

5181 Uppsatser om Historical perspective - Sida 53 av 346

Överraskning ? Tidlös eller totalt omkastad?

This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..

Kapitalism : en hållbar utveckling?

This study aims to find out what relationship high school students have to social networks at the Internet. This has been done by focusing on norms/standards that adolescents can feel under stress to achieve, through stressing themselves by social networks in a way that is consistent with the norms. The empirical data has been gathered by questionnaires which have been answered by adolescents in randomly selected schools and classes in a medium size Swedish town, Karlskrona. The result showed that all of the participating adolescents have user accounts on a social network. Furthermore it also emerged that a lot of the adolescents thought that norms existed that should be followed in a social network about how to stress oneself.

Bibliotekets roll för de utvecklingsstördas integration i samhället

The purpose of this study is to look into what part libraries take in the integration of mentally disabled persons into the society. What I wanted to know more about was how the mentally disabled persons experience the library. I also wanted to find out what librarians and persons working with mentally disabled persons have to say about the part libraries take in the integration of mentally disabled into the society. The study is based on interviews and literature studies. I have interviewed two librarians, four mentally disabled persons and two persons working with mentally disabled people.

Samverkanshinder och dess hantering mellan socialtjänst och skola, sett ur ett utförarperspektiv

The purpose of this article has been to elucidate social secretaries? and teachers? experiences of collaboration around children in need of society?s intervention. We wanted to examine what the difficulties could be, according to their experience, and how they handled them. Additionally our aim was to analyze whether their method of dealing with the obstacles were likely to succeed, viewed from the perspective of system theory. In order to achieve our purpose we used a qualitative method and interviewed four social secretaries and four teachers.

Svårigheter vid "Förmedlingstjänst för Bildtelefon"

The aim writing this essay is to understand and to explain difficulties with communications during sign language interpreting at the Video Relay Service (VRS). Another aim is also to identify the necessery conditions for communications at the VRS and to investigate why difficulties may arise in lack of these necessary conditions. The questions of this essay are: Which are the vital important difficulties in communication at the VRS and why do these difficulties arise?To answer these questions, four sign language interpreters working with the VRS, have been interviewed. These interviews constitute the empirical data of the essay.

Individen i det offentliga, familjen i det privata - en jämställdhetspolitisk paradox? : en diskursanalys av regeringens arbetsmarknads- och familjepolitik

This paper takes it points of departure in a gender equality perspective and the perceived paradox between the governmental labour market policy and family policy. The first policy area has the aim to put people to work, whereas the other introduces a reform, vårdnadsbidraget, that point in the opposite direction. Which are the problem representations within the two policy areas and are the problem representations concordant or contradictive? From a constructivist perspective, langue is closely related to power through defining and ascribing meaning to reality. Drawing on political documents, speeches and articles formulated within the government, this paper analyzes problem representations through the use of discourse analysis and feminist political theory.

Natur som kultur : och betydelsen av dess berättelser

Is there such a thing as unadulterated nature? All that surrounds us is culturally modified by man somewhere along our past. But culture is only a fictitious conception itself, created in an attempt to break the world into controllable objects.So in what do we find culture? In everything? In the objects or the stories they embrace? Who chooses what?s worth saving and how to save? Choosing what is culture is made from personal, ingrained dichotomies of what?s important and what is not. A selective eye creates a distorted truth, which could have unintentional long-term effects.This thesis will give a historical account of the archaeological discipline?s development in tending to our cultural heritage.

När Arktis isar smälter tinar världen upp? : En kvalitativ analys av det vidgade säkerhetsbegreppet i den svenska strategin för den arktiska regionen

This study is called When the ice of the Arctic melts is the world defrosting? and written by Rebecca Fröling.The purpose of the study is to investigate how the concept ?security? is used in the Swedish arctic strategy and why the concept is described in that way. The debate of the concept ?security? has been going on for years, but the debate is still present today. What we put in to the concept is operative for how we regard and discuss security and security politics.To analyze the strategy I used two theories, one with a traditional approach and one with a critical approach to security: Realism and Copenhagen School.The method that has been applied to the study is qualitative content analysis, to be able to analyze the text on the depth.

