

963 Uppsatser om Freedom of expression - Sida 16 av 65

Politik och ideologi i samtidskonsten - Rondellhundsdebatten 2007

The purpose of the thesis is to examine the relation between art, politics and ideology in contemporary art, focusing on the drawings depicting Mohammed the prophet as a dog, made by the Swedish artist Lars Vilks. His work is contextual in accordance with current art practice, thus letting everything related to the artwork become part of it, a circumstance the thesis tries to grasp in the widest respect possible. The drawings were published and spread throughout Swedish media, where they were later defended and criticized by a number of writers. Many debaters argued that the art work represents Western freedom of speech, and that to criticize them is to criticize fundamental democratic rights. This discourse tended to disqualify all arguments that questioned why such force was put into defending and spreading offensive pictures.

Begreppet fostrans vandring från plan till handling : En studie om idrottslärarens fostransroll i den svenska grundskolan

AimThe aim of this essay is to investigate some local curriculum?s interpretation of the upbringing assignment that is expressed in Lpo 94, together with how the physical education teachers in these schools interpret and give expression to this assignment in their teaching. The questions are:? How does the local curriculum interpret the upbringing assignment of the PE teachers?? How does the PE teacher interpret the concept upbringing?? How does the PE teacher work with the upbringing role in their daily teaching?? How does the different experiences regarding to uppbringing and the schools development affect their or the PE teschers? daily teaching?? Is there any difference in the subject teacher?s upbringing role compared to the PE teacher?s?MethodThis study is qualitative and based on four deep individual interviews of teachers, two at the age between 25 and 35, and two at the age of 45 or older. In addition, four local curriculum?s have been investigated with consideration to upbringing.

Projekt: Slöjan : en undersökning av trender i den svenska sjaldebatten speglad mot sjaldebatten i Frankrike och Storbritannien

The title of this essay is Project: The Veil ? an investigation of the trends in the Swedish veil debate compared with the veil debate in France and Great Britain written by Cecilia Lindvall. The purpose of the paper is to analyze how the argument has been conducted by the Swedish politicians from the time when the veil was first recognized in Swedish media up until today. The questions I wanted to answer was each countries definition of the three concepts secularization, freedom of religion and multiculturalism, how Islam as a faith with Muslims has developed in Sweden, France and Great Britain and each countries integration politics with the politicians attitude towards the veil. The method being used is a qualitative study with three kind of theories for analysis; two who derives from a feminist point of view where the first one advocates for the rights of each women, the second for the rights of religious groups and a third theory which discusses different models of integration logics.

Titta! Jag gjorde typ guld! : En studie om formandet av identitetskänslan i estetiska lärprocesser i förskolan

The aim of this study is to obtain a deep knowledge about identity creation of preschool child-ren at the age of four to sex with creative pictures and its aesthetic learning processes with childrens perspective as a starting-point. The issues that I have used in this study are how childrens identity creation relates to the aesthetic learning processes in the preschool enviro-ment, how children experience the figuration of their own identity related to other individuals and the enviroment by taking different positions in aesthetic learning processes and how childrens identity creation becomes visible in preschool.In order to explore preschool childrens identity creation in aesthetic learning processes the qualitative research-oriented approach has been implemented with unstructured observations and the informal interview as the methods for data acquiring.This studys theoretical points are sociocultural perspective and symbolic interactionism. Both these theoretical perspectives emphasize the significance of communication, taking different perspectives and learning in an interaction between an individual and enviroment within given sociocultural frames of referens which results in an individuals identity development.Results from the study show that childrens painting is more than an occupation with a picture as a product. Childrens painting is rather a playfull aesthetic expression form and a relation-oriented, dynamic learning process which is related to the enriching of individual self, the consciousness and the creation of meaning within preschools frames of reference.My expectation is that my study will contribute to didactic discussions about childrens iden-tity creation while using aesthetic expression forms..

Möjlighet till flyttning av juridiska personers säte inom EU : Finns det behov av ytterligare harmonisering?

The freedom of establishment is a fundamental right on the internal market which enables companies to take up and pursue activity in other member states, ?host states?, in a non discriminatory way. In situations where a company wishes to use the right to establish in a host state, complications will be discovered since the member states are applying different principles for deciding the nationality of a company. Since the Treaty of the Function of the European Union recognize both principles, and both of the legal areas company law and European international private law lack harmonization regarding companies wishing to perform such a transaction, the situation today brings the possibility that such a company could be covered by the legal system of several member states, or maybe no legal system at all.The Court of Justice of the European Union has through case law contributed to make the scope of the freedom of establishment a little bit clearer but there are still difficulties regarding situations when a company wishes to transfer its seat to another member state with a change of nationality. Today?s measures, for example the SE-company, is not enough to satisfy the companies wishing to transfer their seat to another member state.

En undersökning av ljus av ljus - den omvända skuggbildningen

This work is an exploration of a method and how to find balance between it and its contents. One part consists of a technical study on how to use UV light to yellow distinct surfaces on paper and the other is about how to find use of the method. The common denominator is determined as the consequence of the relationship between light and time. The result is three images that shows various traces of time with time as a graphic expression..

Vocal Free Improvisation

As a vocalist, Casey Moir wants more than to just express what is written on the page or that which the harmony allows. She wants to discover every aspect of her voice to see how she can express her musicality on a deeper, more personal level. Some of the questions that helped Casey start her journey are: Why is musical expression so important to her? Why improvise freely? What sounds can her voice make? Can she utilise these sounds in her music and how?.

