

42 Uppsatser om Feline - Sida 2 av 3

Kattungens behov och rådgivning till dess ägare

The cat has become a popular pet. To secure a prosperous cat-human relationship, the cat owner has to understand what kind of animal the cat is and what requirements need to be fulfilled. The purpose of this literature review is to summarize kittens? needs of socialization, anthelmintics, nutrition, vaccination and gonadectomy, until the age of six months and to give the cat owner information on how to care for the cat during this period. Articles were search for in ScienceDirect, Primo and Scopus.

Does vaccination against Feline Parvovirus protect hospitalized raccoon kits from clinical outbreaks of parvoviral disease?

The Northern Raccoon (Procyon lotor) belongs to the Carnivore-family and is a species endemic to North America. Every year hundreds of orphaned raccoon cubs are admitted into the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota (WRCM), a non-profit organization where all injured or orphaned wild animals are admitted and receive quality health care with the goal of being released out into the wild. The WRCM routinely vaccinate all of the admitted raccoon cubs with a killed Feline panleucopenia vaccine, but despite this there are outbreaks of parvovirus infection every year where up to 50% of the admitted cubs have been euthanized or died. The objective of this study was to determine whether vaccinating the admitted raccoon kits has any significant protective effect to developing clinical parvoviral disease. A single-blinded cohort study was designed with two parallel, independent groups. One group was given a dose of killed Feline parvovirus vaccine at admission, and the other group was not given any vaccination at all. Assignment to the vaccinated or unvaccinated group was on a per-litter basis and done randomly by drawing lots out of a box.

Vaccination av katt : immunologiskt skydd och eventuella njurskador

Under åren 2005-2010 utförde en forskargrupp från Colorado State University studier på vaccinerade katter och fann att katter utvecklade antikroppar mot sina egna njurar efter vaccination med vanligt förekommande basvaccin mot parvovirus, calicivirus och herpesvirus. Virus till vaccinen är odlade på en celllinje från kattnjurar och går under benämningen Crandell Rees Feline Kidney. Antikropparna riktade sig mot antigen identifierade som annexin II och ?-enolas och man såg tecken på interstitiell nefrit hos 50 % av katter som hyperinokulerats med Crandell Rees Feline Kidney. Hos människa och mus har antikroppar mot ?-enolas och annexin II kopplats till autoimmuna sjukdomar och då framförallt immunologiska reaktioner mot njurcellerna.

Utvärdering av två hullbedömningssystem för katt av en djursjukskötarstudent och djurägare

Obesity is a growing global health problem among both humans and cats with the risk of several medical conditions as a result. This can be detected and prevented by body condition assessment methods in order to visualize and detect possible or potential weight problems in cats.To achieve the best results, owner and cat should be introduced to this as soon as possible in their contact with veterinary care.Purina Body Condition System and Walthams Feline Body Mass Index are both morphometric assessment methods that are quick, relatively cheap and simple to perform. 20 cats with owners and a veterinary nurse student participated in a study to compare pet owners and a veterinary nurse student's assessment of the Purina Body Condition System and WALTHAM's Feline Body Mass Index. The body condition assessment methods were compared with each other, and it was investigated which method was preferred, the body condition distribution among the studied cats and if long-haired cats' body condition was more often misjudged. Results of the study showed a significant difference between pet owners and the veterinary nurse student's assessment of Purina BCS with a difference in median of 1.

Hur väljer man lämpliga SNP för produktion av SNP-chip?

The objective was to examine the frequency of unwanted behaviors in the Swedish Feline population and what factors in the environment, inheritance and past life that have an influence on the frequency. SLU?s web poll generator was used to create a web poll which insinuated that it was a poll with objective to make an inventory of the Swedish Feline population. I wanted to avoid that only owners to cats with unwanted behaviors answered the poll. The web link to the poll was sent to SLUs students and posted on Internet forums for people interested in cats.

Trombocyträkning hos katt : en ny metod

Platelet aggregation is a major and common problem in blood samples from cats. This greatly affects the accuracy of counting of the platelets. Because of the difficulties in counting Feline platelets, results for patients and reliable reference values for cat platelets are currently so inaccurate as to be almost useless in diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. In this study we used an effective method to prevent platelet aggregation. Blood was collected in CTAD test tubes and prostaglandin E1 was added to the blood sample.

FCoV och FIP hos svenska katter ? förekomst, hantering i klinikmiljö och information till kattägare

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a disease that can affect cats and is caused by a Feline coronavirus (FCoV). FCoV is spread via the feacal-oral route and many cats are carriers of the virus. Despite that, very few of the carrier cats develop FIP. The explanation of this phenomenon is that the virus has to mutate to be able to cause FIP and in the majority of the carrier cats this mutation never occurs. FIP is very hard to diagnose because the symptoms are diffuse and a completely accurate diagnosis can almost exclusively be established during a postmortem necropsy.


The goal of this project was to create the music video for swedish pop/rockband Antennas? single Youngbloods, from their album Feeling Feline Tonight(2009). The video was made through animation, collages, photography andillustration. The main focus for the video was to create an independent visualstory and to implement an investigation of how different technics for creatingand documenting images and motion result in different interpretations of thecontent. The work was characterized by an active search for contrasts andcontradictions.My approach to the project was to work with a child?s curiosity, but withthe discipline of an adult.

