

826 Uppsatser om Fire equipment - Sida 37 av 56

Lyftredskap för KL-trä - Hantering av horisontella och vertikala element i massivträ

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Varför personalekonomi?

Chapter 6 of the Ch?ndogya Upani?ad has often been treated in works on early Indian philosophy, as well as in some comparative studies on color symbolism. Attempts to place it in a larger framework against the background of late Vedic religion are, however, few, the rationalistic and ?tradition-challenging? appearance of the text having repeatedly been emphasized. But the doctrine contained in the text ? a cosmologic teaching on the three elements constituting the universe, each being characterized by a color (red, white, black) ? and their microcosmic counterparts in the human body, does have some clear affinities to the worldview of the Br?hma?as and ?ra?yakas, which posits a series of similar correlations (bandhu-) between macro- and microcosmos.

Förfädernas berg? : en tolkning av fornborgen på Halleberg

The essay deals with the hill-fort on the mountain Halleberg, Sweden, its wall design, functionality, dating and its possible function as a central location and a place of worship of the ancestors.The Halleberg hill-fort consists of a 1500 meters long at times cohesive stonewalls which together blocked the mountain from its surroundings. Hallberg's natural vertical scree and cliffs along with the masonry blocked the whole mountain from the surroundings.The hill-forts, with few exceptions are largely not investigated archaeologically and its functionality and role in the ancient society is based on outdated research on the subject. The current archaeological interpretation is that hill-forts served as temporary defense in times of unrest or served as center of power for a social elite. The prevailing view in the archaeological sphere is that the hill-forts had a variety of functions and that its functionality and role in ancient society has varied.Halleberg´s strongest wall sections are at the mountain's south-eastern part where the natural driveway, Storgårdsklev is located. Along with the massive masonry of the walls in Bokedalen Storgårdsklev functioned as the hill-forts main entrance.

Järnburens renodlade revsion.

Chapter 6 of the Ch?ndogya Upani?ad has often been treated in works on early Indian philosophy, as well as in some comparative studies on color symbolism. Attempts to place it in a larger framework against the background of late Vedic religion are, however, few, the rationalistic and ?tradition-challenging? appearance of the text having repeatedly been emphasized. But the doctrine contained in the text ? a cosmologic teaching on the three elements constituting the universe, each being characterized by a color (red, white, black) ? and their microcosmic counterparts in the human body, does have some clear affinities to the worldview of the Br?hma?as and ?ra?yakas, which posits a series of similar correlations (bandhu-) between macro- and microcosmos.

Restoring biodiversity in degraded secondary rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia : natural regeneration of trees after restoration treatments

Many tropical rain forests has been lost or degraded as a result of human activities and environmental factors. Since the level of biodiversity is high in the tropics, maintaining these areas is of great importance. Forests like these are often assumed to benefit from forest restoration and rehabilitation. The INIKEA project area in Eastern Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, aims to improve biodiversity and/or species richness in the degraded forest through enrichment planting with indigenous species. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate how different treatments (liberation, gap-cluster planting and line planting) affect the biodiversity of natural regeneration in different forest types in the Rain forest Restoration Experiment, located in the INIKEA project area.

"Fenomenalt" eller "De borde kunna mer om datorer" : En undersökning om datorhjälpen på högskolebibliotek

"Outstanding" or "They ought to know more about computers" : A study on computer support at university libraries.The main purpose of this study is to investigate the support computer users are given at university libraries. Further, the aim is to find out if the users thought they received the support that they needed. The study is carried out at two different university libraries. The data is obtained through interviews with the librarians, observations of the daily work at the information counters and questionnaires handled out to the users.The study indicates that variables such as knowledge, time and equipment play a central role in making the computer support successive. To a great extent the computer support is synonymous with information search, but it also deals with word processing and technical support connected with computer errors.

Komprimering av testdata för SOC : -En implementation av metoden vector repeat

Sammanfattning:De ökande testdatavolymerna som krävs för att testa moderna System-On-Chip (SOC) bidrar i hög grad till den ökande produktionskostnaden. De stora testdatavolymerna kräver stora och dyra Automatic Test Equipment-minnen (ATE-minnen). För att minska behovet av dessa minnen så har olika komprimeringsmetoder utvecklats.Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med att implementera en given komprimeringsmetod för testdata till SOC. Den metod som används heter vector repeat och den implementeras genom skapandet av ett för ändamålet avsett dataprogrogram. För att vector repeat ska fungera effektivt så förutsätts det att in- och utgångarna på den ATE som används kan delas in i olika portar.

Skarven : ? Produktutveckling av en oljedimavskiljare

This thesis is a product development project that was performed at Alfa Laval Tumba AB. In the past Alfa Laval have manufactured gas separators for engines where gas flows were cleaned from oil. A new business area for this kind of technology has shown to be the manufacturing industry where oil mist has to be separated from the vented air. Therefore a new and bigger design is needed to be able to handle the greater gas flows. A product like that would be a strong competitor on the market when the maintenance would be low in comparison to today?s equipment.During the project several concept suggestions were developed using customer interviews and research as input.

