

993 Uppsatser om ICT in preschool - Sida 33 av 67

Förskolans balansgång mellan fri- och styrd rörelseträning : en kvalitativ studie om förskolors arbete med rörelseträning

AimThe aim with this essay has been to investigate how preschools profiling in motor activity training, work to stimulate motor development of children. In order to study this, the main focus for the research has been on the following queries:What characterize motor activity training at the preschools studied?What is the purpose with the motor activity training of preschools which were studied?How do the preschools describe the affect that motor activity training has on children?How do the preschools look at the need for motor activity training?MethodFour in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives of the chosen preschools profiling in motor activity. My selection was based on a strategic sample and this was made by an internet mapping of preschool activities in the districts of Stockholm, and information from the service guide of the town of Stockholm. Then e-mail was sent to ten contact persons at preschool units, and ten preschools were contacted directly by phone.

Ta på era "hållbar utvecklingsglasögon"! : Ett idéhäfte som kan hjälpa pedagoger att arbeta mer med hållbar utveckling i förskolan

Natural and environmental issues are everyday parts in preschool but when educators shall consciously work with sustainable development they tend to stop at recycling and what is necessary to be done for achieving the Grön Flagg-certification. I have been observing various preschools and noticed that sustainable development is flawed, often because of the teachers lack of interest, knowledge and in some cases both. Out of this grew an idea of making a project that could help the teachers see how the work with the subject in a fun and educational way can become a part of the preschools everyday routine. I made a tutorial booklet with basic facts and activities relating to sustainable development and the three questions in my report were how much knowledge and interest the teachers initially have, if the tutorial booklet could help the teachers to produce new knowledge and interest for the topic and if it turned out to be easier for them to provide educational activities within the subject. There were three departments that participated in my survey and the methodology of collecting data was an anonymous survey with the teachers' own comments in response.

Uteslutning och inneslutning : En observationsstudie om hur förskolebarn skapar kamratrelationer

Preschool is an important social arena for children. This might be the first time that children find themselves in a larger social context and create their first peer-relations. The aim of this study was to examine children?s peer-relations with particular focus on the acts of social exclusion and inclusion, and how children use different strategies to exclude and include each other. Another aim was to investigate how both verbal and non-verbal communication is used in these processes.This study has an ethnographic approach, and the use of video observation as a method enabled us to capture the children?s everyday interactions at preschool.Our results show that children use a number of different strategies to exclude other children that seek access to an ongoing activity to protect the interactional space that they already share.

Institutionella demokratihändelser i förskoan : En studie om barns möjliheter till individualistiska demoratihändelser

Denna studies syfte är att undersöka institutionella demokratihändelser i förskolan utifrån följande frågeställningar. Vilka möjligheter ger förskolan som institution barn till individualistiska demokratihändelser? Hur kan förskollärare möjliggöra individualistiska demokratihändelser för barnen i förskolan? Hur kan förskollärare synliggöra individualistiska demokratihändelser i förskolan? För att möjliggöra ett undersökande av institutionella demokratihändelser i förskolan och för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar på bästa sätt har semistrukturerade intervjuer använts som metod. Fyra förskollärare från en förskola i en mellanstor svensk kommun har deltagit i intervjuerna. Resultatet visar att förskolan som institution ger barn goda möjligheter till individualistiska demokratihändelser under vissa förutsättningar. Vidare visar resultatet att förskollärare kan möjliggöra individualistiska demokratihändelser i förskolan genom att aktivt arbeta för en tillgänglig och tillåtande miljö med trygga barn. Resultatet för studiens sista frågeställning visar att ett synliggörande av individualistiska demokratihändelser i förskolan kan ske genom förskolans utvärderingar och dokumentationsarbete..

