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IT Governance med fokus på IT-investeringar

AbstractDate              2009-06-07Level             Master thesis in Information Technology and Business Administration, 15 hp, EIK024Authors        Anna Karlsson, akn05009@student.mdh.se                      Lena-Maria Lindström, llm05002@student.mdh.seTutor            Peter EkmanTitle              IT Governance with an IT investment focusKeywords     IT Governance, IT investments, IT decisions Problem       To control and manage IT and IT functions in the organization has been a big challenge for many businesses for a long time. In order to make the management of IT more efficient IT Governance is needed. If the organization is going to be successful IT Governance is necessary and this type of governance enables a more effective use of IT that supports the business and its operations. The problem questions for this thesis are: How is the company?s IT Governance built up? How are decisions regarding the company?s IT investments taken? How is the connection between the company?s IT investments and the company?s IT Governance?Purpose        The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze how a company?s IT Governance is built up and how the company uses IT Governance to reach the desired results from the IT investments.Method        The thesis is a qualitative study.

Skapandet av innovativa team - en studie om sammansättning och mångfald

Nu för tiden jobbar allt fler företag med team. Det krävs att det finns en bra strategi, struktur och rätt personer för att teamet ska bli så innovativt som möjligt. Desto större och mer expanderade företagen är över världen krävs det även att människor från olika kulturer och länder samarbetar mot att föra företaget framåt. Något som kan skapa problem i och med olikheterna.Forskning från West et al. (2006) och Paulus et al.

Eftermarknadsaffären för komponenter: en fallstudie vid
Volvo CE Components

Uppdraget har handlat om att kartlägga en ekonomisk modell för nyutvecklings- och uppgraderingsinvesteringar. Modellen är en investeringskalkyl baserat på olika tidsperioder vilka är projekt, produktion och eftermarknad. Lönsamhetsmodellen, som den kallas i examensarbetet, jämför egentillverkade och inköpta komponenter (ex växellåda). I modellen finns några viktiga parametrar som behöver verifieras. Reservdelsförsäljning är en sådan.

Fröskörd av hampa : metoder och tekniker för fröskörd av industrihampa

Hemp is an ancient cultivated plant that came to Sweden in the 1st to 2nd Century and was particularly interesting for use for food, clothing and building materials. Over time, other applications have been developed for hemp, e.g. in energy and health products. Interesting new uses for hemp continue to be identified and this fascinating plant has incredibly versatile applications.In this project, seed production of industrial hemp in Sweden was studied and evaluated. Five different methods are described, four of which are proven under Swedish conditions.

Responsivitet på menyn : Produktnavigering på en e-handelsplats som är både flexibel och säljande, går det?

The competition in sports equipment and sports fashion today is fierce. And as e-commerce grows, the competing players has to remain accessible and usable regard-less of the device their customers visit the website on. Stadium is Swedens biggest player on the market and puts a lot of effort on their online activity. Something Stadium found interesting was the possibility of introducing elements that would increase the conversion rates directly into the product menu. This study explores the possibility to find a responsive solution for the product menu at Stadiums? e-commerce website which could contribute to increased conversion rates.The study is built upon an experiment and the foundations of the experiment is based upon a market analysis of used design patterns for product navigation in the domain of sport resellers.

Handelsutvecklingen efter Lettlands självständighet : En studie om ekonomisk transition under perioden åren 1993 fram till 2004

The main purpose of this essay is to investigate if Latvia´s pattern of trade has become more similar to the mature market economies, after Latvia´s independence 1991.Today, the intra-industry trade (IIT) dominates the trade of mature market economies. One of the pioneers of intra-industrial trade is Paul Krugman, who was the first to emphasize the importance "of scale and consumers' desire for variety" in explaining the basis for modern commerce. Customers get more variety and usually cheaper goods when the market gets bigger. I mainly use the modern trade theories to explain the trade pattern in Latvia. To measure how Latvia has developed its intra-industry trade, and thereby is approaching the mature market economies´ trade pattern, I use the Grubel-Lloyd index (GL-index).

