

378 Uppsatser om Hunting dogs - Sida 9 av 26

Lungfibros hos hund : fallbeskrivningar, histopatologi samt analys av surfaktantproteiner

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic respiratory disease with an estimated incidence of 3-6 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in Sweden. There is no cure for the disease, which inevitably leads to death. A similar disease has been found among terrier dogs, with an especially high prevalence in the West Highland White Terrier (WHWT). Dogs with pulmonary fibrosis become lethargic with exercise intolerance, and in some cases they develop cough and respiratory distress. This thesis gives a brief review of the field of pulmonary fibrosis and presents a method for analyzing surfactant proteins in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in the dog.

Polisens utvärdering av farliga hundar enligt lag (2007:1150) om tillsyn över hundar och katter

Aggression is a normal part of a dog?s behaviour repertoire and has always been an evolutionary relevant behaviour. Even if aggression in some contexts is relevant, it is one of the most common problem behaviour reported by dog owners. It has been discussed if some breeds are more likely to show aggression and therefore should be banned. On the 1st of January 2008 a new act was enforced by the Swedish government giving the police force greater authority in decisions to apprehend and euthanize dogs if they after an appropriate evaluation of the dog?s temperament think it is necessary.

Funktionell test på hundar med artros

The field rehabilitation in veterinary medicine has expanded over the past ten years. Animalswith disorders in the musculoskeletal system are often treated. The methods used lacksufficient scientific documentation; however claim to affect the animal's function in a positiveway. In order to investigate the efficacy of different rehabilitation modalities, it is important touse validated evaluation tolls. Therefore, a literature study on pain, pain-scales and functionaltest was performed together a pilot study on a functional test.The aim of the present pilot-study was to investigate a functional test, "Bioarth functionalevaluation scale", used in veterinary medicine.

Bakre skallgropens form hos hund : en studie av occipital hypoplasi hos hund

Chiari type I malformation is a condition in humans characterized by a small posterior cranial fossa, downward herniation of the cerebellar tonsils, foramen magnum overcrowding and disturbances of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. Syringohydromyelia is often seen in patients with Chiari type I malformation. Syringohydromyelia is characterized by fluid-filled cavities in the spinal cord. This causes damage to the nervous tissue in the spinal cord. In recent years, a condition similar to Chiari type I malformation has been recognized in dogs. It has mostly been seen in Cavalier King Charles spaniels (CKCS). The condition seen in dogs is usually called occipital bone hypoplasia. The aim of the study was to examine whether there is a difference in the shape of the caudal fossa between CKCS, small bred dogs with a similar head shape and dogs with a normal head shape and if occipital bone hypoplasia is related to a head shape with a steep back of the head. Other aims of the study were to examine the crowding of nervous tissue in the foramen magnum in each breed group, the extent of syringohydromyelia and to what extent the malformation had caused neurological signs. Sculls from dogs on autopsy were divided in halves and the position of the cerebellum compared to the level of the foramen magnum was studied.

Vänner med förmåner : positiva effekter av interaktion mellan människa-hund

The aim of this review was to examine scientific literature to determine what kind of physiological and psychological benefits derive from human-dog interaction, as well as attempt to uncover a possible mechanism behind these benefits and whether or not they are mutually beneficial. A growing body of research indicates there are physiological and psychological benefits associated with human-dog interaction. Significant cardiovascular benefits have been linked with human-dog interaction, as have lowered blood pressure, cortisol and heart rate. Interaction with dogs is often associated with a feeling of social support and well-being, and dogs also seem to facilitate social interaction between people. Dogs? ability to buffer and reduce stress is also well documented. A strong indication was found regarding a relationship between physical contact and benefits associated with human-dog interaction.

Trycktampong efter mastektomi. : en metod för att minska andelen sårkomplikationer?

Mammary gland neoplasia is one of the most common diseases in the bitch and the most common neoplastic disease. More than 13 % of the female dog population in Sweden suffers from mammary tumors during their lifetime. The disease can affect bitches in all ages but most often middle aged and older dogs. Some breeds such as Poodle and English Setter are predisposed for the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate if it is possible to improve the post surgical healing process by using a pressure pad.

Ökad medvetenhet under jakt i skog och mark

This reportcommunicates the processes and results of my degree work in industrial design at candidate level at Umeå Institute of Design.During my degree work I had a cooperation with Svenska Jägareförbundet (Swedish Hunters Assosiation).The aim for my project has been to explore how I could make hunting a safer hobby and undertaking. Every year people get seriously injured and in average 2 people a year dies  due to hunting accidents. My goal is to identify problems within the hunters communication and approach. Through a creative design process I will find a valid  nd realistic solution to these problems. My project will be presented as a conceptual solution  hat will be based on currently existing technology.

Ultraljudsundersökning av muskelskelettära strukturer på hund : en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie av hundar undersökta vid Universitetsdjursjukhuset SLU jämfört med fall undersökta vid andra djursjukhus runt om i världen

Ultrasound is a well established diagnostic method in small animal veterinary practice but there appears to be limited use of ultrasound for evaluating the musculoskeletal system. The aim of this study was to investigate what publications exist concerning musculoskeletal ultrasound of dogs and to compare the use of musculoskeletal ultrasound at the University Animal Hospital (UDS) in Uppsala, to other animal hospitals in the world. The literature review is divided into three parts, the front leg, the hind leg and miscellaneous. The literature review focuses on the musculoskeletal abnormalities that can be seen with ultrasound. The front and hind leg sections are mainly focused on the joints.

