

2746 Uppsatser om Home services - Sida 16 av 184

Anhöriga till spelberoende Vilket stöd och vilken hjälp kan socialtjänsten erbjuda

The aim of this essay was to examine what kind of help and support social services departement can offer gamblers and their relatives. We also want to examine what the relatives to the gamblers think about the help and support they have got from the social services departement. Central questions we asked were: What kind of help and support can social services department offer the gamblers and there relatives? What kind of help is there to get for children respectively adult relatives? Do the relatives consider that the social worker have enough knowledge about the problem? Do the social workers consider that they have enough knowledge about the problem? This is a qualitative study of three women relatives to the gamblers, three social workers and one specialist in this problem. We have delimited the study to one big city in Sweden.

SÄRSKILT BOENDE SOM MÖTESPLATS En studie av vardagliga relationer mellan personal och de boende

Abstract This essay is about the visibility of everyday life in a nursing home. The thesis is based on the following questions: What characterizes the social life and conversation between staff and residents? What content has the social life and the conversation between these parties? What is the power relationship between the staff and residents? To answer these questions, we used the qualitative approach with open observations, along with interviews. The study is partly based on direct observation by an observer as a participant in a special housing, and on semi-structured interviews with seven respondents, three of them staff and four residents in the same nursing home. For the results and analysis section, we use the Grounded Theory as a method which constructs a parallel between data processing and analysis of the interviews, where we first encode, categorize and create themes.

Bokbussen kommer och går ? men består? En undersökning av hur bokbussverksamhet skildrats i Biblioteksbladet 1945-2006

The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate a possible connection between the development of mobile library services in Sweden and the development of cultural policy during 1945-2006. Our main question is: is there a connection between the development of the mobile library services in Sweden, as described in Biblioteksbladet, and the development of cultural policy as portrayed by Anders Frenander and Dorte Skot-Hansen? In order to answer this question, we formulated two secondary questions: - How are the mobile library services described in Biblioteksbladet between 1945 and 2006? - Are there any similarities or dissimilarities between the development of the mobile library services and the development cultural policy as described in our theoretical models? If so, in what way? Our study covers the entire time period since the start of the mobile library services in Sweden in the late 1940s. The final year for our investigation is 2006.

Consumers' behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it-a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job databases

The thesis deals with consumers behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it. It is a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job data bases. The thesis is based on a quantitative study. A questionnaire were used sent out to 80 Swedes and 80 Danes. The theory concerns areas of online consumer behaviour, decision making and services theory as well as theories within culture in relation to services and behaviour.

Framtagning av fäste för räcke

The mission from IKEA of Sweden was to make a further development of their existing trolley in the FRAKTA -serial. IKEA wants that the new product would make the opportunities better for people who don't have cars to carry their goods home easily on the bus, train or walk after their purchase.The report includes a suggestion for a new product that will fit into the existing FRAKTA -serial. The new development product will continue the same standard as the other products in the serial and it will also make it possible for customers to carry their goods home by public transportations..

Föräldramedverkan vid utförande av vårdåtgärder i hemmet efter instruktion/utbildning från sjuksköterska : Föräldrars och sjuksköterskors upplevelser

Introduction: Parental involvement is becoming increasingly common in the paediatric health care. Parental participation at home means that parents receive instruction by nursing staff in order to perform a caregiving procedure at home.Aim: To explore parents' feelings about performing caregiving procedures on their child at home, and their experience of instruction about these, and to explore nurses? experiences of their instruction to parents.Method: A descriptive quantitative and qualitative design using questionnaires with statements to be responded by nurses and parents according to scales graded 1-10. The study was carried out during the autumn of 2009 at a pediatric unit in the University Hospital in Uppsala.Results: Ten completed questionnaires from the nursing staff and ten from parents were obtained. The mean assessment of parents' perceived safety and security, and their perception that their questions had been answered ranged between 8,6 and 9,2.

Därtill är jag nödd och tvungen : En fokusgruppsstudie om distriktssköterskans erfarenhet av läkemedelsdelegering i hemsjukvård

AbstractBackground. The need for drugs delegation is increasing as more and more sick people are cared for at home and too few nurses working in home health care. Because of this, the number of delegations per nurse is often unacceptably high.Aim. The aim of this study was to describe the public health nurses´ experience in drugs delegation to home care staff in home care.Method. In this study a qualitative method with an inductive approach was used.

Internetbaserade abonnemangstjänster : Tillgänglighet, delaktighet och kontroll

This thesis researches the value creation process in Internet based subscription services in accordance with service dominant logic. The aim of the paper is to identify the characteristics of these services and to envisage the future of Internet based subscription services. The authors have utilized a qualitative method in their research which consists of personal interviews as well as a focus group. The main theoretical subjects that are discussed are value creation, customer participation and service dominant logic. The paper analyses the empirical findings by matching them with the theoretical framework.

