

1186 Uppsatser om Formativ examination - Sida 52 av 80

Med avfall upp till knäna - En osteologisk studie av tafonomi och medeltida avfallshantering i kvarteret Blekhagen i Lund

The subject of this master level thesis in historical osteology, is a study of waste management in the medieval town of Lund. The aims of the study is achieved through looking at the taphonomic aspects of bonefragments from the quarter Blekhagen. The study is divided in two separate sections, one that is a litterature study of what is known about waste management, and another one that contains a taphonomic and spatial analysis. Through examination of the taphonomic variables weathering, average weight and trampling and a spatial analysis, I am able to deduce that there are signs of controlled waste management in the material. It is not possible to draw any general conclusions about waste management in the medieval town however.

Oordning i dragskåpen? : Lärares strategier för bedömning av kemilaborationer

Studien syftade till att kartlägga lärares strategier för att bedöma elevers laborativa förmåga i kemi på gymnasiet samt vad valen av strategier grundar sig i. Detta kartlades genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sju verksamma kemilärare på fyra olika skolor. Utgångspunkten för den kvalitativa analysen var ett ramfaktorteoretiskt perspektiv som syftade till att uppmärksamma hur olika ramfaktorer påverkar lärarnas val av bedömningsmetod. Det naturvetenskapliga arbetssättet kommer att ytterligare utgöra en ram för studien, då styrdokument, vilket är en ramfaktor, beskriver att detta arbetssätt ska genomsyra undervisningen på det naturvetenskapliga programmet. Resultatet visar att de intervjuade lärarna i hög grad använder sig av laborationsrapporter för att bedöma elevernas laborativa förmågor. Valet av bedömningsstrategi baseras på en tolkning av ämnesplanen som inte tydligt fokuserar på en bedömning av elevernas praktiska förmågor.

Arkiv, bibliotek, museer: en jämförelse av katalogiseringselement vid tre minnesinstitutioner.

This masters thesis concerns three different types of cataloguing within three different memory institutions museums, archives and libraries. The focus lies on the cataloguing elements which are compared in order to illuminate similarities and differences. The Regional Archive and The National Museum of World Cultures - both in Gothenburg - were chosen and compared to KRS, the Swedish counterpart to the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, AACR2, 2: nd ed. The purpose of this comparison is partly to display the elements in order to make students disciplines, but also the staff within archives, libraries and museums to become conscious of each others cataloguing methods in regard to future cooperations within the memory institutions and to see if it is possible to create common cataloguing rules for archives, libraries and museums. The questions asked in this thesis are: 1.

Hälsoinspiratörer på arbetsplatsen - en undersökning om chefens inställning

    ABSTRACTWidfeldt, M. (2011). Health motivators in the workplace ? a study on the manager?s attitude. Public Health Science C: Theory and method with application and examination paper.

Datorbaserad examination: En studie om användarhinder och systemacceptans bland lärare

The aim of this thesis is to examine how teachers use computer based assessment in their work and what user barriers they experience while working with computer based assessments. The result of the thesis is meant to provide an understanding of which factors affect the use of computer based assessments and how a company who provide computer based assessments applications can increase the rate of use amongst teachers.To investigate this, the author examined a company in Sweden who provide a computer based assessment application for both universities and high schools. The study was carried out at two different schools, a university and a high school, both located in Stockholm. In total nine teachers were interviewed. The author also conducted observations at the company whose computer based assessment application was examined.The author?s findings suggest that a lack of functions within the application and lack of costumer support from the company all negatively impacted the teacher?s use of the application.

Internationaliseringsstrategier och finansiella resultat : En utvärdering av karaktärsdrag hos svenska modeföretag i samband med internationalisering

International expansion has long been associated with a positive trend that many companies, regardless of industry, choosing to realize mainly to expand its market share and hence its profitability. Various theories describe differentiated strategies to promote corporate expansion. Either they shall be financed by internal funds, or balancing equity with debt, or only increase leverage in order to achieve the desired results. This study focuses on the Swedish fashion market and its degree of internationalization. The purpose is to attempt to discern whether there exists a correlation between the degree of internationalization and its financial performance.The study was based on a quantitative approach where secondary data was collected so that we then would be able to perform regression calculations.

Implementeringen av miljöansvarsdirektivet i den svenska rätten : En europarättslig studie om förvaltningsförfarandet vid miljöskador utifrån principerna om god förvaltning och processuell autonomi

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the EU directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability impacts the Swedish administrative legal order. The thesis examines the directive through two main EU principles - the principle of good administration and the principle of procedural autonomy. The EU principle of good administration as a concept contains various procedural and substantive obligations that make up the subject for examination of the directive, both as regulated in the directive and as general principles of EU law. The directive is analyzed using a comparative method to determine to what extent the procedural and substantive principles of the directive impacts the Swedish administrative law, and weather or not the Swedish regulations comply with the EU principle of good administration.The results of the study shows that, althought there?s a general principle of national procedural autonomy, the EU principles of good administration do affect the Swedish administrative regulation in various aspects, through the implementaion of the directive on environmental liability as well as general principles of EU law.

Undersökning av svetsförband med avseende på svetsgeometri, diskontinuiteter och blästring med stålkulor

Breakdowns of welded structures are usually a consequence of fatigue loading. Fatigue fractures are commonly initiated in the region close to the weld toe but can also initiate from the weld root and from discontinuities inside the weld. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the weld quality of welded joints produced at Volvo Wheel Loaders factory in Arvika. The goal of the investigation is to give a clearer insight regarding factors influencing the fatigue strength of the welded joints and thereby give a better foundation for fatigue strength calculations.The investigation is including examination of the weld geometry, weld discontinuities and the effects of shot peening. Mainly three different methods for collecting test data have been used: Plastic replicas cast on the weld profile, weld specimens from a rear frame belonging to a wheel loader of model L110E/120E and Almen testing of the shot peening.The results showed that it is not possible to control even transition between the weld material and the base material without after treatment.

