

1076 Uppsatser om Hygiene guidelines - Sida 45 av 72

?Vi är inga maskiner? : En studie om P4-redaktionernas kommunikation via Facebook

The purpose of this study is to see how five different local radio stations, P4, within the public service organization Sveriges Radio communicate with their listeners through Facebook and how they differ from each other.We have also studied how the radio stations follow Sveriges Radios? policies for socialmedia usage and how the communication through Facebook can benefit thetraditional radio. Our study contains a combination of quantitative content analysis with qualitative interviews. We studied the five stations? Facebook pages from for the quantitative content analysis and interviewed those who were responsible for the social media pages, such as web editors and channel managers.Our conclusions are that the P4-stations communicate through Facebook to create a dialogue with the listeners and to reach two-way communication; the stations published mostly written updates that encouraged interactivity.

Rekryteringsprocessen vid Svenska Spel

In  the  constantly  changing working  life  of  today, where  emphasis  on  human  capital  grows stronger,  the  importance  of  recruiting  and  retaining  good  staff  increases.  Successful recruitment  requires  a  first-rate  recruitment  process.  In  literature  on  recruitment recommendations for successful recruitment are presented.   The  aim  of  this  study  is  to  describe  similarities  and  differences  between  these recommendations and Svenska Spel?s recruitment practice on the basis of a description of the recruitment process at AB Svenska Spel, and also to identify possible reasons for differences between theory and practice.  To  meet  the  purpose  of  this  study  literature  and  scientific  reports  have  been  studied. Interviews  with  five  HR-specialists  and  four  managers  have  also  been  conducted.  The recruitment process is therefore described out of the employer?s point of view.

Utveckling av hyresrätten : Den nya allmännyttan

Datum: 2009-06-02Nivå: Magisteruppsats i ekonomistyrning, 15 hpFörfattare: Peter Forsberg och Per ErikssonHandledare: Esbjörn SegelodTitel: Corporate Social Responsibility och hållbarhetsredovisning i tre svenska företagProblem: Vilket CSR-arbete har Atlas Copco, Vattenfall och ICA idag och hur redovisas resultatet? Har de skett några förändringar i vad bolagen redovisar idag i sina hållbarhetsredovisningar jämfört med 2005?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur Atlas Copco, ICA och Vattenfall arbetar med CSR idag och hur deras hållbarhetsredovisningar presenteras 2008 jämfört med 2005.Metod: För att genomföra undersökningen har vi valt att intervju de tre företagen, granska deras hållbarhetsredovisningar från 2005 respektive 2008 och studerat litteratur.  Resultat: Resultat vi kom fram till är att arbetet är organiserat på olika sätt men gemensamt för bolagen är att många har CSR-frågor som en del i sitt arbete och att det rapporteras in och sammanställas. Alla tre bolagen har förbättrat sin presentation av hållbarhetsredovisningarna, exempelvis har strukturen blivit tydligare i de nyare rapporterna. Jämfört med 2005 har två av tre bolag utökat sin rapportering av prestandaindikatorer trots att dessa totalt har minskat sedan övergången från Guidelines 2002 till nya G3.

Etiskt ledarskap och etiska riktlinjer : en studie av samband och påverkan på redovisningskonsulter

Tidigare forskning har undersökt effekterna av etiskt ledarskap på redovisningsbeslut och etiska riktlinjers allmänna påverkan, men vi saknar forskning kring variablernas gemensamma påverkan på redovisningsbeslut, vilket är syftet med detta arbete. Arbetet undersöker vilken effekt etiskt ledarskap och etiska riktlinjer har när en redovisningskonsult ställs inför en komplicerad redovisningsfråga. Variablerna undersöks både individuellt och tillsammans. En enkätundersökning genomfördes bland auktoriserade redovisningskonsulter i Sverige och 142 respondenter deltog. Studien tyder på att det finns ett gemensamt inflytande av etiskt ledarskap och etiska riktlinjer på etiskt laddade redovisningsbeslut.

Välfärdsproblem hos mjölkkor i stora besättningar

The aim with the literature study is to inform about the risks that exists in large dairy farms(with focus on mastitis and hoof health) and to inform about the milk industry in Sweden.Personal comments from two study visits (Nötcenter Viken and Vadsbo Mjölk AB) arelinked together with the literature and forms into a discussion regarding sustainableagriculture versus the milk cow's welfare.The profitability for Sweden's milk farmers have decreased because of the decreased milkprice and current inflation. This leads to an increase in herdsize in order to make a profit.The milk cow herds in Sweden becomes fewer year by year and the herdsize increases. Theincreased herdsize can cause a decrease in the time the farmer spends per animal. This canaffect early disease detection and prolong the animals suffering.Swedish Board of Agriculture published (2008) statistics showing that today's milk cow ismedicated primarily because of two reasons; mastitis or hoof problems. Mastitis is thereason to two thirds of all treatments that are carried out.

I nationens intresse - operation:jämställdhet- genuint engagemang eller projicerad legitimitet - En fallstudie på den Svenska Försvarsmakten

The Swedish Armed Forces is a public institution and consequently obliged to follow Swedish and international legislation. Thus, they are subjected to contrarious demands from different actors operating in its high-technological and high-institutional environment: to be a legitimate institution and at the same time operate with a high level of efficiency. This thesis is conducted with the aim of investigating whether The Swedish Armed Forces' steering document for gender equality is used to achieve visible and quantifiable results or if the document constitute a medium for reverberating legitimacy. To answer the research question, we applied a critical discourse analysis on the relevant documents and on the conducted semi-constructed interviews with members from different levels and positions in the organizational hierarchy. Subsequently, we came to the conclusion that the Swedish Armed Forces manage the demands for efficiency and legitimacy, which are forced upon them from the technological and institutional environment, by talking about them.

