

1076 Uppsatser om Hygiene guidelines - Sida 47 av 72

Betydelse av lövinslag, död ved och variation i träddiameter för artrikedomen hos småfåglar

Forest management contributes to the changes in forest structure by turning heterogenous forests of varied age into homogenous forests of similar age and thus affect bird species depending on different structures or habitats which are lost during forestry. In this report, a study was made to investigate how the amount of decidious trees, dead wood and variation in tree diameter affect bird diversity. The purpose of this study was to be able to give forest management guidelines to increase bird diversity. This study was conducted by investigating 65 transects in forests of different structure south of Linköping, Sweden. Along the 65 transects, birds were inventoried as well as the vegetation.

Incidenthantering i molnmiljö

Incident response plans are faced with new challenges as organisations expands to the cloud, this thesis aims to highlight these challenges and their potential solutions. Our work has focused on managing the incident response in contrast to earlier work that has been focusing on preventing them.As with any development, security is seldom prioritized. Instead the focus are often aimed towards usability and functionality, which means incident response plans are written, implemented, forgotten and finally becomes obsolete. This could result in an organization losing their ability to produce acceptable forensic images, avoid severe downtime, or prevent similar incidents in the future, which are all important parts of incident response.Traditional incident response plans does not address incidents in the cloud. Thus, an absence of guidelines for managing incidents in the cloud becomes apparent.

Kommunanställdas uppfattning om och nyttjande av kommunens friskvårdsinsatser.

The personnel policy program for the employees in studied municipality includes guidelines for the working environment, saying that health promoting activities is offered to all employees.                              Objective: To investigate how these activities were used and how the staff perceived the activities offered. The aim was also to find out how well the information about current health promotion efforts reached the staff.Method: A qualitative approach was used in the form of interviews. The sample consisted of municipal employees from seven different work sites.  A total of 12 women aged 32-52 years participated. The interviews were recorded and a hermeneutic theory was used to interpret the results.Results: The results showed that most informants used some form of fitness activity. In most cases health care-time was used for anything from walking to organized workouts. The great barrier was lack of information and lack of trained and dedicated health motivators. In several cases, informants had no knowledge about what a health motivator is supposed to do. The informants own suggestions for health promotion interventions included stress management and foot care.Conclusion: The survey showed that respondents were poorly informed about which wellness activities the municipality offered. The result could also be interpreted as a communication gap between the local authority, health motivators and the employees. A request for group activities was detected.  .

Bemötande och omhändertagande av närstående vid plötsligt dödsfall inom akutsjukvården sett ur sjuksköterskans och närståendes perspektiv.

AbstractThe aim of this literature review was to describe the experience and needs of sudden bereaved family members who lost a loved one in a sudden and unexpected death. The aim   is furthermore to depict the experience of unexpected and sudden death from the nurse´s point of view. Method: The literature review study has been carried out with a descriptive design. The result of the study was based on 14 scientific articles with quantitative and qualitative approach. The articles were searched in the databases PubMed and Cinahl and through manual search.Results: A majority of close relatives that experience a sudden bereavement are dissatisfied with the way they have been encountered by the staff.

"Man kan ju också bygga fler bostäder..." Om hemlösheten i Malmö, ur några kommunalråds och tjänstemäns synvinkel.

This is a qualitative study on bachelor level at the School of Social Work. The aim of the thesis was to describe how selected municipal commissioners and social workers in Malmö view the complex of problems, and different solutions, concerning homelessness.Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden, is struggling with serious problems concerning homelessness. Possible solutions are being debated, and the opinions differ widely, depending on ideological standpoint. We wanted to find out how selected municipal commissioners and social workers view the complex of problems, related laws and local guidelines, and measures to improve the situation. In order to have a free discussion, but within limits we used semi-structured interviews.Our results show that both the municipal commissioners and social workers regarded homelessness mainly as an individual issue, related to dissocial aspects of the individual.

Adaptiva gränssnitt: Desktop-first vs Mobile-first : En jämförelse av två strategier för att skapa adaptiva gränssnitt för webben

In recent years the development of mobile devices has made great progress and today they account for a large proportion of the internet usage. This trend poses new demands on web developers as more companies and product owners want to customize their services and products for this new market. In this study we examine the pros and cons of the strategies desktop-first and mobile-first in the development of adaptive interfaces for the web. The study aims to create guidelines for situations in which each strategy fits well. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of how these strategies can help developers and product owners to develop adaptive interfaces based on different goals and objectives.

Bredspridning av grönmassa :

There are a great possibility to shorten the time between mowing and preservation by spreading of ley crops in connection to the conditioning. In this case the cellular respiration (the plants breeding that consume sugar until the crop is ensiled) should not continue as long and the forage will perhaps get a higher nutritional value. The capacity of the next machine could also be higher because the rake gives swaths with a lot of material. There is also a possibility that spreading of ley crops gives the material a more homogeneous content of dry matter and that gives a reduced growth of clostridium. This is particularly important when the method of harvest doesn?t include any mixing of the material like it does with a round baler or silagewagon.

