

11124 Uppsatser om ICT in the Swedish subject - Sida 15 av 742

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare arbetar med halvspråkiga elever

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers conduct their teaching to be language developing, and how they in a practical way work with semi-speaking students who have language deficits in the Swedish language and / or their native language. To carry out this study, I used qualitative interviews as a method and I have interviewed six teachers working at a high school.The school that these teachers work at execute a language developing teaching throughout all the courses in the school. All teachers have a similar idea of what language developing work is, however, how they go about and what is emphasized most in the teaching differs. The reason for this is because these teachers have different experiences with the language developing teaching. These professionals agree that this approach is very important and that all teachers, regardless of subject, should work in a language developing way, in parallel with the rest of their subjects.

Talutrymme i ett skolklassrum : Av var och en efter förmåga, åt var och en efter behov

The purpose of this study was to investigate interactional patterns in the context of a fifth grade class in Sweden. It was also to investigate whether the interactional patterns of the class and their teacher was subject to any change dependent on the lesson subject, specifically mathmatics and science. The study was conducted through observations and interviews. The results of the study varied somewhat from the results of earlier studies within the same field of research. The girls of this class was more likely than the boys to initiate interaction with the teacher or other pupils.

Svenska Akademiens Nobelbibliotek: En användarundersökning

The purpose of this study was to discover patterns and variations of service requirementsamong various groups of users at the Swedish Academy's Nobel Library. Twenty-nine personswere interviewed and divided into different groups with regard to their purpose of usingthe Nobel Library. The groups of users were members of the Swedish Academy and thepublic. The public were subdivided into the following three groups of users: persons whopursue formalised studies, persons who read as a hobby, persons who work with literature asa profession.The data reveals that the members of the Swedish Academy were very satisfied with theservice at their library and positive to a limited increase of users. Persons who pursue formalisedstudies and persons who work with literature as a profession emphasized that the NobelLibrary is outstanding within its subject field.

Kulturell identitet i En halv gul sol och Atlantens mage : En postkolonial läsning av två icke-västerla?ndska romaner

This study analyses two non-western novels used in the subject of Swedish in upper secondary school: Fatou Diomes The Belly of the Atlantic and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichies Half a Yellow Sun. Looking at how the books female main character relate to Stuart Halls theory of cultural identity, I come to the conclusion that they somewhat differently relate to an essential ?authentic? self. Salie talks explicit about a generic African soul that she possesses. Olanna never talks about anything ?authentic?, but her narrative and contrary subject positions can be read as a way of demasking her European ?white? self in favour of a truer Igbo self.

Bibliotekariens val av informationsresurs. En studie av nio folkbibliotekariers arbete med tio referensfrågor

The aim of this thesis was to study librarians approach upon reference questions and available resources and also to find out if there is any connection between the nature of the reference question and the choice of resource. The purpose was also to give a deeper understanding of the reference work. Nine librarians were given ten reference questions and their reference work was tape recorded. The study was completed with seven interviews sent by email. Some of the reflections were translated under the headlines of form, subject, time, language and availability.

Akademiker i Sverige- En studie om tillströmning till utbildning och etablering på arbetsmarknaden

This essay deals with the relationship between the influx to higher education and the situation on the labor market in Sweden. It also examines whether overeducation as a phenomenon is present among Swedish academics and if there is any obvious discrimination between the sexes. The Swedish government has an outspoken goal that at least 50% of every age group shall undergo an academic education. Therefore, they have expanded the possibilities ofobtaining one. We have used three economic theories to investigate the subject of this thesis and applied these on the statistics of 4 different educations.

Tracheas dimension hos Engelsk Bulldog : en retrospektiv radiologisk pilotstudie på svenska hundar

There is desire to evaluate the tracheal diameter in the Swedish population of English Bulldog, a breed with breathing disorders, and if possible use it as a criteria for breeding in the hope of improving the life situation for these dogs. The Swedish Kennel Club has together with the Swedish Club for English Bulldog and veterinarians presented a five year radiological study that has the purpose to give an average look on how the tracheal situation is in the population. The trachea will be evaluated through two different methods, both measuring two distances in the thorax. The first one compares the tracheal diameter to the height of the cranial opening of the thorax, and the second one to the width of the third rib. With the measured distances one will calculate a quotient and compares it to the reference values.This study is designed to get a preliminary evaluation, based on the 65 dogs that were available on the time for the study, with measurements done by two persons on three different occasions each.

Målbeskrivning eller självbild? : Bilden av eleven bakom kursplanens mål i svenska i grundskolans senare år

The purpose with this essay is to find out which demands the syllabus for the Swedish language make on the pupils in compulsory school compared to some active teachers? point of view. The method I have used to find out is a qualitative interview, where I have interviewed four Swedish teachers of various professional experiences.After the change of government in 1991, the new curriculum committee had a mission where the goal was to develop the best school in Europe. A national target was introduced and the goals were proposed to be of two kinds; goals to strive for and goals to achieve. A problem in this is that the knowledge that pupils in ninth grade will acquire, is formulated in such a manner so that not even experts in each subject would live up to the demands placed on the students.