Snurrar läshjulet när Boksnurran stannar? En studie i hur man kan arbeta med högläsning och böcker i förskolan

The aim of this thesis is to describe how to work with the development of language by reading aloud. I have chosen to look at the reading aloud project "Boksnurran" Book Wheel to see if it has influenced the daily work with reading in preschool. My questions are: How do they work with reading in preschool? Is the reading environment suitable? How do the staff describe their booktalks? What problems do they encounter? What can be improved? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews. Those interviewed have participated in "Book Wheel".

Var lägger man problemet ? hos barnet eller den omgivande miljön? : En textanalytisk studie av dokument skrivna av specialpedagogen i förskolan

The purpose with this thesis was to study the special pedagogical perspectives that stood out in documents written by the special teachers in preschool. In order to maintain the thesis research questions a text analysis was carried out on the document ?Handledningssamtal? that was used by the special teachers in their contact with the teachers in preschool. The documents were analyzed based in the special educational perspectives and the results and measures from the analysis were divided into three levels; individual, group and organizational level. Finally a study of the connection between the analysis and the measures was carried out and the result was reported in a typology schedule inspired by earlier research.

TAKK - Tecken som Alternativ och Kompletterande Kommunikation : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskolepedagoger arbetar med TAKK med barn med Downs syndrom ur ett språkutvecklingsperspektiv och vad de anser om att använda TAKK med barn utan särskilda behov

The purpose of this study is to examine how two educators at a preschool that is located in a neighborhood south of Stockholm works with TAKK with children who has Down syndrome in a language promotion purposes. The aim is also to investigate what teachers think about using TAKK with children without special needs and children with Down syndrome.In this study, I used qualitative research methods. I've used both observations and interviews to get answers to my questions. The theories which I have used in this thesis is, socio-cultural perspective, including integration and segregated integration.In order to find out how the educators work with TAKK I have asked these questions:How do the educators work with TAKK with children with Down syndrome from a language development perspective?What do the educators express about using TAKK with children without special needs and with children who has Down syndrome?My conclusions to these questions are that the literatures I have read in many ways are consistent with how they work.

Förskollärares förhållningssätt till den organiserade rörelselekens betydelse för barns kommunikativa lärande

Syftet med denna studie att undersöka yrkesverksamma förskollärares förhållningssätt till den organiserade rörelselekens betydelse för barns kommunikativa lärande. Bakgrunden ger läsaren en litteraturgenomgång kring barns kommunikativa lärande och den organiseraderörelseleken i förskolan samt samband mellan dessa två faktorer. Dessa faktorer framhållsäven utifrånett mångkulturellt perspektiv och utifrån Lev Vygotskijs pedagogiska teori. Datainsamlingsmetoden som använts för att samla in relevant data utifrån undersökningenssyfte, är genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ studie. Totalt treintervjuer med kvinnliga, yrkesverksamma förskollärare har genomförts.

Demokrati "inom ramarna"- Förskollärares tankar om barns inflytande och delaktighet på förskolan. Democracy ?Within The Frames? - Democracy Within "The Frames" - Preschool Teachers´ Thoughts of The Influence and Involvement of Children in Preschool

Syftet med uppsatsen/examensarbetet är att undersöka och beskriva hur pedagoger i förskolan tänker om och arbetar med läroplanens mål och riktlinjer gällande demokrati och barns inflytande. Frågeställningar: Hur förbereder förskollärare barn för de rättigheter och skyldigheter som gäller i ett demokratiskt samhälle? Finns det svårigheter/hinder när det gäller barns möjligheter till delaktighet och inflytande? I vilka sammanhang ges barn möjlighet till inflytande och delaktighet? Kan man se någon skillnad, gällande demokrati, mellan en förskola med profilering mot Reggio Emilia och förskolor med annan profilering? Metod: En kvalitativ undersökning med intervjuer på tre förskolor. Totalt har fem förskollärare medverkat. Resultat: Samtliga pedagoger poängterade att det var viktigt att man började med den demokratiska fostran i förskolan, det är där man formar barnen och lägger grunden för det livslånga lärandet. Vår undersökning visade att barnen till viss del hade möjlighet till inflytande och delaktighet när det gällde beslut inom de ramar som förskollärarna satt upp..

