

22066 Uppsatser om IKEA Case Study - Sida 10 av 1472

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This thesis investigates if a system for small scale electricity production located in anurban environment can be profitable. The work has been divided up into two parts,one extensive literature study and one case study. The purpose of the literature studywas to investigate the area, resulting in a choice of which technology to be studied indepth in a case study.In the case study a system containing small scale wind turbines and photovoltaicsmounted on Gränby Centrums roof was examined. From data containing wind power,wind direction and total irradiation, possible production from a system weresimulated. Three products of each technology were examined in the simulations.From the simulated production an economic analysis was carried out, this toinvestigate if a system is profitable.

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One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?.

Case Pöyry Sweden AB : Miljöprestandaindikatorer för ett tjänsteföretag

The world's natural resources are constantly being reduced, which increases the pressure on companies to actively engage themselves in environmental activities. Meanwhile, stakeholders focus is being broadened and it is now important not only to supply a particular product or service but also show that they are actively pursuing an environmental agenda. Companies can use various tools to aid in environmental efforts, but also to demonstrate to the world that the company is actively engaged in environmental activities. One such tool is the environmental standard ISO14001 which provides the company with guidance and support on how the business must manage its environmental efforts. To show a business' progress in environmental performance, it is advantageous to use environmental performance indicators as they enable stakeholders to easily understand how the business works with environmental issues.Authors in the field explain that the environmental management system propagation is limited in service organizations.

?Good citizenship? - The IKEA-Way? : ? En studie som bygger på berättelser om IKEA:s arbete med etnisk mångfald

I uppsatsen undersöker vi vilken grupp av låg-, medel- och höginkomsttagare som kan tänkas gynnas mest av det nya pensionssystemet. Vi har gjort beräkningar för att få fram skattning av hur mycket respektive grupp kan tänkas få i pension i förhållande till sin slutlön beroende på hur man placerar sin premie- och tjänstepension. Utifrån dessa resultat har vi även undersökt vilken grupp som har störst nytta av att placera sin premie- och tjänstepension i låg- och högriskfonder. Undersökningen pekade på att ju lägre inkomst man har desto högre kompensationsgrad får man vid placering i högriskfonder. Däremot fick höginkomsttagarna störst nyttoökning av att placera sin pension i högriskfonder.

Det offentliga rummets dragningskraft : En gestaltande fallstudie om offentliga rum i Hässleholm

The thesis is a case study that deals with public space based on how people use them. Public spaces are an important part of our city life and everyday life. Quality public spaces and places are due to its design and use, which are the primary aspects of this study. Hässleholm has been the location for the case study inventory items. Five different methods have been the basis for the study, and through them it has been possible to study what makes a room usable and unusable and what criteria is necessary for people to want to stay in the public rooms.

Komparativ analys kring gränssnittsdesign

Uppsatsen är en reflekterande uppsats som behandlar arbetsprocessen av det verk med samma titel skapat under Vt-2007 på Högskolan i Skövde. Den reflekterande uppsatsen inleds med bakgrund och idé till verket och bearbetar arbetsprocessen från mål, avgränsningar, kontext och avslutas med reflekterande diskussion kring resultatet. Arbetet diskuterar gränssnitt både ur ett generellt perspektiv och även mer precist utifrån tre program som analyseras mer djupgående; The Sims 2 (Electronic Arts, 2004), Planit (SYSteam CAB, 2007) och Ikea Home Planner (Ikea, 2006). Dessa program beskrivs närmare i den reflexiva texten. Programmen analyseras utifrån fem punkter med funktioner som är kritiska för en framgångsrik heminredningsklient.

Varför terrorism? - en studie av Irländska republikanska armén

AbstractThis study has two aims:[X] to create an analytical framework consisting of factors that might trigger terrorism[X] to apply the analytical framework on the case of IRA, in order to be able to examinewhich factors that exist behind the appearance of terrorism in the current caseTo reach the first aim the author has studied the theoretical discourse on the complexed issueof terrorism. This has constituted the point of departure for the creation of an own analyticalframework. The purpose of the framework is to bring clearness to why terrorism appears. Theanalytical framework is not only suited for application on the case of IRA, but for applicationon terrorismcases in general. To reach the second aim the framework was applied on the caseof IRA.The aims of this study have been fulfilled through the method of qualitative text analysis.

Vad är egentligen en muta?

