

826 Uppsatser om Fire equipment - Sida 38 av 56

Åsktransienter och överspänningar : En spänningsfylld simulering av elkraftsystemet vid Forsmark 3

A power system will inevitably be subjected to transient overvoltages, most often produced by switching operations and lightning strikes. These transient overvoltages may harm sensitive equipment without sufficient protection, but it is not an easy task to predict what transients may occur or how they affect the system. A fault occurred in a low voltage system at Forsmark 2012 and overvoltages from lightning were concluded as the probable cause. The three aims with this thesis are to develop and test a model of the power system at Forsmark 3, analyse the transient behaviour of the system when subjected to lightning surges and identify critical parameters, and lastly to provide a tool for investigating the protection of the system. The modelling and simulations were performed in the freely available simulation program LT Spice.

Internprissättning "Betydelsen av situation och syfte"

När ett företag inför decentralisering medför det att det uppstår mer eller mindre självständiga enheter, som ofta handlar internt med varandra. Genom decentralisering vill företagen korta ner tiden för beslutsprocesser och ge ett större ekonomiskt ansvar för varje enhet, man vill med detta nå en effektivisering inom företaget. Problem som kan uppstå vid decentralisering är att samordning och kontroll av enheter försvåras. Dessa problem försöker företag lösa genom att införa ett internprissystem. Internprissystemet byggs på företagets specifika situation och dess syfte med internprissättningen. Internprissättning är ett komplicerat område, men det handlar om att kunna styra, kontrollera och motivera de självständiga enheterna.

Implementering av en PSS i Trängslets kraftstation

The purpose of this master thesis is to implement and validate a Power System Stabilizer (PSS) to a generator at Trängslet hydropower station in Dalarna, Sweden. Problems with local rotor oscillations can occur at the hydropower station when power is transferred on a new power line (130 kV) from Northern to Southern part of Dalarna. To ensure good operation properties on this power line Fortum Generation AB and Fortum Distribution AB wants to activate a PSS on a generator.There have been investigations in which situations and what equipment that contributes to rotor oscillations. When this is known the PSS is tuned to damp these oscillations by choosing a good set of parameters. The most important parameters for good performance are to choose amount of gain and phase compensation.

Dubbelklicka på Emil - en studie av arbetet med CD-romspel med litterära förebilder på några folkbiblioteks barnavdelningar

The technical evolution has a great influence on the public libraries. Electronic media becomes more and more common. This Master´s thesis is based upon the Swedish Library law 9§ (SFS 1996:1596) which says: Public- and school libraries should pay special attention to children and teenagers by offering books, information technology and other media, adapted to their needs, to encourage development of language and stimulate reading. From this point of view we have examined why the children´s departments in public libraries offer CD-ROM games which are based upon characters from the literature, how they are used in the daily activity and how they can contribute to the development of the children´s department.We have made literary studies and empirical investigations including interviews, observation studies etc. The results from this studies shows that both young and adults appreciate the CD-ROM games.

Säkrare arbetsmiljö med traktorer i vårbruket :

By doing this thesis I want to open up farmers and tractor drivers mind to see that there is several risks with their work. There is a number of risks that everybody probably already know about, and hopefully I will, with this work, help them to see a lot more risks, to make them be more careful in the future. I?ve interviewed seventeen farmers in middle and south of Sweden. I?ve also asked them for their opinion and what kind of changes they looking forward to.

Kv. Grillen 6 i Sandviken : Förslag till verksamhet för

Rotskärsskolan is located in Skutskär, Älvkarleby municipality and the school conducted today consists of lower secondary. The school was built in the early 1960s and contains three buildings. Today there is a great need for reconstruction of Rotskärsskolan, when the premises are worn out and not suitable for today's education. It must therefore be a phased change involving all the school buildings, starting in the winter of 2008/2009.Our degree project involves one of these buildings, called house F. This building will, by a recent decision, be adjusted for classes from preschool up to grade five, special school and leisure activities when some of the municipality's schools will consolidate.

Förekomsten av trycksår hos patienter som genomgår brachybehandling vid prostatacancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. One type of treatment is internal radiation therapy, brachytherapy. This treatment requires the patient to lie completely motionless and in lithotomy position. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pressure ulcers associated with brachytherapy in prostate cancer at the UniversityHospitalin Uppsala. Furthermore, the purpose was to identify the most common location of pressure ulcer and to examine whether there were any connection between risk factors and possible pressure ulcers.