Ledhälsostatus hos Shetland Sheepdog : en enkätstudie

Background The Shetland Sheepdog is a popular breed of dogs in Sweden. The breed is mostly used as a companion dog and is also popular within certain dog sports such as agility. The Shetland Sheepdog is not included in any breeding programs regarding joint health. The animal insurance company, Agria had recently informed the Swedish Shetland Sheepdog Club (SSSK) that they had noted an increasing number of arthritis in the elbow joints, therefore they wanted to exclude elbow joints from the insurance until SSSK started a breeding program against elbow dysplasia. After the start of this study Agria withdrew their demand, but the study went on as planned. Aims of this study The aims of this study was to investigate if there is any data that may show if there is a larger or smaller reason than before to suspect that the breed has a problem with elbow dysplasia and therefore would benefit from a breeding program regarding this.

Lika, Olika? : en materiell studie av skogsfinska bosättningar i Sverige

The main purpose of this essay is to examine if it is possible to identify farms of ?forest Finnish? people in Sweden, by means of an archaeological analysis, comparing the forest Finnish settlement with known none-forest Finnish settlements. This study is based on material excavated from the farms of Grannäs, and Råsjö, in the Swedish provinces of Jämtland and Medelpad. Both farms are dated to the 17th and 18th century. The study itself is divided into three parts, firstly a general study to get an overview of the material, secondly a study of ceramics as an attempt to discern social status and lastly a study of the animal bone material for analyzing the forest Finns? livestock and possible hunting habits.

Hundhållning i bil : situationen i Sverige och effekter av utetemperaturen. Enkätundersökning och experimentell studie

The aims of this project were to describe the circumstances around dogs being left alone in cars, to investigate owners? knowledge of the risks associated with leaving dogs in cars and the relevant legislation and, finally, to study how changes in the air temperature and air composition in the car affect the dog. The project consisted of a survey of the literature, a questionnaire part and an experimental part. An important conclusion is the importance of the level of knowledge of owners, since there are several ways in which an owner can prevent their dog from heat stroke and, in the case of an eventual accident, their action can have direct consequences in minimizing the long-term damage to the dog and even whether or not it survives. Fewer than half of the owners in the study knew that for a dog suffering heat stroke, the most important thing is to bring the body temperature down. Only a third of dog owners knew that if a dog is left in a warm car and showing signs of heat stress, then the police should be contacted and the dog quickly helped out of the car.

Fodrets inverkan på resultatet vid undersökning av förekomst av ockult blod i avföringen hos hund :

Hemoplus® (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Tyskland) is a guaiac-based fecal occult blood test developed for human medicine. Guaiac-based tests make use of the pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin so the test is not specific for human hemoglobin and can therefore be used in veterinary medicine. Peroxidase-containing foods such as meat (hemoglobin and myoglobin) can cause false-positive results of the test. To ensure that a positive result is not caused by diet, it has been suggested that canine patients should be fed a meatless diet for a few days prior to fecal occult blood testing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of commercial dog food on guaiac-based tests. In this study fecal samples from healthy dogs were analyzed with Hemoplus®.

Möjligheter till uppfödning och utsättning av fasaner och gräsänder på Björnslunds gård :

This study treats the possibility of breeding mallards and pheasants on our own farm, Björnslund. From the beginning I considered to breed them from eggs to adults but after visiting several breeders I changed my mind. It seemed to be a lot of work with no economic profit in comparison with buying already hatched birds and then feed them to adults. If the business shall be profitable I have to be soll the hunting for the birds and then sell the dead birds to game purchasers. There are also calculations that show which price you have to charge for the hunting that will give a positive result. Another possibility is to own a slaughterhouse and sell the meat to restaurants and supermarkets.

Kosttillskott för hundar med artros

The aim of this study was to examine which research had been done on dietary supplements for dogs suffering from osteoarthrosis. The main questions the author wanted answers to were ?Is there evidence in the research that dietary supplements for dogs with osteoarthritis have effect in such a way that quality of life is increased in these animals??, ?are there any contraindications regarding dietary supplements?, ?who is responsible for the control of safety on dietary supplements for dogs in Sweden? and ?what kind of advice would I give to dogowners about dietary supplements?. To be able to answer these questions the author conducted a literature study of the recent research on dietary supplements for OA in dogs. The results showed that despite the lack of research in this field, some promising research has been done on multiple different supplements.

En utvärdering av avelsprogrammet mot kronisk hjärtklaffsdegeneration hos Cavalier King Charles spaniels :

Chronic valvular disease (CVD) is the most common cardiac disease in dogs, which account for 75% of all the cardiac cases. Cavalier King Charles spaniel (CKCS) is the most affected breed and it´s 13th times more likely that a CKCS, between the age of 7-10 years, will die or be euthanized for cardiac disease, compared with other breeds. The prevalence has been proven to bee independent of coat color and weight but highly dependent on age and gender in CKCS. In 2001 the Swedish Kennelclub and the Special club for cavalier King Charles spaniel created a breeding program against CVD in CKCS. In this program dogs are not allowed to breed until 4 years of age and have to have a heart auscultation without murmurs.

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