Bribery is a concept which has appeared quite frequently in the media recently, but what constitutes a bribe and what factors can be used in determining if an individual case is actually a bribe? The purpose of this essay is to try and answer these questions through a study in which respondents were presented with different scenarios and were asked to determine whether a bribe had occurred and explain their reasoning. In the study, it was evident that the amount of money involved in a given case had a large impact on respondents? determination of whether a bribe had occurred or not. The grey area that seems to exist between what is appropriate and inappropriate most likely stems from ambiguousness in Swedish law..

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One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?. Nine years ago the sociologist Eva Kärfve published a book that was very critical to the newborn psychiatrics diagnosing of children as a way of segregating groups in society.

Varför uppkom och upphörde Irakiska Kurdistan? : En teoriutvecklande kvalitativ fallstudie

The aim of this political scientist paper is to describe and analyze the quasi state Iraqi Kurdistan 1992-2006 using the theory of Kolstö about how and why quasi states develops and the theory of Pegg regarding how the international society deal with quasi states. A qualitative case method is used. In the study the two theories are combined. Iraqi Kurdistan is used as a case to study to confirm Kolstö?s and Pegg?s theories.

Att lära sig en företagskultur : -En studie om hur några medarbetare på Ikea uppfattar att de lärtsig företagskulturen

SammanfattningDet har skrivits mycket om ämnet organisationskultur och hur en sådan kan användas för att skapaframgångsrika företag men något som saknats i litteraturen är det pedagogiska perspektivet somhandlar om hur en organisationskultur kan läras ut. Vi har därför valt att använda oss av ettpedagogiskt perspektiv i vårt arbete.Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka om några medarbetare vid två Ikea-varuhus,ett i Sverige och ett i Spanien, uppfattar att de lärt sig företagskulturen via formellt eller informelltlärande. En litterär studie gav oss en teoretisk ram att utgå ifrån och sedan genomfördes intervjuermed fyra anställda samt en personalchef på respektive varuhus.Det resultat vi har kommit fram till är att medarbetarna vi intervjuat lärt sig om kulturenbåde genom informellt och formellt lärande. Det informella lärandet sker främst genominteraktion med kollegor och det formella lärandet sker genom utbildningar, då främst genomintroduktionsutbildningen och genom olika former av ledarskapsutbildningar. Vi har också settatt det formella lärandet är något som påverkas av den för tillfället rådande ekonomiskasituationen och minskar eller prioriteras bort vid en ekonomisk kris.

Småskalig elproduktion i urban miljö : Fallstudie av elproducerande system på ett handelscentrum

This thesis investigates if a system for small scale electricity production located in anurban environment can be profitable. The work has been divided up into two parts,one extensive literature study and one case study. The purpose of the literature studywas to investigate the area, resulting in a choice of which technology to be studied indepth in a case study.In the case study a system containing small scale wind turbines and photovoltaicsmounted on Gränby Centrums roof was examined. From data containing wind power,wind direction and total irradiation, possible production from a system weresimulated. Three products of each technology were examined in the simulations.From the simulated production an economic analysis was carried out, this toinvestigate if a system is profitable.

Oriflame och IKEA i Ryssland : Externa händelser och dess påverkan på strategier

På senare år har utländska direktinvesteringar ökat markant i Ryssland. Intresset för landet är stort hos flera svenska detaljhandelsföretag. Marknaden är dock dynamisk och karaktäriseras av många oväntade externa händelser. Hur anpassar då etablerade företag sina strategier efter händelser i den dynamiska miljön? Eller är dessa något som inte påverkar etablerade svenska detaljhandelsföretag? Denna uppsats syftar till att studera hur två svenska detaljhandelsföretag, Oriflame och IKEA, påverkas av händelser i den externa miljön.

Supermarket Strategies : Kvalitativ studie av Ica Maxi, Coop Forum och Citygross konkurrensstrategier

This thesis investigates if a system for small scale electricity production located in anurban environment can be profitable. The work has been divided up into two parts,one extensive literature study and one case study. The purpose of the literature studywas to investigate the area, resulting in a choice of which technology to be studied indepth in a case study.In the case study a system containing small scale wind turbines and photovoltaicsmounted on Gränby Centrums roof was examined. From data containing wind power,wind direction and total irradiation, possible production from a system weresimulated. Three products of each technology were examined in the simulations.From the simulated production an economic analysis was carried out, this toinvestigate if a system is profitable.

En lyckad affärsrelation? : två fallstudier

This study has investigated what makes a business relation satisfactory. The purpose is to distinguish the factors that are relevant to a functioning cooperation relationship between sawmills and DIY-stores. The theoretical framework is primarily based on long-term business relationships. The study is based on two case companies and their relations with wood-suppliers. - Case company 1 is a relatively new established and still growing company.

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