

1186 Uppsatser om Formativ examination - Sida 53 av 80

IT-utrustnings miljöeffektivitet : - En undersökning av Grön IT på Umeå Energi

The environmental issues have during the last decenniums gained an increased role in both the political arena and in the market economy. The society is therefore more knowledgeable about the environment and our impact on it. Through this enlightened state, stakeholders tend to put pressure on the organizations of today. They, more or less willingly, incorporate this responsibility to be a part of their business. Entrepreneurs in the environmental area have seen this rising market as an opportunity to gain market shares and other positive outcomes.

Ibn Khaldun om Banu Umayya : Historieskrivningen om det umayyadiska kalifatet och dess återgivelse i al-Muqaddima

The history of Banu Umayya has since the collapse of the caliphate occupied a major part in Islamic historiography. The present thesis analyses the presentation of the Umayyads in Ibn Khaldun?s al-Muqaddima and its relation to previous historical traditions. The thesis examines the social and intellectual context in which Ibn Khaldun stood and how it is represented in his historiography, while also providing an overview of the various socio-political, intellectual and historiographical developments in Islam. The theoretical perspectives are based on the concept of agency, examining the intellectual room for manoeuvre that the historian disposed of while composing the works.

Bedömning och Lärande : Relationen mellan bedömning och lärande diskuterat ur ett lärarperspektiv

Under 2008 beslutade regeringen att lärare i grundskolan skall avge skriftliga omdömen i alla ämnen eleven undervisats i, från årskurs ett. Processen med att skriva omdömen skall leda fram till en mer gemensam syn på lärande och bedömning ute på skolorna. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva relationen mellan bedömning och lärande ur ett lärarperspektiv. Studien genomfördes med en deskriptiv design och fenomenografisk ansats. Data samlades in genom intervju med sex strategiskt valda grundskollärare.

Den särskilda kvinnan: En feministisk analys av Universella decimalklassifikationen

The aim of this thesis is to, from a feminist point of view, analyse the Universal Decimal Classification UDC, which is an international and widely used classification system. A number of the larger classification systems and subject heading lists have during the last decades been placed in the limelight of various gender studies and the systems treatment of women has been criticized. With this examination of the UDC, I dont merely wish to identify shortcomings and advantages with the UDCs way to treat men and women. The UDC is also used as an example of how the gender problem can be identified and interpretated in classification systems generally. My analysis is performed with a theoretical foundation in feminist science theories about knowledge and norms, together with a linguistic perspective on valuing and emotionally tinged language.

Statsrådsfilmer på Regeringskansliets webbplats : Hur kan de uppfattas?

The intention of the essay was to see what Web users? comprehension might be when watching four videos that are published on the Swedish Government?s Web site. One video contains an interview with Lena Hallengren, Minister for Youth Affairs of the Swedish Government, and in the other three Ulrica Messing, Minister for Communications and Regional Affairs of the same government, gives speeches about the governmental issues she is responsible for. The comprehensions that were examined are those concerning the forms of presentation of the videos, the ministers? appearances, the videos abilities to create and maintain the Web site visitors? interest, and the visitors? behaviours and conducts while being in contact with the Web site.

Tillit inom illegal e-handel. En fallstudie av marknadsplatsen Silk Road

Since the beginning of the internet the criminal world has used the medium as a platform for operation.This dark web is a domain where illegal sites are flourishing due to the possibilities offered by newtechnology. Net-based criminal activity is a challenge for society as it uses hard proof technologicalsafety measures to avoid the law. Silk Road is the most prominent example, an online illicitmarketplace where drugs and illegal substances are being traded based on conventional e-commerceconcepts. This paper argues for trust as an important factor for the survival of illicit online trade andapplies existing theories on e-commerce and virtual communities. To identify patterns of trust andcommon trust-based issues among Silk Road users, a netnographic study was conducted on the site?sdiscussion forum.

Från input till output: En kvalitativ studie om hur resultatkrav inom biståndet påverkar svenska civilsamhällesorganisationer och mottagarens möjlighet till participation

This bachelor thesis is based on the current discourse within the aid policy, whichhighlights and focuses on measurability and reporting of results within the development cooperation.The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish CSOs Diakonia and Plan Sverige, bothoperating many of its activities through which Sida are directing Swedish aid, are influenced by theresults agenda in it?s work, and to investigate which impact this has on participation of the recipient.The research is based on information collected through examination of relevant text such asdocuments from the organisations, agencies and from debate articles and inquires. Together with datacollected through informant interviews with informants from the organizations this information hasbeen analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The study show that the demands occurringwithin the development cooperation mainly generates quantitative, short term results in order tomaintain legitimacy as an organization. The focus has changed from a traditionally high reliance onthe organizations activities to instead focus on which results the organizations can present as a resultof its work.

Värderingsskillnader mellan amerikanska och svenska bioteknikbolag

Background: Companies with a high level of research, such as biotech companies, rarely generates any profit in the begining. Mostly their history is short and their pipelines usually consists of one or a few products only. Significant for the line of business is also a future very uncertain, where relevant objects of comparison are few. Altogether the facts above makes valuation of Biotech companies difficult. Swedish Biotech companies, compared to their american competitors, seem to be of relatively low value.

