

3618 Uppsatser om Funktionell test - Sida 19 av 242

Social Lojalitet i Resebyråbranschen

Det är oerhört viktigt, i synnerhet på en konkurrensutsatt marknad, att använda sig av lojalitetsfrämjande åtgärder som sticker ut och skiljer sig från mängden. Lojalitetsåtgärderna ska vara av en sådan art att de inte ska kunna kopieras av konkurrenter. Med benämningen ?Social Lojalitet? kombineras ickemonetära belöningar som incitament för att skapa en sant lojal kund, med funktionell kvalitet samt kundens egna sociala nätverk..

Den magiska grammatiken ? ?Kan man grammatiken så kan man språket?: En studie av SFI-studenters språk- och grammatiksyn

Följande examensarbete är en studie av några SFI-studenters språk- och grammatiksyn i relation till undervisning. Detta arbete föranleds av en studie (Carlson 2003) kring kunskapssynen inom SFI (svenska för invandrare). Inom ramen för Carlsons (2003) studie ligger särskilt delen som är relaterad till grammatiksynen inom SFI som grund för detta arbete. Syftet med examensarbete är att utifrån teorier om systemisk funktionell grammatik skapa en vidgad förståelse av studenternas syn på språk och grammatik genom att synliggöra inom vilka kontexter informanterna efterfrågar kunskaper i svenska språket och i grammatik. För att synliggöra kontexten används de funktionella begreppen verksamhet, relation och kommunikationssätt som analysverktyg.

Söka eller browsa? : En undersökning om personliga mönster i sökbeteendet vid informationssökning på nätet

This Master's thesis in Library and Information Science aims to explore if personal patterns can be detected in web-searching. It is based on a study where the search sessions of nine test persons were video-recorded, transcribed into logs and analysed.A major objective was to find out whether there is a correlation between individual searchers' personal attributes and their web search behaviour. The logs were therefore compared with the test persons' results in a learning style test (Kolb's Learning Style Inventory) and with interview answers about information behaviour and personal background.While several patterns were indeed discovered, none of them turned out to be strictly personal. The nine test persons could be divided into five types of searchers: the purely analytic searcher; the generally analytic searcher; the balanced searcher; the mixed searcher and the browser. All types of searchers were found to have the attribute learning style in common.

Test av avrinningsmodell mot data från två urbana områden i Göteborg och Oslo

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Kombinerad DSP- och FPGA-lösning för en bildbehandlingsapplikation

This Master's Thesis describes the design of a new system where a digital signal processor has been added to an existing imaging system consisting of field programmable gate arrays. The new system will offer a higher degree of flexibility by considerably shortening the design time and make it possible to implement more complex algorithms than the existing ones. The choice of system architecture and a test implementation are discussed. The test implementation consists of a program for the digital signal processor and VHDL code for one of the field programmable gate arrays. The code for the digital signal processor was designed for testing on an evaluation board from Texas Instruments.

Påverkar känslan av rättvisa/orättvisa resultatet på ett kognitivt test i en rekryteringssituation?

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad i prestation beroende på om rekryteringstestet har en koppling mellan test och arbetsuppgifter och när denna koppling saknas. Ytterligare ett syfte var att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan en persons prestation och dennes uppfattning om testet. För att undersöka detta gjordes en enkätstudie. En enkät konstruerades som bestod av tre delar; den första delen beskrev ett rekryteringsscenario som deltagaren ombads sätta sig in i, den andra delen bestod av ett kognitivt test och den avslutande delen bestod av frågor angående hur rättvist deltagaren uppfattade testet. Resultatet visade att det inte fanns någon skillnad i prestation beroende på vilket scenario man tilldelats.

Användartester inom webbutveckling : Är användartester nödvändigt vid utveckling av webbplatser?

The aim of this study is to get a deeper understanding about user tests as well as answer the question about if testing for users is necessary at all times. I've done a comparison between what the literature says, and what a company says, about testing. The tests that's been in focus in this study is prototyping and card sorting tests. Prototyping aims to give the developer feedback about the design and check if there are any obvious problems with the design. A card sorting test can be used to get input about how information architecture should be constructed.

Konstruktion Signalgenerator

SAAB Aerotech division FGR in Arboga builds and develops equipment and components used in both military and civilian applications. To build a test system for a specific project that SAAB is responsible for requires a simple signal generator that can provide a pulse modulated signal. The need to buy a new advanced signal generator for example from Agilent is not as profitable as the instrument is expensive and contains features that SAAB does not require in their applications and test systems. That was the reason why SAAB offers two students a thesis where the goal is to construct a signal generator in accordance with what SAAB requests.This thesis contains several different phases. The first step was a meeting with our supervisor Mats Bergman and by reading the data sheets for components to be used in the project, with these information and specifications that we have received from SAAB we started to construct the signal generator.What we did during the construction work was to simulate and draw a schematic to be able to design the circuit board.