Digitalisering av kulturarvet En studie av digitalisering vid två museer

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how two separate museums have realised the task of digitizing their collections, as well as to learn what options, possibilities and resources have been available to them during this process. Additionally, the aim here is to find how the two museums have dealt with problems in connection to the digitization projects, since there are as-of-yet no established regulations or standards to guide them in their digitization efforts. However, national and international working groups seeking to establish better collaboration between archives, libraries and museums ALM institutions have recently begun to formulate recommendations and suggested standards. Some of these recommendations have been used here as a theoretical framework in the examination of the two museums. The research questions posed are: What options, possibilities and resources have been available to the museums in their digitization projects, in terms of economy, staff, technical equipment and time?; For what purpose are the museums digitizing their collections?; and How does their purpose influence the process and chosen procedures? Also discussed here is how the museums relate to some of the existing recommendations.

Lagstadgade revisorers kompetenskrav ? En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Danmark

De senaste decenniernas ökade globalisering har bidraget till behovet av en gemensam syn på bedömning och granskning av företagens redovisning. Europeiska Unionen och IFAC är två organisationer som arbetar för att föra samman kvalifikationerna hos revisorer. EU verkar för en gemensam marknad med fri rörlighet av varor, arbetskraft och tjänster medan IFAC försöker få en konsistent hög kvalité på revisorer globalt. En gränsregion som skulle dra nytta av en ökad harmonisering är Öresundsregionen där företag med revisorer kan jobba över landsgränserna. För att öka förståelsen för de skillnader som finns i granskningen av företagens redovisning mellan Sverige och Danmark idag, är syftet med uppsatsen att jämföra kompetenskrav mellan svenska och danska revisorer.

Hur en tydligare bedömningsprocess kan främja elevens ansvar för det egna lärandet. How transparent and explicit assessment can promote pupils liability towards there own learning

Examensarbetet tar utgångspunkt i färska rapporter från skolverket vilka bland annat riktar kritik mot läroplanerna från 1994 som gjort att den svenska skolan gått mot att bli alltmer individualiserad. Som en följd av den ökade individualiseringen har segregeringen mellan elever ökat och social bakgrund har fått allt större betydelse för hur väl eleverna klarar av skolan. Syftet med examensarbetet har dels varit att förklara hur en förändrad syn på bedömning som tar utgångspunkt i en förändrad kunskapssyn, ger eleverna rätt till inflytande över bedömningsprocess. I examensarbetet lyfts den forskning fram som lett fram till en förändrad kunskapssyn och som givit ett förändrat sätt att se på bedömning där vikten av att eleverna görs delaktiga kommer i fokus. Ett annat syfte med examensarbetet var att förklara vad en tydligare bedömningsprocess innebär.

Ett nytt hjälpmedel för läkemedelstillförsel till hästögon

Medicinering vid sjukdomstillstånd i det främre segmentet av ögat hos häst är ofta tidskrävande och komplicerat för djurägaren. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om ett nytt tekniskt hjälpmedel, en spiral som kallas OphthaCoil, fungerar för långtidsmedicinering hos häst. Två olika designer på spiraler utvärderades. Efter en ögonundersökning placerades en spiral i nedre konjunktivalsäcken och hästen observerades till dess spiralen trillade ur. Resultaten visar att ingen av de använda designerna låg kvar tillräckligt länge för att kunna användas för en längre tids behandling.

Socialt och emotionellt lärande i skolan. En litteraturbaserad studie över effekter och evidensgrad

Background: Mental health problems among children and adolescents have increased. The school is an important arena for prevention of mental health problems. There is a huge demand for successful interventions. SEL is a method that aims to increase the social and emotional competence among children and adolescents. The program SET applies this method.

Kontinuitet och förändring i svensk utrikespolitik : En textanalys av de utrikespolitiska deklarationerna mellan 1991 och 2010

With background in the acknowledgement of the current period of major change in the characteristics of traditional Swedish foreign policy, considering the membership in the European Union, as well as the new contextual scenarios that Sweden has been situated in after the end of the cold war, this thesis aims at scrutinizing the Swedish Foreign Policy from 1991 to 2010. The purpose of the thesis is further to localize continuity and change in the ideas which Sweden has explicitly stated in its foreign policy. Based on the theory of institutionalism, the thesis also aims to bring forward plausible explanations built on the main empirical findings. This has been done by identifying different types of goals and means within realism and liberalism as well as categorizing each theory within three ideal types.The chosen research method has been a qualitative text analysis with focus on an ideational analysis. The material on which the descriptive analysis is based upon is constituted by the annual statements of government policy in parliamentary debates on foreign affairs.The results of the thesis show that the ideas that are related to solidarity, consensus and active foreign policy are constant through the period of examination.

En barnomsorg som inte räcker till : En undersökning om hur nattis framställs i media

This is an examination that investigates how daycare during nights, evenings and weekends, so called ?nattis?, is produced in media with restriction to three big Swedish newspapers during 2004-2012. The main intention and the base to this work is to see how media chooses to produce daycare during nights. As a help to find a result to this main intention there are four questions. These questions are which similarities and differences that can be shown in the articles, which main arguments that can be shown, if it?s a positive or negative picture that the articles are producing and which patterns and themes that can be shown.                      The method to find an answer to these questions and the main intention were an investigation of 21 articles.

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