

1074 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 11 av 72

Kvinnor och män i sportsidorna : En undersökning av sportsidorna i Örnsköldsviks Allehanda och Sportbladet ur ett genusperspektiv

Our goal with this paper is to see how male and female sport is described through a gender perspective in the newspapers O?rnsko?ldsviks Allehanda and Aftonbladet (Sportbladet).Is there any difference between male and female sport reporting? Are the different sexes described in a certain way? How are they described? Do men and women get as much space in the sport-pages of the newspapers? And are there any differences or similarities over a ten year period?To look on some of these factors we have been doing a quantitative- and qualitative analysis of data. The quantitative analysis to show patterns that could be easy to count. For example we looked if the article was about men our women, what sport, whom had written the article and how much space the article were given. This to easy estimate if there was any differences in the sports reporting.

"Då tycker jag mer att det kanske har med kulturella skillnader å göra" : En kvalitativ studie om uppfattningar kring kvinnligt och manligt i förskolan

This study aims to seek knowledge about what preschool teachers think about gender issues, and if it affects their work. The study has been performed in a multicultural district in Stockholm. A working party of three teachers, one male and two females, has been interviewed and observed. The empirical material from the interviews and observations has then been analyzed based on theories about gender, femaleness, maleness and cultural behaviour. The result proves that one of the three teachers considers that there are general typical female and male behaviour.

Otrogen läsning : Debatter om feminina publiker 1808-1815

Gendered reading has a history of intense debate and negotiation. In this essay I will examine how feminine and masculine reading was construed in the early 19th century through three Swedish texts that all give a didactic, moral and instructive opinion about gendered reading. They consist of an advice manual, a collection of letters and a periodical featuring an assortment of suitable reading material, all published between the years of 1808-1815 and directed to a female audience. As the male sex was generally considered the invisible, desirable norm and the female sex tended to be viewed as deviant and problematic, gendered discussions are inclined to focus on the latter. I will argue that female reading is largely construed in relation to the bourgeois marriage while the male is construed in terms of citizenship.

Styrelsens användning av styrmedel -en jämförelse mellan entreprenöriella och icke-entreprenöriella företag

Management control systems are a popular area of research and a lot of new research has been done over the past years. This development has been looking into new situations and circumstances, and interdisciplinary studies are being made to further understand the connection between different fields of study. A new field of study that has grown significantly over the past few years is the connection between management control systems and entrepreneurship. Leading researchers have proposed a number of questions for further research and one of them is the board of directors? use of management control systems in entrepreneurial firms.The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and similarities in the board of directors? use of management control systems between entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial firms.The study was conducted as a deductive qualitative study through interviews with respondents from entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial firms.

Kvinnlig chef i byggbranchen : faktorer som utgör hinder till avancemang

Background: Studies that have been made in male-dominated organisations shows that only few women have succeeded in advancing to the higher positions in all businesses. Statistics shows that merely 4 % of the managers in all building companies are female. The manager role has earlier always been classified as most suitable for men resulting in barriers for women who strive for management positions. This problem is now very renowned and is called the glass ceiling. To improve the current situation, both the organization's structure and culture, have to be modernized for more women to succeed and get the courage to get into the industry.

ETT MED NATUREN. En ekokritisk studie av naturmotivet hos tre svenska skräckförfattare

Since time immemorial, nature has been conceived of as a female entity. This ancient concept is also a recurring element in contemporary Swedish horror fiction. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the feature of nature in the selected works of Anders Fager, Andreas Marklund and Frida Arwen Rosesund and in what ways these respective depictions rely on a tradition where nature is gendered female. The theoretical starting-point for this comparative study is ecocriticism and its subcategory ecofeminism, which are modes of literary criticism where the role of nature in general, and its female connotations in particular, are appreciated as significant literary features. For executing an analysis that goes beyond what is explicit, the exploration of these three writers? texts also adopts a psychoanalytical perspective.

"Jag kanske är en typisk kvinna i en manskropp" : - En kvalitativ studie om manliga socionomers upplevelser av att arbeta inom ett kvinnodominerat yrke

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine male social workers experiences of working in a female dominated work. The aim with this study was to find out how men perceive working with mostly women and how this effects their construction of masculinity. The theories that have been used in this study are a social constructive perspective on gender, Chodorows (1995) Theory of Socialization and Connells (2008) Theory of Masculinities. The method used in this study is qualitative interviews based on the experiences of five male social workers in Sweden.The interviews have been recorded and retailed in text in its full version, to enable analysis out of the above mentioned theories and earlier studies. The result of the study shows that the men in this study experience mostly benefits from working with women and they feel appreciated as being men.

Menstruationscykelns och p-pillers påverkan på den fysiska prestationsförmågan

Effects of Menstrual Cycle and Oral Contraceptives on Sport Performance During the menstrual cycle, there is a variation of the female steriod hormones estrogen and progestogen. These hormones has mainly reproduktive functions, but do also affect other physiological systems, which may have an influence on athletic performance. The use of oral contraceptives among female athletes matches the use among the general population. There is a concern among female athletes and there coaches weather oral contraceptives can affect the performance. The purpose of this litterature review is to determine the effect of the menstrual cycle and the use of oral contraceptives on athletic performance.