E-marketing - ett modernt kommunikationsverktyg : En studie som presenterar alternativa marknadsföringsåtgärder

Background: The use of digital marketing channels during the last years has increased significantly, especially the use of marketing on the Internet. Hence the communication chart of marketing has been redrawn. The technological development has had a major impact on the marketing discipline. The integration of information technology and marketing has resulted in the emergence of a new field, namely e-marketing. Hence the need for further research is desirable.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine alternative marketing procedures that a company can apply to increase the digital awareness and manage their customer relationships.Theoretical framework: Theories regarding digital marketing cycle, SEO and customer relationship.Method: This research is based on data collected through a primary semi-structured interview with a company active in the corporate information industry which also provides a RFQ service.

Ämnet Idrott och hälsa som grund för ett längre arbetsliv

The purpose of this study is to examine how well the teaching of physical education meets the needs of a future life in the building and construction industry. In order to answer the survey's purpose, we have carried interviews with teachers for the subject Physical education and health as well as with teachers for the Building- and construction program in order to through their experience gain understanding of common health problems in the profession, but also to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the subject Physical education and health for this profession. We have reported and described previous research and then analyzed it during our processing of collected data material. The result of the interviews showed that the teachers as far as possible are trying to adjust the lessons to suit this practical program. They also indicate several aspects to consider in order to further customize the education for students in the Building- and construction program.

Sjuksköterskors syn på trycksårsprevention - en enkätundersökning

Trycksår är en vårdrelaterad skada vars prevalens är utbredd på sjukhus i Sverige. Denna hudskada uppkommer när ett ihållande tryck orsakar att underliggande vävnad skadas. Riktlinjer finns utformade för hur preventionsarbetet med trycksår ska utföras, och syftar till att minska prevalensen av trycksår. Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors syn på trycksårsprevention relaterat till patienter som ligger inlagda på somatisk vårdavdelning. De undersökningsmetoder som användes var av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Materialet samlades in via enkäter och det slutliga informantantalet uppgick till 29 informanter.

Bibliotekets roll i integrationspolitiken ett postkolonialt perspektiv

Sweden of today is a so-called multicultural society. In this thesis we wanted to examine how mono, multi- and intercultural issues are expressed in culture-political documents. We also wanted to know how librarians for whom these documents are supposed to be guidelines expressed themselves in these matters. Monoculturalism can be described as a static perspective laid upon culture which emphasises cultural purity. A multicultural society describes a society were the nation consists of many different cultures alongside each other, without a genuinely common core.

Sjuksköterskors delaktighet i euthanasiprocessen

Bakgrund. Ordet eutanasi betyder dödshjälp och detta ämne väcker stor debatt världen över. Holland, Belgien, Luxemburg och delstaten Oregon i USA har legaliserat eutanasi. Riktlinjer som beskriver sjuksköterskors roll i eutanasiprocessen har utformats, dock syns stora skillnader länderna emellan. Syfte.

Utanförskap i förskolan

Earlier studies shows that democracy within the preschool is an important and on-going work, but could implicate certain consequences. For example that goals regarding democracy and influence in the preschool, rarely is done in practice but instead remains just words on a paper. It could also mean that the pedagogues lack education and knowledge within the area, but also how they react to the influence of children. Preschool is expected to be a place for all children, no matter what luggage the child is carrying. The luggage is filled with the life experience, the personality and in this case the needs that the child has. The needs could be anything from nearness to physical and psychological disorders that requires more pedagogical attention.

Ändring av befintligt ridhus : Gävle Fältrittklubb

In past decades information technology has changed the conditions of organizations, not at least within the industry. Advanced IT systems have become a fact in order to cope with rapid changes in the market and to effectively manage an organization?s knowledge. When organizations became more flexible and customized expectations from customers and stakeholders also become higher. These expectations and guidelines are documented in a company?s management system, which can be designed differently depending on what standards the company chooses to implement.

Att planera, genomföra och utforma en föredömlig reklamkampanj

As the field of marketing becomes increasingly competitive, creative tools to reach the intended consumer needs to be utilized. In order to break through the crowded airways and packed ad space, one can choose to direct the message through channels that relate to currenttrends in society, while using innovative artistic concepts. The fundamental purpose behind this report is to provide a roadmap for creating a successful and unique marketing campaign. In addition, we have attempted to identify how visual methods can add valuable attributes to the campaign, ensuring a more progressive and distinct impression. To illustrate our claims, we have chosen to analyze Wasabröd?s latest marketing effort, ?Change Bread,? by dividing it into three sections, including planning, execution, and the visual creation.

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