

1076 Uppsatser om Hygiene guidelines - Sida 46 av 72

Samspel mellan amerikansk blomtrips, Frankliniella occidentalis,och kruk-gerbera, Gerbera jamesonii :

Gerbera jamesonii is a plant with a large amount of pollen and various flower colours and a favourite host plant for Frankliniella occidentalis. The best growing temperature for gerbera is approximately 20°C. Frankliniella occidentalis or the Western Flower Thrips is a small insect that has become an important pest in greenhouse cultivation all over the world. The high temperatures in the greenhouse are favourable for F. occidentalis.

Globalt Ansvar : socialt ansvar eller organisatoriskt hyckleri?

Background: Ambiguity and confusion of ideas within the area of social responsibility have led to that companies not really know how to work with these types of questions. One way for companies to deal with their social responsibility is to affiliate to an initiative that exists and through this show their standpoint. One of these is Globalt Ansvar, a Swedish governmental initiative that is based on Global Compact?s principles and the guidelines of OECD. What does it mean for the companies when showing their point of view? Is this a way to gain legitimacy?Purpose: The purpose with the thesis is to judge if organisations? work with Corporate Social Responsibility gains more legitimacy by affiliating to Globalt Ansvar.Research method: A survey made through telephone interviews with representatives from all of the fifteen Swedish companies which today are affiliated to Globalt Ansvar.Conclusions: In order to give the affiliated companies more legitimacy, Globalt Ansvar has to be a legitimate initiative.

Omhändertagande samt bemötande av suicidnära och självskadande patienter i det akuta skedet i somatisk vård : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this literature review was to elucidate how suicidal and self-harming patients should be treated and cared for, mainly in the acute phase in somatic care. Searches were conducted in databases with relevant keywords. Qualitative and quantitative articles were included, would not be more than 20 years, be written in Swedish or English, and match the aim of the study. Results showed that nurses and patients felt that the treatment would be respectful, non-judgmental and characterized by active listening and clear communication. Poor care was described as disrespect and lack of understanding.

Picturing Words and Spelling out Pictures Semantic, phonological and spatial aspects of working memory capacity and processing and their implication for information layout

This study investigates verbal and visuospatial memory strategies used by individuals with perceptual or cognitive disabilities. The groups concentrated on in this study are deaf individuals who are native sign language users and individuals with dyslexia. The study comprises an experiment and an in-depth study in which a pre-test and a questionnaire were used. Nine deaf signers, two persons with dyslexia and 12 persons without any perceptual or cognitive constraints participated. Of these 23 persons, seven were selected to take part in the in-depth study.

Att implementera abstrakta värden - En flerfallstudie om bankernas CSR-arbete vid utlåning av kapital

The recent development in society?s structure has given rise to a more complex reality for the Swedishbanks. There is an increased pressure from external stakeholders for the banks to take a greater socialresponsibility in society; the bank must therefore focus on both direct as well as indirect effects of itsactions. The term corporate social responsibility implies that the company does not only focus on itsfinancial status but also on values such as ethics and environment. These commitments are crystalized,more or less clearly, in the banks? lending policy?s, whom are entirely defined by the banksthemselves.The nature of the abstract CSR expression gives rise to uncertainty, both in regards to the banks ownefforts towards social responsibility but also for the external stakeholders, for which it can be quitedifficult to understand what commitments are actually made.This study aims to investigate how the Swedish banks public statements, with regards to their lendingpolicy, correlates with the actual actions carried out by the banks.

Lilla Hjärtat och alla små brokiga bibliotekarier ? En studie av hur Lilla Hjärtat hanterats på folkbiblioteken

This bachelor's thesis is an investigation into the public libraries'actions following the debate of Stina Wirséns character LillaHjärtat, featured in picture books and films for young children.The character was accused of being racist, due to its similarity tostereotypes such as pickaninnies. Because of this, the books'existence in public libraries was questioned.The purpose of this study is to investigate how librarians havedealt with these books, and what they have based their decisionson. To explore the background of these decisions we have usedPatrick Wilson's theory of cognitive authority (1983). We haveexamined which cognitive authorities have been used in thedecision-making process of how to handle the books containingLilla Hjärtat, and why these cognitive authorities have beenchosen. The method used in the study is qualitative interviewswith seven librarians working in public libraries throughoutSweden.The results of the interviews show that the librarians? mostprominent cognitive authorities have been authors and illustratorsof children's books.

