

2364 Uppsatser om Human geography - Sida 24 av 158

"Man hittar olika vägar" : En studie om irakiers väg in på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

This paper deals with Iraqis in the Swedish labour market. The main goal was to point out on positive aspects of the Swedish labour market integration. Previous studies were mostly problem oriented on immigrants? situation in finding a job, especially when related to immigrant from non-European countries. Instead this study is focused on the more positive aspects.

Träd som berör : en intervjustudie om specifika träd i människors liv

There is no doubt about the significance of nature on the health of human beings. Not only is the tree an element of nature that is of great value to our survival, it also serves as a valuable object and symbol of human beings? enjoyment and appreciation of the environment. The purpose of this study is to present the relationship that a person may have with a specific tree. Three women and two men are interviewed about their trees and the places where they are located.

Vegetationsutveckling och mänsklig aktivitet under äldre Stenålder vid Döudden, Arjeplog kommun :

The landscape in the interior of Norrland has undergone dramatic changes since the deglaciation as a consequence of faultings, earthquakes and tilting of the landscape westwards. Archaeological investigations along former shorelines by the use of models of isostatic land uplift, have revealed many Mesolitic settlements in northern Sweden. Döudden, in the county of Arjeplog, has been investigated by archaeologists that identified settlements from 5200 BC. The objective of this study was to analyse the history of the vegetation and if the vegetation showed traces of human activity during early Holocene, by pollen analysis. The results indicate that the area had an established vegetation c.

Allt som är fast förflyktigas : Föreställningar om arbete och sambandet mellan arbete, tillväxt och välfärd i senmodernitetens Sverige

The focus of this thesis is the conception of work and the relation between work, economic growth and welfare in today?s Sweden in the editorial of Dagens Nyheter (DN), which is the main morning paper in Sweden.As the theoretical foundation of this thesis is social constructionism and the method being used is critical discourse analysis, the language is considered as an important source for the construction of value and meaning of work. In that context it is important to investigate how DN, by certain ways of representing reality, preserves a certain view of the human being, the society and the economy. Which ideological ideas underlie the conception of work that emerges in DN? What social consequences will these ideas have?The thesis discusses the ?truths? that the editorialists mediate concerning for example the view of the human being as guided by rational choice and the view of economic growth as the main goal for social life.One of the conclusions is that DN considers work as a means for economic growth as economic growth is regarded fundamental for the survival of the welfare state..

Human resource managment på den svenska hotellmarknaden : Vilka stategier används av aktörerna på den svenska hotellmarknaden

SammanfattningDen svenska hotellmarknaden domineras till stor del av utländska aktörer. Stora hotellkedjor som Hilton, som representerar Storbritannien, Accor, som representerar Frankrike är bland de dominerande aktörerna. Bland de nordiska representanterna så är First/Tribe Hotels en organisation som ?sticker ut?. Alla dessa organisationer präglas av den organisationskultur som de uppstod i.

Universella rättigheter och partikulära behov : En studie om internationellt jämställdhetsarbete utifrån FN: s Kvinnokonvention

The aim for this thesis is to study the international gender equality work from a perspective of the concept of universalism and particularism, with the United Nation?s Declaration of Human Rights, and especially -?The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women?, in focus. The shadowreports of Namibia and Sweden are used as examples of how countries with different historical, political and social contexts are working with gender equality.A theroetical framework is constitued by theories as postmodernism, postcolonialism and feminism with basis from social constructionism. The thesis is methodological influenced by Critical Discourse Analysis. Notions from former studies were also used as tools in the analysis.

Dödens vara eller icke-vara i individens vardag : Om individuella och kulturella uppfattningar om människans förgänglighet

Though death and mortality is an inevitable part of our lives it seems like both the society with its culture and the individual in some way repress death. This study was set to explore how and why the individual holds back thoughts on his/her own death and in which way society affect the individual?s repression of death-thoughts. Using a hermeneutic approach I have interviewed five informants about death and thoughts about death in everyday life. Also for the analysis of the empirical material a hermeneutic approach was used, and the works of Bauman, Giddens, Heidegger, Fromm and May served as a theoretical starting point.

