

3452 Uppsatser om Hairdressing program - Sida 25 av 231

Vård på behandlingshem : -manipulation eller frigörelse?

In this study have I examined how treatment of girls with neuropsychological impairments is functioning? I have looked at the theories and methods of treatment on the base of the care program and how it is put into practice. In addition I have interviewed four girls who have undergone the treatment program.To gain perspective on institutional care as a social phenomenon, I have tried to give a brief historical retrospect in which particular care for women are described. I am also affecting certain gender aspects of institutional care. I have also tried to make a brief account of current research on the treatment.The study is a qualitative study in which I am apart from literature studies used participant observation in depth interviews as a method.My results indicate that a well structured treatment with CBT approach can work well to achieve lasting behavioural changes in students..

Social Construction of Crisis: The Constructed Realities of SAS Ground Service Employees Regarding the Preparatory Period of Strategy 2011 Organizational Development Program.

The thesis explores an ongoing dialectical process between different levels of employees including top management to workers of Scandinavian Airline Service (SAS) regarding a new change program and to find out the possible social construction among them. In particular, it searches for the constructed reality of SAS ground service employees at Malmö Airport with regard to the preparatory stage of SAS Strategy 2011. A possible ambiguity in dialectical process is explored as it relates to an organization?s ability to effectively influence the understanding and identity of its employees through discourse.

En rättvis bild? En studie av hur socialtjänsten porträtteras i media

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Sveriges Television och TV 4 skildrar socialtjänsten i sina nyhetsprogram. Frågeställningarna som ska ge svar på detta är:? Hur ser de program som omnämner socialtjänsten ut?? Vilken bild förmedlas i programmen?? Vem kommer till tals?Urvalet består av TV program listade i Svenskt Mediearkiv som förknippas med socialtjänsten under perioden 2007 till 2009. Undersökningen är en blandning mellan en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Tillvägagångssättet har inslag av induktion där resultat och teori har tagits fram i en process som varvar genomgång av material med analys.

Artikelbundna instruktioner : Layout och rutiner

This thesis is carried out on behalf of watermixer manufacturer Ostnor AB in Mora.The thesis deals with the area of Article Bound Instructions (ABI) at the company'sassembly department, regarding the layout and management routines involved withthese instructions.In the current situation there are problems with no uniformity in the manner in whichthe ABI is written, then referred to both the civil structure, images and specificityrates in the text.Another problem is that operators do not make use of the ABI that are available inthe current situation, and that there are no clear procedures for who has theresponsibility to write, update and change these ABI.During this work has several people that were identified as key personnel of thethesis held in order to get a handle on how the current situation of the variousobjects of the work looks like, and to examine different desires about the future ofthese should look like from the different subjects perspectives been interviewed.During the work, a number of deficiencies, including that the current program that isused to write the ABI, Lotus Notes, do not possess near the prerequisites for being asimple program to deal with when writing the ABI, which is a condition since wishesare about to put the responsibility for the ABI generation to the departmentsoperators, since their main task is to assemble and do not bother with a program in acomputer.The result of this work has generated new layout and structure of the ABI, designedto be used continuously in the assembly for evaluation, routines regardingresponsibility of the ABI for the Department of Production Engineering (PT),procedures for how the ABI should be written regarding amount of detaileddescriptions in the text and use of pictures.In addition, proposals for further work and improvements has been developed basedon experience during the work and presented at the end of the report..

Underhåll av Turbomin 100

AbstractStudents at Mälardalen University have long performed their lab on a small turbojet engine in the course Aircraft Engine Technology. Since 2011, the engine has been dysfunctional. This was due to lack of maintenance. Since the lab has been an important element in teaching, the University had decided to get the engine functional again. This thesis project has been a request of Mälardalen University.The task we were assigned to was:1.

Pedagogisk utformning av ANT-programmet ?Steg-för-Steg?