Jämställdhet i förskolans verksamhet : En observationsstudie om hur pedagoger förhåller sig till flickor och pojkar ur ett könsperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to look into if the pedagogues who participate in this study treat children differently depending on their sex. The purpose was then divided in three research questions which were: Attention: How much verbal attention and eye contact with the pedagogue are girls/boys getting? Choice of words: Are there any differences in the choice of words the pedagogues are using against girls/boys? Address: How does the pedagogue address girls/boys, are there any differences? The tone of the voice and how the pedagogue address girls/boys belongs in this category. The study was observed with video camera in four different circle time situations, two circle times for each preschool. Data were then analyzed with an observation schedule based on the three research questions.

Djuren i skolans värld

The purpose of this essay is to closely study different studies and texts within the subjects ofanimals and nature in order to, from different themes, analyze and determine whether or not animalsis a useful tool to apply in school as well as preschool. Above all else, this study serves to answerwhat animals and nature can bring children, and when you as an educationalist can benefit from it inyour classes within school and preschool. This study also serves to point out what you should keepin mind when using animals as a tool in your classes, since there are a few obstacles to consider.The method used to analyze the different themes is discourse analysis, which is a sort of textanalysis.About one hundred years ago when our society was industrialized, different theories and theimportance of preserving and to sojourn into nature began to grow among some theorists, biologistsand educators. The value of spending time outdoors was realized, which we today have a greatunderstanding of. Our interest for the impact of animals on us is also starting to grow, and there is alot of research that is of the opinion that animals are good for children in many different ways, andfor many different reasons.

Implementering av barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares erfarenheter och tankar

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka förskollärares erfarenheter av och tankar om implementeringen av barns inflytande i förskolan. För att på bästa sätt kunna besvara studiens syfte har semistrukturerade intervjuer använts som metod. Fem förskollärare intervjuades enskilt av mig och en intervjuguide användes under intervjun. Resultatet visar att barns inflytande är något som förskollärarna arbetar med i förskoleverksamheten men att barns inflytande tar sig uttryck i förskolan på olika sätt. Det finns både likheter och olikheter i hur de ser på barns inflytande.

Det osynliga regnbågsbarnet på förskolan : En enkätundersökning om normer, olikheter och särskiljandets betydelse

The purpose of this paper is to see how differences are handled in preschools, with a focus on children with homo- or bisexual parents. By doing this we wanted to see how the conditions for a child with homo- or bisexual parents looks like, in order to have their family conditions mirrored, confirmed and visualised in the preschool.The foundation for the discussion is a questionaire which has been answered by 229 preschool workers from 24 different preschools in the City of Stockholm. The result of the questionaire has been handled in a statistics program. Our analysis is based on the statistical numbers and the written replies to the open questions in the questionaire.As a theoretical starting point we have used Iris Marion Young?s ideas about how our society is coloured by an ideal of similarity that defines liberation as the transcendence of group difference, where the dominant group cannot see how their perspective is just one of several perspectives.

Toddlare och demokratiarbete : om inflytande och delaktighet hos förskolans yngsta

The purpose of this study was to find out how young children are allowed to influence and affect their daily lives in preschools, as well as teachers? views on the latter. My interest in this topic is born out of my experience of working with both younger and older preschool children. My view is that democratic work with older children is largely based on direct verbal communication while with toddlers it is based on an adult?s interpretation of a child?s often non-verbal expressions.

Handens och tankens samverkan - om textila läroprocesser i vardagspraktiken

The purpose of my study was to explore how preschool educators in Kenya look at children's influence on teaching. Researchers have argued that the formal educational system in Kenya today is a remnant of its days as a colony when people were expected to blindly follow rules without questioning them. I have used qualitative interviews as a method in order get the most concrete understanding of educators? views on the influence from children. The educators I interviewed were based at a school I visited in Kenya.

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