Tjänst eller björntjänst? En studie av europaparlamentarikernas röstningsbeteende gällande EU: s tjänstedirektiv

When studying the voting behaviour of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) concerning the Services Directive within the EU, what patterns can be observed? With a starting point in previous findings about voting behaviour, this study analyses the results of the given Roll-call votes in the European Parliament in regards to the Services Directive. Here I focus on the division of votes within and between the member states and the parliamentary political groups; with the aim to identify patterns that might show clash of opinion concerning this issue. I found that ideology seems to play a role in the MEPs voting behaviour. Parties on the far left reach the highest level of cohesion and together with the party on the far right, they voted against the Directive, but due to different reasons.

CAN-understödda FMS-tjänster för entreprenadbranschen

The comprehensive purpose of this Master of Science thesis is to examine which fleetmanagement services for engineering vehicles, ?Fleetech? preferablyought to develop inorder to reach a broad market and meet the demands of contractors.Scanty explained, fleet management is the management of a company's vehicle fleet and theservices can include a range of functions such as driver management and fuel management. Inshort the thesis encompasses four sections:1.Survey of the general contractor industry: The survey has been preformed toevaluate the potential size of the market for fleet management services in the generalcontractor industry.2.Needs analysis: The needs analysis aim was to define what contractors tasks andgoals are, and to determine what functions they want and need from a system.3.The use of CAN and the technical premises: The prerequisite for developing asophisticated and generic system is that vehicle data can be accessed from the CANbuss.The use of CAN standards in construction equipment has therefore beenexamined.4.Specification: An explicit set of requirements have been set to be satisfied by a fuelmanagement service, based on CAN standard protocol J1939.Important conclusions: The use of CAN protocol standards are extensive and the prerequisitesfor developing elementary and CAN based services good. The services should be compatiblewith different manufacture?smachines.

Nya produkten i FRAKTA-serien

The mission from IKEA of Sweden was to make a further development of their existing trolley in the FRAKTA -serial. IKEA wants that the new product would make the opportunities better for people who don't have cars to carry their goods home easily on the bus, train or walk after their purchase.The report includes a suggestion for a new product that will fit into the existing FRAKTA -serial. The new development product will continue the same standard as the other products in the serial and it will also make it possible for customers to carry their goods home by public transportations..

Svenska statens inköp av finansiell rådgivning: Ramavtalsupphandlingen för finansiell rådgivning avseende statligt ägda bolag 2004

This study finds that the Swedish Government has a process for purchasing financial advisory services that is more transaction-oriented than the corresponding process at a Swedish private equity firm. The conclusion is supported by previous research comparing public and private sector purchasing processes. However, the differences between the two purchasing processes are not as significant as one might believe given the fact that the Government, unlike the private equity firm, has to operate under the Public Procurement Act (LOU). The tendency of the Swedish Government to apply a more relationoriented purchasing approach than expected is most likely driven by the fact that this represents the established professional norm for purchasing of professional services in the private sector. As LOU and the professional norm impose contradictory influences on the Swedish Government?s purchasing of financial advisory services, the final outcome depends on which of the two forces that dominate..

Streamingtjänster av film och dess framtida utveckling som substitut för illegal nedladdning : Konsumenternas syn på digitala tjänster och de förbättringar som krävs för ett hållbart paradigmskifte

In this paper we aim to delve deeper into the film industry and how their approach to streaming services such as Netflix might be the solution to the problems with piracy (people downloading illegally instead of paying for the products) - but before they can change the mindset of people, they have to overcome some issues that might make it hard for the film industry to adapt a fully functionable streaming sollution in the veins of Spotify. To come up with some conclusions regarding this matter, we focused our study on the consumers rather than the industry in order to get a better understanding about what the consumers think about the streaming services of film that are offered today. We used both surveys and interviews in order to gather information regarding the consumers thoughts on how the landscape of film distribution has evolved to a point where Video-on-Demand offers the opportunity to watch movies and TV-series whereever and whenever they want. Our research shows that the majority of consumers are willing to pay for streaming services of film and hold the new technology in high regard. However, the concensus among the consumers that were involved in our study shows that the streaming services offered today have to evolve even further in the future before it can fully work as a substitute for illegal downloading.

Valfrihet genom kundval : en studie av kundvalsmodellen inom hemtjänsten

This essay is a qualitative study on quasimarkets in the field of home-help service. The main purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the function of costumers choice from elderly persons point of view. The quasimarket in home-help service of Solna stad has served as an example. The questions raised in the study concerned the elderly costumers opinion of the information about the different producers, what had influence on their choice, their attitude towards the freedom of choice, and their ability to act as consumers on a quasimarket.The method used was qualitative semi structured interviews. A majority of the elderly consumers appreciated the possibility to choose producer of home-help service.

?När farsan sa att han inte ville ha mig och pekade på dörren gick jag bara ut? : ? ungdomars upplevelser och erfarenheter av att rymma eller kastas ut hemifrån

This thesis has been written within the research project ?Tillfälligt Uppbrott?, which concerns youths who have run away or been thrown out of their homes. The project is based on a na-tional poll among more than 3000 high school students. Our purpose has been to study youths who have left home and their own experiences. We have looked at all the question-naires in which the youths stated they had left home and focused on their answers to five open questions.

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