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Vad sägs om marknadsföring: En studie av 20 artiklar i svensk bibliotekspress

The aim of this thesis is to research if and in that case how, marketing of Swedish public libraries is used as a possible work method in a time when they are marked by changes in the form of cut backs and technical innovations. With a strive to get an overview by the possible debate I have chosen to do a closer exam of 20 texts published in five of the biggest Swedish library publications during a period of 20 years. My research is based mainly upon Philip Kotler?s marketing theories regarding non-profit organization as well as Eileen Elliot de Saéz interpretations of these to a library context. The first part of the essay therefore consists of an introduction of these, as well as a rendering of their method of work, which shows the width of the conception of marketing.

Ledarskap i Globala Virtuella Projekt

 Language is an important indicator of the interdisciplinarity of a certain subject. Therefore this study evaluates the use of central geographical words and concepts, by teachers and students, in seven communal, non-optional subjects in a Swedish upper secondary school. This study provides results after observations of seven subjects on seven occasions, at one upper secondary school. This study shows that by a method of observation, central geographical concepts were used by teachers and students at various extents. Furthermore, the observations provide results of the concept use by over 100 students and 12 teachers.

Modersmålsundervisningens existens och förutsättningar : Om samarbetet mellan SO-lärare och modersmålslärare på en skola i södra Stockholm

This paper aims to examine the mother tongue subject and it´s existence and condition in a school located in the south of Stockholm. I have performed interviews with four teachers about their opinions and attitudes regarding the mother tongue subject in the school were they work. Two of the teachers are teachers in social studies and two of them are teachers in the mother tongue subject. My aim is also to examine whether an interest exists among the teachers to collaborate in between the subjects and what possibilities and conditions such collaboration would have in effect. I have applied a qualitative method based on personal interviews with semi-structured questions as my data acquisition method.

"I am neither a freak nor a monster" : En analys av Paradise Lost-dokumentärernas argumentation

The purpous of this master?s thesis is to explore how the swedish public library evolved between 1890-1911, before the state implemented the library reform in 1912. The material used to cunduct the study concists mainly of texts published during the time frame of the thesis in the form of books, booklets and articles from Folkbiblioteksbladet, a journal dedicated to the subject of the swedish public library.Drawing upon Habermas theory of the structural transformation of the public sphere and Bourdieus theories about taste as social distinction and symbolic capital, the thesis seeks to show how the public participated in the evolvement of the public library and which aspects of society that contributed to the public library?s establishment as an institution. The findings are also discussed in relation to previous research of the history of the Swedish public library.

Vad tillför konstruktiv oro till kognitiv beteendeterapi för primär insomni? : En konstruktiv behandlingsstudie med single subject-design

Kognitiv beteendeterapi för primär insomni är inte lika effektivt som KBT för annan problematik. Behandlingen har mest fokuserat på förändring av sömn och bortsett från andra faktorer som kan bidraga till problematiken. Denna studie syftade till att utvärdera effekten av att addera en intervention mot en ytterligare faktor, nämligen oro, till behandling. Studien hade en single subject-design med två betingelser, med och utan oroshantering, för- och eftermätning och sju deltagare. Resultaten tyder på att metoden konstruktiv oro tillförde bättre utfall på sömn, oro och daglig funktion.

Flerspråkiga Tesaurer: Att uttrycka ett och samma begrepp utifrån skilda kulturer och olika språk.

The aim of this paper is to investigate the problems in multilingual thesauri, with a focus on the problem of conceptual equivalence between different languages. This study compares the problems and solutions that have been carried out in the Eurovoc multilingual thesaurus with the ISO 5964 ISO 5964 is a guideline for establishment and development of multilingual thesauri. The Swedish descriptors in the subject area "education and communication", from Eurovoc have been observed and compared with the guidelines recommendations. The results show that, the majority of the investigated Swedish descriptors do not present any problem. Most of the terms that are used as descriptors are found in dictionaries and glossaries or appear with high frequency in Swedish websites.

Adoption: professionellas och ideellt engagerades tankar kring samhällets beredskap för adoptivfamiljer

The Swedish legislation (Socialtjänstlagen, SoL 5 kap 1§ 6 st.) state that the social welfare committee is particularly responsible for those children whom are in need of support and help after an adoption or custody matter has been decided. "Adoption - but at what price?" SOU 2003:49 is a state report with the purpose to investigate different aspects around international adoptions, which brings up and discusses what supports there is for adoptive families in Sweden. With this background and a special attention towards adoptive children's health conditions when arriving to their new country we decided to study the subject adoption. By interviewing different professionals and volunteers that work with adoptive families in Sweden the aim with this study was to acknowledge how they look upon the support the Swedish community offers for adoptive parents and also how they consider the knowledge about adoption among those who in their line of work can meet adoptive children is.

