

743 Uppsatser om Gudsföreställning - Sida 11 av 50

Lost World : Home of the seven and a half legged tree

The main focus for this essay is to describe the relationship between human and nature through a material investigation that takes its shape through sculpture. With the help of a fairytale-like story the reader can share the creation of the sculpture and how my thoughts flow through the process that will result in an exam project. Rooted in earlier projects I discuss the crash between civilization and the wilderness as well as talking about the likeness of the creative process and child play. I also discuss the body's place in the forest and the loneliness that we humans created that has cut us off from the rest of the creatures and plants in the forest. My aim is that in the final piece I will create a fiction place where these can be joined together again.

Taoistiskt tanke i Ledarskap

Sammanfattning Under tiden som yrkesverksam la?rare kommer man med stor sannolikhet undervisa elevermed autismspektrumsto?rning. Denna studie inriktar pa? just denna funktionsnedsa?ttning och hur la?rare kan arbeta pedagogiskt fo?r att sto?dja dessa elever. Syftet a?r da?rmed att underso?ka la?rarens upplevelser av att undervisa elever med autismspektrumsto?rning.Studien grundar sig pa? tre olika teman som a?r kopplade till studiens fra?gesta?llning.

Ungas syn på integration : En kvalitativ studie om invandrarungdomars syn på integration

The aim of this essay was to acquire an enhanced knowledge about young immigrants? point of view of integration. During a former practical training semester I became interested in what the young immigrants thought about their own integration, what their conception was about this issue. I found that it had different meaning to different persons, to some it meant assimilation, to others it meant being able to interact with the opposite gender. To examine this I used interviews and interviewed an amount of young immigrants in different stages of their studies in Swedish.

Värdig ett vapen : en analys och tolkning av Birkas vapengravars gravgåvor och kontext

The aim of this thesis is to interpret and discuss the weapon-graves of Viking Age Birka. The weapon-grave phenomenon is deemed differential in relation to the rest of the grave-material of the site, and thus the questions that motivate the thesis is: who was buried with weapons and why? Further questions arise regarding the social aspects of individuals who were buriedalong with weapons. The theoretical approach will be to evaluate any differences in 'social class', 'social age' and 'gender' between the weapon-grave contexts. By conducting qualitativeand quantified analysis of the grave-goods, this thesis adresses both overall and detailed patterns in correlation and constellations between weapons, other grave-goods and terms of burial..

Behovet av en genomtänkt kommunikationsstruktur- en studie av ett projektorienterat företag

Every organization goes through the same lifecycle. Through every step in the transformation to a better organization the communication structure changes. In this report there are examples of the communicational disadvantages that is connected to the communicational structure.By choosing to not have a formal communicational design, the manager takes a risk in spreading the information, the interaction, the control and the balance in creativity and constraint.This case organizations problem is that some parts of the organization has made more progress in the communicational structure than other parts. In this case the Collectivity structure has met the Formalized structure.Tha structural differences has came to affect the way of sharing information and it has become a situation where the information about the products is not stored in a safe way from a quality point of view. There is a gap between the two different ways of communicate.In this report I have created a model to identify problems in the communication structure.

Corporate Social Responsibility : Företags kommunicerande av deras ansvarstagande

Denna studie underso?ker den enskilda fo?retagarens syn pa? skatteverket och o?vriga fo?retagare inom restaurangbranschen samt hur dessa pa?verkar fo?retagarnas insta?llning till skattefusk. Tidigare studier visar att kontroll och sanktioner har en motsatt effekt pa? medborgarnas samarbetsvilja. Sa?ledes genomfo?rdes denna studie med avsikt att underso?ka vilken inverkan ovan na?mnda relation har pa? samarbete, tillit, samt na?tverk av relationer ur ett fo?retagarperspektiv.

Hur förhåller sig barn till reklam på Internet?

Ho?sten 2011 fa?lldes den flera hundra a?r gamla skyddsva?rdesklassade ek, kallad TV-eken, som stod pa? Oxenstiernsgatan pa? O?stermalm i Stockholm. I samband med fa?llningsbeslutet ? ett pa? papperet tekniskt beslut om att fa?lla ett risktra?d, men som av protesterande ma?nniskor tolkades som ett helt annat beslut ? uppstod en konflikt mellan ansvariga beslutsfattare och personer som ville bevara eken. Syftet med denna studie a?r att fo?rsta? vilka ha?ndelser och processer som ledde fram till den konflikt som uppstod i samband med beslutet om fa?llningen av TV-eken.

Intäktsredovisning i byggföretag : En studie av intäktsredovisning för pågående arbeten.

Webbyra?er arbetar inom en bransch som sta?ndigt fo?ra?ndras. Nya tekniker och tja?nster uppkommer dagligen, vilket go?r att det kan vara sva?rt att ha?lla sig a? jour med utvecklingen som sker pa? webben. Det finns ma?nga strategier fo?r att ha?lla sig a? jour fo?r andra branscher men dessa a?r sva?ra att applicera pa? webbyra?er da? de har en tendens att arbeta ad hoc.