Pressning och hantering av halm som energiråvara

I?ve tried to find the most effective and cost effective way to harvest straw for energy recovery.You can choose between round bales and big square bales. Square bales are the cheapest way to produce straw for fuel recovery because you can optimize the length of the bales so they fit the transportation equipment.In the Malmö area the average days of harvesting hay is 55. The effectively of transportation depends mostly of the speed, the distance and density of the bales. To increase the capacity of bale transportation larger loads and higher density of the bales is necessary.

Plantetablering och tillväxt för sådd och planterad tall 2-5 år efter markberedning med harv eller Huminmix-teknik inom Holmen Skog distrikt Norsjö :

The objective of this work was to compare the environmentally gentle soil scarification technique Huminmix (with possibilities to do track-grinding/HMMspår, long-scraping/HMMlångfläck and mounding/HMMhög) with conventional disc trencher, concerning seedling establishment and growth of direct seeded and planted Scots pine seedlings. Inventories were made during June and July 2005, in 34 seeded and 6 planted stands from 2000 ? 2004 (1- 5 years old) of lichen- and myrtillus/vaccinum-type in Holmen Skog AB´s district Norsjö in Västerbotten. The Huminmix-technique had been used for HMMspår in the seeded stands and for HMMhög in the planted stands (HMMlångfläck has been used from the year 2006 for direct seeding). The studied stands had been seeded with the same amount of seeds according to stand data.

Ledare & team utan rätt förutsättningar kan aldrig nå maximal framgång : En studie om tre olika produktionsverksamheter inom Volvo Group

This thesis has been conducted at Volvo Bussar ABunder a period of ten weeks. Within the organizationVolvo, the work is conducted with leaders and teamson every level; from production to top management.They have three tasks, besides executing their dailywork, they are expected to actively work on improvingtheir individual work as well as themselves as persons.The two latter are future value adding activities for theorganization. When doing so, however, it has beennoticed that they often lose the grasp of their dailywork. The question that consequently arises is whythis happens. Is it because of lack of time or it isbecause the co-workers do not have the competenceand simply do not know how they are to execute thethree tasks? Or, is it because the motivation to executethe three tasks is not enough? With this in regard, thestatement of issues for this bachelor thesis were thefollowing: how can the conditions for leaders and theteam be improved, in order for them to execute thesethree tasks.To find out why the execution of these threeassigments did not always succeed, the decision wastaken to conduct a survey and interview study in reallife and at the plants.

Optimization of Burner Kiln 7, Cementa Slite

In this report focus is put on the combustion process at a cement plant. Combustion is the heart of the cement making process and absolutely crucial to have under full control and well optimized. The fuel is put into the process through a burner pipe and this burner pipe is modified to reach a more efficient combustion. The primary target is to enable burning of heterogeneous alternative fuels and increase the production level. Other positive effects from this type of optimization is lowered specific fuel consumption and lowered CO2 emissions. A redundant burner is chosen for the project and overall the project steps are the following: 1. Installing a Jet air nozzle ring in a way so it can move both axially and radially due to temperature changes. 2.

Arenastaden ? En jämförande studie om attraktiva områden för kontor

This thesis has been conducted at Volvo Bussar ABunder a period of ten weeks. Within the organizationVolvo, the work is conducted with leaders and teamson every level; from production to top management.They have three tasks, besides executing their dailywork, they are expected to actively work on improvingtheir individual work as well as themselves as persons.The two latter are future value adding activities for theorganization. When doing so, however, it has beennoticed that they often lose the grasp of their dailywork. The question that consequently arises is whythis happens. Is it because of lack of time or it isbecause the co-workers do not have the competenceand simply do not know how they are to execute thethree tasks? Or, is it because the motivation to executethe three tasks is not enough? With this in regard, thestatement of issues for this bachelor thesis were thefollowing: how can the conditions for leaders and theteam be improved, in order for them to execute thesethree tasks.To find out why the execution of these threeassigments did not always succeed, the decision wastaken to conduct a survey and interview study in reallife and at the plants.