DDC:s avdelning 150 : en analys av psykologins klassifikation under perioden 1932-2011

This master?s thesis focus on Dewey Decimal Classification during the period 1932 to 2011, where the classification of the psychological knowledge domain is analyzed and discussed. In the light of the recent swedish switch from the swedish classification system SAB to DDC, this research area deserves prominence. The aim of this study is to investigate how DDC represents the historical development of the psychology subject with its underlying epistemology, to identify and analyze values and prejudice, and to analyze problems with DDC?s classification of psychology in relation to three other classification systems.

Att ämnesbestämma bilder: En teoretisk undersökning

The aim of this master ´s thesis is to understand why there are difficulties in finding joint methods and standards in the field of image indexing. The main focus for interpreting these issues is on Sara Shatford ´s article Analyzing the Subject of a Picture: A Theoretical Approach. In the article Shatford discusses a theoretical basis for identifying and classifying the subject in a picture. In doing so she uses concepts taken from The Philosophy of Art, Meaning in Language and Visual Perception. With the aid of S.R.

Den Svenska Självgodheten: Hur kan CSR och den sociala dimensionen i Sverige för detaljhandeln förstås, när detaljister gör anspråk på CSR samtidigt som personalvillkoren i branschen försämras

The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has lately gained popularity throughout the globalized world. Swedish retail industry is no exception. Though increased levels of explicitly claimed responsibilities of companies, a number of other facts points out a development that contradicts this trend. Labour conditions and forms of employment is substantially retrograding, with an increased level of insecurity characterizing the Swedish retail labour market. At the same time, almost all Swedish retail companies explicitly state claims on social responsibility.

En påstådd sexualitet - En diskursanalytisk undersökning av svenska migrationsmyndigheters syn på sexualitet i relation till hbtq-personers asylärenden

The purpose of the essay is to examine the views on sexuality that guide the Swedish Migration board and court?s judgments and decisions in asylum cases. The essay investigates seven cases from the Swedish Migration court regarding asylum seekers from seven different countries seeking protection in Sweden due to their sexuality and/or gender identity. By applying discourse analysis, along with the theoretical perspectives of Judith Butler and the postcolonial critique of Chandra Talpade Mohanty, the essay discuss what kind of criteria and/or practice is demanded of the asylum seekers to be rendered as trustworthy. The essay concludes that the asylum seekers are considered untrustworthy by the migration authorities when not acting according to a (hetero)normative sexuality.

Den anglosaxiska trusten : En analys av en förmånstagares beskattningskonsekvenser av trustegendom som utgörs av aktier

The Anglo-Saxon trust is not a new phenomenon, but existed as early as in the Middle Ages. The concept is customary among common-law countries, such as England the US,but unfamiliar to civil-law countries like Sweden. The person who creates the trust is called a settlor, the one who holds and administer the property is a trustee and the person who benefits from the settlement is called a beneficiary.In Sweden there is no legislation of how the trust ought to be assessed, but the need to understand it has probably increased with the internationalization.The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has had a few opportunities to elucidate some of the uncertainties regarding trusts, but chose to abstain. With this The Swedish Tax Panel has very limited guidance from the court when they receive an application of an advance notice.A trust is not a legal entity nor a tax subject. This differs the trust from a foundation and they can not be placed on an equality from a Swedish tax perspective.In an advance notice, 2010-03-23 (dnr 103-09/D) om Inkomstskatt: Inkomst av tjänst ? värdepappersförmån, the Swedish Tax Panel equalizes the trust property with shares when determining how to tax the assets.

?Man sitter på sin plats och räknar i boken? : En studie av elevers uppfattningar om matematik och matematikundervisning med fokus på lärares metoder och verktyg

Swedish students' knowledge of mathematics has deteriorated in recent years. Teaching of mathematics is therefore starting point in an ongoing discussion among researchers, school leaders, politicians, teachers and others, who all thinks they know best about how teaching should be designed to the greatest extent possible to raise students' proficiency levels in the subject. Teachers' practices have long been the focus of discussions and views on these differ. The purpose of this paper is therefore to study students 'conceptions of mathematics and mathematics teaching, with teachers' methods and tools of focus, in relation to previous research on the subject. The method used was a survey of students in secondary school and a textual analysis of previous studies on the subject.As revealed by the survey was that the textbook has a big advantage in mathematics education in Sweden today.Many students are not accustomed to working in a different way and thereforedoes not know either what the alternative approach entails.

?Religion som vägledning, försvagad och problematiskt? : ? En studie om gymnasieelevers resonemang kring religion och religionskunskapsämnet

Abstract This essay has grown out of an interest for the subject of religion and religious education for upper secondary pupils in Sweden. Our society is characterized by cultural, religious and secular diversity, which also reflects in the classroom where individuals with different religious preferences share space and participate in discussions. One of my aims is that this essay can be a contribution for future studies in the religious field. Previous research has shown that Swedish pupils increasingly lose interest in the subject of religion (on a personal level but also more in general). There is a possibility that this picture might have changed since these studies where done, and that is what I want to investigate in this essay.

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