

27 Uppsatser om Gospel of Luke - Sida 2 av 2

Att våga förnya för att förmedla : Förnyandet av den moderna sakrala konsten sett ur tre konstverks uppkomst tagna från konstprojektet "Kyrkorummet"

In this essay the renewal of the modern sacred art has been examined through the creation of three works of art from the art project ?Kyrkorummet?. The aim has been to show that renewal of the modern sacred art is best accomplished by the combination of the artist history and Bible knowledge and the open mindness of the beholder towards the new and creative, in order to communicate the gospel in modern time.The large extend of the art project demanded a selection of the art works. Therefore, three were chosen and they show the last supper and the baptism in a renewal way including both symbolism and creativity. To complete and facilitate the analyses, a theme, light and water, have been used as well as relevant theories in art history with Kandinsky as main art critic.Through the art project and it?s teaching, history in combination with present time through visits in different and modern churches, thoughts have been stimulated and the result has been new works of art that speaks of our time.

Gudstjänstordning i förändring - en undersökning av teologin i högmässans beredelsemoment och en diskussion av förslagen till dess omformning

Public confession and declaration of grace in the mass, following the book of worship of the Church of Sweden, is considered by many to be problematic, and hence the topic of frequent discussion. This is apparent already in the proposal for the existing book of worship, as well as in those official proposals that have been presented in recent years for a revised order of worship. This paper provides a summary account of the historical development of the public confession (and its attendant parts) from the early church into recent times, with a focus on the Church of Sweden, focusing on church regulation and official books of worship. This account shows that a public confession existed in early Christian celebration of service/mass, and that public confession and declaration of grace as we know it today (in the Church of Sweden) has developed from the practice of private confession with a relationship to Holy Communion. In Sweden, the ambitions of the Lutheran program of reformation with respect to public confession did not materialize fully.

Judas, förråder du människosonen med en kyss? : En analys av karaktären Judas Iskariot i filmerna The Last Temptation of Christ och Son of God

The aim of this study is to examine the image of Judas Iscariot in popular culture with the help of two movies, The Last Temptation of Christ and Son of God. This study is based on a film analysis where a characterization is in focus. The method has also chosen to include intertextuality. This is because it is relevant to show how writers and filmmakers used the previous materials to create their own versions. Survey theory was based on a mediatisation-theory.

Logos som grund för en könsneutral Gud

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Greek expression Logos found in the Gospel of John, to discover if it is possible to expand the term in such a way that female, male and gender neutral imagery of God can be generated from it. This is done by enumerating the wide range of meanings that logos can concur, found in the different contexts of the Christian Bible and within Hellenism, including Gnostic texts. These different meanings of logos are examined in order to see in what way they can generate new images of God as related to the purpose. The results show that it is indeed achievable to produce such images from Logos, a term that has chiefly been regarded as a masculine one. This is mainly based on the fact that many of Logos qualities can be said to be gender neutral in terms of being widely described as superhuman; it is among other attributes called light, life and eternal.

?Här leker vi inte pang pang Lucky Luke!? : Om pedagogers ambivalens till populärkultur i förskolan

The purpose of this paper is to examine teachers' approach to popular culture in preschool. The questions we want answered are: What approach do educators have to popular culture in preschool and what underlies that approach? Is there a high - and low culture in preschool? If educators bring popular culture into the preschool, how then is it used? Do children?s culture influence everyday life in preschool? We have employed qualitative methods to seek answers to our questions. We conducted seven interviews with educators from four different preschools. The starting point for our study was the socio-cultural perspective because we examined people's cultures and how the meeting between them unfolds. We concluded that educators have a very ambivalent attitude towards popular culture in preschool.

Feedback ur ett la?rarperspektiv : En studie om fyra la?rare i idrott och ha?lsa och deras anva?ndning av feedback

Under a?ren pa? la?rarutbildningen har vi via personliga iakttagelser kunnat sko?nja en diskrepans mellan vad la?rare anser sig sa?nda ut fo?r feedback och hur de beskriver sin feedback. Luke och Sinclair (1991) menar att det a?r la?rarens beteende som a?r den starkaste faktorn till hur elever uppfattar Idrott och ha?lsa i skolan. I relation till det som Hattie och Timperley (2007) samt Stensmo (2008) skriver om hur felaktig feedback kan ge omva?nd effekt riskerar feedback att motarbeta Skolverkets (2011) ambition att fra?mja varje elevs utveckling.

