

1947 Uppsatser om Globalization Generation Y Advertising Messages Channels - Sida 21 av 130

"För man lär genom leken" : En studie kring förskollärares syn på leken som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i barnens lärande.

The purpose of this study was to analyze recent appropriations of works of art in advertising. Why was art infused into magazine advertisements, how were the works of art tampered with to achieve commercial goals, how well did they function together with the ad copy? What did these advertisements want? What did the artwork contribute to the commercial message? These were some of the questions asked in the study that involved a closer look at four appropriations: one based on a battle painting by the Swedish 1900th century artist Carl Wahlbom, with a commercial message printed on top;  one a collage including an 18th century portrait of Marie Antoinettte by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun; one advertisement was influenced by Dutch 1700th century still lifes, and, finally, one paraphrased Velázquez?s famous painting Las Meninas from 1655. Companies behind the advertisements featured a Swedish trade journal, a fashion exhibition in Paris, a shop for kitchen utensils in Stockholm, and an up-scale department store in Madrid.The ads, in different ways based on works of art, were evaluated as reasonably successful commercial messages. These ads, however, hardly qualified as works of art in their own right ? if that was the intention.

Ondskans tecken? : karaktärsdesign ur ett semiologiskt och sociokulturellt perspektiv

Ondskans tecken är en uppsats som handlar om hur bildspråket använder sig av yttre tecken för att beskriva en människas inre karaktär. Med fokus på dikotomin mellan gott och ont undersöks och problematiseras karaktärsdesignen av tecknade figurer i den västerländska populärkulturen. Examensarbetet framhåller även hur vårt gemensamma bildspråk reproduceras från generation till generation och hur dessa föreställningar blir till en del av vår kulturella förförståelse. Uppsatsen belyser dessa frågor ur ett bildlärarperspektiv..

Upplevelsemarknadsföring enligt Generation Y: En fallstudie med undersökning om målgruppens erfarenheter kring upplevelsemarknadsföring

Då samhället har utvecklats från att ha gått från informationssamhälle till ett upplevelsesamhälle ställs det högre krav på att företag och organisationer ska se individen och dess behov av meningsskapande. Upplevelser används inte bara för att sälja produkter och tjänster, utan även i marknadsföringen av dem. Marknadsföringsbranschen är också i ständig utveckling för att hitta nya kreativa vägar och lösningar att nå ut till sina konsumenter. I dag är människor konstant uppkopplade på nätet via sina smarta mobiler och surfplattor. Ungdomar i denna fallstudie, även kallade generation Y, har visat sig ha en stor påverkan på utvecklingen av internetbaserade tjänster och produkter.

Volontärarbete : -God gärning eller hobbyverksamhet?

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to highlight the western involvement in Thai orphanages and, on basis of Western moral development workers and volunteers, enlighten how Western colonial heritage can be recreated in the humanitarian economic aid.The study is based on the recent tsunami disaster in 2004 which led to a huge voluntary effort by Western volunteers and organizations who wanted to rebuild the country. Now, seven years after the disaster, the country has recovered well and thanks to a strong turism, and industrial growth, the country has now reached the position of a middle income country with regional power.The study presents a selection of previous ressearch in the area from different critical perspectives. It is a field study based on qualitative interviews with six informants that highlights the individual engagment in humanitarian assistance. Theories based on Post-colonialism and globalization have been used in order to analyze and reach the result of this study..

Identifiering av det logistiska förpackningssystemet En studie av teleutrustningsindustrin

Background: Due to outsourcing, the material flows in the telecom equipment industry have undergone major changes, which in turn has imposed new challenges for packaging supplier Nefab who delivers to the industry. In order to achieve market intelligence, Nefab wants to map the material flows, and investigate possibilities of further reusable logistical packaging systems.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the typical features of the logistical material flows in a technically based, rapidly growing industry, and analyze the driving forces and obstacles, which influence the selection of logistical packaging system. Procedure: After developing a theoretical framework consisting of general logistical theories and theories related to logistical packaging, we have interviewed companies in the logistics channel of Ericsson Radio Systems.Results: We have found the main characteristics of material flows in our investigated industry to be Variations in Demand, Focus on Time-to-Customer, and Globalization of Logistics Channels. Regarding driving forces and obstacles in the selection of logistical packaging systems, we have identified Transportation Characteristics, Customer Demands, Quality, Handling & Administration, and Current Packaging System as important factors..

Hur olika skogsägarkategorier har försett sig med underlag för beslut och åtgärder efter stormen Gudrun : en jämförelse av medlemmar och icke-medlemmar, åbor och utbor samt kvinnor och män

During the 8th and 9th of January 2005 a devastating storm named Gudrun entered the south of Sweden and a big part of the forest owners got their forests damaged. The study objective was to investigate on which basis and how the affected forest owners made their managment decisions immediately after the storm and if there are any differences between different categories of forest owners. - Members ? non members in a forest owner association (FOA) - Resident owners ? non resident owners - Female and male forest owner The study is based on a questionnaire survey with the purpose to examine the most important counsellor and information channels of the forest owners. A total of 450 forest owners participated in the survey. Results show that all categories of forest owners prefer professional counselling rather than personal counselling.

Retorik och semiotik i reklam : En jämförelse mellan tidningsannonser och internetbanners

Advertising is something that we get in touch with on a daily basis and more or less everywhere. Advertising is used in different mediums, such as magazines, television, radio, internet, cellphones et.c. The aim of the present study is to find out if there are any recurrent dissimilarities how advertising is constructed among the mediums regarding rhetorical and semiotical theories. Two different mediums have been chosen for a comparison, printed advertisments versus internetbanners. The study has been based on a total of ten qualitative image analyses.

