

1322 Uppsatser om Home Bias - Sida 36 av 89

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This essay is about the question if there is any difference in quality at the homes for the elderly in Skåne, depending on however the home is run by a public organization or private counterpart. The quality of the homes is meet with the help of numbers in ?the guide for the elderly? the facts in the guide are collected and judged by the ?Swedish National Board of Health. The result from the guide is divided into seven areas of quality, and then compared in a statistic test between the different types of organizations. And finally the result of the statistics is put in the context of the theory of New Public Management.

Torkning och pelletering av organiskt hushållsavfall - en konstruktionslösning

The research in this paper aims to producing a home version machine thatcan dry and make biological waste into compact pellets. This product ismade primarily for those who want to improve the environment and reducethe energy consuming process of separating the biological leftovers fromother waste in the large processing plants and save money due to reducedpickups of waste. Since there is no commercially available product thatdoes what we want to achieve we had to start from the beginning with boththe design and the mechanical aspects. The result is a machine, that fits inour homes, and in an easy and inexpensive way reduces the amount ofbiological waste that needs to be collected by the public wastetransportation system. This is done without reducing any of the energy inthe waste and it can still be used to compost or by large-scale plants that usethe waste to make electricity.

Det individuella programmets populäritet: studievägledares perspektiv på elev och program i kommunerna Boden, Luleå, Piteå och Skellefteå

This work of investigation was to report how four study counsellors see upon the facts regarding the amount of admission, the students social surroundings and local designs for the Individual program (IV) at upper secondary school. Through interviews with four professionals set to guide the students at four different schools in the rural districts of Boden, Luleå, Piteå and Skellefteå, this has become a paper that describes how they see these young adults today. Different handicaps and diagnosis, troubles at home, pregnancy and even drug abuse tend to make you wonder how they possibly can get through school at all. Regarding local development within the program there are no strings of what to do but for every district to deside for themselves and this has led to different ?experiments? with students not mentaly fit for school at all.

Barns eget perspektiv på ?bra? mat : en kvalitativ studie med elever i årskurs tre

This exam is about student?s perception of food and dietary advice. I illustrate food and eating from the youth's own perspective. The aim is to investigate how students perceive as "good" diet. It also reveals that students at the surveyed schools have poor knowledge of what is plate model.

Design och oro : En studie om inredning och möbeldesign och dess möjligheter att minska oro hos dementa

Between 1999 and 2009, I followed three of my grandparents, all of whom suffered from dementia. Numerous times, when I visited them in their nursing homes, I was met by residents of the ward who were very unhappy. Through conversations at home with my family, I understood more and more that this was a commonly occurring problem at nursing homes. All too often it was solved with heavy medication, which made the residents tired and they slept more often.During my undergraduate education at Konstfack, I have reflected on whether I, as an interior designer and furniture designer, can have an influence on spaces and furniture so that dementia patients can experience greater calm and security. The idea is if that I perceive the environment as calm and secure, I will also be calm and secure.In my degree project, I want to study how interior design and furniture design can contribute to decreased agitation in people with dementia in nursing homes..

Delaktighet och frånvaro - Blivande fäders förhandlingar om faderskapets innebörd

The aim of this qualitative study was to explore which inner conceptions about the abused older women the professional social workers had and how they experienced the enconter of an abused old woman in an intimate partner relation. The theoretical background is social construction by Berger and Luckmann. This theory was uset to analyze the transcribed interviews. This study is based on nine interviews with five professionals in social services, three volunteers from the voluntary sector and one social worker who worked in a community based support group for abused older women. The result of this study shows that older women were often abused, by a relative they were dependent on, in their home.

Barn med astma - resultatet av sjuksköterskans information och utbildning till barnet och dess familj

Asthma is the most common chronic illness in children. Re-admissions to hospital are common and asthma has a significant impact on children and their families. The purpose of this study was to describe the outcome of the nurses? information and education handed to the family. The result of this literature study was based on 14 scientific articles which evaluated the families? knowledge and the illness? impact on daily life after different ways of asthma information and education.

FosterhemsvårdMed fokus på metoder vid utredning av nya familjehem, metoder vid handledning/stöd samt kunskap till blivande familjehem

This is a study of foster homes. The focus is at the methods, used at foster homes evaluations and at guidance/support the foster homes are offered.En questionnaire is made in Skåne, on this theme.Except that, it contains a fairly lot of useful information for families who are interested in becoming foster home.The questionnaire is made among public and private participants who evaluates new foster homes and places children (under 18 years) in Skåne.Because of the low answer frequency, we can?t generalize the result of the questionnaire. But the result we have obtained indicates that Kälvestens evaluation method is used frequently.In the subject of support/guidance we can?t see any specific methods used.