Motivera eller engagera : En studie om registreringsprocesser på webbaserade tjänster

Att behöva fylla i namn, telefonnummer och andra uppgifter för att få ta del av en tjänst och börja använda den kallas registreringsformulär, och kan anses vara en utav de mindre roliga företeelserna på internet. Många tjänster använder sig dock av dessa vilket gör att besökare måste gå igenom ett extra steg för att få börja använda tjänsten i fråga. Registrering till tjänster är dock många gånger nödvändigt vilket leder fram till problemet som undersöks i denna rapport: Hur ska registreringsprocessen till en tjänst utformas för att få besökare att vilja registrera sig?I denna rapport har två prototyper av en webbaserad tjänst undersökts. En som baserar sig på Luke Wroblewskis (2008) teori om gradvist engagemang, vilket innebär att registreringen blandas in i användandet av tjänsten.

Läsförståelse - en text- och innehållsanalys av materialet En läsande klass

Syftet med vår text- och innehållsanalys är att närmre undersöka det kostnadsfria materialet En läsande klass (2014) ur ett literacyperspektiv. En läsande klass (2014) utger sig för att vara ett verktyg för yrkesverksamma lärare att arbeta med läsförståelse genom olika strategier, dock har materialet (ELK, 2014) mötts av en del kritik från framstående forskare inom området för läsförståelse (Damber & Nilsson, 2014; i Larsson, 2014). Vår uppsats utgår ifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande där individen, i sociala aktiviteter med kollektivet, utvecklar sitt lärande (Vygotskij, 1978). Vidare fördjupas denna teori ur ett literacyperspektiv som beskrivs som den förmåga och kunnighet en individ innehar inom läsning och skrivning och hur denna praktiseras genom varierande skriftspråkliga aktiviteter (Fast, 2007). Insamlandet av empirin sker genom ett strategiskt urval där vi fokuserar på den inledande höstterminens arbete med materialet En läsande klass (2014) i årskurs 1.

Dikaiosyne theou : Guds rättfärdighet i Rom 3:21-26

The aim of this study has been to try to understand the meaning of dikaiosuvnh qeou` in Rom 3:21-26, and how man receives this righteousness.The study has two main parts. The first part is a study of Greek terms and words, where the following terms are examined: First the iJlavskomai word group, and especially the word iJlasthvrion. Secondly the words divkaio" and dikaiosuvnh. Thirdly the word novmo" and fourthly the words pisteuvw and pivsti". The final term examined is ajpoluvtrwsi".

Emerging church : en missionerande gemenskap i en postmodern tid

The main discussion in this essay concern what the Emerging Church is, its sociological and theological context, their main critique of modernism and the consequences in theology and praxis. EC is not a new church but wants to be a new way of being church. In England much of the discussion concerning EC has found a context within the report Mission-Shaped Church (MSC). EC differs from Emergent Village which is a continuing discussion from a postmodern philosophical view.EC is born in an evangelical context with the tensions in the postmodern context, the liminal situation with among other items the disussion about a liquid culture and liquid church. Other backgroundfactors are the ChurchGrowth-movement, Willow Creek and the Gospel and Our Culture.EC critisizes its evangelical background and moves the center from justification to incarnation, from propostionalism, individualism, mission and activism to a theology of incarnational community life.Four different proponents are considered; Brian Mclaren, Dan Kimball, Karen Ward and Ben Edson.

Lag i katolsk och luthersk teologi : Om lagbegreppet i Wolfhart Pannenberg, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David P. Scaer och Johannes Paulus II encyklika Veritatis Splendor

Three main questions give the fundamental structure for this master thesis: 1) In what way is the notion of law being perceived in the following theologians respectively; David P. Scaer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Wolfhart Pannenberg? 2) In what way is the notion of law being perceived in the encyclical Veritatis Splendor? 3) Which similarities and divergences can be found in the respective expositions of the notion of law?For the purpose of comparison, I have employed four questions of analysis. These are: A) What is ?the law?? B) Is the law being effected, or is it working, in the world and if so - in what ways and for what purposes is it meant to serve? C) Does human beings have any capacities to understand and/or live in accordance to the law? D) Does the Gospel, perceived as the earthly life, actions, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, effect any alteration with respect to the purpose, range, function or interpretation of the law?In order to better understand Roman-Catholic concepts of law, the treatise on law of Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica is briefly presented.

Gospel - musik som berör

Detta är en skriftlig presentation av mitt examensarbete från Kungliga Musikhögskolans musikerprogram på masternivå, med inriktningen jazzpiano. Tre inspelningar redovisas, för solopiano, för pianotrio och för kvintett. Dessutom har en studieresa till Indien företagits inom ramen för Internationella Programkontorets Minor Field Studies-program. Den kommer dock att redovisas separat vid ett senare tillfälle, men uppsatsen är skriven under tiden i Indien och detta skymtar då och då fram i texten. De tre inspelningarna består uteslutande av originalmusik, skriven till allra största delen under utbildningens gång.

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