

743 Uppsatser om Gudsföreställning - Sida 9 av 50

Ord och ingen handling?

Is FörsÀkringskassan, one of Sweden?s largest organizations, an equal place to work in? Dosex, ethnical background or age matter when being treated by colleagues and managers?In this thesis I try to, through interviews with both the Human Resources-departement andsome administrators at FörsÀkringskassan, find the answers to how the organization?s internalwork regarding equality functions. To help me with the analysis I use both discourse theoryand gender theory. I find a discrepancy between the Human Resources-department?s and theadministrators? view of how the internal equality work is run.

BAJT : Digital teknik i hemmiljö

The northern province of Sweden has in both literature and film been depictured as something foreign and mythical, unlike the rest of the country. It has been my purpose to show in this essay that the systematic categorization of Norrland and its literature reveals multiple criteria known to define the colonial era. By reading the novel Stallo by author Stefan Spjut with postcolonial structures in mind I aim to show how the author uses Swedish mythology and through the presence of The Other criticizes colonial structures in place to this day. By examining the gothic atmosphere I intend to indicate how the trolls in the novel figures as both a horror element as well as a representation of nature itself. It is my belief that the author by further reinforcing the mythological in relation to Norrland addresses the problem at hand.

Arbetslöshetens bestÀmningsfaktorer i ekonomisk-historisk belysning - En analys av lönebildning, totalfaktorproduktivitet och löneutrymme under perioden 1911-1960.

This paper analyzes the Swedish labor market during the interwar and early postwar period within the framework of modern labor market theory. The development of unemployment during this period - according to the commonly cited source of labor union reports - represents a conundrum for research. The unemployment rate rose after the initial diverse shock of 1921 and stayed at a permanently higher level for the rest of the interwar period. This development was reversed after World War Two when the unemployment rate decreased and stayed permanently low for the rest of the postwar period until the oil price chock of the 1970s.In a first step the available sources of unemployment statistics is investigated and compared. The general conclusion is that the labor union reports overestimate the level of economy wide unemployment while being a reasonably good indicator of movements in the rate.

PrestationsÄngest : Yttre faktorer som relaterar till upplevd press i studier hos unga studerande mÀn

I denna studie har prestationsa?ngest underso?kts i relation till tre olika typer av socialt sto?d och tva? faktorer inom tidspress. Tidigare forskning pekar pa? att socialt sto?d spelar en betydande roll fo?r minskad prestationsa?ngest i studier, samt att tidspress ger en o?kad effekt. Underso?kningen hade 151 manliga studenter fra?n tva? olika program pa? en ho?gskola.

Den utrikespolitiska statsministern. En studie av Olof Palmes och Göran Perssons inflytande i svensk samtida utrikespolitik

Olof Palme var en av de ledande kritiska ro?sterna under Vietnamkriget. Go?ran Perssons ro?st var betydligt fo?rsiktigare under Irakkriget. Vad beror det pa? att tva?statsministrar som representerar samma land och samma parti kan go?ra tva? sa?fundamentalt olika sta?llningstaganden? Genom att va?ga externa, interna och individuella faktorer mot varandra har vianalyserat Palmes och Perssons personliga sta?llning i svensk utrikespolitik.Vi har visat att Olof Palme och Go?ran Persson a?r mycket olika som individer och att dessa skillnader a?terspeglas i den utrikespolitik som formulerades.Eftersom vi visar att ba?de Olof Palme och Go?ran Persson har handlat kognitivtkonsistent i formulerandet av utrikespolitiken menar vi att ba?de Palme och Persson direkt pa?verkat utformningen av svensk utrikespolitik.Vi visar ocksa? att den fo?rda svenska utrikespolitiken i ho?g grad sta?mmero?verens med Palmes och Perssons egna utrikespolitiska ma?l vilket sta?rker va?ra slutsatser..

Tuberkulos : En studie av vÄrden av patienter med tuberkulos pÄ Lugnets sanatorium i VÀxjö mellan Ären 1920-1926 avseende köns- och klasskillnader

The topic of this paper is tuberculosis, especially in regard to the sanitarium movement and the efforts that were made to cure, ease and stop the spreading of the disease. The sanitarium movement was established in the late 19th century before any effective cure for the disease had been found. At this time the only treatment for the patients were fresh air, rest and good food. The paper analyses the case books for some of the patients at the sanitarium Lugnet which was situated close to the Swedish town VÀxjö in order to see if the treatment of the patients differed depending on gender. The result of the inquiry suggests that there were no difference in the treatment of men and women..

Ledning och övriga anstÀlldas upplevelser av attraktivitet pÄ arbetsplatsen "Mora of Sweden".

Ledning och övriga anstÀlldas upplevelser av attraktivitet pÄ arbetsplatsen ?Mora of Sweden? looks at how management and employees at the Swedish manufacturing company ?Mora of Sweden? perceive an ideal attractive company and what factors that determine one, as well as how these two groups perceive the situation at their own company. The main purpose of the essay is to compare the management?s point of view with that of the rest of the employee respondents? perspective. While doing so the author concludes that there are several factors such as how the employees feel about their physical working environment as well as their salary, of which the management lacks understanding or perceive differently and that there needs to be more of an open dialogue between the management and the employees..