Ö?kad tillga?nglighet mo?jliggo?r kvarboende : -En analys av tillgänglighetsrenoveringar

The number of elderly in Sweden is increasing due to improved living conditions and better medical care. It is important that society adapts to the increase and begins to work preventively to reduce the costs of the increase. An important aspect is the elderly accommodation, the cost of health care in specific accommodation is almost twice as high as those for ordinary housing. Therefore, it is important that we availability adapt dwelling to allow older people to live in ordinary housing for as long as they wish, instead of moving to assisted living before they need it. If we can fulfil the elder?s needs with home care instead, society can save a lot of money.In this report, three different forms of housing has undergone accessibility increases and been inventoried and analysed.

Vårdhundens betydelse för personer med demens

At two nursing homes for people with dementia a qualitative study was performed. The purpose was to investigate the therapy dog?s meaning to people with dementia from their perspective. Two women and five men with dementia were interviewed, everyone being somewhere between 60 and 87 years of age. All but one had previously owned a dog at some point in their lives.

Parkett eller plastmatta, spelar det roll?

IKEAs mål är att deras produkter ska vara för ?de många människorna?. För att bygga hus som passar ihop med detta måste det vara till kostnader som folk har råd med.Syftet med den här rapporten är att ta fram ett förslag på en yteffektiv lägenhet som kan sättas ihop till ett mindre flerbostadshus. Yteffektiva lägenheter gör att huset tar upp mindre plats på marken och därför kostar mindre per kvadratmeter. Med hjälp av detta hus kommer en jämförelse av kostnader för olika invändiga ytmaterial att utföras.

Mänskligare prylar pratar. En kommunikationsplattform för äldre

Safety, its a word not commonly associated with elderly people living alone. There is however a device that is supposed to bring safety, and enable elderly people to continue living in their present household - an emergency dialer. However these devices does not serve their own purpose in terms of design. Thepurpose of this study is to create an emergency dailer that everybody would want to put on their wrist or bedside table. The market for these devices have looked the same for the last twentyfive years, despite of society´s advancements in both design and technology.

Medelhavskostintervention minskar graden av depression hos vuxna - En systematisk ?versikt

Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska ?versikt var att unders?ka medelhavskostens p?verkan p? grad av depression hos vuxna personer med depression. Metod: S?kningar utf?rdes i databaserna PubMed och Scopus under mars 2023. Inklusionskriterier var randomiserade kontrollerade studier, vuxna ?18 ?r med diagnostiserad depression enligt sj?lvskattningsformul?r eller medicinskt utl?tande. Utfallsm?ttet var grad av depressionssymtom m?tt med skalorna MADRS (Montgomery-?sberg Depression Rating Scale), BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory II) eller DASS-21 (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale). Artiklar som inkluderat fler interventioner i sina studier ?n kostintervention eller artiklar som ej var skrivna p? engelska exkluderades. De studier som m?tte kriterierna inkluderades och kvalitetsgranskades enligt SBU:s (Statens beredning f?r medicinsk och social utv?rdering) granskningsmall ?Bed?mning av randomiserade studier ? effekt av att tilldelas intervention?.

"Vem ser mig?" : En litteraturöversikt om närståendes upplevelser av palliativ hemsjukvård

Bakgrund: Inom den palliativa vården har möjligheten att få vårdas i hemmet ökat genom åren. Idag vet man att närstående utför betydande insatser inom vården och omsorgen och att deras insatser bedöms vara tidsmässigt mycket större än från den offentliga vården. Att vara närstående till någon som är sjuk är en upplevelse som är unik för varje enskild individ. Upplevelsen av isolering, att behöva ignorera sina egna känslor och kämpa för sin egen överlevnad kan uppstå hos de närstående som vårdar en sjuk i hemmet.Syfte: Att belysa närståendes upplevelser av palliativ hemsjukvård.Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts baserad på elva vetenskapliga artiklar som granskats och analyserats. De databaser som använts vid artikelsökningen är Cinahl plus with Full Text, PubMed samt Medline with full text med sökorden Family, Palliative home care, Experiences och Sweden.

På SoL-sidan : Avvikelsehantering på fem vårdboenden i Uppsala kommun

En viktig del av den svenska välfärden är kommunens äldreomsorg för personer över 65 år, där Socialtjänstlagen ger rättighet till vårdboende och andra servicetjänster när det behövs. Kommunernas kommunaltjänst ska enligt Socialtjänstlagen vara av god kvalitet. Rapportering av avvikande händelser är en av hörnpelarna i arbetet med att förbättra kvalitet och säkerhet i vården. Avvikelserapportering bidrar till att undvika att negativa händelser upprepas, samt att rutiner förbättras för att höja kvalitet. Genom att ta tillvara möjligheterna med avvikelserapporter kan kvaliteten på vårdboenden förbättras och utvecklas.

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