

2364 Uppsatser om Human geography - Sida 23 av 158

Human value for the investors : Fair value vs. human capital

I denna studie undersöktes faktorer som kan påverka individers positiva attityder gentemot organisationsförändringar. Syftet med studien var att titta på individen och dess attityd gentemot organisationsförändringar. Undersökningsmetoden bestod av en enkätundersökning, i vilken fokus ligger på åtta olika faktorer som kan tänkas påverka eller skapa positiva attityder hos individerna i organisationen vid en förändring. Urvalet bestod av individer från tre olika organisationer med olika förändringserfarenheter. Kön, ålder, erfarenhet samt utbildning varierade bland våra respondenter.

Belöningssystem - ett incitamentverktyg för att skapa motivation : En fallstudie av Sparbanken Rekarne

SammanfattningDatum:                               201?0-08-3?0Kurs:                           Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, FÖA300, 15 hpHandledare:                 Carl G. ThunmanFörfattare:                  Feven Gebretsadkan och Mahabad MinozadaTitel:                                   Belöningssystem ? ett incitament verktyg för att skapa      motivation. En fallstudie av Sparbanken RekarneSyfte:                                  Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva vad belöningssystem innebär och anställdas uppfattning av belöningssystemet och dess inverkan på motivation i Sparbanken Rekarne.

Geometri, språk och idealitet : en studie av Geometrins ursprung av Husserl med fokus på geometrin som idealiserat objekt mellan intersubjektivitet och skriftspråklighet

This thesis is basically an attempt to discuss the intrinsic intersubjective nature of the so-called ideal sciences, i.e. geometry or arithmetic. Based upon a thorough analysis of Husserls The Origin of Geometry and Derridas Edmund Husserl's Origin of Geometry: an Introduction this thesis takes geometry as an example of an ideal science. The main question of the thesis is how an ideal science or object is constituted. The thesis consist of two main chapters - ?Geometry and Historicity? and ?Language?- and a concluding discussion.

När religion och djurskydd kolliderar : slakt utan bedövning

The fact that animals have feelings is something that is commonly agreed. Many authors showhow animals' views of their environment is quite similar with human views. Animals, whichare slaughtered without prior stunning, find the moment of slaughter unpleasant and stressing.This is shown in numerous of scientific studies. The cognitive ability of animals can becompared to how they experience feelings and scientists have shown how the structures in thebrain that involves feelings and cognitive behaviours in animals are very much the same asthe structures in human brains. Because of this, some scientists consider that behaviour inanimals can be directly interpreted into human feelings.Halal- and kosher slaughter comes from traditions.

Störningar inom kontrollzon

This paper is partially a literature study of human error and interruptions and partially an investigation of pilots and Air Traffic Control. The aim of the investigation was to find out where interruptions occur and how to reduce or eliminate them. The objective of this paper was to investigate what type of interruptions pilots and ATC deals with and during which phases they occur. The paper has revealed that private pilots causes more interruptions for ATC personnel than commercial pilots. The cause for this is probably the less experienced private pilot and the fact that Swedish is used before English by private pilots in communication with ATC.

Social ekonomi: Staten och det civila samhällets betydelse utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv

The increasing significance of social economy as a concept is linked to general global processes such as the crisis of the welfare state, neoliberal globalization, anti-bureaucracy tendencies and decentralization, but also to a growing political interest in human rights and social development. In Sweden the idea of the social economy generates wide support within civil society as well as within the government and across party political boundaries. Furthermore, what is problematic in this context is the fact that the discussions on the subject tend to be relatively uncritical and often it seems as if though the expansion itself is the main objective. The emphasis on cooperation and the third sector in terms of welfare production implies a set of risks in relation to state responsibility, democracy and the autonomy of civil society. This paper aims to explore those risks and how they can be dealt with within the Swedish context..

Thaksin Shinawatras Drogkrig över 2,000 mord och en jordskredsseger

Den 14de januari 2003 startade en av Thaksins mest häpnadsväckande populistiska kampanjer, vilket är ämnet för min uppsats.I ett tal till en stor samling befattningshavare deklarerade han att regeringen skulle genomföra en kampanj där alla droger i Thailand skulle elimineras på endast tre månader.De följande tre månaderna mördades över 2,200 människor, varav ett flertal enligt vittnen var helt oskyldiga, och merparten enligt Human rights watch (HRW) lättare droganvändare. Flera Människorättsorganisationer och kritiker misstänker att en stor del av dessa dödsfall var utomrättsliga avrättningar utförda av, eller på uppdrag av statlig polis. Trots skarp internationell kritik fortlöpte kampanjen utan större offentliga protester i Thailand.Thaksin annonserade i slutet av kampanjen drogkriget som en stor framgång. Han vann ett år senare sin andra jordskredsseger..