Att vara kvinna och styrelseproffs : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnor i svenska bolagsstyrelser

AbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the professional female members of a board in listed companies. During the 21st century the issue of female quotation into the executive boards was discussed in both the media and politically due to womens underrepresentation in these contexts.The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the professional female members of boards stories of the role models they have, what characteristics have evolved, the views of others, and the self image. In addition, we want to investigate how women perceive themselves in a male-dominated field to identify how the female identity is created at work.Through a qualitative research in the form of personal interviews, we have gathered empirical material that forms the basis of our results. The answers from the interviews have been analyzed with the help of relevant theories and a social constructionist approach throughout the thesis. For our theoretical approach, we primarily chose symbolic interactionism, identity theories, and concepts such as the glass ceiling and gender strategies to analyze the data.The result of the survey shows that there are many elements that play into how women form their identities.

[Men det är ju så det borde vara...] : en kvalitativ studie om sex unga kvinnors förhållande till kvinnlighet

The aim of this study was to try to identify what young women see as typically female and how this affects them as individuals, focusing on the female body. How free or limited do they consider themselves to respond to prevailing ideals of beauty, to men and other women. Our questions are how young women construct femininity through the body and why? We do this by using a holistic gender perspective and with the help of key theoretical concepts; gender, normative femininity, heteronormativity, performance, freedom/power and the female body,. We have had a qualitative approach and we have done interviews with six girls in secondary school age.

Skilda världar ? Herrklubben kontra föredömet : En studie om rekryteringsprocessen till bolagsstyrelser i börsbolag och statligt helägda bolag

Background: Female representation on boards is an ongoing debate. The European Parliament voted in November 2013 in favour of a proposal that it should be at least 40 percent women on company boards by 2020. Jens Spendrup, president of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, was interviewed on Swedish Radio in February 2014 and stated that there are not enough qualified women to recruit to the company boards. The listed companies in Sweden only have 22 percent of women in their company boards and given Jens Spendrup?s statement should they have difficulty reaching up to 40 percent by 2020.

?Här hämtar man kraft? : en kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av deltagande i Qvinnoqulan, ett projekt för kvinnor på väg ur missbruk

The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge and understanding of what impact support-groups, such as represented by Qvinnoqulan, can have on women with drug-addiction. The questions at issue for the essay was: How does a selection of women who participate in Qvinnoqulan describe their thoughts, experiences and reflections of the group? What sense has Qvinnoqulan made for the women on a personal level and for contributing to live a life without drugs? To answer the questions a qualitative method was used and five interviews were made with women who participated in the activities of Qvinnoqulan. To analyze the data a social constructionist perspective and an empowerment perspective was used. The result of the study showed that the women were in the process of rebuilding a new life without drugs and reconstructing a new identity.

En blick säger mer än 1000 ord : En studie av porträtteringen av kvinnliga kändisar i Aftonbladets och Expressens bildmaterial på Internet

AbstractTitle: A gaze says more than a 1000 words ? a study of the portrayal of female celebrities in the photographic material on the online portals of Aftonbladet and Expressen En blick säger mer än 1000 ord - en studie av porträtteringen av kvinnliga kändisar i Aftonbladetsoch Expressens bildmaterial på InternetNumber of pages: 58 (59 including enclosures)Author: Sofie BackmanTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, SwedenAim: The aim of this essay is to study in what ways female celebrities are portrayed in the photographic material of the Swedish tabloid press. In which situations does she appear? What function does she seem to behold in the pictures? Further the thesis explores whetherthe portrayal of the female celebrity shows signs of stereotyping.Method/Material: The study combines a quantitative and a qualitative method. A picture analysis of photographic material from the online versions of the Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen has been conducted.

Talar kvinnor och män samma språk? : En intervjuundersökning av män och kvinnors vardagsspråk i Halmstad

The purpose of this study is to determine if and how male or female everyday languagesdiffer. The study is based on ten interviews with five men and five women living inHalmstad, who are between the ages of 22-29. The interview results were analyzed andcompared with previous research on the subject. The result shows that there is adifference between the male and female informants use of language. Women laughing,using italics, hedges, the word så ?so? and response signals to a greater degree than men.The reason may be that men and women basically use different conversation styleswhen they communicate, that men prefer a public speech, intended to provideinformation and knowledge.

Som man ropar får man svar. En studie om kvinnligt ledarskap inom filmproduktion

The movie industry in Sweden is seen as a tight holding cluster where the different entities are being highly dependent on each other. There are also many different barriers to get a movie fully financed, and with the people in charged using arguments such as ?quality?, which is not objective but in fact subjective. The aim of this essay is to investigate how the leadership of five female film producers is being constituted in the film industry, an industry which is both close to the pool art and the pool commerce at the same time at it is male dominant. We have found that female film producers tend to use the strategy to adapt to the surroundings ?shouts? and ?demands?, at the same time as they adapt to their environment by becoming/not becoming entrepreneurs..

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