

748 Uppsatser om Evolutionary psychology - Sida 28 av 50

?Att våga fråga, det måste man? : - Psykoterapeuters upplevelse av transkulturellt, traumafokuserat arbete

Studiens syfte var att undersöka psykoterapeuters upplevelser av arbete med traumatiserade patienter från andra kulturer. Fokus låg på att undersöka de svårigheter och hinder som kan uppstå till följd av kulturella skillnader mellan terapeut och patient. Högre förekomst av psykiatriska tillstånd bland flyktingar i kombination med postmigratoriska sårbarhetsfaktorer ställer krav på terapeuters kompetens. Kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer användes. Data analyserades tematiskt utifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv.

Curlingföräldrar - Från Traditionella Föräldrastilar till ett Modernt Föräldraskap : Uppfostran i ett Förändrat Samhälle

A study was conducted to investigate the new and frequently discussed concept curling parents. There were no previous studies of curling parenting, and therefore traditional classifications of parenting (Baumrind, 1967, 1980; Maccoby & Martin, 1983) have been used for comparison. Parents (N=140) born between 1959 and 1981 participated. They completed questionnaires to establish their level of curling behaviour. The high Cronbach's alfa confirmed coherence in the curlingcriteria, which implied that curling parents exists as a group.The results confirmed our hypothesis that participants exhibiting high levels of curling behaviour were permissive in their parenting style, had a bad conscience concerning their parenting and wished for more time with their children.

Stress: En gransking av studenters stressnivå - Praktik och icke praktik

Practical and theoretical learning are methods that are used in schools as a way to prepare students for the working life. Within the practical learning knowledge is not only acquired to learn in practice, but the students must also be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to what he/she does. Against this background, the aim of the study was to investigate the importance of practical learning for students in college / university level and how they are experiencing the stress that may arise out of the loss of practical learning during their education, as well as their vision for working life after completing their education. The population of the study consisted of N = 36, which 18 of these had used both practical and theoretical learning and the remainder had only used theoretical learning. The method was a questionnaire survey with a high proportion of fixed alternative answers according to likert scales.

Fobibehandling.com : en pilotstudie av behandlingseffekt och deltagarupplevelse av en Internetbaserad behandling för specifik fobi.

This pilot study investigates possible treatment effects and participants' experience in an internet-based treatment of specicfic phobia. Changes in self-reported phobic fear were examined in a series of case studies and changes in attitudes towards avoidance and approach strategies were examined at group level. Seventeen DSM-IV diagnosed patients with specific phobia participated and 10 out of these completed the treatment.The results show that 80 % of the completing participants were clinically improved after the treatment and that the completing participants were significantly more negative towards avoidance strategies after the treatment. The evaluation of the disposition and user-friendliness of the treatment showed that the participants' overall view of the treatment was positive. The main advantage perceived was the flexible nature of the treatment, while the main disadvantages were the high level of motivation and discipline required from the participants.

En fenomenologisk studie om hur ungdomar upplever sin tillvaro, relationer och framtidsvisioner.

This project aims to obtain a deeper understanding of what it is like to be young today, and of how young people experience their lives. Identifying and uncovering the process of meaning constitution concerning young people's thoughts and feelings within each subjective individual, and their visions about the future as well as how they experience relations to other people in their surrounding, was achieved with a phenomenological approach. The participants were asked to write a self-report in answer to a carefully formulated question.The received reports were analysed according to the method of Meaning Constitution Analysis and Sphinx Lexica. The result showed that young people's lives are both complex and unique. They rather write about friends than family and write less about the future than we first assumed.

Ur askan i elden? : Om psykologiskt arbete med asylsökande barn

This phenomenological study explores the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children in Sweden and highlights possible ways of meeting their needs. Open interviews with 13 clinically experienced psychologists were conducted.The results of the analysis suggest that experiences of trauma and separation, the child's developmental level, parental functioning and family dynamics contribute to the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children. When meeting these children the psychologists continuously face ethical dilemmas since the asylum-seeking process seems to aggravate the problems as well as complicate the use of traditional interventions. Promoting structure and activity, normalizing symptoms, educating about trauma and crisis, sharing and accepting anxieties and sometimes thoroughly working through traumatic experiences are treatment strategies found clinically useful. Systematic follow-up studies are needed to decide the effects of these interventions..

En analys av hur subjektspositioneringar kan påverka rekryteringsprocessen via internet

The purpose of this thesis was to study descriptions of companies on their webpages on the Internet. This was performed from a socialconstructionist point of view with focus being on subject positionings and gender. A critical discourse analysis was carried out on two texts from the webpages of two organizations on the Internet. Using the three dimensional model for critical discourse analysis by Fairclough, the discourses and subject positionings that the texts included could be revealed. The purpose of this thesis was also to point out the importance of the use of language in recruiting personnel and to hopefully encourage organizations to put effort into text production to avoid discrimination.