Gränsdragningen mellan yttrandefrihet och hets mot folkgrupp : En undersökning av gällande rätt utifrån ett samtida perspektiv

AbstractThis essay begins with a presentation of the complex set of problems which relate to the interaction between freedom of speech and the ban against discrimination based on a person's race, the colour of their skin or ethnic origin, confession of faith or sexual preference (BrB 16:8, incitement to racial hatred). Can conflicts arise between freedom of speech and the ban against discrimination? To shed light on this question, we have chosen to look at the issue from a new perspective. This perspective is based on the new challenges faced by Swedish society as a result of the changed composition of our population, our membership in the EU and our acknowledgment of certain international conventions concerning human rights.Fifty years ago our population almost solely comprised of ?native Swedes?.

Cartesiansk existentialism eller existentiell cartesianism? : En komparativ studie om sambanden mellan Sartre och Alquié

This essay is a comparative analysis with focus on Jean-Paul Sartre´s existentialism and Ferdinand Alquié´s cartesianism. They both represented the French philosophy of conscience in the early and mid 1900s. Because of that, they had similar ideas concerning the human conscience and freedom of the mind. But how did they come to those conclusions? And in which cases did they differ from one and other?.

Skapar frihandel ekomisk tillväxt i Afrika? : En empirisk undersökning av sambandet mellan frihandel och ekonomisk tillväxt

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan frihandel och ekonomisk tillväxt, dels i afrikanska länder, dels i länder tagna från hela världen. Vad jag genom min uppsats främst vill söka svar på är om en ökad grad av frihandel i Afrika bidrar till en högre ekonomisk tillväxt. Genom att även inkludera andra länder i min undersökning, försöker jag dessutom ta reda på om sambandet mellan frihandel och tillväxt ser annorlunda ut ur ett globalt perspektiv.Som metod använder jag mig i uppsatsen av en regressionsanalys. Som mått på frihandel använder jag mig av ett index utvecklat av den amerikanska organisationen Fraser Institute, kallat Freedom to Trade Index.Mina regressionsresultat visar på att Freedom to Trade Index ej har något statistiskt signifikant samband med den ekonomiska tillväxttakten i de afrikanska länder jag undersöker. I min ?världsundersökning? visar sig däremot indexet ha ett positivt samband med den ekonomiska tillväxttakten.

Heligt krig mot förvillelsen och tidningsterrorismen : Bernhard von Beskow och kritiken mot pressen

Holy war against the aberration and the newspaper terrorismHeligt krig mot förvillelsen och tidningsterrorismen This paper explores Bernhard von Beskow?s (1796-1868) conservative critique of the, for the early 19th century, new dominating voice in public matters namely the liberal press. There are competing narratives about the emerging liberal press and its critics. On the one hand the conservative critics were seen as hopeless reactionaries which acted against freedom of the press, themselves stripped of positive ideals and/or handled with little interest as footnotes in the great story of the liberal victory over its opponents. On the other hand this story has been questioned and an alternative has been presented of how to understand the conservatives and their critique of the press.

Aktioner och reaktioner - Kristna kvinnors motreaktioner till Femens aktioner i en proteströrelse på internet

Religion is not only manifested in the more traditional forms such as church attendance, but also in various expressions on social media. Facebook is seen by many as creating a social platform where different opinions and more unconventional discussions may flourish unlike how the traditional media convey information. Internet is therefore an interesting platform for investigating how information about religion is spread by researching religious behavior and expression. The focus of this essay is to examine visible, which includes text as a social practice, forms of religious expression shown by the discursive struggle between the Facebook-group Christian Women Against Femen and its counterpart feminist movement Femen. The essay seeks to answer how notions of femininity on the Internet are formulated and reproduced based on the discourse between these two women's movements.The essay highlights how the women?s movements, with their bodily manifestation and by their usage of words, construct and reproduce different images of gender and womanhood.

Varför gör de inte vad de ska? Hur det kommer sig att ett infört arbetssätt på Försäkringskassan inte tillämpas så som avsetts

The aim of the present paper was to see why a recommended course of action is not always followed in the way it is supposed to. The paper deals with a new method (SFA-metoden) used by The Social Insurance Agency in working with sick-listed people. Aspects that are elaborated on are local effects of the method at its introduction, case managers work conditions, and control of the implementation of the method. Two different methods of investigation have been employed. On the one hand, previous reports on the method have been analysed, and, on the other hand, two focus groups interviews, one consisting of case managers´ working with the method, and one constituted by their supervisors have been carried out.The results have been analysed in accordance with, on the one hand, the theory of street level bureaucrats and, on the other hand, certain concepts applied in the new institutionalism.

Plasmodiophora brassicae ? host and environment interactions

In this thesis, three separate experiments have been performed on different aspects of the interaction between the causal agent of clubroot, Plasmodiophora brassicae, and its hosts. In the first experiment the pathotype of the P. brassicae single spore isolate, which is currently used to construct a reference genome, has been classified using the ECD bioassay. The disease severity of infected plants was scored according to two different scales and the pathotype was determined according to three previously published guidelines. The results were compared to previous published studies describing the e3 isolate. The life cycle of P. brassicae is not well understood.

Fristående skolor - ett socialdemokratiskt dilemma : En undersökning av Socialdemokraternas politik i frågan om fristående skolor

During the 90?s, several reforms took place in order to change the educational system. The reforms intended to increase the freedom of choice and to facilitate the start-up process for driving independent schools. A broad alliance of political parties from left to right supported these reforms. Twenty years later, the independent schools constitute a substantial part of schools in Sweden.

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