Zenbuddhistiska meditationsträdgårdar - för ökat välbefinnande i Sverige

This paper is intended to provide a picture of which associations water can wake in the human mind from the perspectives of garden history as well as from that of environmental psychology. I hope to paint a fairly broad picture of our perception of water that can serve as a basis for discussion and as a starting point for different forms of design work in landscape architecture. The historical perspective emphasizes the importance of water as a condition for the emergence of gardens and in a wider perspective the importance of water in early cultures. Also, I describe a picture of how water has been used throughout the history of gardens from early Egypt to the baroque era. The garden history analyzed from an art historical perspective gives a picture of human associations to water, and the history behind these associations is presented. As a compliment to the art history approach, I have chosen to highlight our associations with water from the perspectives of environmental psychology and evolutionary science.

Brandgravar : Yngre järnålder i Broe, Halla socken, på Gotland : en studie i olika metoder, med fokus på kremeringen

This essay concerns the osteological cremated skeletal remains from Broe, Halla parish, Gotland of  The Late Iron Age.The focus of this essay is to determine the position of the corpse on the pyre, whether the cremated bones were crushed after or prior to the cremation and if the individual was buried in the pyre. In addition the species, age, sex and skeletal abnormalities of the bones in question will be studied.The result of the research has yielded that the cremated bones did not need to be crushed to result in the small fragment sizes. Crushing of the bones may have happened during the cremation, this conclusion has been drawn through the comparison of a pyre experiment were bone fragmentation is evident with cremated foxes, and dogs in the cremation graves from Broe. The construction of the pyre and the position of the corpse could not be determined through colouring and fragmentation of the bones.The human's were commonly buried in the pyre, and in some cases it is possible that the "grave" in fact is the remainder of a pyre. The species found are dog, horse, cow, sheep/goat and bear.

Initial evaluation of the Meritas Troponin I test for measurement of equine cardiac troponin I

Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is considered a specific and a sensitive biomarker of cardiac disease, and due to a high inter-species sequence homology; human cTnI assays can often be used in veterinary medicine. The main aim of this study was to perform an initial evaluation of a human cTnI test, the Meritas Troponin I test, for measurement of equine plasma cTnI, in order to investigate whether the test could be a possible subject for a more comprehensive validation. The hypothesis was that the test could measure equine cTnI, as there is a good homology between equine cTnI and human cTnI. The evaluation included a dilution parallelism, an intra-assay precision study and measurement of plasma cTnI healthy horses. In the dilution parallelism and the intra-assay precision study, equine plasma with previously established high cTnI concentration, according to another cTnI assay, was used. In addition, cTnI concentration was measured in plasma, collected from 19 horses, without signs of disease at physical and ECG examinations. The obtained curve in the dilution parallelism was linear, indicating that the Meritas Troponin I test can be used to measure different concentrations of equine cTnI in plasma.

Seldonplanen : En studie av determinism och upplysningsidéer i Isaac Asimovs Stiftelse-trilogi

Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.

Talent Management : Möjlighet eller hot? Sett ur HR-anställdas perspektiv.

The purpose of this study is to contribute with new knowledge of  how Talent Management can be seen as a an opportunity or threat for organizational development, concerning competence, on the basis of HR. The research questions asked are: Out of wich aspects can Talent Management be seen as an opportunity or threat on the basis of HR-employees? How can it affect the work of HR? To answer these questions qualitative interviews with five employees within HR from four different companies has been executed. The essay has been investigated on the basis of an explorative aim and with a qualitative method. The empirical results has indicated common themes such as director support, HRs view of Talent Management, HRs development and shifts of generations.

Frihet, närhet och livsviktiga gräl : Ett gott föräldraskap enligt Gunnel Linde

Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.

Utveckling av minimax-baserad agent för strategispelet Stratego

Stratego is a boardgame not very different from chess, that contains hidden information. Because of this, existing programs play at beginner level. The purpose of this thesis is to adjust a minimax algorithm so that it passes the demands of Stratego, and then build a Stratego agent around it. Tests with existing minimax algorithms leads to the development p-e-minimax. This algorithm uses two different values in its nodes to simulate the different information available to the agent and its opponent.

Iron bioavailability and pro- and prebiotics

Iron deficiency is one of the most frequent micronutrient deficiencies around the world. Low iron bioavailability simultaneously with a high iron requirement is a high risk factor for developing iron deficiency. Probiotics are microorganisms that confer a health benefit on the host. Prebiotics are oligosaccharides which provide a health benefit on the host due to a positive modulation of the microflora in the gut. The aim of this paper is to evaluate if there is a connection between pro-and/or prebiotics and iron bioavailability.

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