patients' risk of falling while in hospital and in municipal care, and to illustrate how nurses can use the fall risk assessment tool.

Tre Högars park - från idéer och önskemål till gestaltningsförslag ur ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv :

There are plenty of exciting changes being developed in Tre Högar´s Park, which is located in the district of Linero, eastern Lund. A project group representing Linero If, Lugi Tennis and Linero/Östra Torn Health centre, has been created and is responsible for managing a development project of the Park. Their main focus is to create sports, exercise, health-promotion, health-care, recreation and rehabilitation facilities. They view the park area as having great potential and will transform it into a purpose built park for Health and Exercise. There are various authorities involved with and engaged in the scheme; aside from the project group, the municipality of Lund, The sport association of the handicapped and local schools are being consulted.

Manlighet på burk - En kvalitativ studie om relationer och konsumentbarriärer inom kategorin manlig hudvård

The beauty industry has experienced a turnover increase of 220 % the last 20 years (Jones, 2010). At the moment the market for men's skin care is seeing the fastest growth rate in the cosmetic industry and multinational companies such as Procter and Gamble and L'Oréal have identified a "multibillion-dollar potential" within the segment. BUT - fresh research from the category leading company L'Oréal, shows that only 48 % of the male consumers use a skin care product specially adapted for men. It further shows that as many as 28 % of these do not even know how that skin care product got into their bathroom cabinet. The purpose of this paper is to get a deeper insight into men's relationship with skin care products and grooming.

"Vi både möts och inte möts" - En kvalitativ studie om politikers syn på samverkan med teamchefer inom äldreomsorgen "We both meet and don`t meet" - A gualitative study on politics vision on cooperation with supervisor in old-age care

While conducting our practical training we experienced how the structure and the complexity of the municipal administration could, from a white-collar workers perspective, become a limitation and burden for efficient work. Deriving from this experience we found an interest in how politicians reasoned with regards to their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care. Kouzes och Micos (1979) ?Theory of organizational behavior in human service? became our point of departure. Their framework was therefore the foundation for our research and work throughout this paper.Our aim with this research was to examine how politicians viewed their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care.

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