

3618 Uppsatser om Funktionell test - Sida 8 av 242

Utveckling av provmetodik för HVAC på lastbil : Klimatprovning i klimatvindtunneln CD7

The issue about how Scania shall perform HVAC tests in the climatic wind tunnel CD7, which Scania is about to complete by year 2013, has resulted in four test methods for truck HVAC and also a test method structure. The test methods have been chosen to focus on sun, snow and rain simulations. These are adapted and developed according to what should be tested and to what can be tested in CD7, which has been the object. With CD7 different climates can be simulated in a controlled environment for complete truck level, from desert with high sun load to arctic cold and snow.The test methods represents a basis to start from, for designers and test engineers which make the testing more repetitive as well as time eventually can be saved. Before the test methods can be applied they must be verified as they are based on theoretical and empirical assumptions.

Automatiska GUI-test : En teoretisk och praktisk studie för hållbarare test

To automate software testing is an investment, and that makes it important to have good knowledge about automation before an implementation is made. In this master thesis a study about automated testing is carried out. The study also includes a closer look at the testing tool TestComplete. TestComplete is one out of many tools on the market that is developed for automated GUI testing and the goal is to get a picture of how well the tool can adjust to CC Systems own applications. Studies show that it is hard to write lasting test scripts.

Framställning av fixtur för ISO-testning av kryckkäppar

Introduction: Dolomite AB was in need of a dummy arm for crutch testing, to complement their existing test capabilities. Background: A large number of people need crutches on a daily basis. For them it is essential that their crutches do not fail. ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) conducts ongoing work to guarantee the durability and function of e.g. crutches.

Vägen till att bli en geisha : En jämförande litteraturanalys mellan romanerna Memoirs of a geisha och Shibazakura

In view of the difficulty of recruiting staff to care profession and in terms of the increasing need to find ways of ensuring a good language level in the profession, have an interest in language tests been revealed. The purpose of this paper is therefore to highlight the use of language tests for admission to the care courses for adults in Värmland. What provided This is a survey of the prevalence and an examination of the validity of the test. The issue that this study assumed is: How is language test in connection with admission to the certified health and social care courses for adults in Värmland? How well correlates intent of the use of the language test with the test's validity and reliability?The methods used to seek answers to these questions has been a combination of questionnaires and experiments.

Överensstämmelse mellan två olika uthållighetstest hos unga handbollsspelare - Cooper Test vs. Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test.

Introduktion. Handboll är en olympisk gren som spelas internationellt, men främst i Europa. Idrotten ställer höga krav på både aerob och anaerob metabolism. Syfte. Syftet med studien var att studera överensstämmelsen mellan Cooper Test (CT) och Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (YYIR1) för unga handbollspelare.

End of line test : En studie av företaget Emotrons linjetestning i produktionen

Emotron is a company specialised in developing, producing and marketing equipment to con-trol, monitor and protect processes and machinery driven by electric motors, with an applica-tion focus. Examples of uses for their products are fans, pumps, lifts and cranes.The project is to look at Emotrons end of line test. The company has seen that at the final test-ing there is a bottleneck that restricts the outflow and prevents an increase in the number of tested products.The purpose of this project is to review how Emotrons end-of-line test works today and if there is a possibility to make the test more efficient in such a way that the quality is not at risk, while increasing the outflow of tested products.The projects first step is to look at and analyse what is causing the bottleneck at the end-of-line. When the analysis is complete, the next step is to review whether there is a possibility to solve the bottleneck and if so in what way can this be done. Emotrons most overall objective of the project is to increase the outflow of the number of tested products without jeopardizing the quality.An analysis has been made on frequency inverters, soft starters and shaft power monitors.

Testdriven utveckling för mobila applikationer/Android

Android is one of the leading software platforms for the new generation of smartphones. The market for applications is growing rapidly. So to be able to compete with such large competition the applications need a solid and stable development methodology. Therefore have we created an application based on a test-driven development, to investigate if the methodology was applicable on the Android platform. The conclusion is that Android?s suitability for test-driven development is dependent on the application that is being developed and if difficulties concerning the testing framework can be avoided.

Det-konstruktioners betydelse Hur svenska konstruktioner med formellt och egentligt subjekt realiserar processer

Magisteruppsats i svenska språket, 15 hpSV2140 VT 2015Handledare: Elisabet Engdahl.