Abstrakt Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för ANT-programmet Steg-för-Stegs pedagogiska upplägg. Genom att: ? Analysera programmets pedagogiska utformning ? Studera några ledares syn på det pedagogiska upplägget. Metod: Denna uppsats är grundad i en hermeneutisk ansats eftersom intresset var att studera innebörden och dess betydelse och därigenom finna förståelse. Texttolkning av programmets kursmaterial har använts för att kunna se vilken pedagogisk utformning programmet har och intervjuer har använts för att få kunskaper i tre ledares syn på programmets upplägg.

Visuell kommunikation i programkataloger för gymnasiet : Om ämneskonception och intersektionalitet

Mitt syfte är att undersöka bilder i programkataloger för gymnasiet för att visa hur olika program framställs i bild. Vad förmedlar dessa bilder gällande synen på olika program, detta i avseende på ämneskonception och intersektionalitet? För att analysera bildmaterialet använder jag mig av en egen bildanalysmodell med grund i semiotisk bildanalys men där även intersektionalitet är en del. Resultatet består av bildanalyser av enskilda bilder men även helhetsintryck av kataloger. Jag har tyckt mig se ett mycket nischat och stereotypt tilltal gällande både ämneskonception och intersektionalitet, som kan riskera att exkludera istället för att inkludera elever.

Effekter av tidiga reflektioner vid musikreproduktion

In this project the focus has been on the system for recombination at Oskarshamn 2. The recombining systems have on several occasions switched paths due to low pressure before the last ejector that?s feeding the recombiner. Of the mentioned reason, events and several measuring points have been analyzed in this report since the installation of the recombining systems.In order to prove theories and demonstrate what may be the cause of this problem, we used heat balance calculations by the program Probera. Using the program, we can demonstrate that the catalytic process does not reach the desired temperature with the amount of combustible substance.

Åtgärdsprogram - utvecklande eller invecklande? : Arbete med särskilt stöd i praktiken

The purpose of this study is to illustrate how three schools work with special education needs, what they consider is special education needs and what measures they put in for the student to achieve the goals. I will also study how the evaluation and the follow-up of the individualized education program work at the schools.The empirical material consists of all active programs in grades 7, 8 and 9, together with and interviews with special education teachers and the principal at each school. The results are compared with similar previous researches and analysed by two dominant perspectives of school difficulties.The result shows that it is mainly the critical perspective that dominates the individualized education program. The student is the carrier of the problem and is excluded in many cases from the other students in the class. These measures are different compensatory accommodations for the student in order to catch up with other students..

En undersökning av gymnasieelevers studievanor och studiemiljö

Det huvudsakliga syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka huruvida gymnasieelevers studievanor, studieteknik och studiemiljö skiljer sig åt beroende på vilket program de läser. I huvudsak har en kvantitativ metod, enkäten, använts. Denna består av två delar, varav den första handlar om vad som enligt eleverna är viktigt för att nå bra resultat med studierna, och den andra om hur de går tillväga när de studerar. I efterhand har vi dock insett att vi även använt oss av en kompletterande metod, nämligen de observationer som gjordes vid tillfällena då enkäterna ifylldes. 65 elever ifrån fyra olika gymnasieprogram, NV, SP, OP och HR har deltagit i undersökningen.

Utvärdering av EFFA-Västers föräldraprogram för föräldrar med barn i åldern 2-4 år. : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie med fokus på programinnehåll, effekter samt implementering.

AN EVALUATION OF EFFA-VÄSTERS PARENT PROGRAMME FOR PARENTS WITH CHILDREN 2-4 YEARS- A qualitative and quantitative research focused on content, effects and implementationAuthors: Fritz, Jesper & Johansson, LinaSupervisor: Koutakis, NikolausÖrebro UniversityAcademy of Law, psychology and social workSocial Work ProgramSocial Work 41-60 pointsC-essay, 15 pointsAutumn term 2008AbstractThis study is written on commission by The Unit for prevention which is a part of the Social welfare Services in the district of Örebro. The social work practice carried out by the unit is based on universal prevention, which includes providing parent programmes. The aim in this study is to describe and evaluate the EFFA-Väster parent programme, which has been compiled by social workers working at the unit, with regard to the content, effects and implementation of the program. The study is based on a non-experimental inquiry of an experimental group which has been subjected to a pre- and post test. Further, observations has been made of every program session to examine whether the program is implemented in accordance with the intention and how the program is received by the participants.

