

1074 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 15 av 72

Sex differences in feeding visit rates in Northern Wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe

AbstractThe Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) is a small insectivorous passerine bird living in open landscapes. Both parents feed the brood of approximately five chicks, but little is known about how each sex allocates their feeding effort. In this study I investigate feeding nest visit differences between male and female Northern Wheatears relative to the age of the chicks, the number of chicks and the quality of the territory for 17 pairs from 2008-2010. Data were collected using automated data loggers to record nest visitation rates during chick feeding, and the sex was determined from nest video cameras. I also examine if the parents? rate of feeding visits changes over the nestling period.

Bortom binären -En litteratur studie om Transgender teori och vad den möjligen kan bidra till i socialt arbete.

Beyond the binary borders of sex -A LITTERATURE STUDY ABOUT TRANSGENDER THEORY AND ITS POSSIBLE CONTRIBUTION TO A SOCIAL WORK CONTEXT. GERGANA TOSEVA KARIN SELIN A thesis in Social work studies (15 credits) at Malmö University, Hälsa och Samhälle 2012. The discussion about sex and gender is always prominent in a social work context. Our purpose and questions are hence based on the discussion on transgender theory and the way of thinking about the non-binary, and how it relates to the nearby theories. The method of the essay consists of a semi systematic literature overview with the focus on discussing transgender theory in relation to other theories and perspectives, such as modernism, post modernism, feminism and queer theory. We answer the following questions: 1. Is it possible to go beyond or exceed the binary of sex and if so, how do we see it in the material we examined? 2. In what way are the existing theories of sex / gender in the binary? 3. Can one featuring a female embodied subject be of assistance to transgender people's search for an embodied subject? We consider it possible to move beyond the binary by using ?fuzzy logic?(Nagoshi & Brzuzy 2010, Tauchert 2002) which is a way of staying in the binary but expanding the term and work in the grey areas instead.

The Female Assassin : Ett Game Writer manuskript om Franska Revolutionen

Uppsatsen syftar till att diskutera och jämföra tre olika metoder för karaktärsutveckling och diskutera dessa i förhållande till The Female Assassin; ett spelmanuskript som utspelar sig under Franska Revolutionen. För att få en god bakgrund för examensarbetet valde jag att läsa ett antal böcker om Franska Revolutionen, karaktärsutveckling och Game Writing. Jag har använt mig av personlighetsdiamanter och mallen Character Template för att skapa karaktärer till manuskriptet. I rapporten diskuterar och jämför jag dessa två metoder samt arketyper. Jag kom fram till att de tre metoderna för att utveckla spelkaraktärer fungerar utmärkt och kan kombineras för att få fram mer avancerade karaktärer.Spelmanuskriptet är skrivet utifrån mitt High Concept om spelet La Meurtrière (se Bilaga 2) framtaget för kursen Modellkonstruktion för Interagerbara Medier/Spel A11.

Gynocide i Antichrist? : eller viljan att kategorisera. En diskursanalys av ?kvinnobilden? i Lars vonTrier´s Antichrist.

The aim with this essay is to penetrate the opinions of how women should be represented on screen. I am using a selection of contributions from the gender debate that Lars von Trier´s movie Antichrist caused in Sweden in spring 2009. The focus of the debate was mainly about the way the female actress was displayed. The provocative thing considered by many was that the female part could be interpreted as evil and in connection with Antichrist. But is that a obvious negative way to present women? In a historical view the discussion have been constantly fluctuated when it comes to the ideas of the correct way to visualize women in the movies which have left us without a true answer to that question.I am interested in investigating what is considered today as the best way to represent women by Swedish debaters.By using Michel Foucault?s term discourse as theory in a text analyse I am trying to look trough their language and see their ideological position..

Idrottsmän och idrottskvinnor : Slaktar rekord och får folkets kärlek på kvällstidningarnas sportsidor

Purpose/Aim: The aim of this thesis was to study the construction of gender and to compare Media?s portrayal of male and female athletes.Material/Method: 140 articles covering seven famous Swedish male and female athletes were selected from two Swedish newspapers (Aftonbladet and Expressen). The articles has been analysed within the frames of Norman Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis.Main results: Male athletes are often described in powerful ways and are framed as being strong and successful. Skills and strengths of women athletes are often devalued in comparison to standards of hegemonic masculinity and self-control. They are often framed as women and girlfriends in advantage of the fact that they are athletes..

Könsskillnader i upplevelse och användande av socialt stöd på arbetsplatsen

This study examines gender differences in the perception and utilization of social support in traditional female- and male workplaces. This study confirms results from earlier studies which suggest that there are gender differences. The survey instrument measures four types of social support: informational, instrumental, appraisal and emotional among 314 working women and men. Women report higher levels of social support on all four types. There is a significant difference in instrumental support between women working in female dominated workplaces compared to men working in male-dominated workplaces and between some of the trades.

Superhjälte eller hjälplöst offer? Vem är vem? : En genusstudie av kvällspressens offerkonstruktioner efter skjutningen på Utöya.

On July 22nd 2011, there was a terrorist attack in Norway. First a bomb exploded in the Parliament House, in Oslo; and shortly after that a man shot 69 politically active young people at a camp on the island Utöya. Throughout the weeks to follow, we could read about the victims' stories. They told of tears, fear and heroism. But who got to tell what? The purpose of this study was to see how the Swedish tabloids described the victims from a gender perspective.

