

6346 Uppsatser om Health care - Sida 3 av 424

Anhöriga i palliativ vård - En litteraturstudie om anhörigas upplevelser av palliativ vård

The purpose of the literature review was to illuminate how family are responded to in Health care and their experiences with a sick person in the palliative care. Ten articles dealing with the questions have been used. The questions emphasized how family experienced the response from people working within Health care, their own situations and if they felt they were sufficiently informed. The results were presented from out in the questions in two themes families positive and negative experiences. The results show that for the families to have positive experiences of the respons, the situation and the information given, the working within Health care have to make families feel part of the palliative care, to the extent they wish to participate..

Att vårda sjuka barn i hemmet : Distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors upplevelser

Background: Contracting asexually transmitted disease is strongly associated with stigmaand shame. Stigma associated with these diseases has a significant impact on self-image andpropensityto seek care. Despitehigh incidencethere is a generallack of awareness about therisks and theeffectsthatthese diseases have on both mental and physical health. Health carepersonnel are experiencing difficulties to meet and care for these patients. Aim: The aim ofthis studyisto describe patients'experiences of Health care after they were diagnosed with asexually transmitted disease.

Socionomen som chef inom va?rden : En kvalitativ studie av mo?tet mellan medicinsk och social kompetens

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how social workers, working in a management position in the Health care system, perceive the encounter of the medical and social perspective. With seven qualitative interviews, the study tries to conclude whether or not social workers are accepted at managerial positions within the Health care sector. The social worker is, as a manager in Health care, a leader but at the same time in a professional alienation from the medical caregivers. Organizations in the Health care sector are often multi professional and have their own long standing tradition, history and culture. The results show that the conditions for social workers, working in a management position in Health care appear to be agreeable.


Abstract:Background: Socialstyrelsen statistics show that breastfeeding continues to decline. Previous research some mother experiencing breastfeeding difficulties and their lack of knowledge and understanding of breastfeeding. Support to mothers varies depending on their individual needs. Factors affecting the choice are the support of Health care nurses and the social network. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe Health care nurse experiences of giving support to mother who are breastfeeding.

Sjuksköterskans identifiering, omvårdnadsproblem samt omvårdnadsåtgärder vid neglect : En intervjustudie

Background: Contracting asexually transmitted disease is strongly associated with stigmaand shame. Stigma associated with these diseases has a significant impact on self-image andpropensityto seek care. Despitehigh incidencethere is a generallack of awareness about therisks and theeffectsthatthese diseases have on both mental and physical health. Health carepersonnel are experiencing difficulties to meet and care for these patients. Aim: The aim ofthis studyisto describe patients'experiences of Health care after they were diagnosed with asexually transmitted disease.

Att vara mellanchef i Svenska kyrkan : en studie om den prästerliga mellanchefen i tio stora pastorat efter strukturförändringen 1 januari 2014

The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in Health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in Health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.

Patientupplevelser av allmänpsykiatrisk akutvård samt av samarbetet mellan slutenvård, öppenvård och kommun

According to the Health care law and the national care guarantee, all individuals with mental illness have the right to good Health care that is knowledge based as well as to rehabilitation where and when they need it. They also should be able to choose and have control over who is performing the care, including the design of these efforts. The purpose of this study is to investigate patients' experiences of general psychiatric emergency care and the cooperation between outpatient care, inpatient care and the municipality. This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted with a quantitative and qualitative method. The study is performed in collaboration with Akademiska Sjukhuset and is part of a larger quality improvement project.

Äldres framtidssyn och funderingar med fokus på vård och omsorg

The western societies is characterized by a strong future concern and the members of the society are valued most of all according to their capability to produce. In our time the elder ness is representing a rapidly increasing number of relatively well kept elders. What sight of the future does the aging human have? Are one meditating of what kind of service and care one are going to need? The purpose with this study was to describe how individuals in ages between 60 and 96 sees, both the future and their coming need for care in relation to sex, age, social activities and experienced health. The material was taken from ?SNAC-Blekinge? witch is a part of a bigger national study; SNAC (The Swedish National study on Aging and Care).