Myt eller verklighet : Mytens roll i historieundervisningen

The purpose with this essay is to find out the role of mythology in history in Swedish elementary schools to day. The questions I used to fulfill the purpose in my essay are these: How is the relationship between the school subject history and northern mythology, (what is myth, what is history) how does history and myth being linked together? And How is the practical use of northern mythology shaped in to days school, How does the teacher form the education in northern mythology and what controls it? The method I used was an interview, a case study and a literature study, based on the didactical questions how, why and what.The mythology is motivated by the guidelines and goals, set up by the Swedish government, and is supposed to give the student history knowledge and thereby help the student to build up their identity. It is also supposed to give knowledge about the Swedish and Nordic cultural heritage. The role the mythology has is to support the history education.According to the interview in this essay the northern mythology is given a central place in the education in the Swedish elementary school today.

Fuktskador i våtrum relaterat till tätskikt bakom keramiska plattor

Tile covered bathrooms require a wellexecuted waterproofing in order toprotect the underlying construction frommoisture. Länsforsakringar Uppsala paysannually out millions in insurance fordamages related to poor waterproofedbathrooms. In recent years, SP (SwedishNational Testing and Research Institute)investigated and researchedwaterproofing products, resulting ingreater shortcomings of product defectsthan expected.This report raises the problemsconcerning waterproofing and discusseswhy they occur. By studying productinstructions and insurance cases anddamage reports provided byLänsforsakringar, the most commonproblems concerning bathroomwaterproofing where concluded. Animportant part of the report was tofind out the actual cause to whywaterproofing damages occur.The results of the survey indicate thata common cause of water damage usuallyis related to poor productinstallations.

Handens och tankens samverkan - om textila läroprocesser i vardagspraktiken

The purpose of my study was to explore how preschool educators in Kenya look at children's influence on teaching. Researchers have argued that the formal educational system in Kenya today is a remnant of its days as a colony when people were expected to blindly follow rules without questioning them. I have used qualitative interviews as a method in order get the most concrete understanding of educators? views on the influence from children. The educators I interviewed were based at a school I visited in Kenya.

Nervmobilisering som sjukgymnastisk behandlingsmetod

Background: Nerve mobilisation is a controversial subject which has undergone great development in recent decades. Nerve mobilisation is based on a concept of both examination and treatment of the nervous system. Purpose: To study nerve mobilisation as a treatment in physical therapy with emphasis on evidence regarding the method. Method: A literature review. The search was made through the databases: PubMed/Medline, Academic search, PEDro and CINAHL/webspirs.

En undersökning och utvärdering av ledningssystem : Ett delprojekt i ett förändringsarbete

In past decades information technology has changed the conditions of organizations, not at least within the industry. Advanced IT systems have become a fact in order to cope with rapid changes in the market and to effectively manage an organization?s knowledge. When organizations became more flexible and customized expectations from customers and stakeholders also become higher. These expectations and guidelines are documented in a company?s management system, which can be designed differently depending on what standards the company chooses to implement.

Individen - kreativitet och kontext

Companies and organizations need to take care of their employees? creative ability. This report gives some examples of work situations that support or prevent creativity. The purpose with this report is to investigate the link between people at work and creativity.It was necessary to delimitate the area and decide which sources to be investigated and presented in the report. The main topic is on sources of creativity, but as more organizations seem to introduce efficiency thinking according to Börnfelt (2009), the interaction between efficiency and creativity is also presented.In this report theory is compared to industrial designers? opinions on creativity.

Jippieserien : En kvalitativ studie om hur multimodal media kan nå ut till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och deras föräldrar

This report describes the work process to an interactive movie addressed to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, where Jippieserien is the client. The aim is to explore how multimodal media can convey Jippieseriens message to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their parents, by taking the users needs into account.It is important to focus on the people who will use the system when designing interactive systems. This project is therefore using the designprocess human-centered design for interactive systems. The process includes four basic elements and provides guidelines for user-centered design. These parts are analysis, prototyping, implementation, and evaluation (Johansson.

Påverkan på yttre miljö ? Identifiering av miljöaspekter och riskkällor

The increased interest in a sustainable environment puts pressure on companies in the manufacturing industry. Rexcell Tissue & Airlaid AB (Rexcell) in Skåpafors produces paper to be converted into tabletop and hygiene products. Rexcell is certified according to the environmental management system ISO 14001, gaining competitive advantages by showing that the company works toward a sustainable environment and that they follow current legislation. The activities at the company are classified as hazardous to the environment according to the Environmental code. Every year, the activities are inspected by an independent inspector.

Mind-mindedness och kommunikativ utveckling : Samband mellan moderns mentaliseringsyttranden och barnets senare språkliga och kommunikativa utveckling

Mind-mindedness refers to the mother?s ability to treat her child as an individual with a mental life of his or her own. In the present study, the purpose is to investigate the relationship between the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces when the child is 9 months of age and the child?s development in language and communication at the age of 15 months. The hypothesis is that the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces has a positive affect on the child?s language abilities as well as his or her ability to initiate joint attention.

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