Frystorkning Kontrollerad torkning av kulturhistorisk dräkt?

Cultural objects may become wet by deliberate water cleaning, water disaster or watersoaked for other reasons. Air drying textile objects and even other organic materials from awater wet state, involves many problems depending on the strong capillarity action of water.Damages and changes such as bleeding of dyes, stains or lines of impurities from watermovement, shrinking or stiffness can occur. Freeze-drying as an alternative drying methodhas often been used for wet archaeological and marine objects, but more seldom for historicalmaterials.This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of whether freeze-drying can be an alternative controlleddrying method for historic costumes. Costumes and related objects are often compositeobjects, consisting of multiple materials, as well as being three dimensional, all of whichwill complicate drying. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether it is possible tohandle costume objects after wet cleaning for drying by freeze-drying, and if damages due tosurface tension of water, can be avoided in this way.

Styr genus valet av Cover Story? : En fortsatt studie på projektet Cover Story, där genusaspekten kommer upp till ytan på ett intressant sätt.

Cover Story is a project, which students at Lillholms - and Ekholms School worked in during spring and fall of 2009. Several school subjects were integrated in project; social studies, art and Swedish, to empower the students to create, implement and design a magazine. The purpose of the project was to give the students the opportunity to fantasize about the future and their dreams by creating their very own Cover Story. During the project I realized that the student?s selection of magazine genre had a direct relation to the gender of the students themselves.

Mekanisk integration av en IR-detektor i en Stirlingkylare

The master thesis ?Mechanical Integration of an IR-detector in a Micro Cooler? has beenperformed at FLIR Systems AB in Danderyd. FLIR Systems is a world leader in the design,manufacture and marketing of thermal imaging camera systems.The thesis project is divided into to two areas, Production Method and Noise.The Production Method concerns the positioning of a detector on the cold finger within the IRcamera.The detector has to be positiond with very high accuracy at the center of the cold finger,so it can be placed in line with the optical axis to avoid movement of the picture during zooming.The positioning of the detector is at present done with the help of specially designed guides on aplate on top of the cold finger. The design workes well but the special machining needed for thisplate is very expensive.The goal concerning the production method was to derive a new more cost effective method forthe assembling and positioning of the detector on the cold finger by replacing the guides on theplate with a reusable equipment or some other alignement operation.Several concept ideas have been generated with the help of concept generation methods in theform of concept classification trees and concept combinational tables. Two of these conceptswere selected to be further refined.

En jämförelse mellan elnätsbolagens produktivitet

Datum: Juni 2011 Nivå: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp  Författare: Nathalie Johansson, Michaela Toth och Linda Westin Handledare: Esbjörn Segelod Titel: Belöningssystem- en fallstudie på Volvo CE om vad de anställda anser om företagets förmåner samt vilka faktorer som motiverar dem. Nyckelord: Belöningssystem, motivation, inre belöningar, yttre belöningar, förmåner & behovsteorier Problem: Företagen har idag blivit allt mer beroende av sina anställda för att kunna drivas effektivt och överleva på lång sikt. Det är viktigt att de anställda arbetar mot verksamhetens mål men det är även viktigt att de anställda ser företaget som en attraktiv arbetsgivare, dels för att få behålla medarbetare och dels för att kunna rekrytera. För att säkerställa att det sker använder sig företag av belöningssystem. Inom belöningsbegreppet ingår olika sorters belöningar som fungerar som verktyg till företagen så att de ska kunna uppfylla sitt syfte. Individer motiveras av olika faktorer vilket gör det komplicerat för företag att veta vilka belöningar som är de optimala.

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