Relationsmarknadsföringens roll vid offentlig upphandlingEn fallstudie av ett litet företag i krisberedskapsbranschen

Denna uppsats syftar till att analysera relationsmarknadsföringens roll vid offentlig upphandling. Den kommer även att försöka genomlysa till viken grad en relationsmarknadsföringsstrategi är genomförbar, samt hur detta kan vidareutvecklas för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. För att uppfylla detta syfte har en fallstudie av företaget SWEDE (Swedish Emergency Disaster Equipment), vilket verkar inom ett nischsegment av sjukvårdssektorn, närmare bestämt akutsjukvård/sanering genomförts. Fallstudien har genom en kvalitativ metod med utgångspunkt i grunderna inom modern relationsmarknadsföring undersökt vilka problem, samt möjligheter ett företag på en marknad vilken kontrolleras av Lagen om offentlig upphandling ställs inför.Vidare har andra teorier som stakeholder mapping varit en teoretisk grund för att identifiera viktiga aktörer och deras roll i den offentliga upphandlingsprocessen. De grundprinciper vilka Lagen om offentlig upphandling bygger på har presenterats och diskuterats ur fallföretagets synvinkel för att se hur de kan tänkas begränsa eller möjliggöra en framgångsrik relationsmarknadsföringsstrategi.Utifrån de genomförda intervjuerna, vilka haft för avsikt att skapa en djupare förståelse för det studerade problemområdet, drar jag slutsatsen att fallföretaget strävar efter att använda sig av relationsmarknadsföring i den mån det är möjligt utan att bryta mot Lagen om offentlig upphandling, då detta riskerar att resultera i juridiska påföljder.

Gränssnittet BarnOPAC barnens stig in i bokskogen: En användarstudie av hur barn uppfattar och hanterar ett svenskt gränssnitt.

BarnOPAC is a Swedish library interface for children. It was launched in public libraries in Sweden in 2001 and has now become a part of library software equipment in several public libraries. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the interface BarnOPAC on the basis of the childrens perspective. The questions raised consider: how children experience and handle this interface, how library staff experience it and what viewpoints librarians have on childrens use of it. For this purpose we implemented a user study including eight children using the interface in a school library.

Nu a?r det dags att agera! : en analys av konsumentbeteende fra?n mjo?lkupproret i Ska?ne

At the end of 2008, Arla concluded agreements with several supermarkets in southern Sweden. The agreement with the supermarkets excluded Ska?nemejerier from the stores. This meant that Ska?nemejerier lost approximately 7% of sales volume.

Konstruktion Signalgenerator

SAAB Aerotech division FGR in Arboga builds and develops equipment and components used in both military and civilian applications. To build a test system for a specific project that SAAB is responsible for requires a simple signal generator that can provide a pulse modulated signal. The need to buy a new advanced signal generator for example from Agilent is not as profitable as the instrument is expensive and contains features that SAAB does not require in their applications and test systems. That was the reason why SAAB offers two students a thesis where the goal is to construct a signal generator in accordance with what SAAB requests.This thesis contains several different phases. The first step was a meeting with our supervisor Mats Bergman and by reading the data sheets for components to be used in the project, with these information and specifications that we have received from SAAB we started to construct the signal generator.What we did during the construction work was to simulate and draw a schematic to be able to design the circuit board.

Att utmana en mansdominerad organisationskultur : En kvalitativ studie av Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionens värdegrundsarbete

Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka om det går att förändra en organisationskultur genom värdegrundsarbete, samt om det är en metod som kan användas för att utmana den mansdominerade kulturen inom räddningstjänsten. För att uppfylla detta syfte har vi utgått från frågeställningarna Hur tolkar brandmännen värdegrunden på Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen? samt Kan värdegrundsarbete vara ett sätt att utmana den mansdominerade kulturen inom Räddningstjänsten?. Den tidigare forskning som gjorts kring värdegrunder är inriktad mot skolverksamhet i första hand vilket gör det intressant att undersöka möjligheten att använda detta som en metod även inom andra verksamheter.Uppsatsen inleds med en teoretisk bakgrund kring organisationskultur, värdegrund samt mansdominerad kultur. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och innebär att vi har utfört åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med brandmän på Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen.

Är plöjningsfri jordbearbetning bättre än konventionell plöjning? :

The background of this study is the fact that it nowadays is more common to grow wheat after wheat. Usually we plow every autumn to remove the straw, and we wanted to study the effect of alternative methods to do it. We have done this experiment to answer the question if no tillage is better than conventional plowing. The results of the field experiment indicate that there is a link between plant establishment and the choice of equipment, but also a higher weed pressure in experimental plots with only ground tillage. The equipments which left much straw on the top of the ground the problems with fungi were more severe.

Utvärdering av mjukvara inom processindustrin

This study is an evaluation of the runtime watch function in a OEE software, knownas ProTAK. OEE stands for Overall Equipment Effectiveness, it?s a way to measurethe factories process efficiency. The runtimewatch function allows the user to setup and monitor certain critical objects that are of importance for the pulp and paper process at the mill. The data from the runtimewatch can be correlated towards the suppliers specification for the components.

Förbättring av utnyttjandegrad i robotcell

When a company in the manufactory industry makes costly investments, it's important that these are used as much as possible. The company in this case claims that their invested robot cell, with CNC machine isn't used enough. The questions here are: How can we improve the use of the robot cell? Which products are appropriate for the production in the robot cell? As a method to come to a conclusion, an analysis has been made over the manufactured products. And also interviews with machine operators and the production management.

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