

1074 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 12 av 72

Den paradoxala kvinnan. En studie av Victoria Benedictssons och Mathilda Mallings kvinnoporträtt under 1880-talets sedlighetsdebatt

The aim of this master thesis is to examine how female identity is formed in two novels and two short stories from the 1880?s. As a framework we rely on the method outlined by Pierre Bourdieu when he approaches the cultural and social worlds through the concept of fields. To understand the female position during that time we use Michel Foucault?s work about the history of sex, Thomas Laqueur?s theories about the rise of sexes and Karin Johannisson?s study about the exploration of the dark continent (i.e.

Bröst, rumpor och kroppsstrumpor - en kvinnas självförtroende är aldrig längre bort än närmsta shoppingcenter

AbstractKarin Johansson, Institutionen för genusvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet, 2007.?Bröst, rumpor och kroppsstrumpor: En kvinnas självförtroende är aldrig längre bort än närmsta shoppingcenter?.In Kanal 5?s production Snygg naken, based on the British television show How to look good naked, eight women undergo a make-over which is said to enhance their self-confidence and transform their attitudes toward their bodies. This, in turn, is accomplished with the assistance of a stylist and an undergarment expert. However, the transformations are based on normative structures and ideas regarding the female body, which, on the one hand governs the participants? needs for a make-over in the first place, and on the other hand forms the basis of the experts? authority.

Utländska biblioteket i Karlskrona 1835?1864 : om högreståndskvinnors organisation och läsning

This master's thesis studies Utländska biblioteket, a 19th century foreign literature subscription library in Karlskrona, Sweden. The aim of the thesis is to investigate Utländska biblioteket between 1835?1864.The material consists primarily of primary sources from the archive of Utländska biblioteket. The main primary sources are the library's accounts book, its minutes, and two book catalogs. Using analytical tools from Jürgen Habermas, feminist criticism of his ideas and from Pierre Bourdieu, as well as results from previous research on older library forms and female organization in the 19th century, the thesis answers questions relating to the library as a society, its members and its book collection.The investigation shows that Utländska biblioteket was a subscription library as well as a book circle.

Mötet med det okända : En jämförande och symboltolkande studie av kvinnlig och manlig problematik under 1800-talets mitt såsom den är gestaltad i Charlotte Brontës Jane Eyre och Fjodor Dostojevskijs Brott och straff

The aim of this study is to investigate how the female author, Charlotte Brontë, describes the development of her female protagonist in Jane Eyre and to compare this to how the male author, Fyodor Dostoevsky, describes the development of his male protagonist in Crime and Punishment, inside the patriarchal 19th century.My basic idea is that both characters in these two books have to reach their own unknown to find satisfaction and a new existence, and I want to investigate what the characters have to go through to find that existence. To help me in my exploration of Jane Eyre I make use of Gilbert and Gubars? book The Madwoman in the Attic and in the case of Crime and Punishment, I make use of Pelikan Straus? article ??Why did I say ?Women!??? Raskolnikov Reimagined?. Both authors discuss literature from a gender perspective, but without comparing female and male characters or authors with each other, which I believe is important for a more holistic understanding of gender issue.The conclusion of this essay is that these books are describing the main characters? evolution towards their personal unknown with the same tools, a double self, an important symbol, and in the end a love partner that embodies that unknown.

Predatorinducerad fekunditet hos Daphnia pulex vid simulerade årstidsbundna temperaturvariationer

Female growth, number of eggs and egg growth of Daphnia pulex were studied at four temperatures, 12, 16, 18 and 20°C. I hypothesized that female growth and number of eggs would be lower and the size of the eggs larger in the presence of a predator (kairomones) than in its absence. This effect was expected to be more evident at lower temperatures. I could not find any effect of kairomones on female growth, number of eggs or egg size, although there was a weak tendency for an effect on number of eggs. There was, however, an effect of temperature, regardless of predator treatment (i.

Entreprenörskap i Sverige och Japan : En komparativ studie utifrån GEM 2007

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra entreprenörskap i Sverige och Japan och att få en förståelse för varför så olika länder båda har så lågt entreprenörskap. Jag har valt att avgränsa mig till data hämtade från GEM 2007.Metod: I detta arbete gör jag en jämförelse av entreprenörskap i Sverige och i Japan som jag gjort genom att införskaffa sekundär data från en rapport från GEM 2007. I detta arbete har mitt förhållningssätt främst varit abduktivt.Teoretiska Perspektiv: Wennekers (2006) har undersökt den U-kurva som uppstår när man studerar entreprenörskap i relation till ekonomisk utveckling. Länder tenderar att gå från en hög nivå av entreprenörskap till en låg nivå när man går från bondeekonomi till industriell ekonomi för att sedan öka igen när länder nått en avancerad nivå av ekonomisk utveckling. Trots dessa samband så skiljer sig länder fortfarande mycket åt när det kommer till entreprenörskap och förändringarna verkar vara ihållande.