Värmeåtervinning ur spillvatten. En utredning av möjligheterna med spillvattenvärmeväxlare.

This thesis is carried out on behalf of watermixer manufacturer Ostnor AB in Mora.The thesis deals with the area of Article Bound Instructions (ABI) at the company'sassembly department, regarding the layout and management routines involved withthese instructions.In the current situation there are problems with no uniformity in the manner in whichthe ABI is written, then referred to both the civil structure, images and specificityrates in the text.Another problem is that operators do not make use of the ABI that are available inthe current situation, and that there are no clear procedures for who has theresponsibility to write, update and change these ABI.During this work has several people that were identified as key personnel of thethesis held in order to get a handle on how the current situation of the variousobjects of the work looks like, and to examine different desires about the future ofthese should look like from the different subjects perspectives been interviewed.During the work, a number of deficiencies, including that the current program that isused to write the ABI, Lotus Notes, do not possess near the prerequisites for being asimple program to deal with when writing the ABI, which is a condition since wishesare about to put the responsibility for the ABI generation to the departmentsoperators, since their main task is to assemble and do not bother with a program in acomputer.The result of this work has generated new layout and structure of the ABI, designedto be used continuously in the assembly for evaluation, routines regardingresponsibility of the ABI for the Department of Production Engineering (PT),procedures for how the ABI should be written regarding amount of detaileddescriptions in the text and use of pictures.In addition, proposals for further work and improvements has been developed basedon experience during the work and presented at the end of the report..

En socialpsykologisk studie om personers upplevelser av Rehabvistelsen Första Steget på Kurorten i Varberg

The purpose with our research in Varbergs Kurort is to study how persons that have been a part of the individual adjusted rehabilitation program First Step have found their stay during their program. The program holds a team of professionals that together work with the individual?s physical and mental health. In our study we have included eight women and to men in the age between 35-65 years who all suffered from a slight mentally illness. Out of a social psychological perspective we have based our study from the social and room environment and how their self-recovery has affected their wellbeing during their rehabilitation.

Vem vaknar du helst med: en kvalitativ studie av Nyhetsmorgon och Gomorron Sverige

Morgon-tv är ett fenomen som dök upp i Sverige för första gången 1992. Det är ett format som ramar in morgonens nyheter och barnprogram med debatter, intervjuer och featurematerial i soffmiljö. Det finns två huvudsakliga morgonprogram i Sverige, Nyhetsmorgon på TV4 och Gomorron Sverige på SVT. Syftet med den här studien är att utforska tittarens tankar och funderingar kring morgon-tv i Sverige, det vill säga på vilket sätt tittaren använder sig utav det och hur de båda morgonprogrammen uppfattas av tittarna. Grunden till studien är våra egna tankar kring varför vi har två snarlika morgon-tv program i Sverige och hur de profilerar sig gentemot varandra.

"Alla är inte med" : Hur motivation påverkar elevers deltagande till idrott och hälsa på yrkesförberedande program

Denna uppsats behandlar i första hand elever som är frånvarande från lektionerna i idrott och hälsa samt vilka anledningar de anger till att vara det. Vi har varit ute i sammanlagt sex klasser på yrkesförberedande program på två olika skolor där eleverna läser idrott och hälsa 1. Syftet var att utifrån ett motivationsperspektiv få klarhet i varför vissa elever är frånvarande från ämnet. Vi ville även belysa vad eleverna skulle vilja förändra i ämnet idrott och hälsa för att minska frånvaron, vilket har gett oss en inblick i vad de är nöjda/ missnöjda med. Resultatet visar att elever anger en viss anledning till varför de är frånvarande vid olika tillfällen och en helt annan till varför de tror andra elever inte är med på lektionerna i idrott och hälsa.

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