Glowtest Fixture

The project, Glowtest Fixture, has been carried out to and in collaboration with MSA SordinLtd. MSA Sordin Ltd produces and sells ear protector and is at present a supplier on theworld market. Glowtest Fixture is a product for glow testing off detailed components in oneear protector. MSA Sordin Ltd sends today away your products for testing what is anexpensive aspect in their development. The project's aim is to take forward a test equipmentthat copes with those high nonplussed requirements and wishes that are required for anapproved physical execution.Glowtest Fixture is a physical equipment that comes used stem glow physical off all detailedcomponents in one ear protector.

"Hur dricker du?" : En studie av kommunikationsstrategiers utfall hos målgruppen med avseende på olika konsumtionsbakgrund

In this paper the authors aim to examine the effects on consumers using different strategies in a campaign within social marketing. A model by Evans et al (1996) has been used in order to see the different steps in which advertising catches the viewers? attention and eventually leads to action or purchasing. However, in the case of this thesis, the intention of the chosen campaign is to change the consumers? attitudes and behavior towards alcohol.

Framtidens Gästinformation : -En studie för att utveckla funktionell gästinformation som möter gästernas behov i Destination Vemdalen

Syftet med den här studien har varit att analysera informationsbehovet hos vemdalsområdets besökare för att se hur Destination Vemdalen AB i framtiden skall bedriva en funktionell gästinformation som möter konsumenternas behov. Här vill vi bidra med ett ramverk för en hållbar verksamhet i framtiden. Undersökningen är baserad på en enkätundersökning bland Destination Vemdalens besökare, intervjuer med personer på strategiska poster inom turismnäringen samt informella intervjuer med aktörer i position med mycket gästkontakt där allmän service efterfrågas. Studien har visat att turistbyråns roll är föråldrad och att en teknisk revolution inom gästinformationens utveckling måste till för att möta konsumenternas behov. Vidare visar undersökningen att besökarna litar mer på fysiska personer än digitala källor, dock använder sig många av den nya tekniken av praktiska skäl då den är mer tillgänglig.

Blockbaserad provning : Utveckling av en ny testrigg för utloppsmodulen

Alfa Laval?s strategy is to focus on modularized product platforms. Several benefits areforeseen, reduced lead-time, less costs, shorter Time To Market and better quality.Development and verifying will be carried out on block level. Today the separators arebeing tested as a complete unit. A number of factors affect the test results and problemsthat are encountered can be hard to identify.

Temperature monitoring during transport of test samples

Quality is the main focus in management of all laboratories. Accurate results of the analyses are not only determined by the analytical procedure but also by preanalytical factors. In the total analytical process of clinical specimens, there are many possible preanalytical sources of error. Monetoring of temperature on test samples of the transport boxes is one way to reduce the mistakes in the preanalytical phase.In this study, four laboratories from primary health care were invited to participate. The temperature has been measured on test samples of the transport boxes being delivered to the laboratory.In three cases the temperature remained within the limits, but in the fourth case the temperature varied more than the allowed interval.

Svensk delnormering av Lundamaterialet för åldrarna 3:0?5:11 år och undersökning av materialets effektivitet

The purpose of this study was to collect Swedish normative datafor Lundamaterialet for children aged 3:0-4:5 years. Another aim was toexamine the effectiveness of the test; if it elicits adequate responses fordeciding if a child has acquired a specific language structure or not.Normative data was collected for 195 children with typical languagedevelopment. Participants were recruited from pre-schools in themunicipalities of Göteborg, Mölndal, Härryda and Skövde. This studypresents normative data for 79 children constituting the three youngest halfyeargroups. Results show that the children had acquired more than half ofthe investigated phonological and grammatical structures and that the olderchildren had acquired more structures than the younger ones.

Får elever bättre uppmärksamhetsförmåga efter fysisk aktivitet? : En experimentell studie om fysisk aktivitets påverkan på uppmärksamhet

The aim of this study is to find out whether there is any difference to be found in the attention ability before and after physical activity. The method used in this study was made of an experimental design. The participants were chosen through a cluster sampling and thereafter divided into a control group and an experimental group. A total of 64 pupils from upper secondary school participated in the study, 25 of them in the experimental group and 39 of them in the control group. Since the measure was repeated, both in respect of time and the comparison between the groups, a mixed design was used.

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