

963 Uppsatser om Freedom of expression - Sida 15 av 65

Ett litet ord med stora implikationer : En studie om förståelsen kring ordet Gay i allmänt negativ bemärkelse

Many of us have grown up hearing or using words meant as insults or negative adjectives that were in fact names for social groups. Most of them have gone unquestioned in the mainstream consciousness, but the term Gay in the generally negative meaning has in the past years been given attention as offensive and homophobic, with debates emerging in response over whether or not this is true, particularly on the internet. It is the articles and forum threads from these debates that make out the empirical material for a qualitative study as I ask what these people?s thoughts are about this term and how it is perceived.After a qualitative coding and analysis of these texts, and interpretation of the results based on Erving Goffman?s theory of Phantom acceptance and stigma terms, Judith Butler?s theory of performativity, Ferdinand de Sassure?s theory of signifier and signified and how it connects to the community and Baudrillards theory of simulacra, this is the principal conclusion that I have drawn:For some of the people in this debate, the term Gay and its use is about homophobia and heterosexism, though mostly it?s not overt but a subconscious part of the continued dehumanization and stigmatization of homo- and bisexual people. This is a position I callThe socially focused skepticism.

[Men det är ju så det borde vara...] : en kvalitativ studie om sex unga kvinnors förhållande till kvinnlighet

The aim of this study was to try to identify what young women see as typically female and how this affects them as individuals, focusing on the female body. How free or limited do they consider themselves to respond to prevailing ideals of beauty, to men and other women. Our questions are how young women construct femininity through the body and why? We do this by using a holistic gender perspective and with the help of key theoretical concepts; gender, normative femininity, heteronormativity, performance, freedom/power and the female body,. We have had a qualitative approach and we have done interviews with six girls in secondary school age.

Den svenska äldrevården : Behov, konkurrens, kvalitet och valfrihet ur ett fastighetsperspektiv

In this thesis an explorative study was undertaken with the aim to study how a number of private care providers, as well as politicians and officials from councils in and around the Stockholm and Uppsala counties, think about the future of the Swedish elderly care from a property perspective, i.e. homes for the elderly. The analysis shows that there is a demand for capacity in 6 out of 16 municipalities, and that the property is an important part of this capacity, and the fulfillment of it. This was mainly due to the cost of capital, but also because of several other factors such as lack of land, a wish to guide the design, ideology, and in many cases a wish to use the property as an instrument of domination to control private health care providers.Also, the property was show to be connected to economic competition, to freedom of choice, and to quality. The problems related to the property in the market for elderly care still remains to be solved.

Margin of Appreciation : en kulturrelativistisk doktrin?

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 9/11 attacks, the landscape of the freedom of religion has changed. The issues now facing freedom of religion varies greatly from the issues that the drafters of the universal declaration of human rights faced after World War II.In the light of the new issues that States face in the intersection of religion and societal interest, scholars have criticized the European Court of Human Rights to give too much leeway to the States in determining how the human rights should be implemented, by using the doctrine of margin of appreciation. Critics of the margin of appreciation claim that it is based on culture relativism and that the doctrine undermines the universality of the human rights. In order to decide if the margin of appreciation has indeed led to a relativization of the human rights I compared it to the jurisprudence of the UN Human Rights Committee and its use of the Syracusa principles. My conclusion is that the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights cannot be considered to be based on culture relativism.

Bedömning förr och nu : En studie i bedömning genom grundskolan

AbstractAimThe aim is that by using the curriculumcodes, analyze and compare four curriculums in physical education. The study begins in the elementary school introduction in 1962, and then makes three more strikes in 1980, 1994 and 2011.The questions that are addressed in this paper are,Which expression of competence code can be found in the different curricular?What are the expressions for performance code can be found in the different curricula?Is there any change regarding which code teachers use when they assess the students?Method  As a basis, the four curricula Lgr 62 Lgr 80, Lpo 94 and Lgr 11 in physical education are used. These four curriculums are studied and compared for similarities and changes in the assessment uses comparative content analysis. A number of publications in the curriculum codes are used in the analysis of the curriculum.

Utveckling av en äldre villaträdgård : från oplanerad till planerad

The result of this work is a plan for the development of an 1128 m2 elderly raised garden. The purpose has been to create an overall plan covering the long-term development of the garden. The work process has covered a description of the garden of today, review of requirements, analysis of the garden sections, design of a new plan as well as starting the construction of the new garden. The plan covers a time period of a couple of years to create the new garden since the construction work is carried out during spare time with small resources available. The planning must contain review of functions such as protection from insight, eating area and compost area. Also the esthetic expression must be planned. Colors, shapes, choice of material and plants together make up the esthetic expression. It is recommended to include anything you wish to create in the garden. In a raised garden one has to overcome the step to remove trees and shrubs and think different.

"Som en pusselbit som passar överallt" : En kvalitativ studie om hur gymnasieelever upplever kreativitet på psykologilektionerna

In the nineties, policy makers highlighted the importance of creativity in education in order to nurture entrepreneurs in our society, thus the purpose of this study is to investigate high school students´ experience of creativity in psychology classes. The results are based on qualitative data from four semi-structured interviews with Swedish high school students who study psychology. The conclusions are that the respondents perceive psychology as a very creative school subject in which they can give personal experience as examples, they can give alternative explanations and solutions to problems, and that there are no right or wrong answers which means that they feel encouraged to self-reflect. The teacher is important as the respondents experience her as open, tolerant, and moreover, that she varies the classes, which contributes to a good classroom climate. The respondents also experience a certain degree of freedom when they feel involved and are allowed to influence their education.

