

826 Uppsatser om Fire equipment - Sida 18 av 56

Design and evaluation of an AGV-system for Tetra Pack in Lund using simulation

This examination work is the final work in our education to become a Bachelor of Science inMechanical Engineering by the University of Lund.The main purpose with this work has been to develop a new effective material handling system for TPPM AB in Lund since the existing system starts to become out of date. The future system that is going to be installed shall have the capacity to support all machines with unit-, semi- and finished goods during full production. The work has also included studying the possibilities to change the material flow in a positive way between the storage and the production when one is using existing buildings.During our work we have been used a simulation program called AutoMod, performing company visits, interviews and reviewed internal and external information to create a picture of what the best conclusion can be. During the work we have contacted five suppliers to receive system solutions and quotatioris. The suppliers, which have been contacted, are Swisslog, Moving, Rocia, Christensen & Hansen and ABB.

Maskinsamverkan mellan två halländska gårdar :

After been told that an ordinary winter service for our combine should cost more than 20000 SEK, not included spare parts, I decided to write this paper about today?s requirement of the workshop on a farm. I think that the lack of proper premises is the reason way not more of the ordinary machinery maintenance or upkeep is performed on the farm. When I did my literature survey I found that the Swedish environmental code, set by the Swedish law regulate how drain or sewer should be built. The environmental code however leaves a lot for your own interpretation. It might not be so bad but it must be very hard for the local environmental office to interpretation the regulations, since they are the ones that gives permission for the sewer in your workshop.

Analys av miljöaspekter för en planerad svensk fabrik i Kina

A Swedish company, company F, will establish a new factory in China. Company F is adivision within Company F. The factory in China will manufacture wire products. Thepurpose of this final thesis is to analyse which legal and practical measures the company hasto undertake during the process of localization to get approval from the Chineseenvironmental legislation.An analysis of the influencing factors on the environment from the production in theconstruction in Sweden was carried through. A material-balance was analysed according tothe flowchart of the production.

Mekaniserad spaning i dag och i framtiden

Den mekaniserade bataljonens främsta sensor att samla in underlag till underrättelsesektionen är spaningsplutonen. Spaningsplutonen på mekbataljon har bytt organisation över åren och gått från att vara ett terrängbils eller bandvagnsburet förband till sin nuvarande form med stridsfordon 90. Men har förbandet använts på rätt sätt sedan det tillfördes stridsfordon? Hur bör framtidens chefer nyttja plutonen för att maximera effekten?Arbetet baseras på de reglementen som finns idag samt intervjuer med personal tillhörande spaningsplutonerna och bataljonsstaber. Utöver det kommer en jämförelse med US Army Armored Cavalry göras..

Förbränning av träpellets och pelleterad halm i en 40 kW rosterreaktor

The project focus on combustion of softwood pellets and pellets in a 40 kW grate fire reactor at TEC-Lab. Dept Applied Physics and Electronics at Umeå University. Experiments were performed at four primary airs to fuel ratios (0.7 to 1.3), where aspects such as temperature profile, levels of gases (CO and NO), sintering-/-slagging and unburned fraction of the ashes were studied. Four different fuel loads were used for wood pellets (10, 20 and 30 kW) and one fuel load for straw (10 kW). Combustion of straw proved very difficult to ignite, and also led to other combustion-related technical problem such as slag formation due to the relatively low melting temperature-/-slag temperature of the straw.

Stölder och förebyggande åtgärder : en studie hos Holmen skogs entreprenörer och egna maskinlag

This master thesis was performed as a mission from Holmen Skog with the purpose to investigate to which extent their own machine teams and engaged contractors were exposed to theft and vandalism, and most common preventive measures used. With the help of collected data the study should lead to proposals of preventive measures that can help the machine teams in their struggle to minimise theft and vandalism. Theft and vandalism are a big problem for Swedish forest contractors. In a scarce economic situation thefts and vandalism rapidly decrease the profit for the contractors. However, the last years have resulted in a positive awareness of thefts, and more and better preventive measures have been developed. With the initiative of this master thesis, Holmen Skog show that they are aware of the situation and that they wish to take control of the problem. A total amount of 108 questionnaires was sent out to Holmen?s own machine teams and engaged contractors.

Effects of ten year old enrichment plantings in a secondary dipterocarp rainforest : a case study of stem and species distribution in Sabah, Malaysia

Large areas of forests in the tropical region have during the last decades been lost and converted to new land uses while other areas have been degraded into secondary forests. These secondary forests need to be restored and rehabilitation through enrichment planting and liberation may help to speed up the recovery process. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate a rehabilitation method that includes enrichment planting, slashing of weeds and girdling of unwanted trees. The site for the project is situated in Sabah, Borneo in a secondary forest which had been logged and burnt by a wildfire. The project?s goal is to rehabilitate and increase biodiversity through enrichment planting of seedlings mainly belonging to the family Dipterocarpeaceae (dipterocarps).