Huddinge kommun ur ett genusperspektiv : Bild- och textanalys av Huddinge kommuns personaltidning

The aim of this paper is to critically examine and analyze how the informal performance about masculinities and femininity are being expressed and produced by the text and pictures in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration. The concrete questions are:By which patterns constructs the performance of gender in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration?Are the femininity and masculinities being expressed in a static way or have it changed in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration throw the examined years 1985, 1995 and 2006?A quantitative and qualitative method is used. The point of departure is organization theory in a gender perspective. With the gender organization theory we examine the structures, leadership, symbolics and changes through the examined years.

Muntlig formativ kamratbedömning som kommunikativ praktik : En designbaserad studie i det naturvetenskapliga klassrummet

In the school subject of the natural sciences it is imperative that the students are given opportunities to ?talk science?, since the dialogues that occur in the classroom have a significant importance for the students? abilities to engage in meaning-making in their learning process. Hence, the student and teacher interaction in the classroom and the feedback given there play a significant role in the students? learning process. The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of formative assessment tools that can mediate the students? meaning-making in natural sciences subjects in upper-secondary school.

Alla vet väl vad kommunikation står för - eller? En hermeneutisk textanalys kring kommunikation i samverkan mellan myndigheter

Bakgrund: Det har visat sig att en utökad samverkan behövs för att fånga upp de barn och unga som far illa i samhället idag. Därför initierade regeringen år 2006 en nationell samverkanssatsning där målet var att långsiktigt stärka samverkan mellan berörda myndigheter. I anslutning till satsningen som nyligen avslutats har några dokument publicerats, bland annat ett strategidokument vars syfte var att stöda samverkansarbetet, samt en formativ utvärdering som sammanfattar erfarenheterna från projekten. I dokumenten framträdde inledningsvis en otydlig bild av vad som menas med kommunikation samt motstridiga budskap om hur kommunikationen fungerat.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att få en större förståelse för hur begreppet kommunikation kan förstås samt för hur det beskrivs att kommunikationen fungerat i samverkanssatsningen.Metod: En hermeneutisk textanalys har gjorts på ovanstående dokument för att försöka tydliggöra och förstå de oklarheter och paradoxala budskap som kunnat urskiljas i texterna.Resultat: Trots otydliga uttalanden visade textanalysen på att kommunikation i mångt och mycket kan förstås som ett verktyg eller medel för att uppnå en gemensam bas för samverkan. Kommunikation är vidare ett sätt att utbyta kunskap och information på, samt en väg till förståelse.

Den planerade undervisningen om det finska kriget : En studie av hur gymnasielärare i Västerbotten och Österbotten planerar att undervisa om det finska kriget 1808-09

This study examines how upper secondary school teachers in Västerbotten and Österbotten plan to teach about the Finnish War 1808-09. The study includes written interviews with nine teachers in Västerbotten and eight teachers in Österbotten, who have answered questions concerning school policy documents, content and didactic methods. The purpose has been to examine whether there is a difference in historical culture in how the war is treated in the two regions. Historical culture is here meant within the prospective history lesson, where the pupils encounter history within certain boundaries.The result of the interview study shows that there are differences in structure concerning the school policy documents, but that these differences on the whole are compensated by the widespread interest in the Finnish War by the teachers in both regions. The differences in historical culture can be found within the construction of the content when it comes to the aftermaths of the war as well as the purpose of the teaching.

Vad är ett E-Arkiv? : En fallstudie på E-Arkiv Stockholm

The aim of this thesis in Archival Science was to explore the concept of electronic archives and the challenges that might be encountered when attempting to move archives into a new digital age, as well as having a closer look at the term e-archive itself. Another aim was to explore how the OAIS reference model works in practice.To explore these questions I decided to do a case study on E-Arkiv Stockholm, a functioning e-archive. I decided to do a study on several documents that were created throughout the project, these included documents related to the planning of the archive, as well as the final report. My reason for this method was that these docu-ments came straight from reality and would give a clear and unbiased view of the project and it?s many aspects.Examination of the documents showed that the OAIS reference model and its concepts had been the foun-dation of much of the planning.

Marknadsföring av licensierade e-tidskrifter på akademiska bibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if academic libraries market e-journals, and if so how this work is carried out. The ambition is to study what channels and methods the Libraries use, to inform their users that they have access to e-journals. The aim is also to survey if the libraries evaluate the use of the e-journals, and if so how. The objectives of the work are reached by using two main methods, document analysis and qualitative interviews. The study has been performed on three university libraries.

Open access i forskningspolitiken : en undersökning av de politiska argumenten i debatten kring vetenskaplig publicering

This Master's thesis aims at pinpointing the political arguments that appear in the recent debate on scientific publication. There is a widely spread opinion that prices on digital resources are far too high, thus taking up a major part of the University libraries budget, while publishing companies make high profits. It is also a common opinion that the current publishing method does not take full advantage of the possibilities of electronic publishing. Lately a number of alternative ways of publishing have been initiated and discussed, generally referred to as open access. Open access published material is available free of charge and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions on the public internet.In this thesis the minutes from four hearings held by the UK House of Commons in the spring of 2004 are examined.

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