The capability to understand customer value - A case study of Metso Mining over continents

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze how the mining equipment producers on a global market manage to handle the changing conditions concerning customer value. Our approach has been a comparative analysis between two different sites in order to answer the purpose. The case studies at Metso Mining have been made through interviews and visits at two geographical markets, South America and Scandinavia. The theoretical framework applied on our empirical findings is based on Blue Ocean Strategy, Customer Value and Resourced Based View. The empirical foundation is based on interviews with Metso Mining employees at Sorocaba in Brazil and Kiruna/Gällivare, Trelleborg and Staffanstorp in Sweden.

ABC och ekonomisystem : En studie av Volvo Construction Equipment Components AB

The accounting information system comprises budgeting, accounting, and costing. The accounting information system has, traditionally, constituted an integrated system where the different elements collaborate. If ABC is introduced this order is disturbed, since ABC is based on another logic which cannot easily be integrated with budget and accounting. ABC, therefore, is usually used parallely to the conventional costing method. There are, however, companies that have taken its ABC one step further by letting it replace the old costing model and integrate it with the accounting information system.

Trapphus i träplattform för CBBT

Industrialization of construction is by some considered to be a solution to the building industry's problems about the lack of quality, high production costs, low productivity and poor environmental adaptation. Meanwhile, industrialized construction partly earned a bad reputation after the million housing program. As large-scale projects where promoted during this period, it worked very well to use the technique of construction elements. In the mid seventies though, criticism arose which claimed that the aesthetic qualities had been deprived in the corporates effort to make housing production as efficient as possible.Tyréns, Derome and CBBT (centre for building and housing in wood) cooperates in a development project to develop a building system for 4-8-storey buildings, consisting of three platforms: a technology platform, an IT platform and a processing platform. The technology platform consists of flexible, industrially built flat modules of wood and from this platform the subsystem stairwells, is broken out.

Ingenjörkompaniets förändring från NBG-08 till NBG-11 : - En myt eller sanning?

Uppsatsen Ingenjörkompaniets förändring från NBG-08 till NBG-11 ? En myt eller sanning? behandlar ingenjörkompaniet under Nordic Battlegroup-08 respektive Nordic Battlegroup-11. Uppsatsens skildrar de skillnader vilka fanns på respektive kompani avseende organisationen, materiel och utrustning samt de krav och uppgifter vilka kompaniet hade. Detta har genomförts med en komparation mellan de respektive kompanierna.Syftet med uppsatsen är att se vilken inverkan tidigare organisationer har på framställandet av en ny organisation under respektive Nordic Battlegroup. I detta fallet ingenjörkompaniet under respektive Nordic Battlegroup.En komparation mellan de två olika kompanierna innefattande tre av de grundläggande förmågorna verkan, rörlighet och uthållighet har genomförts kopplat mot två av krigsföringsförmågorna, konceptuella- och fysiska förmågorna.Resultatet av studien visar att slutsatser kopplade till i huvudsak brister kring kommunikationen mellan respektive ingenjörkompani där inget eller mycket begränsat erfarenhetsutbyte genomförts mellan dessa.

Digitalisering av kulturarvet En studie av digitalisering vid två museer

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how two separate museums have realised the task of digitizing their collections, as well as to learn what options, possibilities and resources have been available to them during this process. Additionally, the aim here is to find how the two museums have dealt with problems in connection to the digitization projects, since there are as-of-yet no established regulations or standards to guide them in their digitization efforts. However, national and international working groups seeking to establish better collaboration between archives, libraries and museums ALM institutions have recently begun to formulate recommendations and suggested standards. Some of these recommendations have been used here as a theoretical framework in the examination of the two museums. The research questions posed are: What options, possibilities and resources have been available to the museums in their digitization projects, in terms of economy, staff, technical equipment and time?; For what purpose are the museums digitizing their collections?; and How does their purpose influence the process and chosen procedures? Also discussed here is how the museums relate to some of the existing recommendations.

Emma Goldman : Mot en postindividualistisk teori om gemenskaper

Denna uppsats undersöker den feministiska agitatorn och anarkisten Emma Goldman i syfte att identifiera en radikal teori om samarbete och gemenskaper som tillåter individuell frihet utan konflikt med det sociala. Framförallt fokuserar den på Goldmans upplevelser av Sovjetunionen och det Spanska inbördeskriget, och på hennes idé om den »konstruktiva revolutionen « som hon utvecklar i interaktion med dessa. Själva undersökningen sker i fyra delar med fyra olika fokus: individen, massan, revolutionen och organisationen i den ordningen. Som material används framförallt Goldmans två böcker om Sovjetunionen ? med fokus på efterordet i den senare boken ? samt textsamlingen Vision On Fire med Goldmans texter om det spanska inbördeskriget och den anarkistiska organiseringen där.

Lantbruk i framtiden : ett praktikfall

The economic prerequisite to many farmers in Sweden after the EU membership and the new agriculture policy has generated large demands on the farm management. Until year 2004 you got a grant based on what you had produced and not on consumer demand. In 2005 a new economic aid (Mid Term Revue) was introduced and the conditions has changed again. Due to this I have chosen to do a cost-benefit analysis on a case, to investigate if the present production is sustainable in the future. My conclusion is that the profitability is acceptable even if the farm has a high debt. But to make the production more profitable the products produced should be refined as much as possible at the farm, to get maximum economic return.

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