Inställning av automatikermed spänningsreglerande verkani det sydsvenska 400-130 kV nätet

The voltage level in the power grid varies due to variations in load and production. Normally these variations are manageable, but they may be excessively large during a disturbance. If the voltage is too high it may damage the equipment in the grid and too low voltages may cause problems like voltage instability. The magnitude of the voltage variation depends on the short circuit power capacity of the point of interest.This problem may become lore prominent due to automatic voltage regulation that acts on shunt reactors and shunt capacitors. When the shunt reactor is connected or disconnected to the grid it may cause such large changes in the voltage that the shunt reactor starts hunting.

Nytt blod, gamla bilder : Visuell våldsgestaltning i film och spel

The paper discusses and analyzes differences and similarities in depictions of violence in the two narrative media of films and games. The work is based on existing theories on representation, remediation, narration and immersion ? theories which are further developed and discussed by the author. The movies Man on Fire and Kill Bill, as well as the games Ninja Gaiden and Grand Theft Auto are analyzed and used as examples of how depictions of violence in films and games can or should be studied. Also, the possibilities for development of the theories used in the paper are considered.

Utveckling av analysmodul till Zenicor Medical Systems EKG-system

The mainpart of this thesis is about the developing of a new analysis tool to be used in Zenicor Medical Systems AB ECG-system. The primary task of the system is to simplify the ECG survey for patients who suffers from different kinds of arrythmias, for example heart fibrillation. With this system is it possible for the patients to do their ECG survey by them self at home and then send the signal with their telephone or mobilphone to a server. The equipment used to do the survey is not bigger than you can have it in a pocket and this results in a bigger flexibility for the patient. A doctor can connect to the server and analys the ECG-curve and follow up the patients condition..


This report describes a thesis project on 15hp. The purpose of the thesis project is to build a laser projector that reacts on sound waves and thus get a laser beam to draw visualizations of sound waves on a wall. The idea was that the design would be independent and not have to be plugged into any audio equipment. This was achieved by absorbing sound waves into a microphone. Another factor was to get a ?do it yourself? -feeling of the design and therefore it was chosen to be constructed using for example, old hard-drives.The result was a relatively large and bulky designed laser projector that can draw sound waves on a wall..

Teknik för egen foderberedning :

There is an uncertainty in the market for grain forcing the meat/milk producers to review alternative feeds to a larger extent, in order to get control over the feed costs. This has led to that the meat/milk producers need to have a good knowledge regarding how the different feeds influences the animals and which technical equipment to use for handling. For those that produce their own feedmix, there is a need to put interest in new crops and their characteristics to be able to get the knowledge of what is required for their own production. It is beneficial to keep an open dialogue with advisors to be updated in new crops and new technology for feeding. When mixing feed at farm level, the legislation is not very clear since it the target group is large scale mixing plants. We have brought up the most important rules and regulations from the EU parliament Council as well as the ones from the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SJV), regarding feed mixing on farm and factory level. We have studied beans and pea at two different moisture levels, in order to evaluate how the moisture level affects the distribution of particles when milling with a plaitmill and a hammermill.

Sågverksbranschens kostnads- och intäktsstruktur : undersökning, analys och trender inom svensk sågverksnäring

Sandvik Group is a global engineering corporation within materials technology and produces, among other things, band sawsteel. In order to develop custom relations, custom benefits and the supply chain Sandvik wants to become more acquainted with its customers. Improved feedback means that Sandvik will be able to develop its products in a customized direction. This thesis is a tool for educating and developing sales staff. As a support a calculation tool that can be used as a sales aid has been developed.

Camp Vamp - Att ljussätta en dansföreställning med skiftande förutsättningar

I work on a lighting design for a dance performance to be on tour. A lighting design adapted for three different conditions was made: - One comprehensive where I allow myself a great deal of creative freedom, adapted for the stages with major technical conditions. - One smaller version for stages with less equipment and with less time for preparation on site. - One design for very simple conditions. I also examine the specific differences between typical theatrical lighting design and typical dance lighting design, and the best way to prepare for the hands-on stage design phase..

Släckvattenpartiklars spridning i mark och grundvatten : En studie av brandgenererade partiklars egenskaper och påverkan på föroreningsspridning

Vid brand kan stora mängder med förorenande ämnen och partiklar bildas. Dessa kan, vid släckning av brand med vatten, ge upphov till kontaminerat släckvatten. För att förstå och kunna förutsäga föroreningsspridningen från släckvatten i mark och grundvatten krävs det att släckvattenpartiklars inverkan på föroreningsspridning utreds. Syftet med detta arbete var att öka kunskapen om de kemiska och fysiska egenskaper partiklar i släckvatten uppvisar samt hur partikelegenskaperna påverkar föroreningstransport i vattenmättad mark och grundvatten. Studien har genomförts i form av en fallstudie där släckvattenpartiklar från en enskild brand har undersökts.Utifrån partikelegenskaper finns två mekanismer som kan räknas som styrande för partikeltransport i mark och grundvatten: fysiokemiska partikel- och ytinteraktioner samt silning.

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