Energikonsumtion hos en diskmaskin

The dishwasher is a wide spread product that occurs in many households. It saves the user time,water and energy. When using a dishwasher instead of doing dishes by hand a lot of energy issaved.The importance of lowering the energy consumption does not only come from the consumerwinnings but also from an environmental point of view. Scientists are certain that the globalwarming comes from the emission of green house gasses that is created by human consumptionof oil, gas and coal.Dishwashers today are a lot more energy efficient than older dishwashers, but there are stillmargins to lower the energy consumption. The aim with this project is to investigate thedishwasher and it?s washing cycle, noting different phases and components that contribute towaste of energy.

Har bilden av maskulinitet åldrats med värdighet? : En kvantitativ inneha?llsanalys av manlighetsideal i reklamannonser fo?r manliga sko?nhetsprodukter under 2000-talet

Purpose: This study has been conducted with the purpose to examine representations of men and masculinity ideals in advertising for male grooming products. This study also aims to investigate how the male representation has changed during the 2000?s.Theories: The theoretical framework of this study is based on established theories and past research about gender, masculinity, advertising and visual communication.Methodology: The study has had a quantitative approach and is based on content analysis of print advertisements published in the Swedish lifestyle magazine Cafe? during the years 2003-2012.Conclusion: The result of the study suggests that the representation of men was not versatile, many of the advertisements showed the same representation pattern, which indicated that the metrosexual was the most common depicted masculinity. Past research shows that the notion of men and the male representations in media has gone through major changes during the last decades. However, the results of this study did not find any signs that the male representations were going through any significant change in the examined advertisements.

Torsby kommun kommunicerar för en yngre befolkning : En kvalitativ undersökning av en av kommunens målgrupper

AbstractThe purpose and vision for the municipality of Torsby are to connect with a younger population in the municipality by the year of 2012.This study is a qualitative survey of the target group ?the young ones? within the municipality of Torsby, which is the population between 17?35 years old.Because of the size and the different intrests between the individuals in this group it has been divided into three smaller groups.? High school students, 17-19 years old.? Returning seasonal workers, 20-26 years old.? People who has moved to Torsby and are now living in the municipality, 27-35 years old.The results of the study show that all the respondents believes that with the right communication channels a positive and strong communication between the municipality and the target groups can be reached. The message and the significance of the message are as important as the communication channels and all the target groups together would like to see a wider range of leisure pursuits that will suit the respective target group.The analysis and the results also show that the communication with the target groups should come about in different ways to be successful, both when it comes to fundemental reasons and choices of communication channels.The two youngest target groups has an adjacent and a similar need of well-founded and entertaining communication and information to rach a long-term result.The older group needs communication that will give them opportunity to reflect and concider the message, which means that the municipality of Torsby needs to adjust both the message and the communication channel for a quicker respons. This target group is also in need of further studies so the municipality of Torsby succesfully can plan a more detailed communication, this because the target group is a less homogeneous group than the two other target groups..

The advertising sales flyer as a promotion tool in grocery retail stores, and its effects on in-store consumer behaviour

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken.The purpose of this study was to analyse if there are in-store consumer behaviour differences between the consumers that use ASF and the consumers that not use ASF in store. More precisely this study had two objectives. The first objective was to create a conceptual model depicting the various behavioural effects that the use of ASF may result in. These variables were tested empirically in order to analyze if the use of ASF influence in-store consumer behaviour. The second objective was to analyze if there are differences in the routes taken by the consumers in store, in relation to whether the consumers use the ASF or not..

Internkommunikation - idag och imorgon. En kvalitativ studie av personalens syn på Blå Ställets internkommunikation

Aim: The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate how the employees experience theinternal communication and to examine the channels they communitace trough betweenthe departments at Blå Stället in Sweden. This task was given by the unit chiefs at thecompany who?ve seen a need to investigate and improve their internal communication.The goal is therefore also to produce concrete and well-founded proposals on how theinternal communication can bee improved at Blå Stället. Relevant Theoretical frame ofreference was internal communication, information, communication channels, formaland informal communication. To collect data from employees I made six interviews,one from every department and two informers.

Ideella organisationer på Twitter : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svenska jämställdhetsorganisationers användning av Twitter

Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.

Den rosa annonsen: en kvantitativ studie om homosexuellt bildinnehåll i reklam och dess effekter

Previous studies have pointed out the potential risks involved with targeting homosexual consumers by using ads with homosexual imagery in mainstream media. Many of these studies have indicated that there may be drawbacks with exposing heterosexuals to these kinds of advertisements. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether this is true for all groups of heterosexual consumers. An experimental study was carried out to examine the effects of explicit homosexual imagery on a heterosexual group with a generally positive attitude towards homosexuality. Empirical evidence suggests that homosexual imagery does not elicit any negative reactions among these heterosexual consumers.

Hur behåller vi dig? - En kvalitativ studie om Generation Y:s syn på motivation i arbetslivet

Studien syftar till att kartlägga vad den nya generationen, även kallad Generation Y, motiveras av i arbetslivet och om det skiljer sig mellan inre eller yttre motivationsfaktorer. Eftersom Generation Y skiljer sig från tidigare generationer finns ett behov att förstå vad som krävs för att attrahera och behålla denna unga arbetskraft. Organisationer står inför stora pensionsavgångar och för att inte gå miste om värdefull kompetens krävs alltmer från organisationerna för att möta den nya generationens krav på arbetet. Utifrån denna problematik ser vi det viktigt att belysa och lyfta fram den nya generationen för att öka förståelsen för vilka faktorer som Generation Y värdesätter i arbetslivet. Undersökningen som gjordes utgick från en kvalitativ ansats och utgjordes av intervjuer som analyserades utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv.

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