Agila metoder ? en kartläggning av teori och praktik

In recent years, agile software development methods have become increasingly popular throughout the world. Today there are a number of different agile methods and they all rest on the Agile Manifesto that was formulated in 2001 as a reaction to the traditional software processes.The aim of this thesis is to make a survey of some of the agile methods used today and to see how they are being used in practice. It consists of two parts: a literature study and an interview study with people working in the software business. First, a definition of agile methods is proposed and a number of different agile methods are described. Second, the interviews are being analysed with special focus on communication, collaboration, expectations and results.

Sociala fotspår på Internet: Jag vet vad du gjorde... just nu

Na?r sociala na?tverk blir en del av va?r vardag o?ppnas uppenbara mo?jligheter till interaktion och na?tverkande pa? Internet med va?nner, kollegor och bekanta. Samtligt som sociala na?tverk erbjuder anva?ndare intressanta redskap, med ma?nga fo?rdelar, fo?r att kunna interagera utsa?tts samtidigt anva?ndares personliga integritet fo?r risker och hot. Denna uppsats underso?ker vad som oroar anva?ndare mest pa? Internet, va?rdet av en skyddad privat sfa?r utan insyn, varfo?r vi delar med oss av privat information pa? sociala na?tverk, vad kan man ta reda pa? utifra?n den information som finns tillga?nglig samt hur kan vi ba?ra oss a?t fo?r att inte fo?rlora va?r integritet pa? Internet.

Hur pa?verkar ekonomistyrning de flo?desorienterade processerna? : EN SAMMANSTA?LLNING AV KUNSKAPEN I 35 LITTERA?RA KA?LLOR, FO?RANKRAT I PRAKTIKEN

This study concerns how Muslims are portrayed in a choice of twelve news articles from Swedish dailies and tabloid newspapers on the aftermath of the film Innocence of Muslims published on YouTube. All articles are distributed in the newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet in the period of September 11th, 2012 until September 30th, 2012.For this study, a qualitative text analysis has been embraced and focus has been on van Dijk?s Critical discourse analysis to the texts, with additional features from semiotics applied on the images.The theories consist of Critical discourse analysis, hegemony, ideology and power, postcolonialism and stereotyping.In the qualitative content analysis, concrete examples from the articles are retrieved and commented. These have been divided into various themes, which are trends that the authors have been able to distinguish in the analysis.The result shows that Muslims in the analyzed newspapers are portrayed as the others, unimportant and extremely religious, in a negative manner rather than a positive. Moreover the press has tendencies to generalize Muslims as a group.

Diet och identitet : Analyser av kol- kväve- och svavelisotoper på indivier från det kristna senvikingatida gravfältet i Björned, Torsåkers socken, Ångermanland

This paper deals with the late Viking age/early medieval grave field in Björned, Torsåker parish, Ångermanland County in northern Sweden. The grave field in Björned is rare because it has all the signs of being Christianized before the surroundings. This awakes questions such as if the people of Björned came from another place and brought the religion with them or if someone else did that for them. To find these answers I have analysed the stable isotope ratios [delta]13C, [delta]15N and [delta]34S in human bone collagen. Through these stable isotopes we can not only see what the people consumed but also where their food had its origin.

Odefinierade platser i staden : med studie i Söderälje

The purpose of this master thesis is to attract attention to the undefined spaces of our urban landscape and emphasize the need of these spaces in the city. The different values of these spaces are here clearly presented so that they can be considered when real estate developers show a particular interest in any one of these undefined spaces. The term undefinied spaces can mean a lot of things. The spaces that I now choose to define as undefined spaces are neither planned nor designed. It could for instance be a piece of leftover land in between two residential areas, or as times change, a formerly planned area might be forgotten and left to its own.

Den fula ankungen : En undrsökning om torghandelns vara i Stockholm 1990 - 2014

Underso?kningens huvudfra?ga a?r hur den ura?ldriga torghandeln kan fortsa?tta existera i det svenska samha?llet da?r logik, ordning och va?lsta?nd ofta ga?r pa? tva?rs med torghandelns flyktighet, kortsiktighet och umba?randen. Oordning och informellt a?r tva? nyckelord i beskrivningarna av torghandeln historiskt och i den aktuella internationella forskningen. Praktik, uto?vare, materialitet, fo?resta?llningar och plats samverkar o?ver tid i en sta?ndig fo?ra?ndring av handeln.

Hej tidspress, hejdå välbefinnandet? : en studie av svenska revisorer

Tidspress existerar inom revisionsbranschen och vi vill genom denna underso?kning studera tidspressens pa?verkan pa? revisorns va?lbefinnande, om va?lbefinnandet tar skada. Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att fo?rklara hur tidspress pa?verkar revisorns va?lbefinnande och da?rtill utreda hur sambandet pa?verkas av olika revisor- och revisionsspecifika faktorer samt av revisorns professionsidentitet, organisationsidentitet och familjeidentitet. Fo?ljaktligen vill vi besvara fo?ljande fra?gesta?llning: Hur pa?verkar tidspress revisorns va?lbefinnande?Fo?r att besvara syftet och fra?gesta?llningen har en kvantitativ enka?tunderso?kning genomfo?rts.

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