Små barn behöver stor yta. Om inredningens roll i skapandet av en användarvänlig barnavdelning.

The aim of this study is to examine how important a factor the environment and the interior is to the creation of a user-friendly children?s library. In this study, environment is taken to mean the furnishing and the equipment in the children?s area at the library. The environment plays an important role in society today and because of that this is a current topic.

Motivation som verktyg för att minimera negativ stress i projekt

Syfte: Att identifiera metoder för projektledare att använda motivation för att minimera negativ stress. Metod: Kvalitativa djupintervjuer Slutsatser: Vi har definierat tre metoder som bidrar till att en internaliseringskedja påbörjas. Internalisering ökar den inre motivationen både hos projektledare och hos projektdeltagare och kan bidra till att minska negativ stress. Den första metoden handlar om att utveckla en modell gällande vilken information projektledare behöver från beställare när projekt beställs. Den andra metoden handlar också om behovet av ökad beställarkompetens, och innebär att utbilda beställarna. Den tredje metoden innebär att tydliggöra gränsen mellan projektledarens och projektdeltagarnas ordinarie chefs ansvar när det kommer till motivations- och stressfrågor gällande projektmedlemmarna.

Analytiker på den svenska aktimarknaden : Ett nätverk av siffermakare

This study highlights the structures and networks thatexist among financial analysts on the Swedish financial market. The study isbased on nine semi-structured interviews with buy- and sell-side analysts, anindependent analyst and an Investor Relations Manager.The theoretical framework of the study is based on acombination of the research fields Behavioral Finance and Social Studies ofFinance. These two research fields have proven to be a good basis for thequalitative approach used in the analysis. The study is divided into four thematic areas: Fundamentals / Psychology, Independence and consensus, Ranking and Social network.The results show that there are a large number offactors, structures and interpersonal relationships that affect how analystsmake their decisions and conduct their analysis. Among other things, theinterdependence between analysts and their counterparts prohibits the movetowards a more clear system for compensation.

Läsaren i den informella läsecirkeln

The purpose of this Master Thesis was to study the reader in the informal reading group. To fulfil our purpose we have used the following questions: how did the reader become a reader and what does her reading look like, why do people choose to participate in a reading group, how may the group influence the individual member in her reading and interpretation of a book, does the reading group have a therapeutic function, how does the informant find the group dynamics and different roles in the reading group, and finally how does the informant experience the discussion in the reading group. We have used two studies about reading groups, one by Elizabeth Long and one by Jenny Hartley. Our theory is divided into reading and group psychology. We have interviewed seven women belonging to different reading groups.

Vad som sägs eller vem som säger det och hur det påverkar åsiktsskapande

Grupptillhörighetens påverkan på uppfattningen av politiska uttalanden är något som inte tidigare studerats inom svensk forskning. I denna experimentella studie deltog 96 studenter, varav 25 män. Genom en enkätundersökning testades avsändarens betydelse på hur politiska uttalanden värderas. Syftet var att se om ett politiskt uttalande uppfattades olika beroende på avsändare och huruvida deltagarens grupptillhörighet påverkade uppfattningen om uttalandet. Fyra olika enkäter delades ut, innehållandes samma uttalande men olika påstådda avsändare.

Vad betyder min novell? : Författaren tolkar sin okända text

All my short stories have been written in an intuitive way according to which no outline of characters, intrigue or plot was made in advance. A consequence of this process is that not even myself as the author is aware of the meaning of the texts and therefore I too have to interpret the stories. Because of the character of the text, I use an analysis of archetypes according to C. G. Jung?s analytic psychology.

Hur fungerar relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv? : En studie på flygpersonal och butiksbiträden

Detta är en empirisk studie som handlar om relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Det som beskrivs i studien är innebörden av att ha ett serviceyrke samt att arbeta på obekväma tider. Är de två sfärerna, arbetssfären och familjesfären, relaterade till varandra eller är de två helt skilda sfärer? Kan det uppstå konflikter mellan arbetsrollen och familjerollen?Syftet är att undersöka hur relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv fungerar för flygpersonal och butiksbiträden. Olika teoretiska perspektiv presenteras på aspekterna av samspelet av arbete och familj.

När barn behöver stöd i skolan : Direkta och indirekta målformuleringar

The aim of this thesis was to investigate the relation between different kinds ofremedial teaching models, not specifically addressed to pupils with physicaldisabilities, in the Swedish school context, and to describe and analyze theobjectives related to each model. Research focus was held on professionaldescriptions of school related problems and arguments for different kind of models,but also on objectives formulated in Swedish school policy. As theoretical toolswere used discourse analysis and interpretive policy analysis. The concept ofalienation as it appears throughout Foucault?s work was also used to understand howdifferent knowledge fields as education, special education, psychology and medicinedivide themselves from each other.

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