Enterprise Mobility: Effekter på den individuella arbetaren. En fallstudie av en mobil affärsapplikation hos ett teknikföretag i Västsverige

Using mobile technology to make ends meet is currently a reality for many people. More and more peopleare working while travelling or work from home. Most knowledge workers are equipped with laptopsand smart phones. To find out how individuals are affected by having the ability to stay continuouslyconnected and work with mobile business applications, we have conducted a case study and in closecooperation with a company have created a prototype of such a mobile business application. Fourindividuals have tested our application and were then interviewed.

Musik i förskolan

The objective of this graduate work is to gain a better understanding in how pre-school educators are able to work with music in their pre-school activity to promote child development. We also want to enlighten possible factors for the development of children based on music and to form our own ideas of whether teachers choose to apply music in their didactic practice or not.The point of this essay has been to attempt answering on what importance music makes for children's development and learning in pre-school, and how teachers could work with music in pre-school in order to promote children?s development. Our data consists of six interviews and two observations realized at a pre-school in Södertälje.We took heed from the theories laid out by Lev Vygotsky's which describe four different levels of development that includes educational development in social interaction between teacher and child. Our choice of this theory is inspired by our seeking deeper understanding of Vygotsky's theory´s application to the aesthetic approach in the interaction in meaning making and learning.The result of our study confirms previous theory and research in that music as a form of expression has a major impact on children's development.

Bild : Kommunikation och uttryck

The aim of this study was to search for a link between the subject pictorial studies in means of expression and the ability to communicate in written and spoken language. To do so findings in relevant literature and a few complementing theories was addressed to cast light on interviews made with teachers dedicated to the subject pictorial studies in a subject-integrated curriculum.Interviews were conducted with nine teachers and all but one were teachers in the subject pictorial studies, spread across all of the nine grades in compulsory school. Informants were located in areas of socioeconomically high as well as low status, in central and densely populated areas as well as areas less densely populated. The diverse theoretical background consisted of semiotics, constructivist theory, social constructivist theory and genre theory. Theories and literature partly both contradicted and supported each other, depending on situation and circumstance.No evident conclusion could be made that discriminated one affecting cause from another on speech or writing skills.

Detnerad Demokrati : Den demokratiska freden i Irak, en möjlighet att börja om

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 9/11 attacks, the landscape of the freedom of religion has changed. The issues now facing freedom of religion varies greatly from the issues that the drafters of the universal declaration of human rights faced after World War II.In the light of the new issues that States face in the intersection of religion and societal interest, scholars have criticized the European Court of Human Rights to give too much leeway to the States in determining how the human rights should be implemented, by using the doctrine of margin of appreciation. Critics of the margin of appreciation claim that it is based on culture relativism and that the doctrine undermines the universality of the human rights. In order to decide if the margin of appreciation has indeed led to a relativization of the human rights I compared it to the jurisprudence of the UN Human Rights Committee and its use of the Syracusa principles. My conclusion is that the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights cannot be considered to be based on culture relativism.

Diagnosens betydelse : En kvalitativ undersökning om gränsdragning, kategorisering och fördelning av resurser i det sociala arbetets praktik ? exemplet ADHD

The aim of this study is to examine if and how the diagnosis of ADHD is important for the social practice delimitation to obtain an understanding of how the sorting and categorization of clients affects the distribution of resources. In a qualitative approach, the study is based on eight semi-structured interviews in five different social practices. Young adults diagnosed with ADHD who need society's help and support, constituted our focus in the study. The selection is based on gaining an understanding of how the client process proceeds. The interviews were supplemented with documents, such as legal and internal methodological support.

Sitta Förvara Belysa. En möbelkollektion

The purpose of the project was to design a furniture collection that can be packed in flatpackages and be assambled by the buyer. The idea is that the assembling will give the furniturean added value. I have tried to create a collection that is easy to produce so that the productwill be cheap for the consumer.The collections aestethic is inspired by Gothenburgs harbour The wide and bearing elementsof the furniture has set much of its expression.Joints has been highlighted details instead of being hidden..

I det fria ordets lag : En studie i fristadsprogrammets verksamhet och funktion

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 9/11 attacks, the landscape of the freedom of religion has changed. The issues now facing freedom of religion varies greatly from the issues that the drafters of the universal declaration of human rights faced after World War II.In the light of the new issues that States face in the intersection of religion and societal interest, scholars have criticized the European Court of Human Rights to give too much leeway to the States in determining how the human rights should be implemented, by using the doctrine of margin of appreciation. Critics of the margin of appreciation claim that it is based on culture relativism and that the doctrine undermines the universality of the human rights. In order to decide if the margin of appreciation has indeed led to a relativization of the human rights I compared it to the jurisprudence of the UN Human Rights Committee and its use of the Syracusa principles. My conclusion is that the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights cannot be considered to be based on culture relativism.

Varumärken och dess relation till snowboardkulturen

The purpose of this study has been to analyze the relationship between commercial brands and a subculture, with a focus on a number of elements of success. These elements could be in the nature of sale stats as well as that of influence within the subculture. All of this within the context of the snowboard culture. In accossiation to this we have formulated a question of study:What marks brands which gains influence within a subculture in addittion to becoming an important factor in the self-expression process of the cultural members?In this study, we have practised a qualitative method based on six (6) independant interviews with participants, active within the snowboard culture as well as one outside marketing executive and one ethnological reseracher.

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