Varför vidareutbildar sig kvinnor inom Försvarsmakten?

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka varför kvinnor som gått militär grundutbildning väljer att vidareutbilda sig till specialistofficerare. Respondenterna utgjorde fem kvinnliga specialistofficerare i åldrarna 22 till 34. Tre av dem hade gjort allmän värnplikt och två av dem hade gått grundläggande militär utbildning (GMU). Av demografiska skäl genomförde jag telefonintervjuer med respondenterna. Jag följde principerna för induktiv tematisk analys när jag analyserade intervjuerna.

Reproductive physiology of the female cat

The cat is one of our most common pets. Understanding the reproductive physiology of the queen is important, not only for the knowledge of our domestic cats but also for wild undomesticated feline species, many of which have been reported endangered. Understanding the mechanisms behind the estrous cycle, ovulation and pregnancy is also important for handling the feral cat populations that are a problem in several countries. The purpose of this literature study is to look into the hormonal patterns of the reproductive physiology of the female cat, with focus on ovulation, pregnancy and pseudo-pregnancy, and from this information determine in which fields more research would be needed. The female cat is seasonally polyestrous in Sweden, meaning that she can have several estrous cycles during the breeding season but goes through a long period of reproductive dormancy during the darker months of the year. The queen is considered an induced ovulator, with copulation triggering the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland needed for ovulation.

Entreprenörskapsstudenters val att inte starta eget företag efter avslutade studier : The choice of Entrepreneurship students not to establish a private enterprise after graduation

Problemdiskussion: Entreprenörskap slår kraftigt in i det svenska utbildningssystemet. Merparten av svenska universitet och högskolor har sedan flera år tillbaka både kurser och program inom inriktningen entreprenörskap. En rapport från Global Entrepreneurship Monitor visar att under 2005 var den entreprenöriella aktiviteten låg i Sverige. Däremot har det visat sig att ungas intresse för företagande har ökat under 2005. Denna ökning avser dock inte högutbildade studenter, däribland entreprenörskapsstudenter.

Skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt? : Ett genusperspektiv på ledaregenskaper

AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate if there is any variance between masculine and feminine physical education teachers leadership.Are men more authoritarian than woman in their education? Do the influence of pupils have something to do with the gender of the teacher?s? Do the pupils respect masculine physical education teachers any different compound to feminine teachers?MethodWe have studied relevant literature that consider masculine and feminine leadership. The choice was to work with senior compulsory school. We choose the community of Botkyrka, through comfort choice. The criterion for the teachers were that they would have a swedish physical education and have been working at least for 4 years.

Strategisk Gender-Swapping: En kvantitativ studie av hur motståndarens kön påverkar beslutsfattande i Texas Holdem

Abstract: According to previous research, it is not unusual for online poker players to create profiles which indicate they are members of the opposite sex. This phenomenon, known as 'Gender Swapping', is partly being utilized in a strategic fashion. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether or not the gender of an opponent has an impact on decision-making in an online poker environment. An experiment was constructed where subjects made 15 poker-related decisions against seven randomly generated opponents, consisting of three male, three female and one genderless opponent. The results indicate no significant differences in decisions against male and female opponents.

Size Hero : En attitydstudie om unga kvinnors inställning till tvärtomretuschering i magasin

Traditional retouching, where you make the body of a female model in a magazine thinner, has been common for a long time and is well known. Several studies indicates that showing ultra-thin images of female bodies in media can lower the body satisfaction of ?ordinary? women which in some cases can lead to dangerous eating disorders. But in 2010 Swedish female magazine VeckoRevyn introduced a new type of retouching: Making some catwalk models bodies bigger instead, which we decided to call opposite retouching. This kind of retouching is aiming to widen the ideal picture that is sent out of how the female body should look like, and therefore having the readers reach a higher body satisfaction and becoming more at peace with the own body.

The Disney Cliché : Relationsdynamik i Disneys animerade filmer från 2000-talet ur ett genusperspektiv

Disney is one of the largest media companies in the world. They have been critizied for portrayting men, women and love relationships with stereotypical behaviours and attributes. This may lead to negative effects on childrens and adolescents perception of reality. The purpose of this study was to investigate how Disney portrays the dynamic between the characters within the love relationship in their movies launched in the 21st century. This study has examined four movies released in the 21st century containing a love relationship between a man and a woman.

Kvinnligt Ledarskap eller ledarskap på kvinnors villkor En fallstudie av föreställningar om ledarskap och genus i Womentor

The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of leadership and gender issues circulat- ing in Womentor leadership development programme, and to have a discussion around what conse- quences they may have on participants' careers. To answer the question I have used a qualitative approach in the form of 10 interviews and non-participant observations. The theories in this study are based on gender and leadership issues.The problem which forms the basis of this study is the underrepresentation of women at senior posi- tions. A basic assumption in this study is that notions of gender and leadership affect the individual's ability to act. The circulating concepts identified in Womentor are: The leader who wants to be a manager, The leader who gets things done, The communicative leader, Change leader, The motiva- tional leader and The leader as a role model.

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