Antikroppsstatus mot kattpest hos lejonen i Kolmårdens Djurpark :

The lions at Kolmårdens zoo are vaccinated against Feline Panleukopenivirus (FPV). In 1994 there was an outbreak among the lions at the zoo of FPV disease. A retrospective study has been made to measure the antibodytiters in vaccinated lions and lions that lived during the outbreak. An ImmunoPeroxidase Monolayer Assay (IPMA) was used to analyze the titers in the sera from the lions. Lions were divided into five groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 contained lions vaccinated one, two and three times respectively (a total of 40 animals). The lions of Group 4 were born in 2004 (six lioncubs) and were vaccinated according to different regimes and the changes in antibodytiters were followed as respose to vaccination during the spring 2005.

Toxoplasma gondii hos katt : prevalens, symptom och smittvägar

The thesis is about integration in the city and how integration can be improved through physical planning. Segregation can result in changing peoples? prerequisites in our society. Opportunities in life become dependent on what area of the city you live in or where you grew up. Integration denotes acceptance for all people, while different cultural and ethnic identities are preserved at the same conditions for everyone.

Behövs kattetologer på djursjukhus i Sverige? :

Behaviour problems are often behaviours that cat owners don´t like, but are normal to the cat. The reason to why cat owners experience certain Feline behaviours as problematic is probably due to the current practice in cat housing. The ways that cats are kept today causes somewhat of a compromise between cat and owner and inhibits the expressions of the cat's natural and normal behaviour. The cat owners may misunderstand their cats behaviour, for example the cat owners believe that their cats perform certain behaviours because of feelings of guilt, hate, revenge or maybe to protest against something or someone. An animal hospital may help solve behaviour problems, but also help the cat owners to undstand their cat´s behaviour in an other perspective. The aim of this study is to investigate the need of a cat ethologist in animal hospitals.

Kattsnuva orsakad av felint herpesvirus typ 1 och felint calicivirus : laboratoriediagnostik, epidemiologi och immunprofylax

De vanligaste orsakerna till kattsnuva är infektion med felint herpesvirus typ 1 (FHV-1) eller felint calicivirus (FCV). Båda virusen är vanligt förekommande även i den friska populationen och prevalensen är generellt högre i större djurgrupper. Efter infektion med FHV-1 lägger sig viruset ofta latent och kan återaktiveras av olika stressfaktorer. FCV kan utsöndras i flera år efter infektion och detta utan att katterna visar kliniska symtom. Smittspridning för FHV-1 sker främst via direktkontakt med akut sjuka djur eller intermittent utsöndrande djur. FCV smittar direkt från sjuka djur eller friska smittbärare men kan också smitta via ytor.

Användning av smärtskala på marsvin ? experimentell studie i klinikmiljö

Assessing and measuring post-operative pain in all animals is a challenge, but doing it in small mammals, for example guinea pigs, presents an even larger difficulty. Validated pain scales developed for use in dogs in clinical practice are currently available, but no such scale has been widely accepted for use in guinea pigs in the veterinary setting. In this experimental study, six guinea pigs that had undergone surgery and anaesthesia were observed for behavioural changes that could be associated with pain. The six guinea pigs were also given pain scores with the use of Colorado State University Feline Acute Pain Scale (CSU-APSF), a scale which uses both behaviour when not handled, body tension and response to palpation to evaluate pain intensity. The six guinea pigs showed a number of different behaviours, for example rigid posture, fixed stare and ?wet dog response? (the body is vigourosly shaken), that could be associated with pain.

Ultraljudsfynd vid idiopatisk cystit hos katt : en retrospektiv studie

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka prevalensen av obstruktiva problem från de övre luftvägarna hos svenska travhästar vid maximal ansträngning. Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av en ny typ av utrustning där man kan endoskopera hästar under maximalt arbete på en travbana.Tidigare har undersökning med endoskopi på rullmatta varit enda sättet att undersöka hästar under ansträngning, men tack vare ny teknik är det nu möjligt att göra det vid maximalt arbete, under för hästen normala tävlingsförhållanden. I studien ingår 110 varmblodiga travhästar som sökt för missljud från de övre luftvägarna, nedsatt prestation eller båda delarna. Hästarna undersöktes med endoskopi, både i vila och under maximalt arbete. Resultaten i vila och vid arbete har sedan jämförts.Diagnostiska bilder har erhållits från samtliga hästar och därmed kan prevalensen beräknas i den undersökta populationen.

Livsstilsförändringar vid osteoartrit hos katt

Background: Osteoarthritis is understood to be a common cause of pain and dysfunction in cats; however there are few validated pain assessment methods for chronic pain in cats. In order to design a proper pain questionnaire, it usability need to be tested in both sound and sick cats. Aim: The aim was to investigate the usability of the pain questionnaire ?Lifestyle changes in cats? by compiling the results from the pain questionnaire reflecting the lifestyle in 30 healthy cats and compare it to the results from a clinical examination, as well as proposing improvements and additions to the questionnaire based on a literature review. Material and method: 30 healthy cats participated in the pilot study; the pet owner filled out a pain questionnaire with 16 questions regarding their cat´s behavioral and eventual changes in behavior and physical function. Thereafter the cat walked over a pressure measurement mat and finally underwent an orthopedic-directed clinical examination. The literature was found on Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Sciencedirect, and Google Scholar and also with the help of my supervisors.

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