
Anhöriga till spelberoende Vilket stöd och vilken hjälp kan socialtjänsten erbjuda

The aim of this essay was to examine what kind of help and support social services departement can offer gamblers and their relatives. We also want to examine what the relatives to the gamblers think about the help and support they have got from the social services departement. Central questions we asked were: What kind of help and support can social services department offer the gamblers and there relatives? What kind of help is there to get for children respectively adult relatives? Do the relatives consider that the social worker have enough knowledge about the problem? Do the social workers consider that they have enough knowledge about the problem? This is a qualitative study of three women relatives to the gamblers, three social workers and one specialist in this problem. We have delimited the study to one big city in Sweden. The result shows that the social workers have nothing to offer the relatives and they have little knowledge about gambling addiction. The relatives consider that they don´t get any help and support from the social services department.


Jennie Axelsson Derlita Mattsson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan


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