Hjärtsäkerhet på svenska hälso- och fitnessanläggningar

In the United States, see recommendations for cardiac safety of sports arenas but also to health and fitness facilities. However, this does not exist in Sweden today. Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the health- and fitness facilities today are equipped with respect to cardiac safety and specifically relating to preparedness for cardiac arrest. Method: Quantitative data are collected and compiled with the help of a questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 19 questions in total.

Att tala för döva öron. Döva och hörselskadade studenter om bibliotek, information och kultur

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the attitudes of deaf and hear-impaired people towards libraries, information, and culture. The issues are: What are the attitudes of the informants towards libraries and culture? What do reference group theory and the theory of information access-/avoidance implicate concerning the information behaviour of the informants? In-depth interviews with five deaf and hear-impaired university students have been carried out in this qualitative study. The world of deaf and hear-impaired people is presented as well as a survey of political guidelines to make, for example, libraries and theatres more available to disabled people. The research overview analyses scholarly studies on deaf and hear-impaired people.

Tre perspektiv på musikavdelningarna vid Stadsdelsbiblioteken i Göteborg - En kvalitativ studie om målsättning och utbud

The aim with this master thesis is to study which ambitions and strategic aims Gothenburg?s district libraries have regarding their music sections. I have utilized my theory from Sanna Talja, a Finnish researcher in Library and Information Science. She identifies three perspectives in maintaining a music library. She calls them, general education, alternative and demand.

Sjuksköterskors preventionsarbete inom primärvården till familjer med atopi - en litteraturstudie med fokus på atopiskt eksem hos barnNurses´ prevention work in primary care to families with atopi - a literature study with focus on atopic eczema among chi

Background: Atopic eczema has increased in the last decade among children. The nurse can have a major role to prevent the disease. Aim: the aim of this study as to describe the nurses´ work in primary care with prevention to families with atopi with focus on atopic eczema among children. Method: A literature review based on analysis of fifteen scientific articles was done. Results: If the child was breastfed both positive and negative effects were evident.

Likabehandlingsplanen, ett verktyg för skolan, och skolans arbete för att motverka mobbning

The purpose of this study was to show how two schools from a municipality in greater Stockholm work with a document called "likabehandlingsplan", literally ?plan for equal treatment?. This document is required by law in Swedish schools and a part of each municipality?s program. The goal of the study was to see how teachers and school principals view and work with the plan as a part of their work in preventing discrimination and offensive behavior, in particular in dealing with problems with bullying. The two schools? plans were compared for similarities and differences and how they chose to follow the municipality?s guidelines was examined.

Muntlig information till patienter i samband med inläggning av en perifer venkateter

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om sjuksköterskans information till patienter, vid inläggning av perifer venkateter, följde gällande riktlinjer från Handbok för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Författarna samlade in data genom att delta vid 60 inläggningar av perifer venkateter vilka genomfördes av femton olika sjuksköterskor. Insamlingen ägde rum på en dagkirurgiavdelning. Man observerade ett antal områden, resultatet på dessa kunde bli ja eller nej, där ja var det resultat man eftersökte. Antal ja-svar summerades och analyserades med oberoende t-tester för att se eventuella skillnader i yngre/äldre och män/kvinnor, inga skillnader påfanns.

"Att ta bort skymmarna" - en intervjuundersökning av bibliotekschefers syn på gallring på folkbibliotek

The aim of this Bachelor's thesis is to examine library directors'views on weeding in Swedish public libraries. The researchquestions posed are: What formal goals and criteria govern theweeding process?; How are these goals and criteria accountedfor?; How do the library directors view the weeding in relationto the roles of the collections?The theoretical framework consists of a division of weedingcriteria inspired by Stanley J. Slote, and a slight adaptation ofMichael K. Buckland's roles of collections.

Utveckling av ett användbart IT-stöd : för att stödja operativa arbetsrutiner

Nuclear power production carries potential risks both for the environment and for the work force. Different safety measures are employed and they stem from local rules as well as from regulatory authorities. This work describes the development of a safety promoting tool at Forsmark Power Plant, one of Sweden?s three Nuclear power plants. We describe the development of a computer based system for Pre-Job Briefing and Post-Job Debriefing.

Manuell kontanthantering i begränsad omfattning : Strategi och styrning på funktionsnivå inom bankbranschen

In today?s ever-evolving society the use of cash is replaced by digital services in the banking sector. Some local banks restrict manual cash handling while others remove it completely. This essay examines how management accounting is affected by restricted cash handling. The theory clarifies that management accounting strategies create guidelines and provides specific framework for employees and managers in the organization.

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