De osynliga barnen? : en studie om Kriminalvården och Socialtjänstens arbete med barn till frihetsberövade föräldrar

The purpose of this essay was to look at how the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and the Social Service work with children who have parents in prison and what they can do to ease the contact between the children and their parents. In our study we have used different questions regarding parent role, gender, child perspective, contact possibilities and collaboration. We have interviewed six prison officers and five social workers in Skåne. We have also used previously written reports. Our conclusions are that the parent role is affected by imprisonment and more amongst the women than the men.

Från organisationsteori till MTO-analys? : -en fallstudie om fyra chefers arbetssituation

The background to this report is the author?s ambition to understand individuals? work situation, how it?s formed in interaction between the individual and factors in the work-setting. Such an ambition is well in line with the concept of Human-Technology-Organization (HTO), a cross-scientific approach that puts a system-oriented perspective on how human, technolog-ical and organizational factors interact within work systems.The aim of this report was to explore managers? work-situation and generate an understanding of it from an HTO-perspective by using an organizational model as a framework for an interview guide and to analyze the work situation from an HTO-perspective following the ques-tions at issue:1. How does the managers experience their work situation?2.

Förälder på olika villkor : En studie av kriminalvårdensarbete med frihetsberövade föräldrar

The aim of this study is to look into the correctional system?s work with parent ship of incarcerated mothers and fathers from a gender perspective. It is a qualitative study and two interviews have been done with employees from a prison for women and one interview from a prison for men. Two interviews have been done with two former incarcerated parents, one mother and one father. One interview has also been done with an organization which gives children with incarcerated parents support and an opportunity to meet other children in the same situation.

Kvalitetsutvärdering av den bibliografiska databasen Historical Abstracts

(Tiden, minnet, kriget och dess följder. Studier i Eyvind Johnsons verk, särskilt noveller. Fredrik Smeds, D-uppsats i Litteraturvetenskap, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation, vt 2004.) Författaren undersöker berättartekniken i fyra av Eyvind Johnsons noveller om nutida krig och deras följder. Det indirekta skrivsättet om kriget studeras särskilt. Minnet och tiden uppmärksammas.

?Här hämtar man kraft? : en kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av deltagande i Qvinnoqulan, ett projekt för kvinnor på väg ur missbruk

The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge and understanding of what impact support-groups, such as represented by Qvinnoqulan, can have on women with drug-addiction. The questions at issue for the essay was: How does a selection of women who participate in Qvinnoqulan describe their thoughts, experiences and reflections of the group? What sense has Qvinnoqulan made for the women on a personal level and for contributing to live a life without drugs? To answer the questions a qualitative method was used and five interviews were made with women who participated in the activities of Qvinnoqulan. To analyze the data a social constructionist perspective and an empowerment perspective was used. The result of the study showed that the women were in the process of rebuilding a new life without drugs and reconstructing a new identity.

Uppfattningar om utevistelse i förskolan : En fenomenografisk analys

In this examination paper I?m using the qualitative method: phenomenographic analysis to present twenty educated and working pre-school teachers opinions about being outdoors in Swedish pre-school. The purpose is to describe the variation between different pre-school teachers? opinions, not to focus on wrong or right.    The paper starts with a review over the opinions presented by the literature on the subject.

Ett säljsamtal via webbutik : Visma SPCS

The main objective of this thesis is to study how the structures of a sell dialog, via a web shop, should be designed in order to support and inspire the customer. To get the answer to this question I use a qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative method is applied in connection with different interviews. The quantitative method is used to analyze different answers given from those who are interviewed. I also use the deductive method due to my interest of studying how reality can relate to the theories with the choice of the subject.Moreover, this thesis is structured by three main perspectives; company, customers and techniques.

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