

1322 Uppsatser om Home Bias - Sida 35 av 89

Medicinering inom hemtjänsten

This work has been done by three development engineers and one computer engineer and in some cooperation with the company Phoniro. This report is written for computer science and is mainly oriented on the programming part in the project. The goal has been to develop a program that ensures the quality of the care that the home care organization delivers. The program is developed for cellphones and is supposed to be used in every visit. Several functions have been developed for the reason of reducing mistakes in patient visits, where the focus was on safe medication.

?Känsliga tittare varnas? : En uppsats om medier, makt och moralpanik

Sweden. 1980. The term ?video violence? becomes public through the debates show Studio S. The show urges and obligates politicians to stop, regulate and ban video films with violent content from the market.

Vill du ha de röda eller de blå vantarna?

In this experience-based essay, I give examples of events that take place during a typical day at preschool. By highlighting these everyday events, I discuss around the parental role and its importance for children and child development. I apply a historical review when it comes to views on children and child rearing, and reflect on different approaches that we have towards the children. In the discussion, I reflect on the Childs need for boundaries, and thereby try to understand why we act differently in this respect. To gain more knowledge and understanding of the events I have taken help from theories in literature and from my own practical knowledge.

Nyinflyttad : En analys av tidningen ?Nyinflyttad? som skickas till alla nya Arvikabor

This thesis aims to provide Arvika with a deeper insight into what their new residents think about the information they receive. Anyone moving to Arvika gets the magazine ?Nyinflyttad/Recently moved in" sent home. The year 2011 Arvika had 1017 new residents, and they all got the same version of the magazine "Nyinflyttad/Recently moved in." A simpler version of the magazine hasn?t been made, although the municipality is aware that it is needed.The aim of my thesis is to see if the information that Arvika is sending to its new residents in meeting their information needs. To get the answer on this question, I have examined data from the target group perspective.

De mentala hygienriskerna i en livsmedelsbutik

Almost all people in Sweden have to visit a grocery store at some point, which are facing plenty of different kind of hygiene risks. They will face both employees and other customer - all of them are possible to give the innocent customer some kind of infection. Does the shopkeeper know this Maybe, maybe not. Nevertheless, there's a lot of work to do for a shopkeeper who wants to understand his customers. The shopkeeper needs to understand how to decrease the customers' risk perception, as well as how risk and media fits together.

Den förvrängda invandraren : En kvalitativ studie om hur publiken tolkar och genomskådar invandrarrepresentationer i svenska medier

The aim of this study was to seek knowledge about how the media audience interprets media representations of immigrants as well as the construction of ?us? and ?them? that is created from the media report.We implemented two focus group interviews, one containing only ethnical Swedes and one holding a variety of people with different ethnical backgrounds. The focus groups got to read nine news articles from different Swedish news papers selected by us, based upon previous research. These articles got to serve as the basis of the discussion.To supplement the focus groups, which got to represent the media audience, we also interviewed two different persons we choose to call informants, whom are both immigrants and are or have been politically active and often appear in local media.The interviews were our empirical material which was used for analysis. The method we used was qualitative analysis of meaning and was based upon a hermeneutic starting point, meaning that all humans are interpreting beings.

Lärares erfarenheter av att använda sociala medier i undervisning

This study aims to investigate how and why teachers use social media to reach their students, and how they handle different levels of computer literacy among students.The purpose of this study is to investigate the experience of teachers using social media in their teaching. I have done interviews with two teachers, who use social media in different ways. One of the teachers makes her students publish their work on the Internet on wiki-spaces, and the other one use Facebook for discussions and teamwork. This report uses the pedagogy theories laid forth by Vygotskij as a vantage point to analyze the answers from the teachers. I have also looked at some of the published student texts on the Internet.This study concludes there are students who don?t have access to computers and Internet at home.

Repatriering - ett lyckligt slut? : ?You can go home again, but it isn?t always easy? (Kendall, 1981)

Repatriering är den process då en expatriat återvänder till hemlandet efter avslutat internationellt uppdrag och har fångat såväl praktikers som akademikers intresse. Denna uppsats är en litteraturstudie kring hur problematik kring repatriering har diskuterats i fyra högt rankade tidskrifter under de senaste 20 åren. Syftet med studien är att kritiskt undersöka utvecklingen av forskningen kring repatriering för att skapa en djupare förståelse kring detta framväxande ämnesområde. I vår textanalys identifierar vi sex teman med olika perspektiv på problematiken kring repatriering som var och ett behandlas i uppsatsen. Slutsatsen är att temana kan utvecklas genom att undersöka nya kontexter och metodval och på så sätt skapa en ökad förståelse kring komplexiteten kring reptriering. .