Sjuksköterskans möte med kvinnliga muslimska patienter

The number of people with another culture isincreasing in Sweden. This change in society bringsconsequences in Health care that has not any methodsto manage. The Muslim woman?s meeting with theHealth care is one of those areas. The aim with thisstudy was to describe the nurses meeting with femaleMuslim patient.

Hur personer med psykisk ohälsa upplever bemötandet inom primärvården : En litteraturöversikt

Background:Mental illness has increased in Sweden and the individuals seeking care expect to be met with respect. The way patients perceive themselves to be treated by Health care professionals plays a central part to care and treatment of patients, and the patients experience will decide how future care will proceed. The majority of complaints from patients with mental illness suggest that the way they are treated in Health care is inadequate. For people with mental illness it is crucial how they perceive themselves to be treated since poor treatment can lead to reluctance in seeking future help. Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how people with mental illness perceive themselves to be treated in primary Health care.

Narkossjuksköterskors upplevelse och erfarenhet av kommunikation mellan vårdpersonal i en akut situation : en intervjustudie

Background: Good communication is very important for the safety of patients in emergency situations. Few studies have been conducted regarding communication among Health care staff. The aim of the present study was to investigate anesthetist nurses experience of communication among Health care staff during a situation of emergency in a hospital ward.Methods: The study is explorative and based on interviews with six anesthetist nurses. A qualitative content analysis was used as an analyses model.Result: The six anesthetist nurses experienced structured communication as of great importance during an emergency situation. Three main categories appeared from the material: i) the importance of the organization ii) communication structure and communication patterns and iii) education and experience with nine subcategories.

Friskvårdsförmåner och förändringar i motionsvanor hos brevbärare

The purpose of this study was to determine if wellness benefits led to any changes in exercise habits among employed postmen. The study was a cross-sectional study carried out by a quantitative method. The collection of data took the form of a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 30 postmen employed at a post office in northern Sweden. The results show that of the postman who use Health care benefits, there has been a relatively small change in exercise habits.

?Vi ringer upp dig?? : En undersökning om etnisk diskriminering bland bostadsförmedlare i Sverige

The number of people with another culture isincreasing in Sweden. This change in society bringsconsequences in Health care that has not any methodsto manage. The Muslim woman?s meeting with theHealth care is one of those areas. The aim with thisstudy was to describe the nurses meeting with femaleMuslim patient.

Landstingens sjukvård som en del i den svenska modellen : Exemplet Värmlands landsting 1945-1955

After World War II a rapid expansion of the Swedish Health care took place. Theexpansion was realised chiefly as a development of the hospitals and was bothproduced and financed mainly within the public sector. The financing consisted to ahigh degree of government grants from the state to the county councils.During the period for this examination (1945-1955) the public responsibility for theHealth care was expanded. This was expressed in the publicly financed system forhealth insurance and the cut down in the charges that the patients had to pay for thehospital care. These changes led to some discussions on the national level but reformscould on the whole, with exception for the suggested reform of the open Health care,be implemented.This case-study performed on the county council in Värmland shows that the degreeof consensus was enhanced on the regional level.

Mötet med föräldrar till överviktiga barn : En intervjustudie ur barnhälsovårdssköterskans perspektiv

Background: Overweight in children is a growing problem around the world. Studies has shown that children suffering from overweight, are at a greater risk to remain overweight as adults as well. Child Health care nurses have an important task by trying to motivate parents to better diet and exercise habits for their children. Previous research proves that overweight and obesity in children is a very complex problem which requires a good caring relationship between child Health care nurses and parents.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to illuminate the experiences of child Health care nurses of meeting parents of overweight children.Method: An inductive qualitative approach was used as method. The collection of data was conducted by using semi-structured interviews.

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