Kan man minska bilåkandet i staden? : sett ur ett stadsplanerarperspektiv

The reason why this essay is written can be parted in two, whereas one would be the global trend of urbanization that occurs to this moment and forward, whereas the other would be the debate of how motorism has come to be an issue of sustainable management of our cities and our environment. In purpose to deliver a thorough understanding of how the car and its capacity has come to shape the society of today, and to emphasize the problems it´s brought, a historical survey has been made, followed by the report of problems to the society formed by the needs of the car, discussed in several environmental issues, such as jamming, noise and air pollution. This is followed by the discussion of potential solutions for how city planning could return to the focus of the human scale and perspective, in purpose to correspond with the issue of ways to decrease the car use in towns. In conclusion, the given solutions are discussed, where examples like shared space, investment in public transport, mobility management and the theory of the assembled city are included, with aid from literature, to finally conclude the essay with personal thoughts of how the planning of today, or the given solutions, really are the result of sustainability for city planning from a human perspective.

Att vårda våtpreparat Reflektioner om hantering av animaliska preparat och mänskliga kvarlevor.

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorsprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2012:24.

HRM-konsulters arbete mot SME-företag : En studie kring HRM-konsulters affärmöjligheter i SME-företag

Human Resource Management (HRM) consultants are becoming more common. Simultaneously there is a lack of HRM in small and medium enterprises (SME?s). SME?s states neither to afford, nor have the time to perform HRM in their business.This thesis is a Working Scholarly essay based on qualitative method, based on ten semi- structured interviews.

Tillvaratagande av aktivitetsmönster hos individer med Alzheimers sjukdom för främjandet av aktivitet

Syftet med denna forskningsöversikt var att med the Model of Human Occupation som analysredskap undersöka hur arbetsterapeuter tillvaratar aktivitetsmönster hos individer med Alzheimers sjukdom, för främjandet av aktivitet. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Genom elektronisk och manuell sökning har nio vetenskapliga studier inkluderats i forskningsöversikten. Materialet har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen utgick från bärande begrepp inom the Model of Human Occupation och resulterade i fem kategorier: patientens delaktighet i valet av aktivitet, etablerade vanor guidar i aktivitet, miljön plockar fram färdigheter, en stödjande miljö, hjälp till självhjälp och stöd från andra.

Irreguljära immigranter - en idéanalys av den politiska debatten

Every human being has the right to the highest attainable standard of health. This is regulated by the UN in the Declaration of Human Rights. However, Swedish legislation discriminate the group of irregular immigrants, regarding the right to health care. Therefore, Paul Hunt, the UN's special rapporteur on the right to health, draws serious critique on Sweden which has caused extensive debate regarding the matter, both in the civil and political sphere of society.Thus, the aim of this essay is through an analysis of the political debate; make visible the norms of citizenship which are dominating the argumentation of the seven parties represented in the Swedish Parliament. An analytical framework, consisting of three dimensions, is therefore used in order to interpret the material which is relevant for the debate.The conclusion is that Moderaterna and Centerpartiet mainly base their arguments on communitarian values, while Kristdemokraterna and Folkpartiet rather show influences of liberal ideas.

Demokratiuppdraget: ett viktigt uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om hur fem lärare för årskurs 1 tolkar skolans demokratiuppdrag

According to the Swedish curriculum the education should establish respect for human rights and democratic values (Skolverket, 2011, s.7). The purpose of this study is to investigate how five first grade teachers understand the democracy education and how they practice it in reality. I have, based on the purpose of this study issued following questions:What is the teachers interpretation of the democracy education? How does the teachers work with democracy in practice?What difficulties does the teachers see with the democracy education?This study is made through a qualitative method based on interviews with five teachers. The results show that the teachers at both schools, despite the different definitions of the concept of democracy, yet interprets democracy education relatively equal.

Hur organiserar forskare sitt material? : Personlig informationshantering i en vetenskaplig forskningsmiljö

The domain of this thesis is Personal Information Management (PIM) which is a sub-domain to human-computer interaction (HCI) that specifically concerns the interaction between human and information. The purpose of the study is to make an exploration of information management in a scientific research setting, to study which tools and strategies for information interaction that are used in the context and to suggest possible improvements of today's practices. Three in-depth interviews with scientific researchers have been conducted followed by a qualitative analysis of the results. The results show that there are great variations among the three respondents and that there can be distinguished as much as 15 different dimensions that when put together forms a unique PIM profile for each individual. The recommendation following this is that tools for PIM have to allow a high degree of individualisation.

Despotism och erotik: kvinnan och religion i Montesquieus Persiska brev

This study aims to investigate how, in Montesquieu?s Persian Letters (1721), religion and religious structures are presented to influence women?s position in French society.In Persian Letters Montesquieu presents a dogmatic religious life, which proceed from a literal interpretation of the bible. Such a reading raises critical questions concerning the nature of women, and subsequently places man over woman. Persian Letters show how this male dominance gets institutionalized in marriage. The religious life depicted is also distinguished by a non-genuine religious conviction and by acts which take on a simulation form.

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