Tjocka kroppar och smala platser : om överviktiga personers erfaranheter av att vistas i offentliga rum

How is the fat body constructed in public spaces? This essay deals with the experiances of five participants, being fat in public spaces. The fat body is often constructed as "matter out of place", more or less expected to be invisiable in public spaces. But living with a fat body isnt all about assimilation, wearing black clothes to fit in or staying at home in fear of facing comments of your body. More than being a body constructed as improperiate in public spaces, the participants view can be described as "revolting".

Användning av lekplatser : en fallstudie i Vänersborgs kommun

The aim with this report is to investigate what influence the way playgrounds are used throw the case study in Vänersborg, and also to find methods for municipalities to collect information about how playgrounds are used. The methods were observations, interviews with parents and children, a questionary with questions about what playgrounds they used, how often and why they used them and what the children used to do there. There was also a demographic investigation and documentary research. The most popular playground, Skräcklan, gets visitors from all parts of the municipality. It is located in a park with a view over the lake Vänern, there is a parking place and a café and it has furthermore a large area and many play equipments. Many of the families make shorter trips and picnics to this place. In exception of this playground, the families almost always go to the playground in their neighborhood and their part of the town.

Kökslampa : tema Fransk Bistro

The report describes the thesis I, Philip Bergstrom, have done at the University of Gotland. The work comprises 15 credits and is at bachelor level and has been done in collaboration with Lyktan Bankeryd Belysning.The project consists of developing the design of a kitchen lamp for the Swedish home following the catchwords stripped French bistro that will fit into the Lyktan Bankeryd lighting spring collection 2013, and it should not look too alike any existing lamp on the market today.The work includes analysis of the company's current products and the image the company wants to project, analysis of three other companies' products to draw inspiration from, and a simple ergonomic study of the lights in the kitchen.The final result achieves the demands made and fits well in the intended environment, there is also the possibility for further development of both a floor lamp and a wall lamp..

En studie av hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av att vårda äldre med syrisk ortodoxt ursprung : - Och en mindre grupp syrisk ortodoxa äldres upplevelser av att ta emot omsorg i ett främmande land.

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITETInstitutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskapSociala omsorgsprogrammetSocialt arbete 41-60 pC-uppsats, 10 pHt 2007En studie om hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av att vårda äldre med syrisk ortodoxt ursprung- Hur upplever vissa syrisk ortodoxa äldre att ta emot omsorg i ett främmande land?Författare: Shamiram Gevriye, Mia SlemanSammanfattningDenna studies syfte var att undersöka hur hemtjänstpersonal upplever att vårda äldre med syrisk ortodoxt ursprung. Syftet var även att undersöka vissa syrisk ortodoxa äldres upplevelser av att vårdas av hemtjänstpersonal.För studiens genomförande valdes den kvalitativa ansatsen som metod. Tematiska intervjuer genomomfördes med öppna frågor för att få del av hemtjänstpersonalens samt vissa brukares upplevelser av omsorgen. De tre teman som användes i studien var bemötande, anpassning och kultur.

Jämställd hörselvård : Teknisk hörselrehabilitering ur ett könsperspektiv

Idag finns få studier gällande könsskillnader inom hörselvården, däremot finns forskning inom andra vårdområden. Hörselvården består bland annat av rehabilitering, där den tekniska hörselrehabiliteringen är en stor del. Den innefattar främst utprovning av hörapparater och hörseltekniska hjälpmedel.    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns några skillnader mellan män och kvinnor gällande den tekniska hörselrehabiliteringen.    Metoden för studien är kvantitativ och deskriptiv. En journalgenomgång inom ett enskilt landsting genomfördes. Totalt ingick patientjournaler för 56 personer i undersökningen.

Jag var hopplös innan, men sen jag började här känner jag att jag förstår varför jag ska lära mig saker : En studie om ungdomars upplevelser om pågående vistelse på resursskola

 In this essay our starting point was the question:? How youth experience their ongoing sojourn in the resource school?? We did a qualitative study with interviews. We interviewed totally eight youth with different backgrounds. The head question was youth´s positive and negative experiences about ongoing sojourn in the resource school compared with their home school. In the result, we came until that most of the youth were pleased with their sojourn in the resource school.

Rosengårdens Barn och Den Svenska Kulturen

This dissertation is about children in a district in Malmö, Sweden that is called Rosengård. This district is known for its high amount of immigrants and foreigners and all the children interviewed for the study are foreigners.We wanted to bring out their story, how they experience the cultures they are in touch with, the Swedish culture that they live in and their foreign culture that they experience at home with their parents. How do these children socialize into the Swedish culture while living in a district that is hardly exposed to it? We have been working from a different perspective, this due to the fact that we have both grown up in Rosengård and are still currently living here. Therefore our perspective is more from the inside, we can relate to the children?s stories and we can tell about it in a way that seems more natural.These children are not more different than other children, they have the same interests and hobbies as is considered to be ?fashionable? in youth culture today.

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