Att berätta med ord och bilder: Relationen mellan återberättande och och bildsekvensering hos barn

Storytelling is a complex action that requires many linguistic and other cognitive abilities, like memory and attention. Resent research has shown a correlation between oral story retelling and picture arrangement among children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The present study analyzes if this correlation exists among a convenience sample of children from the general population. 77 children between 3:11 and 9:0 years old accomplished Bus Story Test and a picture arrangement task from WISC III. Significant correlations was found between picture arrangement and Bus Story Test?s subscores sentence length, subordinate clauses and information.

Optimism & Känsla av Sammanhang : En Jämförelse Mellan Tjänstemän och Kollektivanställda

We set out to compare two different categories of workers: the, so called, white- and blue collar workers. The studies aim was to measure if there were any observable differences between the two in means of optimism and sense of coherence. There are two tools created for measuring optimism and sense of coherence, the Life Orientation Test ? Revised (LOT-R) measures an individual?s level of optimism and Aaron Antonovsky devised a test for measuring an individual?s level of sense of coherence (SOC). Optimism is best explained like a way to measure anticipation, how an individual expect future events to fall out.

Provmetod för olje- och partikelöverdrag från kompressor till tryckluftssystem

Compressed air is an energy source that is widely used in today's trucks and buses.Compressor located next to the engine supplies the pneumatic system with the compressed air and is lubricated with the engine oil. Some of the oil follows the air flow in both liquid and solid phase. The solid phase, namely the carbon particles are created due to the high temperature in the compression chamber.Oil- and particles carryover softens and destroys the rubber material in the air valves and disturbs the mechanical function of various components in the pneumatic system. In order to reduce oil- and particles carryover is an Air Processing System (APS) set downstream the compressor.No method for establishment of oil- and particles carryover from the compressor exists at the moment. Therefore the filtration efficiency of APS is currently unknown.

FALSKA MINNEN OCH SJÄLVKÄNSLA - med utgångspunkt i DRM-proceduren

Does a person´s self esteem contribute in the process of creating false memories? Previous studies show that mood is related to false memories as well as to self esteem. This led to the focus of this study, to examine the relationship between false memory and self esteem. The question is examined by comparing the amount of false memories produced in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) procedure with people´s scores on Rosenberg´s self-esteem scale. 59 people participated in a test with three different elements, a self esteem test and a memory test with both recollection and free recall.

Djupare insikter i svenska : En multimodal läromedelsanalys

Studien som utförts analyserar ur ett sociosemiotiskt och multimodalt perspektiv vilka resurser läromedlet "Insikter i svenska" använder sig av. Läromedlet är riktat mot ungdomar i första året på gymnasiet som läser en yrkesinriktad utbildning. Studien redogör för ett antal utgångspunkter för multimodal bildanalys och påvisar även att lärmedlet innehåll ett antal av dessa resurser. .

Let´s talk about sex: en studie av patienters uppfattning av samtal i samband med testning/smittspårning för sexuellt överförda infektioner med fokus på sexualitet

The aim of this study is to examine the patient's understanding of the counselling while testing for an STI. The method was an inquiry directed to patients at two receptions, where tests for STI are made, and on the Internet for patients who made a test within the last year. The study involves 95 participants, 39 answered the inquiry directly after the test. The main results show that most participants are positive to talk about their sexuality and sexual strategies with the personnel, irrespective of who takes the initiative to the counselling. Women are yet more negative then men to talk about their sexuality, even if the test is made voluntarily by the woman.

Effekten av formativ bedömning : En studie kring effekterna av formativ bedömning i anknytning till kunskapssyn, problemlösningsförmåga och attityd

This essay examines if formative assessment causes any impact on upper secondary school students results in social science. Other questions asked are which group of students benefits most from formative assessment and if any connections can be found between the students result and their cognitive approach to learning, problem solving capability and attitude to school.Two classes from a school in Stockholm were chosen to participate in the study. The theoretical framework is mostly based on former research performed by Black and William (1998, 2003). Multiple methods were used, including an experiment with a parallel-group design with two groups, a survey and a problem solving test. Statistics is used to describe and analyze collected data.Both groups were taught during five lessons in the same field of knowledge with the same kind of teaching, apart from formative assessment.

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