Underliv och överordning ? En diskursanalys om motståndsaktivisternas tal om kvinnlig könsstympning/omskärelse i Tanzania

The aim of this study is to analyze the discourses of activists who work against female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Tanzania. The study focus on the discourses that arise during interviews about FGM/C with five activists. To examine this we asked the following questions: What discourses are presented in the interviews? How do these discourses interact together ? are there any discourse conflicts? How do the activists talk about FGM/C in comparison to our western view? The study is based on discourse theory. We also use feminism and postcolonialism as theories in our analyze.

Innebandytränarens egenskaper och beteende : En studie av innebandytränares och -spelares syn på ledarskapet inom dam- och herrlag på avancerad breddnivå

AbstractThe main purpose of this study is to examine which essential traits floorball coaches for men?s and women?s team require. One issue was to see if there was any distinction between which leader traits and behaviors the players and the coaches regarded as essential. Another issue was to see if the coaches? behaviors differed whether he was coaching men or women.

"Det är så mycket män överallt" : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga sportjournalister i en mansdominerad bransch

This study was focused to highlight the problems that comes with being a minority on a workplace, in this case female sports journalist who are working in a male dominated sports field. The objective was to find out how the female sports journalist was experiencing working in such a domain, with focus on journalists who works on local news papers. The study also wanted to look on how these workplaces incorporated gender in their daily work.       In combination with gender theory, with concepts as masculine hegemony and power structures, I also choose to apply the american researcher Rosabeth M Kanters concept ?token?. With these aspects in mind I analyzed the five interviews that I carried out with female sports journalist with a qualitative data analysis.           The results of the study showed that the female sports journalist in some aspects were aware of the difficulties of being a woman in a male dominated area ? when they were talking about the profession at large.

Effekter av 20 minutrs daglig fysisk träning av kondition, styrka, rörlighet och balans. : En 10 veckors interventionsstudie av kvinnliga lokalvårdare

Public health focuses on interventions related to physical activity during leisure and at work under conditions where health care is offered during working hours. Increased physical activity offers many positive effects on health in general and reduces the risk for most injuries and illnesses. Female cleaners represent a profession that is largely composed of women at high risk of overload injury and rarely participate in wellness initiatives offered at workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 20 minutes of daily physical exercise for 10 weeks of intervention for healthy female cleaners. A total of 40 female cleaners in a larger organization participated in the study and were divided in into an intervention group and a control group.

Sjuksköterskans möte med kvinnliga muslimska patienter

The number of people with another culture isincreasing in Sweden. This change in society bringsconsequences in health care that has not any methodsto manage. The Muslim woman?s meeting with thehealth care is one of those areas. The aim with thisstudy was to describe the nurses meeting with femaleMuslim patient.

Kvinnliga ledare inom banksektorn

Title: Female leaders within the bank sector. Level: D-level in Business Author: Emma Roos & Fanny Wiklander Supervisor: Maria Fregidou-Malama Date: 2011 ? January Aim: The aim of this study is to examine which factors are behind the low number of female leaders compared to male leaders within the bank sector. Method: We have adapted a qualitative method. This means that the researcher works close to the object of research and tries to understand it. We believe that this is a suitable method for our study since it?s based on seven personal interviews.

Hej Litteraturen! : En studie av ett läromedel i litteraturhistoria ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to examine, from a gender perspective, Utbildningsradions TV-program Hej Litteraturen! in the light of feminist literature studies conducted during the last twenty years. I want to examine if the feminist literature studies have had any impact on contemporary teaching material regarding the question of how much space in time is given to men versus women and which female authors are included in the literary canon. Hej Litteraturen! is a TV program produced in 2010 intended for high school teaching of literature history.   By conducting a content analysis in which I divide the study in a quantitative and a qualitative component, I have investigated how much space and time is given to female writers and how they are presented. My analysis draws on use Yvonne Hirdman?s theory of the gender system.   The result shows that the female authors get 37 percent of the total reference space and 42 percent of the time-space. The program has sought to describe male and female authors equally and gives them weight and relevance to the sections in a similar manner.    In conclusion, Hej Litteraturen! is a tutorial which embraces parts of the criticisms that have existed in historical literature review papers in general and literary history textbooks in particular. Hej Litteraturen! has worked on gender aspects of the program and by picking up contemporary authors as reference points for literary history in the present, the program contributes not only not only in renewing the literary canon, but also in balancing out the dominance of male writers in the history of literature..

Kvinnlig könsstympning : attityder och upplevelser

Female genital mutilation is an ancient custom, practiced mainly in African countries. For several years, Africans has immigrated to Sweden and many of the women are genitally mutilated or circumcised. The aim of this study was to bring some clarity to the attitudes and experiences regarding female genital mutilation among those who are affected. Articles for this literature review were searched for in international databases, and in the university library database. The outcome of this study shows that health care staff is in need of greater knowledge about this custom, in order to be able to handle the situation appropriately.

VD-bytets påverkan på aktiekursen : En studie ur ett genusperspektiv

In the last decades the Swedish labor market has been characterized by a stereotype perception on women?s role and position on the market. The perception speaks of the characteristics of female leadership as being less qualified causing the gaps between the two genders to transform into a gender segregated society. The historically slow progress has limited the career opportunities for women to reach top management. However the increasing discussions during the 21st century on how to reduce the gender differences in the labor market has made it more acceptable with women on higher positions.

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