Preparatsökande hundar i internationell tjänst : En fallstudie om en liten enhets erfarenhetshantering

This case study presents how the unit of munition-searching dogs of the Swedish armed forces handles their experiences from international service. The subject is particularly interesting as previous research into the area is nonexistent. The questions asked in the study are answered through the authors findings that training and preparation of this unit has developed thanks to the input of lessons learned from previous missions. This paper, based manly on experience reports, show that the unit successfully uses the method for handling lessons learned chosen within the Swedish armed forces..

Barnet eller ämnet? : Lärarstudenters preferenser av didaktiska val vid naturvetenskaplig undervisning i förskolan

Teaching in pre-school usually takes its starting-point in children?s reality and curiosity. Apart from that it has also been important to take contains of a special subject under consideration, for example development of language and communication or mathematics development. The purpose of this study was to investigate how natural science as a special subject in pre-school education is expressed by five trainee teachers when they teach children at the age of 2-7. Generally the study focuses on the students? teaching actions as well as their line of argument about their teaching and the choices they have to make.

Musik och kunskapsskillnader : -En studie om musiklärares upplevelser kring kunskapsskillnader inom musiken

ABSTRACTMusic and differences in knowledge ? a study of music teachers experiences with differences in musical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to, out of a music teacher?s perspective, see if the differences in music abilities between 7th grade students are at all, or in some ways connected to the previous schools they?ve attended. I will also research in what areas, in the subject of music, students are differing more, as well as less, in their knowledge. The analysis is based on interviews with six 7th grade music teachers working in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system.

Valfrihet inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården: En studie av patienters beslutsfattande

Citizens? freedom of choice has been a subject of debate in Sweden for over 30 years. This study focuses on decision making processes among patients within the Swedish healthcare system. The main conclusions are that in contrast to how patients? freedom of choice is described within governmental bills and governmental inquires and reports, patients are not following the steps included in the rational model of decision making.

Den dolda disciplinen : en domänanalytisk ansats i relation till Idé- och lärdomshistoria genom ämnesrepresentationen i LIBRIS : med bibliografi

This thesis aims towards an understanding of information systems and subject representation in relation to academic disciplines. This is achieved by comparing how a discipline, History of science and ideas, represents itself compared with the subject representation of its dissertations in an information system, LIBRIS. The point of departure for this thesis is the domain analytic view of Hjorland which states that the quality in information seeking is enhanced if the subject representation considers the contexts in which documents are produced and used. The importance of concepts such as domain and discipline is discussed. The disciplines view of itself is established by the study of articles written by scholars in the discipline, by how the discipline presents itself on the homepages of five university institutions and by the examination of titles and keywords given to dissertations in the discipline.

Bakomliggande orsaker till matematiksvårigheter hos elever i en specifik gymnasieskola. : En empirisk studie ur ett lärarperspektiv

The aim with this study is to illustrate the underlying causes of students? difficulties in Mathematics from a teacher perspective. The approach that has been used through this study is qualitative, method wise interviews were used. The selection for the study consists of five teachers with many years? experience in the subject of Mathematics.

Unesco, Malraux och ombildningens museum : Estetik och kosmopolitik i efterkrigstid

An inquiry into the post-war European aesthetic and political landscape should take the international organization Unesco?s colour reproductions and travelling exhibitions of paintings into consideration. In these, the organization implements André Malraux? idea of the ?imaginary museum? as a framework for a future cosmopolitical, aesthetic (and utopian) community. During the late 1940?s, the Swedish government also discusses the need for raising an ?aesthetic awareness? amongst their citizens as a consequence to a poor knowledge in the fine arts.

Genus, homosocialitet och givandet av referenser : En bibliometrisk studie av Svensk Biblioteksforskning

The aim of this two years master's thesis is to examine whether there are any gender based differences in the waymale and female researchers within library and information science publish and reference to other researchers.This within the Swedish context. Further, the aim is to examine the probability of gender playing a part in choiceof subject, which thereby also would effect the act of referencing. This is achieved through an analysis ofreference lists in the journal Svensk Biblioteksforskning between the years 1989 to 2009. The journal containsboth peer reviewed articles, as well as articles of a more popular scientific kind. As guidance during the study, ahandful of questions were used.

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