LÀrarkompetens : GrundskollÀrares och grundsÀrskollÀrares Äsikter om vad som utmÀrker en bra lÀrare

Fo?ljande underso?kning handlar om hur la?rare och blivande la?rare ser pa? a?mnet musik och estetiska la?rprocesser i fo?rha?llande till den nya la?roplanen Lgr11. Fokus fo?r underso?kningen ligger pa? de som undervisar eller ska undervisa i ka?rna?mnen det vill sa?ga svenska, engelska eller matematik i grundskolan a?rskurs 3?6. Metoden har varit intervjuer av tre kategorier: la?rare, la?rarstudenter och la?rarutbildare.

Barnens kunskaper : En empirisk studie av barnens kunskaper om hjÀrtat, blodet och blodomloppet

AbstractThis report aims, through interviews, observations and literature review to examine what some of the youngest children know about the heart, blood and bloodstream. The sample size was twenty children, half of them are at the age of three and the other half is at the age of six.The interviews showed that children at the age of six had better knowledge than children at the age of three, but one child knew that we have the blood corpuscle in the body. He was also the only one who mentioned the blood corpuscle of all children who participated in the research. Children at the age of three could not see the functional relationship between the blood and heart. One child who was six years told that the air we breathe goes directly in the heart from where the blood is circulating to the rest of the body, together with the food.Keywords: heart, blood, bloodstream, the body.

Förflutenhetens landskap : synen pÄ det fotografiska kulturarvet

I va?rt samha?lle har bilden fa?tt en allt sto?rre betydelse fo?r att fo?rse oss med information om va?r omva?rld och det fo?rflutna. I ett modernt samha?lle utgo?r bilder fra?n kameror va?r huvudsakliga ka?lla till verkligheten som vi inte har direkt erfarenhet av. Genom de bilder som finns samlade runtom pa? va?ra museer skapar vi en fo?resta?llning om hur va?rlden sa?g ut fo?rr.

Revolutionen i Egypten : En fallstudie om sociala mediers roll utifrÄn nyinstitutionalismen

This study examines whether social media had an influence on the revolution in Egypt. Social media was an important tool for the revolution since the president Hosni Mubarak and the Egyptian regime strictly controls the media. However social media was not the determining factor for the revolution, the revolt evolved due to many underlying factors. Social media facilitated communication, made the mobilization effective and, spread information to the inhabitants and to the rest of the world. The authors are discussing this theme from the new institutionalism perspective, democracy- and revolutionary theories and based on six selected interview persons; activists, researchers and journalists..

Prestandaskillnader mellan olika ZFS-implementationer

Detta arbete Àr utfört i syfte att undersöka tillÀmpningar bÀst lÀmpade för implementationer av plattformsoberoende RESTful webbtjÀnster med fokus pÄ anvÀndarautentisering och skalbarhet. Arbetets resultat gÀllande anvÀndarautentisering menar till att problematisera det allmÀnt sedda tvÄnget av en kommunikation bestÄende av fler Àn tvÄ parter samt menar att en resursförfrÄgan, för anvÀndaren, först blir sÀker dÄ kommunikationen bryter mot REST och statelessness. Arbetets resultat gÀllande skalbarhet menar till att ifrÄgasÀtta den allmÀnna bilden av en applikations resurs samt menar att bildandet av ett slÀktskap, The Resource Kinship, möjliggör för en förenklad filtrering av resursers representation och en strukturerad uppbyggnad av resursers indelning och adressering..

I steget mellan tvÄ lÀroplaner

Fo?ljande underso?kning handlar om hur la?rare och blivande la?rare ser pa? a?mnet musik och estetiska la?rprocesser i fo?rha?llande till den nya la?roplanen Lgr11. Fokus fo?r underso?kningen ligger pa? de som undervisar eller ska undervisa i ka?rna?mnen det vill sa?ga svenska, engelska eller matematik i grundskolan a?rskurs 3?6. Metoden har varit intervjuer av tre kategorier: la?rare, la?rarstudenter och la?rarutbildare.

Man vill inte vara den som a?r den : En studie o?ver konsumentens ovilja att klaga pa? livsmedel

Klagande kunder a?r va?rdefulla kunder; da?rfo?r a?r det viktigt att fo?rsta? vad som kan hindra dem fra?n att klaga. Syftet med denna uppsats a?r att beskriva och analysera varfo?r konsumenter inte va?ljer att klaga pa? defekta livsmedel, en produktkategori som har sva?rt att genera klagoma?l. Utifra?n konsumentens perspektiv pa? fo?rdelningsra?ttvisa, processra?ttvisa och interaktionsra?ttvisa underso?ks de krav och fo?rva?ntningar konsumenten har pa? sin matvarubutiks klagoma?lshantering och hur dessa krav och fo?rva?ntningar hindrar densamme fra?n att framfo?ra klagoma?l.

Levinas, Bauman och undervisning i etik Etik och moral i religionskunskap pÄ gymnasiet

This essay is a study of ethics and morality in textbooks in religious education. The mainquestions in this essay is how ethics and morality are represented in the textbooks, what thebooks say about ethics and morality and, in some cases, what they donÂŽt say about it. Toanswer these questions I have studied three textbooks in religios education and my methodwas content analysis and features of discourse analysis. The theory that I have used in thisessay is Emmanuel Levinas theory about ethics and the-other and Zygmunt Baumans theoryabout ethics in the postmodern society.The conclusion is for example that ethics and morality often is separeted from the rest of thereligious education and that Levinas and Baumans theories are not something that thetextbooks are very much influenced of..

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